Western Australia’s mammals: ensuring their future author A comprehensive audit of Australia’s mammals has provided a snapshot of their current status, helping the Department of Parks and Wildlife better target management of Western Australia’s mammals. by Andrew Burbidge, John Woinarski and Peter Harrison ustralia has some of the most have a complete and current overview of but this number could rise as research is distinct mammals in the world the status of all Australian mammals. carried out into subfossils, and species A and 86 per cent of species that The action plan for Australian mammals that occurred in Australia at European live here do not occur anywhere else. 2012 is the first review undertaken of all settlement are still being discovered. In the Their biology is perfectly adapted to the Australian mammals. The audit was carried southern Kimberley, for example, remains Australian environment but their fate out in 2012, with the results published of three hitherto unknown extinct species changed trajectory with the arrival of in 2014. We evaluated the status of all of native rodents were found in caves European settlers. The impacts of factors 315 terrestrial and 58 marine Australian in 2004, and in Queensland a new species such as foxes, feral cats and inappropriate indigenous mammal species and 125 of rabbit-rat (Conilurus capricornensis), fire regimes, as well as land clearing for terrestrial and six marine subspecies that known only from recent bone deposits, agriculture and urban development, is well- were known to have occurred at European was described in 2010. So, in a little over documented, but until recently we did not settlement. These included 151 terrestrial 200 years, more than 10 per cent of and 46 marine species, and 40 terrestrial Australia’s endemic mammals have been and two marine subspecies that occured in lost. Western Australia. The action plan also outlines the status, threats, distribution, ecology, past THE REPORT CARD and current conservation efforts and the Previous page It is fairly well-known that Australia future actions necessary to conserve all Main Quokkas occur only in the south-west of has the worst record for recent mammal threatened and near-threatened mammal species. It also overviewed the status of WA and numbers are declining. extinctions of any country. But the Photo – Willi Laufmann/Sallyanne Cousans each species and subspecies in 1992, 2002 action plan revealed that the number Photography and 2012 (based on 2012 knowledge) so of extinctions is actually about 50 per Inset Golden-backed tree rat. trends could be elucidated and a ‘Red Photo – David Bettini cent higher than what is listed under the List Index’ calculated to help guide future Environment Protection and Biodiversity management. Below Kantjilpa, also known as pig-footed Conservation Act 1999. This number is bandicoots, are one of 20 species of Australian The major findings throughout the also far greater than that recorded for mammals that are extinct, and the cause was country are shocking. Post-European any other group of Australian animals. At probably predation by feral cats. settlement extinctions began in Australia least 30 species of terrestrial mammals are Illustration – From The Mammals of Australia around 1860 and have continued at a by John Gould (1863) known to have become extinct since 1788 rate of about one to two extinctions per decade since. Sadly, two mammal species have become extinct in the past decade: the Christmas Island pipistrelle (Pipistrellus murrayi) in 2009 and the Bramble Cay melomys (Melomys rubicola) sometime in the past few years. The Christmas Island shrew (Crocidura attenuata) has not been seen for some decades and has been evaluated as Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct), so the number of known extinctions may be 33. Using the IUCN Red List categories and criteria we found that 57 land mammal species (of which 55 are endemic to Australia) are threatened, and a further 52 (42 endemic) are near threatened. At least 12 have populations of fewer than 1500 individuals. Many others have suffered massive declines since European settlement but don’t meet the IUCN criteria for listing, which focus on extinction risk, based on geographic range, population size and the recent rate of decline (in 10 years or three generations, 44 LANDSCOPE Changes in status since 1992 to WA mammals Improved status Worsened status Quokka (Setonix Chuditch (Dasyurus geoffroii): widespread Northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus): brachyurus): fox control under Western Shield, assisted ingestion of poisonous cane toads fox predation; colonisations Butler’s dunnart (Sminthopsis butleri): threatened in the Quenda (Isoodon obesulus fusciventer): declined in the Northern Territory, not future by climate widespread fox control under Western recorded in WA since 1966 change Shield Numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus): Ghost bat Koomal (Trichosurus vulpecula predation by feral cats and foxes (Macroderma gigas): habitat loss hypoleucus): widespread fox control Western ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus due to mining, roost site disturbance, under Western Shield occidentalis): cat and fox predation, urban collision with barbed wire fences Boodie (Bettongia lesueur): assisted development and a drying climate Pilbara leaf-nosed bat (Rhinonicteris colonisation to islands and mainland Northern brushtail possum (Trichosurus aurantia Pilbara population): habitat loss islands vulpecula arnhemensis): predation by feral due to mining Mala (Lagorchestes hirsutus (inland)): cats, and past inappropriate fire regimes Brush-tailed rabbit-rat (Conilurus assisted colonisation to Trimouille Island Woylie (Bettongia penicillata): predation penicillata): predation by feral cats, and Tammar (western) (Macropus eugenii by feral cats and foxes, novel disease past inappropriate fire regimes derbianus): widespread fox control Spectacled hare-wallaby (Lagorchestes Black-footed tree-rat (Mesembriomys under Western Shield, assisted conspicillatus): multiple factors including gouldii): predation by feral cats, and past colonisations predation and past inappropriate fire inappropriate fire regimes Western brush wallaby (Macropus irma): regimes Plains mouse (Pseudomys australis): widespread fox control under Western Nabarlek (Petrogale concinna): predation by feral cats and foxes, habitat Shield information lacking; probably a degradation due to livestock and feral Greater stick-nest rat (Leporillus combination of predation by feral cats herbivores, predation by wild dogs conditor): assisted colonisation to islands and past inappropriate Heath mouse (Pseudomys shortridgei): and mainland islands fire regimes residual effects of land clearing, predation Southern right whale Black-flanked rock- by feral cats (Eubalaena australis): wallaby (Petrogale Central rock-rat (Zyzomys pedunculatus): recovery since whaling lateralis lateralis): predation by feral cats, and past ceased in 1963 multiple factors inappropriate fire regimes Humpback whale including residual Pale field-rat (north-western) (Rattus (Megaptera novaeangliae): effects of land clearing tunneyi tunneyi): inadequate knowledge, recovery since whaling and fox and feral cat probably predation by feral cats, and past ceased in 1963 predation inappropriate fire regimes whichever is longer). Of the threatened the kantjilpa or pig-footed bandicoot Above left Pale field-rat. species, nine are Critically Endangered, (Chaeropus ecaudatus), desert bandicoot (Perameles eremiana), central hare-wallaby 10 are Endangered and 36 are Vulnerable. Above Ghost bats are declining in parts of The Red List Index shows that mammals (Lagorchestes asomatus), crescent nailtail Australia due to habitat loss and collisions have declined at a greater rate than wallaby (Onychogalea lunata), lesser stick- with barbed-wire fences. Australian birds (as shown in The action nest rat (Leporillus apicalis) and long-tailed Photos – Andrew Burbidge plan for Australian birds 2010). hopping-mouse (Notomys longicaudata). Predation by feral cats was also identified Below Gilbert’s potoroos are recovering due For each threatened species and as the number one threat to threatened to research and assisted colonisations. subspecies we identified the main threats species but predation by red foxes and Photo – Matt Swan/Parks and Wildlife to survival, or, for extinct species, the effects of inappropriate fire regimes the probable cause of extinction. For came very close behind. These threats extinct terrestrial species, the number are interrelated and research in northern one reason was predation by feral cats, Australia shows that feral cats hunt much which underpins many wildlife recovery more effectively in recently burned areas programs including Western Shield (see than in well-vegetated ones and that ‘Hope for WA mammals’ on page 46). very large fires have led to increased cat WA species considered to have become predation on, and decline of, threatened extinct primarily due to cats include mammals. LANDSCOPE 45 Hope for WA mammals Parks and Wildlife’s Western Shield program has been operating since 1996. It is the biggest wildlife conservation program ever undertaken in Australia and aims to protect, recover and boost numbers of WA animals. It does this through broadscale baiting programs to reduce European red fox and feral cat density using 1080 poison. This is the manufactured version of a poison that occurs naturally in the native Gastrolobium genus of plants, commonly called ‘poison peas’. While native animals have evolved with these
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