HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII NATION Saints ‘are rooting for us,’ Local-born Jesuit named Bishop’s Circle appeal Tennessee priest spreads says speaker at Damien- president of Vatican’s highlights youth, young the joy of playing the Marianne conference theology school in Taiwan adult ministry ukulele for prayer, pleasure Page 3 Page 6 Page 7 Page 11 HVOLUME 81,awaii NUMBER 21 CatholicFRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2018 Herald$1 BISHOP LARRY SILVA’S LETTER TO CATHOLICS ON THE RESPONSIBILITY OF VOTING, PAGE 2 People carry a banner of St. Oscar Romero during an Oct. 13 procession in San Salvador, El Salvador. Pope Francis celebrated the can- onization Mass for St. Oscar Romero and six other new saints in St. Peter’s Square Oct. 14 at the Vatican. CNS photo/Jose Cabezas, Reuters For many, Archbishop Romero’s canonization a dream come true By Melissa Vida and ence and a concert sponsored by who didn’t support him — because “There will be three people, Junno Arocho Esteves Caritas Internationalis celebrating there were very few who support- two who are in heaven and one Catholic News Service the Oct. 14 canonizations of both ed him — and even in the midst of on earth: Paul VI, Romero and St. Romero and St. Paul VI. that, he knew how to go forward Pope Francis, who all admire each ROME — For many pilgrims from Cardinal Tagle, president of until he triumphed.” other,” the archbishop said. “This El Salvador and for many Catho- Caritas Internationalis, presided For Manuel Roberto Lopez, El tryptic is explosive, and for me, lics who focus on the tie between at the vigil Mass along with Car- Salvador’s ambassador to the Holy the message is very clear: This is faith and justice, waiting for the dinals Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga See, there is only one word that a church that has chosen to blend canonization of St. Oscar Romero of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and comes to mind as a Salvadoran with history and with the prefer- was an exercise in patience. Gregorio Rosa Chavez, auxiliary witnessing the beloved archbish- ence of the poor.” The declaration of the saint- bishop of San Salvador. op’s canonization: a blessing. “What the cardinals and priests hood of the Salvadoran archbish- Holding back tears, Cardinal “That’s the word that comes who opposed (St. Romero’s canon- op, who was assassinated while Tagle said in his homily that true to mind because I feel that it is a ization) don’t understand is that celebrating Mass in 1980, teaches Christians give witness not to an blessing that comes from heaven (St. Romero’s) faith was not theo- men and women that “holiness ethic or a law, but “a person, Jesus not only for Salvadorans, it’s for retical, it was a faith blended with is first and foremost a gift” that who loved me, who gave his life all Latin America, for the whole current times, charity, justice and doesn’t come quickly, said Cardi- for us and I experienced this love, world,” Lopez told CNS. the forces of a changing world,” nal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila, this charity!” “I hope the Salvadoran people, Archbishop Paglia said. Philippines. “And when I live by that love, especially young people, under- Before sunrise Oct. 14 thou- “In Oscar Romero, we saw how my life becomes a testimony to the stand this message and they can sands of pilgrims stood in line to he struggled, how he took the pain- gift I have received,” he added. truly live out the teachings of enter St. Peter’s Square for the ful path of reconciling his previous “And death does not become the Romero because, if not, his blood canonization Mass; many of them understanding of the Gospel and annihilation of life, but death be- will be shed for nothing,” he said. were wearing white and blue the performance of the church’s comes the apex of life. When we “St. Romero is waiting for that scarves and hats, the colors of El mission with the openness that love, we live. But when we love, fruit from us.” Salvador’s flag. Vatican II presented,” the cardinal we also die. But it is in dying that Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, “We have been waiting since told Catholic News Service after we live.” postulator for St. Romero’s saint- midnight and we haven’t slept be- celebrating a vigil Mass Oct. 13. Cardinal Rodriguez said St. hood cause, said he believed the cause we want to be among those “In a world where everyone is Romero’s canonization wasn’t just canonization of the Salvadoran privileged to be here for the 6 mil- in a hurry, in a rush, and we want a reason for El Salvador to cel- archbishop and of St. Paul VI lion Salvadorans who wanted to things perfect, well, he seems to be ebrate but for all Central America marks a turning point for the Cath- come,” Jose Antonio Garcia Gar- telling us, ‘Take it easy, be patient!’ and that “it also is a reason to olic Church. cia, a Salvadoran pilgrim living in And if you have to suffer through hope.” “For me, this is not only a beau- Rome, told CNS. your own internal revolution of St. Romero “simply took up his tiful celebration,” Archbishop Pa- “It is a historic event, a tran- change out of love, then it’s worth cross,” the cardinal said, “and it glia told CNS Oct. 13. The canon- scendental day,” Liliana Emeldy going through it,” he told CNS. was a heavy cross because (it was) izations mark “a new step for the Reyes, another pilgrim who trav- The Mass preceded a confer- the cross of his brothers (bishops) church.” eled from El Salvador, told CNS. 2 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • OCTOBER 19, 2018 Hawaii Catholic Herald Newspaper of the Diocese of Honolulu Founded in 1936 Bishop’s page Published every other Friday PUBLISHER Bishop Larry Silva (808) 585-3356 [email protected] EDITOR Patrick Downes (808) 585-3317 To all parishioners in the Diocese of Honolulu [email protected] ASSOCIATE EDITOR Anna Weaver (808) 585-3320 Dear Sisters and Brothers, [email protected] ADVERTISING Shaina Caporoz Peace be with you! 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