:Art allies ,.... Bluebacks Best, " Voters' choice i:Two artistr,joi.n :fQrces in a Terrace's Bluebacks win B.C.'s Citizens'Assembly '... , iUnique Iocaicoilaboration medals and, beatpeisonal willpropose anew. -, i,.::.i-... !that Will entrancevisitors.: bests at.{hei:rfirst s immeet voting sys!eml' m :,heMaY:; i i.kCOMMUNI B1 i: . : of.theSeaso, SPORTs B4 referendum NEW$ AS, ,; :. , , . , , . , , . , , . :. .... ." ,. " - . ' " " - . I~; ' t ~ , .... ". ,, ~'i . " .' • ." " ~' " ' . - . (~ .',. ,..- '-. ", $1.00 PLUS 7.¢ GST' " '. ($1,10 plus 80 GST • . .~. : outside of the Terrace area) " o'~ T ANDARD mmmmmmmmm 00 Kermode promroters to join forces.... 'A LOCAL group aim ng to make the B.C. formed to explore the economic mode would be a great mascot to focus ary, but.has consistently distanced him- "He's already done a lot of w0rk. and ,northwest's own Kermode bear a symbol: opportunities presented by the Winter attention to the area." self from other environmental drives to has made a presentation.to the.Olympic.- . of the 2010 Winter Olympics. wants to Olympics,wants the Kermode to become Taylor noted Jackson!s efforts, focus . preserve much larger.areas of the B.C. committee," Said Davies. .. hook up with a southern movement that the symbol cif the games topublicize the on : preserving Princess Royal ISland, coast under the.banner of the Great Bear .An0thercitycounciilor, David Hull, is" has the same goal. northwest asia place for.investment and -- Rainforest, " more Wary, saying [h6 n'0i~ihWest's idea ': It could also result in a clash of values. ' growth.".. '.. : "" " Me RE INSIDE :: : He has als0 drawn=fire irom other eco- of using the Kermode toprofiiote:the re-. between the northwest and the sou|hem-'. ':.-.B&.!f'ilt. means~:o-operating with . l 'Kei~ o" ' " " "" " activists foi':.seeking to link:flae bear tO -gionas a piaeef0rifivestmen/!andgrowth - g rou p w hen it:comes 'io;resource:de,~el: .~i Jackson..s. grOuio,, which is well-financed ' : : , :...m (le .:.movie . • ~...... plans : the'2Oi0Olympics andf0r wbrk[hgwith" could.be eclipSed.by morei~re~ei:vationist " " " :B'" 4 =t = =' B="= : B "~'~ = "" :# opment.• .. 4" .. "'+". : '4''~ " ==. : -, . ,. ,..,.and .,.which . atready:-ha~, ... • : • ihe, ear.0f.... , influen-,. ., ......advancel .. A2. • •".,: ....: ', , ~.. , :: H01iy~,0od. ........ prOciUceis to develop , an ,,ani.,: . ViSions .: .....'; ."" .... .:. ~.- '.~" ...:., ,.,,.!': .... =• ,.,..' ., .: . Thesoutber n gr0up !sleadby.youthful : tml pqople;-..that S..OK,.Says:group,Chair . l Local .grOup to promote ' .mated movieTeaturing theKermode.: :..? i, ,.i. '.'Anythingto 'an (~xtrerne :is'n!tgood,i '= - " West VancOuver envirorimenta!is~ Simon": J0hn.Taylor:....-i ...-..:".: :-.i. : : ": : '.: i.,i-, bear;with: DVD A14 :: : :: '- i/ackson's m0si: recent, project.wasto'!." Said Hull.: ?Somewhei'e in between there " ' Jackson, .who has !ed an'effort $0 set aside. (..~/!'Our feeling.:isthatthisis:a:.posit!veil .. " .- . :, .. ..:':.:.: :.. ..bring noted African.:chimpanzee"eham-::ihasi0 be Some mlddleground'~ .\::'.::: . : a sanctuary for Kermode bears.on B;C,'s. th'ng," TaylorSaid last week.."Wedon't ........... .-' ' . .. ' ' - .~'~ ol0n .Dr :Jane" G0odal ' io Vancouver 10:'. "-i"v~,/'H r,~,,,~ ,n,;A,,~,~A, r,,,~,,~,~,~ . central coast i - :: . .~ '" : : ..... Wanf to :~'~'"a~"q ;''~ ~-~'ti~ i'~" '~' ,~,~L: which is one 0fthewh'tebear~s nrincinal I . ¢'....~L. ,~:_ ,,._._L.._~_ ±~.~.... " .: :. L -:" ' -7"..".~.'.''."" ~'":.'.Y-"v...... ".'",~:: i . • ... :..'... , ...- - . ,: • ...,- ,--'. i~u .' .~4 .,~t.-at~,~ l.,i ~ tJ~o.~..L.vy '..... .. - .... ...., . t~ .. r ,. -. IUlUJ~I IllS. ~.¢rmuue project.-.... ':.. -.. , invn|vea [n'~nm~ih|no fh~'f dw~dlH or~:ik,..,~,,. " Jackson and others saythe White bears,' .. are try'ng tO do Thev'i-e"0rom0t'ng"the • • habitats. : . .: :- ..:.... :-::......- ..:. :..: :Terrace ciw c:ounc lor Ma,.i,lin: Da " L- :.:- ~ .7. ...; .-7.~7.'~r~.-.-~-,;.--~.-~.,/.7~ .~... • . a genettcvariant' • :"" of:the .... black :- bear," needs..Kermode' ' " : and weare-".... promotmgthe- - ""- ' ...... Ker= "::- . .. He.no/ed• that the Kermodealso. , •.... ex|st....... s...,vies, . whoattended. ..., . ......a:Jackson-oi'~aniZed .: . -: " me, top. to- . snut- : "aown : resource• ~..". ..... ano~orestry . • ..' - a- mrge'- preserve• 'protecleo : • - irom- " logging..," ...... mooe,, :. • • • . •..:- - ........' . " ..• • . " .~n other v"arts of thi~ main andnorthco-sta ...... nresentation - .-. • ,........ov, ,eGo- t ~Vn;,,- ~,,,...... ,,.,,~ ;~,, -• extraeuon'm.... Our• area.ot• tlae. province " • ......-. .. and other devel0pment to ensure its sur-". , ,, As long as the Kerm0de Wins, thats., and. northwest- , "~ " " "..:""--. ':: : VancouVer; ais0 says. it , s ag00d idea for . .i ", It "..-wouldn t . be. good, .... to be:. playing. rote.- 'i: ' rival " " ". ..... fine," he said "Alotofhw0uldbeoi~tof - JaeKSon.s founded the Spirit. Bear theloca 20i0WinterOlvmnics~rou ~'~" mehanas°l~tla°sewn°w°udturntlaeen- : " " • " " "" " " ' ' , . ..... " " ' ,' • " ' " " " " ' • " w r ~, [J tU" . ". ' ' " , - ...... ' . • : " The localgroup~ one of•many across our control anyhow. We just feel the Ker- Youth CoahUon to.promote .the sanctu- . make Contact.. • ttrety of B.C.rote a park." Hull said. ' k Tax eyedfo r . ~ " . med students Donation drive may fall.short TERRACE CITY councillorMarylin Davies likes the idea of a one-time tax based on property assessments to help pay "~ expenses of northern medical students. " - : . ...... The idea is being fl0ated by Te!kwa mayor.Sharon Hart=. well as a way of eqUallyarid effectively ra sing $6 million, the amount that'sneeded for the NorthemMedic~iiProgram .- . i. i l Trust. ' '::: /::""' "~'~ '" : " ;" ? " " i! _. Davies,-Who ischliir of th~ group' set up throughout tl~e . - north:to raise them6r{ey,:s~:ys,a~one=thheifix~i'S"on~ :,vay6f • .. " ensuring the moneyisraised.. ".. " : :. ::. ". (: :i: :"/. :...:" " ' : "The overall eauseis 0f.tiaving students g00m:i01the ar-: eas without having the.cost 0uti;veighthat," she Saidsaid last week. .~: ...... : .."- .-L :.:, - ~ .... " i . " i Interest from the mone3,i-whii:h:could total$30011J00:a .. year, would go toWard bursafies or f0regiveai~le loans When medical students Spread out from their baseal~iheunivOrsity. ~ !i of Northern British Columbia in prinCeGe0rge for training i i. in nor|hem h0spita!s.i i:. ..!: ..... i'"-., 'i i...i.;:,... : "i'",::.~;.. ' i. Under.a voluntary, plan: adopted laStyear,..Terrace- has. commited itself t0..raising. $388,500, part ofan area-~vide" . ! plan tO collect $786,000 of the;planned~$Oniillion.:.": ~',....i . i- Monetary:amountS"were:eal¢~dated base d 6h p0pu at ori..- Kitimat is d0wn for $323;064:but.has nbt.end0tsed the idea. Tumbier Ridgehas:~iiready i~aid its!g65,128 amount while. ~ ,i Burns Lake, forinstanee, has come Upwith neariy haifOl~~ts .... i $53,060 ~ornmitment and Prlnee George has raised $687,037 of its $2 millionpledge. i.: . " . • .... ' . -:- All told. $1.1. million .of: the $6: milll0n wanted has either been collected.or pledged so fari- i ...:. :.: .:.-, ...i " No immediate figures were"avail~ible. on. how..the rex ~i would be setupl butDaVies did say itw0uld noii~"a.huge: . " . ..- ".: "-%:.. ,., . '. •. .- . ... Q amount per propertyowner .... .~.... MARK THERRIEN removes drywall and insulation from • the old CN rail station slated for demolition this week. REBECCA COLLARD PHOTO 'Tmnot.saying it isn0t possible to:missthemehey: vOI-', " ' times.., ittakes the-stress off C0mpanies;,fOi':ingtanc~, Who . -i: , would be,asked, t0 Contributi~," shesaid;- '. ". :. .... : " End of ' line for railway station' "There'sonly so'much disposable money to.go around :, ' "~: ': : : '" - ' - ".with tlie~sp9rtsplex .effort" still,underway,". Davies added; By REBECCA COLLARD . hous e was .!ast Used. in: March of . 'day it made m0re.sense to move the .gers until the late 1980'.s when VIA. !'This way everybody ~ets to oav'a little" " " THE OLDCN rail station will be torn 2003,.... :..: : :"... • employees to the other budding," said wh0had taken oyer passengersen, ice:: : i No~heasiern" B.C'."seerns:"particuiarly ! act re- whh the down this week. : 'i '. ': .... ' At thatpoint in 0nly held offlees. CN Spokesperson Graham Dallas :-.. from CN, 6uilt the stationette, next.:: .". : .:. ~-, ::. Continueel p2:.~ .-.: :..::. :" . The brick building located next:to . ..CNofficialssay they "decided t0"" . i(. The. building Was built:after:the- door : . • ' ., - : ': :~ :"..; , : . " - ".... • - y . " ".. ': ' ihc VIA Station.was built in.1959 and move those Offices to anothetCN of- " original: Grand-Tm'nk Railway sta: ." C~ws will finishli~m0ving insuia-': " : ;' : .... " - ' originally held'CN offices and a Oas~- rice biiiiding and teardownfhe strut:.' tion;.which Was 60nstrueted.on :th~ "ti0n,:gyp r0ck and asbestos from the: senger waitingroom~ .. : • :. : ture.- "...: : .:: , ) : :... :.., .- sitein 19i:21.was.moved-toKeefer' .. buildingbeforeitis t0mdown. .i ' The building; which is about.the ."S-"We-did look at possibly refur- Street.i.. " . Dallassayswork0nthesiteshould size of an average three. bedroom bishingtheb~iilding but at theend Of". The station was used for Passeml be done.by.the end.of the Week. ,meg"-r-ed ciW gored ,de" .... aii: ' ' ' '; " i SKEENA MLA Roger Harris says he wouldn't Generally ":speaking, .Thornhill residents: " 'One.10f those str0nglY.Opposed to any change turn down any new proposal to merge Terrace :. hayen'teasily accept the idea.of either
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