LEVEL 3 3 5 L E S S O N 5 The Twelve Tribes of Israel The Twelve Tribes of Israel acob had tricked his father Jacob into working much longer into giving him Esau’s blessing. than seven years. Laban, unlike his J Esau was so wrathful that he giving, serving sister Rebekah, had a wanted to kill Jacob, so Jacob fled selfish attitude. to the city of Haran. There, he saw shepherds at a well. “Do you know JACOB’S WEDDING Laban the son of Nahor?” he asked. Jacob worked hard, day after day, for “We know him well,” one of them seven years. Yet the time seemed to answered. He pointed to a young pass quickly, because he loved Rachel woman who was walking toward so much. When the time came for the the well with a flock of sheep. “Here wedding, however, Laban disguised comes his daughter Rachel.” his older daughter, Leah, as Rachel. A Jacob greeted Rachel with a kiss veil covered Leah’s face, so Jacob did and told her that he was her Aunt not know that it was Leah until after Rebekah’s son. She excitedly ran and the wedding. He got the shock of his told her father. When Laban heard life when he realized he had married the news, he ran to meet Jacob and the wrong woman! invited him to his home. Jacob lived Laban had used a disguise to trick with his Uncle Laban and his family Jacob, just like Jacob had used a for a month and worked to help raise disguise to trick his father, Isaac, into their sheep. giving him Esau’s blessing. The more Jacob got to know “I served you for Rachel” Jacob Rachel, the more he liked her. When said angrily. “Why have you tricked Laban asked Jacob how he would me?” like to be paid for all his hard work, Laban said, “In our country, the Jacob offered to work seven years elder daughter must marry before for Laban if he agreed he could marry the younger. But I will let you marry Rachel. Laban granted the request, Rachel in a week, if you work for me but he came up with an idea to trick another seven years.” 2 IMPERIAL ACADEMY BIBLE LESSONS Jacob was afraid Laban would could not have children, and she not let him marry Rachel if he did not became sad and jealous of her sister. agree to keep Leah, so he agreed to Jealousy caused a lot of strife in marry both sisters and to work the Jacob’s family. extra time. At the end of the week, Laban GOD BLESSES JACOB let Jacob marry Rachel. This made After deceiving his father and brother Jacob very happy. But problems when he was younger, Jacob grew soon developed. Jacob loved Rachel and learned to be honest. So, even more than Leah, which made Leah though his Uncle Laban had tricked very sad. When God saw how sad him, he kept his word and worked Leah was, He blessed her with a son, for him another seven years. During whom she named Reuben. Rachel these years, Laban became very rich MOORE EMMA , GODDARD JULIA : ILLUSTRATIONS Jacob loves Rachel. LEVEL 3 | LESSON 5 3 Jacob works for Laban seven years so he can marry Rachel. 4 IMPERIAL ACADEMY BIBLE LESSONS Jacob doesn’t realize he has married Leah until after the wedding. because of Jacob’s hard work. When of Laban’s animals and bred them the seven years were finished, Jacob with his own speckled animals. Soon wanted to move back to Canaan, most of the baby animals born were where his father and mother lived. speckled and healthy. Jacob’s herds Laban did not want Jacob to go, so of speckled animals grew large, he made another deal with him. The while Laban’s herds became small. two agreed that if Jacob continued Laban grew angry when he saw working for him, Laban would let him how Jacob’s herds grew faster than keep all the cattle, sheep and goats his own. He tried to change the that were born with spots or speckles. terms of the deal 10 times! But God Laban could keep all the pretty ones. punished Laban for his dishonesty. Laban thought the deal was When Laban said Jacob could only great. He could pay Jacob with a few keep the speckled animals, all the speckled animals and keep all the rest. animals had speckled babies. Then But he still tried to trick Jacob. He had when Laban said Jacob could only his other workmen take away most of keep the ringed animals, all the the speckled animals and hide them. animals had ringed babies. This is This meant that Jacob had to wait for one reason you should always treat more speckled animals to be born. people fairly. God is sure to punish if But Jacob knew a lot about being you are unfair, but He will bless if you a shepherd. He took the strongest are fair. LEVEL 3 | LESSON 5 5 6 IMPERIAL ACADEMY BIBLE LESSONS Jacob and his family LEVEL 3 | LESSON 5 7 Jacob leaves Midian. Another lesson from Jacob’s life is him to go back home to Canaan. So to work hard. God blesses you if you Jacob spoke to Rachel and Leah, and follow His laws, work hard and treat told them that their father Laban people fairly. You might have to be was angry with him. He gathered patient, but God will always bless you together his family and his herds and when we you do the right thing. secretly left Haran. He was gone for three days before Laban found out. JACOB DEPARTS Laban angrily told his men to God also blessed Jacob with 11 sons saddle their fastest camels and and at least one daughter during pursue Jacob and his family. After the years he worked for Laban. But seven days, they caught up with them. only one of these sons was from “Why have you snuck away with Jacob’s favorite wife, Rachel. After my daughters?” Laban demanded many years of being unable to have of Jacob. He and his men could have children, God healed Rachel and she hurt Jacob, but God had intervened, had a son named Joseph. He was warning him not to. Jacob’s favorite son. Jacob and Laban piled up stones Some time after Joseph was for a pillar and made an agreement born, God spoke to Jacob and told that neither one would pass this pile 8 IMPERIAL ACADEMY BIBLE LESSONS Jacob and Esau reunite. to harm the other. Then they shared wrestled with the Word all night and a meal together and went their refused to give up. At one point, his separate ways. hip was pulled out of joint. But Jacob had been taught never to quit. As JACOB WRESTLES morning approached, the Word WITH THE WORD told Jacob to let Him go, but Jacob As he got closer to Canaan, Jacob refused to quit. He realized there grew worried that Esau would still was something special about this be angry with him for stealing his Being who was opposing him. Jacob birthright and blessing. So he sent told Him that he would not let Him many gifts ahead of him for Esau. go until He gave him a blessing! The More importantly, Jacob prayed Word blessed Jacob and gave him and asked God to spare him and his a new name: Israel, which means family from his brother’s anger. prevailer. That night, while Jacob was alone, The next morning, Israel came the God Being who would become face to face with Esau. He bowed Jesus Christ appeared and wrestled in humility to Esau, fearing that he with Jacob. Jacob did not know it, might be angry, but his brother but this person was the Word. Jacob rushed forward and hugged him. LEVEL 3 | LESSON 5 9 Joseph is the first son born to Jacob and Rachel. 10 IMPERIAL ACADEMY BIBLE LESSONS God had answered Israel’s prayer. Israel was peacefully reunited with his brother. THE TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL After Israel’s family arrived in Canaan, Rachel died giving birth to Israel’s 12th son. Rachel wanted to name him Be- noni, meaning son of my sorrow. But Israel called him Benjamin, meaning son of my right hand. The 12 sons of Israel eventually became the fathers of the 12 tribes of Israel. List the 12 sons of Jacob in order using Genesis 49: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The nations that descended from these sons have massive blessings greater than other nations. Why? Because God kept the promises He made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. LEVEL 3 | LESSON 5 11 Published by the BIBLE MEMORY Twelve Tribes of Israel Philadelphia Church of God and produced in cooperation Reuben Dan with Imperial Academy. Simeon Naphtali EDITOR IN CHIEF Gerald Flurry Levi Gad © 2020 Judah Asher All rights reserved. Issachar Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) Zebulun Benjamin Draw the Scene Follow the instructions in the squares below to draw pictures of some of the things you learned about in this lesson. Draw a picture of the stone monument Draw a picture of Jacob working for Laban. Jacob and Laban made. Draw a picture of Jacob returning home with his large family. Draw a picture of Israel with his 12 sons..
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