The FloatingWorld The Story of Japanese Prints By James A. Michener 1954 Random House LOC 54-7812 1st Printng Chinoiserie Dawn Jacobson Phaidon Press Ltd London ISBN 0-714828831 1993 Dust Jacket Chinese Calligraphy Tseng Yu-ho Ecke Philadelphia Museum of Art 1971 1971 LOC 75-161453 Second Printing Soft Cover Treasures of Asia Chinese Painting Text by James Cahill James Cahill The World Publishing Co. Cleveland Copyright by Editions d'Art Albert Skira, 1960 LOC 60- 15594 Painting in the Far East Laurence Binyon 3rd Edition Revised Throughout Dova Publication, NY Soft Cover The Year One Art of the Ancient World East and West The Metropolitan Museum of Art Edited by Elizabeth J. Milleker Yale University Press 2000 Dust Jacket A Shoal of Fishes Hiroshige The Metropolitan Museum of Art The Viking Press Studio Book 1980 LOC 80-5170 ISBN 0-87099-237-6 Sleeve Past, Present, East and West Sherman E. Lee George Braziller, Inc. New York 1st Printing ISBN 0-8076-1064-x Dust Jacket Birds, Beast, Blossoms, and Bugs The Nature of Japan Text by Harold P. Stern Harry N. Abrams, Inc. LOC 75-46630 Cultural Relics Unearted in China 1973 Wenwu Press Peking, 1972 w/ intro in English- Translation of the Intro and the Contents of: Cultural Relics Unearthed During the Period of the Great Cultural Revolution prepared by China Books & Periodicals Dust Jacket & Sleeve Chinese Art and Culture Rene Grousset Translated from the Frenchby Haakon Chevalier E-283 1959 Orion Press, Inc. Paper Second Printing Chinese Bronzes 70 Plates in Full Colour Mario Bussagli Translated by Pamela Swinglehurst from the Italian original Bronzi Cinesi 1969 The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited Dust Jacket Chinese Art from the Cloud Wampler and other Collections in the Everson Museum Intro by Max Loehr Handbook of the collection by Celia Carrington Riely Frederick A . Praeger, Publishers 1969 LOC 68-58832 Dust Jacket Oreintal Lacquer 73 Pates I Full Colour Oscar Luzzato-Bilitz Translated by Pauline L . Phillips from the Italian original Lacche Orientali 1969 The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited Dust Jacket The World of Jade Great Masterpieces of Chinese Art Text by Gildo Fossati Translated by Jay Hyams 1994 Crescent Books ISBN 0-517- 10244-7 Dust Jacket Reflections of Reality in Japanese Art Text by Sherman E. Lee Catalogued by Michael R. Cunningham with James T. Ulak Published by The Cleveland Museum of Art in cooperation with Indiana University Press 1983 LOC 82-45940 ISBN 0-910386-70-6 Dust Jacket A Decade of Collecting (1966-1976) Asian Art Museum of San Francisco The Avery Brundage Collection LOC 76-48765 1976 Printed in Japan Produced by Kodansha International Ltd. On the Laws of Japanese Unabridge Edition of the Classic Work on the Philospy and Techique of Japanese Art Henry P. Bowie Dover Publications, Inc. Printed in the USA Paperback Chinese Jade Throughout the Ages Stanley Charles Nott Charles E. Tuttle Compnay, Inc. Copyright 1962 in Japan LOC 62-8839 12th printing, 1981 Dust Jacket & Sleeve Chinese Jade of Five Centuries by Joan M. Hartman Charles E. Tuttle Company 1st Printing 1969 LOC 69-12077 Copyright in Japan ISBN 0-8048-0099-5 Dust Jacket and Sleeve Eight Dynasties of Chinese Painting The Collections of the Nelson Gallery-Atkins Museum, Kansas City and The Cleveland Museum of Art With esssays by: Wai-kam Ho Sherman E. Lee Laurence Sickman Marc F. Wilson Published by The Cleveland Museum of Art in cooperation with Indiana University Press 1980 LOC 80-66110 ISBN 0-910386-53-6 Special Titles World'sFair Number "Verve" the FrenchArt Review 220 Portraits11th to 20th Century #5-6. Julv-> October1939 HenriMatisse RogerFry EditionsDes Chroniques Du Jour,Paris E. Weyhe,794Lexington Ave, NYC 650 cooies.#355 Rembrandt'sEtching Completein 2 volumes PhaidonPress LudwigMunz LondonL952 JapanesePrints JamesMichener Tuttle 1st PrintinqLC-59-10410 AntiqueChinese Portraits WhitneyMcDermut RicordiGrafiche Ricordi Folioof 10 printedon satin *455 of 1000 The RoyalShakspere Seephotos for more information 3 Volumes CassellPublishing Co. London T897 VolumeIII 5 qenuineautoqraphsof Shakes re The Odes& Sonnetsof GarcilasoDe La Vega EnglishVerse Rendering by JamesCleugh AquilaPress, 1930 GeorgeW. Jones@ The Signof the Dolphinin GoughSquare, FleetSt., LondonEC4 of 250 copiesthis is #41 LeatherBound e-l lw/illustrationsby EdmundDulac I lPrintedby HenryStone & Son, LTD I lPun,?urv^ _,_L__ , _,_r_ _ | lHodder& Stoughton,^, London I lTennesseeWilliams I lNew Directions,Norfolk, CT I Irs+s I lDustCover I lTenesseeWilliams I lNewDirections I l1es6 I lDustCover I OneArm and OtherStories TennesseeWilliams Limited Edition Newdirections 1948 Onecopy of 1500printed by PeterBeileson, Mt. Vernon,NY Sleeve HardCandy a Bookof Stories TennesseeWilliams LimitedEdition NewDirections L954 Sleeve The DivineComedy of DanteAlighieri Translatedby CharlesEliot Norton RevisedEdition I. "Hell" Houghton,Mifflin and Company 1902 LeatherBound The DivineComedy of DantaAlighieri Translatedby CharlesEliot Norton RevisedEdition II. "Purgatory" Houghton,Mifflin and Company 1902 LeatherBound The DivineComedy of DanteAlighieri Translatedby CharlesEliot Norton RevisedEdition III. "Paradise." Houghton,Mifflin and Company 1902 LeatherBound The NewLife of DanteAlighieri Translatedby CharlesEliot Norton Houghton,Mifflin and Company 1895Ninth Impression LeatherBound Siqnedn First Editions Dust Author Title Publisher Coovriqht Jacket Siqnature Notes L978 Max /signed Perkins FirstEdtion With best wishesA. Editor of E.P.Dutton - New 109876 Scott Berg July 1978 A. Scott Berq Genius York 54321 yes ScribnersNYC Three hundred and sixty-five copies of this limited edition te2s/ have been printed and are signed inscribed by the author. Of the Little,Brown, and Limited three hundred and fifty copies Whiteoaks CompanyBoston Edition which are for sale This is copy Mazo De La Rocheof Jalna 1929 #120 yes 120 Mazo de la Roche L20 Of this edition of Dynamo Horace Liveright has printed in October, 1929 775 copies on all-rag watermaked paper. October 750 copies only are for sale t929 Each copy is numbered and Horace Liveright /signed signed by the author This Euoene O'Neill Dvnamo New York 1929 edition VES 726 Euoene O'Neill coov is number 726 This autograpahed first edition The World of The Mandarins is limited to PublishingCompany Les6/ five hundred copies of which The Clevelandand New First three hundred and twenty-five Simone de BeauvcMandarins York Edition ves S. de Beauvoir are for orivate distribution t962 / First published For Bernard Melamud in mcmlxii with anti-heroic Faberand Faber24 by Faber kinship and RussellSquare and Faber sympathy, Albert J. Albert J. Guerard The Exiles London Limited no Guerard The first edition of Always The Young Strangers is limited to 600 copies on all rag paper numbered and signed by the Alwaysthe 19s3/ authori of which 500 copies Young Harcourt,Brace and First are for sale. This is number Carl Sandburq Stranqers CompanyNew York edition yes Carl Sandburq 7L First Dust Jacket NOTES Author Title Publisher First Edition ves A. A. Milne Vear In. Year Out E. P. Dutton & Co. Inc: New York 1952 / ves Fdna St. Vincent Millav Wine From These Grapes Haroer & Brothers Publishers 1934 / First Edition Little, Brown & Company Boston June 1948 / First ves EvelvnWauqh The Loved One 1948 Edition The Man Who Made Friends Doubleday& CompanY,Inc. New ves ChristoDherMorlev With Himself York 1949 1949 / First Edition ves .8. White Charlotte'sWeb Harner & Brothers. New York 1952 / First Edition First Edition no William L. Shirer Berlin Diarv Alfred A. Knoof 1941 1941 / The Diary of Anais Nin 193 The Swallow Pressand Harcourt, no AnaisNin 1g3q Brace& World, Inc. New York 1967 | First Edition The Diary of Anais Nin 1939 Harcourt, Brace& World, Inc. New no Anais Nin 1944 York 1969 / First Edition October 1938 / First Edition after Publication of the limited, signed in three volumes no Carl Van Doren Beniamin Franklin The Vikino Press: New York edition McGraw-HillBook ComPanY-New ves VladimirNabokov Ada York-Toronto 1969 / First Edition First Edition ves Lisa Zeidner Customs AlfredA. Knoof 1981 1981 / Little, Brown and ComPanY: ves Edwin O'Connor The Last Hurrah Boston-Toronto 1956 / First Edition Painting& drawingsbY A Young Man in Searchof Doubleday& ComPanY,Inc First Edition ves Ranhael Sover Isaac BashevisSinqer I ove Garden Citv. New York 1978 / Painting& drawings bY A Young Man in Search of Doubleday& ComPanY,Inc' ves RaohaelSover saac BashevisSinqer I nvF Garden Citv, New York 1978 / First Edition Edition ves lohn Hersev The Wall Alfred A. Knopf 1950 1950 / First First EditionC-F ves EndaSt. Vincent Milav Fatal Interview rlarDer& Brothers Publishers 1931 / Doubleday& ComPanY,Inc. New Edition ves W. Somerset Mauqham Pointsof View York 1959 1959 / First First Edition no Simone de Beauvoir She Came to Stay The World PublishinqComDanv 1954 / The SecondTree From The Haroer & Brothers PublishersNew Edition M-C ves .8. White Corner York 1953 / First Translatedfrom the French ves bv Katherine Woods Antoine De Saint-ExuDerv The Little Prince Revnal& Hitchcock- New York 1943 / Little, Brown and ComPanY: First Edition ves KatherineAnne Porter Shio of Fools Boston.Toronto 1962 / First Edition ves NicholasMonsarrat The Cruel Sea AlfredA. Knoof New York 1951 1951 / March 1942 / First trditinn no lohn Steinbeck The Moon is Down The Vikinq Press:New York Little, Brown & ComPanYBoston 1949 First Edition ves Tom Lea The Brave Bulls 1949 Aoril / 1987 / First EditionA B bY Harcouft BraceJovanovich C D E English Translatedfrom French no Barbara Brav Jean Levi The Chinese Emperor Publisher Translation Translatedfrom the First Edition no Qrrcqi:n hv Mervvn Black Ioor Gouzenko fhe Fall of a Titan W.W. Norton & Co, Inc. 1954 / 1951 / First Borzoi Fdition ves Ford Madox Ford The Good Soldier Alfred A. Knoof New York 1951 Translatedfrom the Norwegianof Knut Hamsun no bv Georoe Eoerton Knut Hamsun Hunoer Alfred A. Knopf New York 1928 Harcourt BraceJovanovich, inc' 1970 / First Edition A B CDE ves lerzv Kosinski Beino There New York Resistance,Rebellion, and 1960 / First American ves Translatedbv lustin O'Brier Albert Camus Death Alfred A.
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