STONEBRIDGE Property Owners Association Volume 33, Number 1 STONEBRIDGE SECURITY NEWS September 2016 General Membership Meeting for Stonebridge Property Owners Association September 21, 2016 at 7:00pm at Stonebridge Country Club tion or you see a violation of our restrictive hibited. The homes in this subdivision The President’s Corner covenants, please go to the website and click have large driveways allowing for room on ‘contact us’. You can leave a message and to park off the street. Please see Article 12 you will get a prompt response. We appreci- in SPOA Restrictive Covenants. As noted ate the input that you have sent us through above, to see these covenants go to the the website. It helps us to act quickly on an web site at Stonebridgesubdivision.com. issue. We also have a Facebook page and • Please try to pick up trash around the are a part of Nextdoor.com which is used front of your home. If you are walking the for information between residents. But if neighborhood, bring a bag with you and you have a specific problem that needs the deposit trash that you see in that bag. If we board’s help, using our website and clicking all do just a little, we will see a difference. on ‘contact us’ and sending the email gets • Please BAG your trash for the garbage to us faster and we can address it quickly. pickup and remember do not place it We are still working on replacing many of curbside before 4pm the day before pickup. the Stonebridge banners. We have attempted • Please leash and/ or fence your pets. There to remove all the torn banners from the light is a leash law in Jefferson Parish. Anytime poles and are replacing them. It seems the a dog is not confined to its owner’s property newest ones were not sewn properly and tore it must be on a leash not longer than six very soon after they were placed. I am hoping feet and under control. Also Jefferson Par- that the new ones will be in place very soon. ish has a “pooper-scooper” law. If your dog Being a volunteer group, our board works or cat “does its’ business” on public or pri- exceedingly hard taking on some challeng- vate property, you must clean it up prompt- ing and demanding tasks. We do this for ly and dispose of it in a sanitary manner. you, our neighbors and our neighborhood. • Please be reminded that if you own a Remember that the Stonebridge Security lot adjacent to the perimeter wall, THE District monies are spent solely on security WALL IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. items such as Security Guards, the gates, Please consult your homeowner’s insurance upkeep of the guard houses, Jefferson Parish policy for related coverage. If you have a Dear Residents, patrols, and cameras at different locations, falling/crumbling wall, loose bricks, or Summertime and the living is easy! Yes, that many monitors at different locations and the wall has fallen down, it is your re- is correct. We are so lucky to live in such a many other items. Without these funds, sponsibility to rebuild the wall in accor- wonderful neighborhood. I can’t say enough Stonebridge would not be the preeminent dance with SPOA restrictive covenants. amazing things about our incredible neigh- subdivision that we have chosen to inhabit. bors who are always willing to help. Our res- Your SPOA dues ($40 annually) are man- idents want to make sure that our subdivision I hope you were able to join us at our First aged by the elected Board of Directors for continues as the finest and safest that Jeffer- Annual Stonebridge Summer Fest. I would SPOA. The Stonebridge Property Owners’ son Parish and the entire region have to offer. like to thank everyone who supported the Association monies pay for attorney fees to The board truly thanks each and every one of event. We had a wonderful committee enforce our restrictive covenants, weekly you who calls or sends an email when you feel that worked very hard to make it a suc- lawn care, seasonal flowers, decoration of something is not right or if you see something cess. See our thank you to the members gardens, monuments, utilities, sprinklers, out of the ordinary in the neighborhood. Your of the committee elsewhere in this issue. beautification, street banners and Night eyes and ears have helped the board in moni- You might also check out the website on- Out Against Crime event. Liability Insur- toring and patrolling our subdivision. Please going for pictures from the fundraiser. ance and Accounting fees are shared with help us protect your property and ALWAYS the Security account. Financial Statements lock your car doors and your home. If you Please take a look at these points reminding are available at every General Membership see suspicious activities, please CALL 911. us of some simple rules and regulations which Meeting. The Board is mandated by State help to preserve our neighborhood’s integrity: Law to have a yearly audit of income and As a board, we appreciate the la- expenses for both accounts. Stonebridge bors you make on a daily basis by • Fireworks are illegal in unincorporated Property Owners’ Association Account and keeping your lawns well-manicured Jefferson Parish. We live in unincorpo- Stonebridge Security Taxing District are and your homes in good repair. rated Jefferson, even though our address separate accounts managed by one board, as Our SPOA Restrictive Covenants and Bylaws may say Gretna or Harvey. The address required by Jefferson Parish and the State of were developed as standards for our neigh- distinguishes which post office delivers Louisiana. Current law requires that we have borhood. We want to protect quality of life our mail. Sometimes a call to 911 to report one firm complete the Audit and another firm and property values. That is why all of you fireworks will help curb their use in our compile our quarterly and yearly Balance have decided to move into Stonebridge. subdivision. I want to remind everyone Sheets, 1099 and Federal/State Tax Reports. These restrictive covenants are enforced. If of the many fires caused by fireworks to you do not have a copy of the restrictive cov- homes every year, not to mention the many The Board looks forward enants/ bylaws, they are available to view on injuries involved. If you are discharging our web site at Stonebridgesubdivision.com. fireworks in an area where it is illegal and to seeing you at the Gener- Please also be aware that Jefferson Parish you cause a house to catch on fire, your al Membership Meeting Code Enforcement does regular sweeps insurance will not cover the damage. You Wednesday, September 21st at of our neighborhood. Remember to fol- may also receive a ticket. So you may want low Jefferson Parish rules and regulations to think long and hard before discharg- 7pm at Stonebridge Golf Club. also. The rules and regulations concern- ing fireworks where they are illegal. ing Jefferson Parish Code Enforcement • Remember that the Stonebridge Golf Thank you for your continuous support. can be found at municode.com. Course is PRIVATE PROPERTY. Riding bi- Let’s keep Stonebridge as the exception- Obey the speed limit signs and the stop cycles, riding privately owned golf carts and al subdivision we have come to know! signs in the neighborhood. Don’t let the jogging on the cart paths are prohibited. Jefferson Parish Traffic Division Dep- • Privately owned golf carts and unau- Suzanne Farrar, President uties surprise you with a ticket in your thorized vehicles are prohibited on SPOA Board of Directors own subdivision. It can happen. public streets. (Stonebridge streets) If you need to contact the board with a ques- • Parking on the street at night is pro- PAGE 2 STONEBRIDGE SECURITY NEWS SEPTEMBER 2016 About Our Stonebridge Community Stonebridge, our monitored access, golf course community is a great place to live and raise a family in Jefferson Parish. Residents also tout they are enjoying retirement in Stonebridge. The Jefferson Economic Development Corporation (JEDCO) on its web- site home page gives shout-outs to the many advantages of doing business as well as living in Jefferson. JEDCO lists an educated workforce, excellent healthcare and proximity to several distinguished colleges and universities as just some of the many benefits of living, working and doing business in Jefferson. Residents are proud to call Stonebridge in Harvey and unincorporated Gretna in Jefferson Parish home. The more than 950 families of Stone- bridge benefit from a beautiful, peaceful community, known as one of the best places to live in Jefferson and the region. Residents appreciate Stone- bridge security and the ongoing efforts of the neighborhood association with neighbors to keep our community and families safe. Located just 20 minutes from New Orleans CBD, Stonebridge is home to persons who work both in Jefferson and the Greater New Orleans area including downtown. There are many exciting happenings on the West Bank of Jefferson including the development of the Churchill Technology and Business Park, the NOLA Motorsports complex - and the Delgado Community College River City Campus and School for Advanced Manufactur- ing coming to the Park. Our area also boasts numerous nearby festivals adding to the quality of life Stonebridge residents enjoy including the Gretna Heritage Festival, the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, the West Jeff Family Fest, and the French Quarter Festival. The above are just some of the reasons residents enjoy the Stone- bridge Golf Course Community. Have a favorite pastime? Enjoy area museums or sporting events? Played an especially fantastic golf game at Stonebridge recently? Tell us about your hobbies or interests for future newsletter columns.
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