Welcome to Marysville Berean Church SUNDAY SERVANTS: August 1, 2021 Nursery workers today: Eric and Sylvia Aug. 8: Bobby and Wendy “Poverty in Disobedience” Children’s church workers today: Proverbs 11:23-28 rd Kdg.-3 : Ellie and Mona Sunday school classes are offered for all ages. Adult 4-5 yr. olds: Susan and Brandi classes are: Children’s church workers For Aug. 8: “We Will Not Be Silenced” class in the sanctuary taught by Don Kdg.-3rd: Jolene and Jonas Fincham. 4-5 yr. olds: Brenda and Dominic Bible Basics, taught by Pastor Joel, will not meet this morning. Cleaning For Aug. 8: Sharon ReFreshments For Aug. 8: Pam, Marabeth, Rubiel, Sylvia, Regina Today’s Events 4:00 p.m. – Jail Ministry Coming Events 5:30 p.m. – Kid’s Night Out at Lions Park – Wacky Water Night “Kid’s Night Out” – August 8 at the church (Movie Night) This Week’s Events On August 15, Robbie Nutter, director of Christian Challenge at Kansas Men’s Prayer Meeting – Thursday at 7:30 p.m. State University, will deliver the message. Please stay for Sunday Announcements school to hear a panel discussion on mentoring/discipleship. We welcome Scott Mathis’ son-in-law, Jared Lee, to our ser- Bridal Shower for Beth Hawkins – August 22 at 6 p.m. at the home of vice this morning. He will be bringing the message. Jared Regina Breshears, 920 N. 15th St., Marysville. Beth and Ben are regis- and his wife, Courtney, live in Lincoln with their two chil- tered at Walmart, Menards, and Amazon. dren. Jared works in sleep medicine as a Respiratory Ther- apist. He is an avid outdoorsman, car enthusiast, and wood In lieu of a bridal shower, a Money Tree for Kassie Breshears will worker. be set up in the narthex on August 29 and will remain for a few There is a meeting today after the worship service in the sanc- weeks. She is also registered at Bed Bath and Beyond. tuary for all volunteers for Kids Night Out. October 1 and 2 - Ladies Legacy Retreat. Save the date for an Flyers for Kid’s Night Out are on the back table for you to amazing Friday evening and Saturday for time away to renew your hand out to your neighbors and friends. mind and see where God used women in the past, and has plans for your future legacy in His Kingdom! The Berean Fellowship’s first lady, Di Several issues of the following magazines are available in the Mathis, and her daughter Courtney, will lead us in this special week- church office for anyone who would like them: AFA Journal, end. Who can join you? Make some plans now... More details will Decision Magazine, Voice of the Martyrs, Christianity Today, and follow! Thrivent Magazine. Contact the church office if you wish to have any ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ of these. WANTED - Building materials for children’s church: building Copies of Sermon Notes for Kids are on the back table for those who blocks, legos, and those types of items. Contact Brenda (268-0920) wish to use one. if you have some to donate. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Email: [email protected] ♦ website: marysvilleberean.com wifi password: Saved2tell ♦ Pastor’s cell: 785-323-7482 Church office hours: Tues.-Fri. 9-5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prayer requests Our Persecuted Brothers & Sisters Ethiopia - The gospel was first brought to Ethiopia in the first century, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pray that our church would use our resources and opportunities but many Ethiopian Christians still face persecution today. Believers living in the north, south and east face persecution, especially those who to make disciples. leave Islam and traditional religions to follow Christ. In southern Ethi- New Requests opia, political unrest and the rise of Wahhabism, an extreme branch of Lee Papes is undergoing treatment for lymphoma. Islam, have resulted in a wave of attacks against Christians across the Pastor Joel and Ellen - a quick recovery from covid. region. Eastern Ethiopia has one of the largest Somali populations in the world, and Christians there are persecuted by both their communities Ongoing Health Concerns and their families. In northern Ethiopia, some Orthodox Christians per- Jessica Hiatt, Dennis’s daughter, will have an MRI on her heart secute evangelical believers. Several majority-Muslim tribal groups on Aug. 11 and have a shunt placed on her heart Aug. 16. throughout Ethiopia also persecute Christians. Most Christians worship Magdi Azer – Mona Musil’s brother, recovery from kidney trans- freely and openly as freedom of religion is guaranteed under Ethiopian plant surgery. law and the government generally works to protect the rights of Chris- Keith Vacha – is home and is on oxygen. Please keep praying tians. However, vestiges of Communist rule lead authorities to monitor for a total recovery. the activities of churches and evangelical Christian organizations. Ken Argo – Arlan’s brother – is in a rehab hospital recovering from Evangelicals are sometimes pressured to join traditional churches, and a spinal cord injury from a fall. Christian converts from Islam face violence and even death threats in Cindy Pettus is having difficulty with her blood count and dizzy Muslim-majority areas. Still, evangelical churches in Ethiopia continue spells. to plant new churches and send missionaries to difficult areas. Our Church Bibles are printed, sold and distributed in Ethiopia with no re- Shut-ins: Mary Stillwell strictions. However, in many rural areas believers can be severely per- Pray for those in the military: secuted for owning a Bible. Nick Boeschling stationed at Ft. Leavenworth. Tokuma lives in an area of Ethiopia dominated by tribal reli- Taylor Fahey: Tim and Lana Stevenson’s son – stationed at gions. When he became a Christian two years ago, he desired to grow in Canon Air force Base in Clovis, NM. his faith, but there was only one Bible to share among the 20 members Elder: Doug Argo; Deacon: Dan Argo; Family: Aaron Boeschling of his small church. Members took turns with the Bible, returning it to the church every Friday so their church planter could prepare for his Sunday teaching. But Tokuma hungered to know more. After longing Our Country/State/County/Town for his own Bible for years, Tokuma recently received his own copy *Pray for our country’s leadership. when a shipment of Bibles was delivered to his church. "It was such an *Pray for Christians to have discernment and wisdom in how we live encouragement to receive my Bible," he said. And the Bibles have led in this fallen world. to growth in the church. "When we received the Bibles, our work has *Pray for revival. now grown to four villages," said the church planter who leads Toku- *Pray for those who are affected by the coronavirus. ma's church. As the number of Ethiopian believers continues to grow, the demand for Bibles also increases, but economic limitations make it ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ difficult for many believers to own a Bible in their own language. VOM The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is a nonprofit, interdenominational is helping meet that need, and over 7,000 believers have received a missions organization that serves persecuted Christians around the Bible this year. Pray that these believers will grow in their faith as they world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is read God's Word. Pray that the gospel will continue to spread through- dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ out Ethiopia, and that access to Bibles will also increase. and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost. Sermon Notes Marysville Berean Church August 1, 2021 .
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