ion groundwater grants‘ I - ’ITY CHRONICLEFIFTY CENTS 18 PAGES CASS CITY MICHIGAN - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15,1999 House fire 2.76% pay hike damage set O-G board okays at $50,000 Escaping injury in a house new teacher pact Fire may well be the most re- ,iernbered gift of this Christ- mas season for an Ubly fam- The Owen-Gage Board of to the district’s recently ap- en force men t , prosecutors ily. Education unanimously ap- proved Internet Use Policy. and the courts regarding in- Flames ripped through the proved a new certified staff Added were a provision in cidents of violence within Greg Keller residence early contract Monday night fur which students who acciden- school districts. Sunday morning, forcing the the district’s 21 teachers, tally access improper infor- .Learned district officials of their home for family out who will receive a 2.76-per- mation will not be disci- will propose the sale of a the holidays, according to cent pay hike this school plined if they immediately small piece of school prop- Bingham Township Fire erty to the village of Chief Lloyd Booms, whose year. notify a teacher or supervi- department was called to the The action followed an hour-long executive session. scene at 2:43 a.m. The pact has already been Under the pact, teachers’ “Keller ’s wife was wakened up in the middle of the night ratified by the teachers, whose pay increase is in line when she heard a crackling with the county average, ac- pay will range from noise, and her she woke hus- cording to Owen-Gage Edu- band up,” Booms said, add- cation Association President $26,538 to $42,791 ing the crackling sound was ~ ~ ~~ - . ~ Sandy Parks. fire inside an upstairs bed- The new contract replaces sor; a clause stating the com- Gagetown for the purpose of room wall of the 2-story a 2-year labor agreement that puter equipment and soft- wood frame house. “They drilling a new well. The land gave the district’s teachers ware is the property of the got out with their 3 children is located at the southwest raises of 3.75 percent and 2.8 district and, therefore, sub- corner of the school’s prop- and called” the fire depart- percent in 1997-98 and ject to search by school offi- nent. erty in Gagetown, near the 1998-99, respectively. cials, and a statement of beenvillage set. park. A price has not “By the time we got there, Under the pact, teachers’ teacher support of the policy. it was burning into the SECRET SHOPPERS - Elise Nicol, 8, and Kelsey McMillen, 6, were among dozens of area young- pay will range from $26,538 Recommended but rejected house.” ‘Voted to again purchase An electrical wiring prob- sters who flocked to Santa’s Secret Workshop at Cass City Middle School Monday to pick out for a new staff member with by hoard members was a a bachelor’s degree to phi to charge students $5 for holiday hams for the school lem was the apparent cause those special gifts for everyone on their list. The youngsters were guided by a small army of $42,791 for a teacher with a lost or forgotten computer staff. Of the fire’ according to eighth grade students, including (above) Amy Howard and DeAnna Newby, whose trip to Wash- master’s degree and 12 years passwords. *Recognized a student in Booms, who estimated the of experience. ‘Approved an Anti-Vio- each grade for best exempli- Please turn to page 5. ington, D.C., will benefit from the event. The workshop continued Tuesday from 5 to 8 p.m. Parks, who serves as the lence Resolution as required fying the December adult union’s chief negotiator, said by the state. role focus of being “coopera- there arc few changes in the School Supt. Manuel Thies tive, collaborative workers.” teachers’ fringe benefit pack- explained the resolution des- The students, in grades K- age. ignates school officials such 12, respectively, are: Erika as superintendentsto serve as Mroz, Lauren Mandich, Board fine tunes millage wording There has been a shift away Please turn to page 5. from retirement incentives, the official contact with law Parks said. Now, she added, Novesta Township officjals years to secure additional increase the fees paid for Severance roads. The exist- looking for a replaccrnent for that money is being put into fine tuned language for a spe- funding for road improvc- ambulance service in the ing guardrail has been the local Boy Scouts, who longevity pay, which rewards cial road millage request dur- ments. township. knocked will no longer man the trailer down repeatedly, long term wwix Fnr LT- Teen sentenced ing a monthly township “We’re paying $2 (per resi- In a related matter, the and residents feel the struc- after this month. Newel1 said ample, tcachers receive $500 board meeting last week. dent) and they want todouble board voted to seek cost es- ture is too close to the road- the job pays $240 annually. in longcvity pay after 12 it to $4,” said Newell, who Township Clerk Kathy timates from the Tuscola way, Newell said. .Received a request from ycars with the district, estimates the township popu- in fatal crash Newell reported the board County Road Commission *Noted there arc 2 vacan- cemetery Sexton Connie $1,700 at 15 years and decided to request 1.5 mills lation at about 1,500 resi- cies on the township’s board Benitez, who asked that f?ir paving Kelly Road, from 5 i .900 at 21 years. dents. “They were very ada- A Millington teen was sen- Johnson was riding his bi- for 4 years. The proposal, Englehart Road to Crawford of review. Anyone interested VFW Post 3644, Cass City, mant that if they didn’t get In a related matter during tenced to jail Friday in the cycle in a residential area which would raise about and Dodge Road, from in serving a 2-year term is remove 2 sturnps and plant 2 Road, it, there would be no ambu- the monthly meeting, Board 1998 traffic death of a near his home when he was $35,000 per year, will be Shabbona Road to Severance asked to contact the town- new trees at the cemetery. placed on the February bal- lance because they couldn’t ship. Newell explained that post President Paul Hunter ap- Millington youth. struck by a car driven by Road. Newell, who reported keep it going,” she said. pointed himself along with Matthew M. Mays, 18, was Mays, who was 17 at the lot. the board will also request *Voted to pay the $135 reg- members received permis- If the request is approved, istration fee for any township sion from the township to trustees Randy Howard and sentenced to 180 days in the time. Tuscola County estimates for gravel on ‘Tabled a ditch clean-out Brenda Kretzschmer to a county jail, with 90 days de- Sheriff’s deputies reported Newell said, one mill would Phillips and Elmwood roads, official who wishes to attend removed the trees in an ef- petition submitted by c‘ D ni m i t t c e c h ar g e d w i t h ferred, and 24 months pro- the boy was then struck by a be used for road maintenance said no final decision will be the Michigan Township As- fart to prevent damage to a and the remaining half mill Englehart Road resident sociation annual meeting memorial. making recommendations bation for his plea of no con- pickup truck driven by made to proceed with the Francis Delong, pending for non-certified staff con- test to attempted vehicular Joshua Long of Millington, would go towards road con- work until township re- scheduled for Jan. 19-21 in Newell said the stumps in the clarification on the specific tracts. Trustee Jeff Faist will manslaughter. He was also who was also 17 at the time. struction projects. ceives the estimates. Lansing. question are flush with the Township voters approved location of the ditch. *Discussed the search for ground and don’t represent a serve as an alternate on the ordered to pay $900 in costs Mark Reene, Tuscola a special one-mill road tax In other business during the ‘Discussed residents’ re- an individual or group to hazard, however, the board committee. and fines. County chief assistant pros- for 3 years in August 1996. Dec. 6 meeting, the board: quests to extend a culvert and man the township’s recycling has been asked to pass on the In other business Monday, The charge stemmed from ecutor, has argued that the the board: the Sept. 27, 1998, death of D~SS- The vote was the township’s ‘Tabled a request from replace a guardrail at the in- trailer one Saturday each request to the local VFW teens were racineY and third attempt in as many MMR Ambulance officials to tersection of Cemetery and month. Officials are still post. mApproved.3 of 4 additions Evan -Paul Johnson, 12. Please turn to page 5. Grinding out success Vatter turns hobby into successful business Joe Vatter got his first taste roasts. We have such a great With the blessing of his of sausage making years ago variety. employer as well as his wife, in the kitchen at Erla’s Food “One of the big reasons Ann, and daughter Rhea, 12, Center and Meat Packing in we’re successful is that we’re Vatter transformed a 25-foot Cass City. very particular about what by 12-foot garage into a pro- Since then, the Ubly area comes in here,” added Vatter, cessing facility with a single resident has used his skills who accepts only boneless smokehouse.
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