On the laws of Washington, from 1866 to A DAY OF THE LOTTERIES SOME EARLY LAW MAKING 1859, to be found in the office of Colonel WAS BROUGHT TO TIME RENEGADE J. Kennedy Stout. Did it Flourilhing Businenm in the APACHE. KID, We find that the territorial legislature Old Quaker City. of 1855 passed on January 29th "An act to create and organize the county of Spo- The sale of the late Dr. Robert C. IIOWV (GOVERNIMENT WVASESTAII- A WVOMAN'S PLUCK AND 'ITHEICZAR'S kane," and-being evidently in a granting Davis' curios will give collectors a chance HE LEFT A TIA IL OF MUTILATED LISHED IN THIC NORT1'HWIEST. AUTOCRATIC mood that day-the limits were placed at POWER. to get some curious mementos tf the CORPSES BEHIND. Snake river and the 48th parallel of lat- past, says the Philadelphia Times. itude on the south, the summit of the Among them is a very full collection of Rockies-then the boundary of the ter- old Philadelphia lottery tickets, and r'orlationI of Spokuane County, and ritory-on the east, the 49th parallel on InternationnI fMtrrizargen Which many of them came into the doctor's Len rned the Methods of the Whiten iti Extensi-ve Area-The Coun- the north, and the Columbia on the west. Have Resulted possession Generally Halp- in this way: A very old man and Profited Thereby-•6,P00 try%' De' elopmenlt. The county seat was vaguely located named Drake lived on the north side of iilly-A Love Story. Reward for HIN Capture. "on the land claim of Angus McLeod." Fourth street, above South. He- died in 1845, and in The commissioners appointed were Rob- cleaning up the house a bat- tered tin box was found and carried ert D)ouglas, John Owen and William away by the washerwoman. Forty-six MIcCreany. The sheriff was a composite I'..-ing ali the long years intervenint• Of all thercountries of Europe the ties years afterward her son, being sick :.t of the shamrock and thistle, by name Apache Kid has "come to" again in the hetweesn the dlays when this country was that bind America. to Russia are perhaps home, saw the box and broke it open. southwest, says the New York Press. Patrick MLcKinzie, and the auditor bolar It was full of lottery tickets. the home of the wild beasts and hunts- the most cordial, both politically and so- This came He' was thought to be dead. Passing the the patriotic and exceedingly euphon- to the ears of Davis, who secured the men and each man was a law unto him- cially, says the Washington Star. Rus- Rio Grande from Mexico he has left a ious cognomen of Lafayette Alexander. find for $15. Among them was one for trail of mutilated corpses wherever he self. doi-n to its present condition of sia was our faithful friend during the 1755, for a prize Whether their duties were arduous or of 10,000, drawn in Phil- has been. He is more elusive than Garza, statehood and advanced civilization, the civil war, and there has been much in- adelphlia. not the records are silent, but a year later whose tactics in crossing and recrosslng process of internal improvement, the termarriage between Russian diplomats Few people have adequate knowledge the international a new board of commLssloners was ap- boundary he has fol- rer-fecting of civil institutions and the and American girls, and tl'se marriages how extensive the lottery business was lowed. When pursued by Uncle Sam's pointed, also a new sheriff, oulr machinery of government generally kept while have turned out happily, except, per- here up to 1832. In 1801 Matthew Mc- cavalry he rides hot and fast as far as Scotch-Irish friend continued to serve his Connel and George horse even pace with the influx of population. haps, in the case of Miss Genevieve Ward, Taylor, jr., advertised his will carry him, then kills the country, but in the position of auditor the Delaware Bridge lottery, also one to animal, and goes on foot, The law-respecting chasses were always the daughter of Dr. Ward of Albany. In with incredible instead of sheriff. The otficeof judge of build an academy in Lawn Dublin, Bucks swiftness, to the mountain fastnesses, in the majority among the early settlers this particular instance the czar of Rus- probate was created, with Thomas Stel- county. In 1808 William Keans had an where no horse can follow, and where of this country, and, though we had our sia stepped itn and compelled his subject office opposite no white man usger as firstincumbent, while the lirst the state house, and he can hope to catch him. days of lynch law and vigilance com- to right the wrongs of the American used to call his prizes off the front steps. He never fights in the open-that would justice of the peace was P'ilkey, proph- Inittees, when tile best and godliest cit- woman. Miss \\ard was an all-round iHe hadl the Second Baptist church, the be unlike the noble Apache. eticallysurnamed Solomon. izenese concurred in just though lawless genius. As a singer, an actress, an ar- Universalist church and the Holy Trinity For 10 years the Kid-in name, but not This legislature also. as we notice, en- dealing with offenders, yet it waesonly a tist, she achieved great success in Eu- Catholic church lotteries at $12 per ticket. in years, for he is 34 years old-has been gaged in the very commenldable act of In 1820 there were 30 the terror of Arizona day of brief expedient, when as in early rope. Added to hier other gifts was the offices in this city and New Mexico. incoriporating six divisions of the "Sons and tickets were as low as a quarter. In All of his old band have been extermin- California, the spirit of the law reigned all-conquering one of beauty. While cul- of 1813 it was announlced that ated, and his present followers are but without the letter. In spite of the itrit- Temperance," generously dissolved tivating Henry Jame- her voicle, in t'aris Miss WaVrd son, a carpenter, had recent pickups. Probably the govern- isih taunt "The Americnns tan nevere cerraLin galling matrimonial bonds, illas! drawn at John matte the acquaintlanceof a. distiiguished iraneis otiltc. 'Third and Chestnut ment has spent $1,000,000in futile chases settle Oregon," the ubiqluitous and--leving uS in harrowing andi ever- Yankee RItssian nobleman, connected with the streets. $50.000. but there was considera- atter him. There are rewards, territorial etwho came, toriallibrary." in steadily increasing num- embassy there. After a short courtship, ble doubt shown, as Jameson kept out of and county, upon his head of nearly bers, brought his The next record is the unexplained and $7000. institutions and his art they were married according to the rites sight. of self-government him, and he and Few Indians, perhaps excepting Sitting w'ith apparently inexplicable repetition by the of the iRomanit Catholic church. Money Killed Them. they are solid yet. legislature. of 1860 of "Atn act to create Bull, have had as many fairy tales wo- This ceremony, Genevieve Ward was as- lBut there are authentic instances of In one of the books pertaining' 'o the and organize the county of Spokane," de- ven about them as Apache Kid. It has sured by her titled lover,was valid nttprizes drawn. Johnny Dodds was a been said, much to the grief of the pro- time when "Oregon" comprised not oniy fining-a new set of olticiais, including a Russia. In a, short time the ardent 1ous- short, sturdy wood sawyer here, famous motors of that institution, that he was (Oregen, but Vasthington, Idaho and a treasturer, N. K. tRogers, , and a coroner, for his skill in his vocation. He drew sian wearied of his American bride, and, educated at the Indian school at Carlisle, small part of Montana and of \V'yoming, F. \Volf. It is, suggested by Colonel $20,000 in Mike Fortune's lottery office, Pa.; that after graduation he made a tri- to her consternation, he informed her that anod the whole territory was about as Stout that-owirig to the scarcity of pop- Chestnut street and Hudson's alley. umphal tour west in clawhammer coat, she had no legal claim likely to revert to England whatever on him, Mike was a very brassy Irishman, and and was "a lion among ladies;" that he as to the ulation, and the dignifieddeliberateness the Rtoman U'nited States, we are told that "In ,1t8 Catholic ceremony not beilng he advertised the ,ev'et by inviting many was a master of six languages; that-he with. which evdnts transpired in thoste recognized in th-re were not enough Americans ill the Russia. Thereupon he bade of the ciity notables to be present at it was to be married to one of his fair sym- day)sof cayuse tranolt-the firstorganiZa- Ibanquet. Among them was General pathizers; country even to wish her a formal good-by. that when he reached home to form a. tovern'- tion "failedto stick,"or was never heard George TCadwalader, then a young man. he put off the gentleman's evening dress The Czalr's Actioln. mrnnt. Previous to thie arrival of the of in Spokane counlty. The' next time Cadwalatder met Mike lhe and his gentle, courtly ways, threw an. mnissinnary re-enforcement of I•3S there In 1864 this twice established structure But Miss Va:rd, with true American .gaV'rhim a. sound caning, and it was agency blanket over him, let out three weIt'.
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