Faith in a ART A FFARE DEAL MONEY D-1 ShootDTING OUT THE LIGHlm Filer womanan paints _ . CSI women b est Jesus portirtraits. iervice grows f * 'W ith v/alley a l cities, fc ' CSI All-Stars. RELIGION, D1 n y . : S P O R T S , 131 ' J • Good Morning 1 * / ^ H W .3 4. 'T'- _ saturiAy __________ ..........................Im r. 19_ ^ December .1,20077 . Cool, portly Cloud/ D e t a D K B e " 1 ]i m < es- N e !W S5 7B coiUs ---- :— M3^Valley.amn z------ - " ■''------^ EV ^ E L K N IIE V E L 119 3 8 - 2: 0 0 7 • Coming tomorro;ovv . • i n t h e T i m e s - N e i b price ofha) i On the edge y I Business owners just ! Ag officials: rising outside of adwntov.Ti m ahciho hayprices^ould d o wiihoul cily liciip. lead to scanis --------- P-,V(.r-0-.‘; r - - By Shannon DbiJnny A a » o c l o t 6d P ress w ritero r ____ r YAKIMA, W ash^ A gricul(urc expeip c r t T ^ around «he countryy a rc w arning hay fanners nr m Profiling? _______ b u y e rs to w alcli fo r scac p r m s ^ _________ am fd a feed sh o n ag c’ar ------------ FailO Drci5-|lirrTm ;Tfrorn~ resu ltin g h ig h p rices. c r a c k d o w n o n illt?(<al , H uy p riccs hove passi im m igrants in M agic Volley.; y . • S 2 0 0 per ton in son ■------ I^A G ii O N 'i: are as, an d .w inte r Is sst t i l l w eeks away. T i1 i e W ashington stais t a t e D ep artm en t ofA gricultuii l t u r e I has already fieldedi A42 com plaints about hha a y quality or nonpaym en w ith th e v alu e o f d isp u te hay sales tojjplng m oi i n o r e t h a n 5190,000 th is y ear. Garage rocl< How fam ilies cope .vuh ihcirc ir Please see H A Y . P a g e A kids' Earaco bunds. F a m i l y L i r - ’ President Bush seeks dramatic cuts in state andid ■ B I local Homeland Valley convention Plans continue for Canyon Secuiily grantsI ! C fest center In Twin Falf!?.’'t r - - BfEDemSulInn M 0 N I: V ■nIDneoBuntt A «» o clrt^ Pre— w riters W A SHIN G TO N — Tiic • f B ush adm inistrationio n . Evel H s l t v t i glv give* U e cre iiil a tham bi*D pl> eforereboa b rdloE bltU ikycyelcta b itaiattem p t to c ro u tb s S u lie R lrerCtrCinroaaurTW la The lake in ten d s to slash co u n tert­c rt- F sliseaS epL S 1 8,1974. f. ‘ . errorism fundinf; for p o lice, firefig h te rs a n d re s­ k cue departm ents across initiative th e country by m ore thanEi D a r e d eevilEvelKrjiieveldiess a t 6 9 Jj ______ b iilln cx ly iar^ icco rd in gg to t o „ _______________________ budget docum BrM ftdiStocy ta cu larly -as hle e Jumji ped the Friday. N atiitu rai causes. A ge Mayor hopes fef obtained by Therh e A stoctotad Press w titifriter fountains at Cne;i^ esar's P ala ce 69 .* A ^d ated Press. in L as V egas annd d Ilanded In n . "It’s b eenn cot m in g fo r years, .. man-made M e in­I*’ T he H om eland Securityrity .CLEAHW ATER, Ha.:1 a. — Evei m onth-long com)ma. n but you JusijsL d o n 't cx p cct it. 1^ D epartm ent has ^ v cn SS 23 Knlevelisdead. It probably shshould have Superm anI JuJ st d o esn 't die. H south Twin Fails •mof Twin Falls m ayor Leon billio n to states an d locical al T hat sentence . p . probably been w ritten inI n 11974 , w ii'cn . right?" saidd longtim e friend Smith rcmombers Ihe . co m m im lties to fight te:er- r­ should have been wiw ritten In • h e tried to Jumm p tile Snake and prom oti}ter Billy Rundle. ^ canyon Jump In 1974. By iartd s. Hopkins ro rism slnc'c th e S ep t. II11 1968, w hen the daredevildi R iver C anyon, Tlmos-Now» w r i t e r _________ attack s, b u t o n e d o cu m enent t crashed his m otorcyccyclespec- Instead, it WHSw t w ritten Plo'asoI ses e EVEL. P ag e A 3 --------- says th e ad m in istra tio nI iis s O irefu ] IL slen in g lu I\v iii not convlnccd that thet h e I'alls M ayor l-in ce C low m oney has been w ell last w eek as he unveiledJ spent and thinks the WitiCS h1 i s 2 0 IU In illiitiv e ra ise d a n atio n 's h ig h e st* risk citie s OafCdevll Evcl Knicvcl |few eyebroxw . h av e la rg ely satlsfled thI e ir Locals; :recall Eveel’s circus of 74 ^ dies at age 69. S tuck ill hetw ceii his <d e s l ( ; n . s ■Hie d ep artm e n t w antedled Tbne»M ewt staff b e t t e r to provide $ 3.2 bU ilon tto o parlcing. a K elp states an d citie s p roro- ­ Evel K nievel m adl a d e T w i n tect against terrorist1st Falls the center off tlt h e u n l ­ dowI n to w n attack s In 20 0 9 , b u t-thh e- e —1 verse fo r Just o n e day.a y . and apart- W hlte H ouse said it w ouldlid In the boldest act :n( o f a life m e n I s ask C ongress fo r less th aon n built upon audadou.<i)U .s stu n ts, a I o ' p h a l f — $ 1.4 b illio n , ac c o rdrd- ­ K nicvel rocketcd acric ro ss th e s t o r e - in g to a N ov. is docum ent.nt. Snake R iver C anyonon at the , fronts was T he plan calls outright;ht 'edge o f a sleepy fami n n t o w n , a c a s u a l . ■ elim ination o f programUS s w hich exploded ovio v e r n i g h t r e f e r e n c e ’ T or p o rt security, tran sitsit into a ‘ media-fia-frcn zied to building a m an-m ade security, and lo t^ em er­:r- ceupool of daredevile v i l s u p e r l a k e . gency m anagem ent opcr-!r* faiis an d H ell^ A ngels, Som e in attendance ad o n s In th e n ex t budget'jet T hen,-to the chajh a g r l n o f ipoked around*iU each year. T h is -la P resid enn t: t: • those le ft behind, hle e id itch ed o ilier. W as h e scrio u .s 7 W a s P u sh 's la st b u d g et, a n d thhe e tow n w ithout paylnsn g a l l t h e ; 1it( even possible — given .. tiiw B dm lrdstnulon w ouldJd bins. V _ _ _ _ w ater's d ire situ atio n in IP K tU evd¥^catK oh t^i11 III III ^ -------- thD e M ag ic V alley? In s decisio n s b etw een Jani n . a g e 69 ofT ered th o se: wu 4 i o ^ t : . ' W ell. C low w as serious. 2 d a n d S « p t 30 , 2009. ncssed < th e ' S nakek e R i v e r A n d , yes, d ie la ke is p o ssi­ '; ‘T he H om eland S ecurityIty C onypnium p anotherle r o p p b r- b l e . departm ent an d th e W hiteite . tu n lty to recollect thoihO 'dxcus ' T ile fac ility — likely in House Onicc of events ofScpL 8. 1974. V."' so u th 'I\vin Falls — w o u ld M anagem ent and B udget,St, T ^plesay.W ^eie'» -in v ln . b e a dual-solution to no t P t e a s d s e & 6IU N I$,PageA ^77 P lea se s e e |{HiEWL,'P^ - P 8£ 8 A 3 TktoadlptFfM aybehlbekW te mnp'Hten M I B^RfnrC aflroaiil974. ' Pieaso see LAKE. Page A7 II At IburSenIcA directory..........E 12 .C o m ic* ''..'::........ I:..:.:;:' .........ei4 'o u m trftst s ......................................C 2 S p■porta o r t ................. ......................B1 ^.....eio Crowword ...........E 9 M iglcVBIlay ........... .01 .Opinion’. ....................................... AS S titocks o c k ..........
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