

■■ ORlGINAL ARTICLE Techniques and tactics from medal口 winning inenワ s and women's nationalteamsin the 16th Worid Kendo Champlonships Authors'Contribution: Yukiko TakanlllABCDE,Mitsuru Nakamura2AD,Takanlitsu lwamoto3C,Tatsuya OhnolC, A Study Des gn Ken‐ ichiド o Mutoh4B,Mayumi Otsuka58 B Data Co ecton C Stat stica Ana ys s l Facu ty of Hea th and Sports Science)」 unte1ldo University,Chiba,」 apan D Manuscttpt Preparalon 2 Graduate School of Health and Sports Sclencel」 untendo University,Chlba)Japan E Funds Co‖ ect on 3 FacuLy oflnternalona Business Management,Beppu University,Oita,」 apan 4 FacuLy of Science and Technologl,Se kel Un verSty,TokyO,Japan 5sch00 of Physlca Educalon,Toka Un市 ersity,Kanagawa,Japan Received:17 Apri1 2018:Accepted:24 1vlay 2018:Pubiished oniine:28 June 2018 AoBID:12176 Abstract Background and StudyAim: Although kendo is increasingly being practlsed、 ″oridv.7ide,feヽ ″studies have compared methods and tech― niques used by pracitloners in differelnt countries,exceptforsome studies thatfocused on Japan and Korea The current research is high ightlng prevalling techniques by athletes from diflerent countries App icatlon aim is to support the expansion ofthe kendo Material and Methods: D∨ Ds containing video of 240 mcntches among compejtors from lve countries that represent the podium 、″innersin both the men's and NA70men's categories of the 16th N/Vorld Kendo Championship Tournament vυ ere used in this study The researchers classined a‖ Of the effectlve stnkes intO the fol owing categones:(1)ma_ jortechnique c assincajons(2)dσ [ο tSυ ―btli(3)technique sub― categories Chi square tests、 ハノere used to com― pare the usage frequencies of the diffe「 elnt techniques analysed in the study bet、 へ/een men and、 ハ/omen and the respectlve countries included ln the study No signincant differences in technical ma noeuvres used by men andヽ ♂υomen compeitors、 ″ere found There 、ハ/ere also no signincant differences betヽ ´veen the ra● os of efFectlve strikes or thrusts bet、へ′een men's com― petntors from the four countries studied The effec● ve strike ratlos of Korea and Brazi differed from those of 」apan and the USA in women Oonclusions: There are ditterences in ho、 ″men and、ハノOmen pracjce kendo due to dlfferences in physical characteristlcs, but none、 ハ/as found ∧mong women kendo practltloners,some diferences in skills among difFerent countries ヽハ′ere ldentlned The nndingS of the current researchヽ ″iIl aid in the dissenη inajon of kendo globa‖ y KenVOrdS: competljon analysis・ kendo matches o skil ・ striking zones Copyrighti 0 2018 the Authors Published by Archives of Budo Conflict ofinterest: Authors have declared that no compeing interest exists Ethical approval: The study vυ as approved by the local ethics connillittee Provenance&peerreuew: Not colmmissionedi externa‖ y peer revie、ハ/ed Source ofsupport: Departmenta Sources Author's address: Yukiko Takalni, Faculty of Hea th and Sports Science,」 untendo University, 1-l Hiraka― gakuendal,lnzai shi, Chiba 270-1695,」 apan;e nnall:y― takaini(DiuntendO ac,p ◎ ARCHiVES OF BUDO I SCIENCE OF MARTIAL ARIS 2018 1 VOLUME 14 1197 ■1`ヽ ■1l oPcn acccs、 alttdc d^ull utcd tけ ldu thc icin■ 、ぃ「d]c(lcalvc(:OI刊 ηonヽ A[111,utiH■ ―NonCぃ mmc da14 01■ tci n■ do R ll(httP://ctaavccoml■ lons o13/L〔 ご11、 Cヽ /by nc/40)、 wh ch Pci miぃ usc、 dに n Ьu■ On、 and lcPiOttul● 00 n anl nlcd unl,P:OvittCd thc o:igina wolに ヽP]OPピ !ら ごiCd、 [hC tiscム non c(,nlRlclcial andも Od)c:wヽ cn(OnlPliancc with thc iccnsc Ong na Altc e Aski― 鉱あ i 凛 lNTRODUCT10N Ashi sObο i f● otwor1 10 11tI App ica● on aim is to support the expansion of snⅢ ●Jヽ ごvO J`iSw‖ 1、 |む 丁he internatlonal Kendo Federa● on (FIK), the kendo 3t ik)三 |;pp:う n el]t founded in 1970,aims to promote kendo interna― Dan― コ|)に 5 ,dに nlピ 11■ ●ona‖ y(including ialdο andjyoudo)and cul」 Vate |lvel()|、 k mutual trust and fellowship among its member MATER:ALAND MEttHODS DatOtsu bui zo]cs wlle e organisatlons[1]To thiS end,FIK sends Japanese r Po]t ss¨「」wheⅡ ぃ] kendo specialists to thё Asian and European Analysed competition ●[Ct「 コtl St ti ortn ts1 5 111t e continents as L7ve‖ as the Americas yearly Fifty-51X COuntries Nlvere represented in the 1611 Furthermore,in cooperalon with the Ministry of WKC tournament,which was held in」 apan from Debanα ‐kote tlc Dci OI Foreign Affairs and Niρ ροn Bυ dο kan,FIK also dis― 29th to 31st May 2015(Table l)Four compej― st「 く||]じ tnc Oっ っonerts kο te uscd at thc moricnt wlne l an patches instructors gioba‖ y through coordinajon ●on categories that originated in the l lth VVKC opp("lc nt n,oves i● wっ dt● with the」 apan Overseas Coopera● on∨olunteers tournament were usedi men〕 s teanl,womenis ヨDDV Dt‐ 5'tl e('「 s aD()ttt● atFcに lrnportantly, FIK alsc hosts the World Kendo team,menlsindividual and woment individua1 0f Championship(VVKC).The nrst vvKC AA/aS alη en's the nfty― Six countries represented,a select felA/ Debana‐ men― Jnc act oF jon held in 1970 Eleven countries ヘ stl l ng the oppone nts llen only compe● ヽノere COnsistently podium winners ln the lnen's uled at Jle i onie lt w‐ cn a] par● cipated in this event,and it has been held categoHes,these countttes are Hungary(WhiCh OppOntntげ ovt,s lo「wn dto KC compe― ごぅDlv DlessLI■ t, is tlbctt to once every three years since then Beginning in took third place in the 15th and 16th V√ どLncに 1997 ⅥЛth the commencement ofthe llthNA/KC, jjons),Japan,Korea,and the∪ SA」 apan,Korea, womenis compejtlons were added the∪ SA,and Brazil represent the medal― 、、/inning DOtl― J e D ete ofkendo equ p nent wヽ ch cove sし e countnesin woment compej百 ons(Tab e 2) chc,ta∩ d sto nach a t■ 5 0rC Kendo is an athleJc event that is rooted in of tlle st k l=EO'eS 」apanese culture through its categorisajon as 丁he current research uses data from compeijons Hiki men― the acl ol st由 晰ng a martlal art Marjal arts and bt/do,in general, inヽハノhiCh these teams competed due to theirrela― the oppone■ lt rllen wh c jvely high kendo performance Speciflca‖ j● seek to develop both the lη ind and the spirit of y,240 lビ h enjrgl白 s tuコ )5'llel e o ne is∨ e「 v close tて ,tie those Ⅵ/ho practlce them As such,kendo has the team competijons(130 ment and l10 wom― OD「)('le■ dua卜 obiec● Ve Of not only skillimprovement and ent compe百 jons)were ana ysed in the current Hiki‐ l17a2● ―tCC ln quis compejjon but a150 Spiritualand personal deveト study.Data fronl 130 individual men's matches where‖ e phvelト ロkes"he opment 12]Judo,alsO a lη arjal art,has been A/vere analysed in this study:35 matches from lctrcaj,giisiヒ aric,ns stch』 s tsubσ zerial wl■ e One`ve y adopted as an Olympic event and gained、 へ/or d― 」apan and Korea,30 from the∪ SA and Hungary (lose t(]t「 c opponert 、、/ide acceptance As a result,many studies have For Nlvomenls individual matches,110 data were been conducted to idenify thOsc qua‖jes、″hich analysed:30 matches from Japan and Korea,25 lα ido ―fr or)l a seatccl ol stっ nd l=posit O)tle enhance compejjveness and the effects of com― from the∪ SA and Brazil Data were taken from 1/O CSnan d「 Sヽ aws the sword petijon rules on the sport[3,4] video recorded from a second― 網oor seatin the f「 o i ti scabDa,dal(c liages tle eヒ 1` y venues hosづ ng the matches A‖ matches were Kendo has begun to spread internatlona‖ y,but recorded in fu‖ . lρ ρon― uclli kOte-1 lc Flct of there is a lack of research Ⅵ‖th regards to differ― st「「 n日 tlt1 0]|'C lC i S kote w‖ ¬a崚 llg J,e tt si si ke ences in hovv the sportis prac● sed in different Analysed items ,11コ 1 0neヽ ltrength countries,compared to the extensive research Data from effecttve strikes or thrusts as deined iρ ροn‐ ttchi men― the att(,f that has been conducted in」 apan and Korea by the kendo guidelines[9,10]during compe― st高 Ln=Jle opっ onent s 12neln 15-8]Kendoゝ wondwide prolferajon warrants jjons were classined accOrding to gender and wた ¬na噺 ns Jne n「 st、 tlkc vv th a‖ o ne s stre l=t11 lnore research in ho、 へ/it is practlsed internation― compejtors'nationality Detalis、、/ill be provided a‖ y tthe current research is high‖ ghjng preva‖ ing beloⅥノ. 」yο udο ―AI]「 ‖コ|コ 1 lhal techniques by athletes from different countries (ontio s an ele nvvッ :|‐ tal l, Kote thc p ece of Pc ido Tab:el.A number ofcountnesthat parucipated in Wo‖ d Kendo Champlonships(WKC)ly cOntinent etit っ lt,it t]e glo● es、 ャ1(h ontinent cover tnt‐ 11コ lJs a lc ioloこ 「1l S 〔 Total Ollc of thc[コ kl J 20ne5 WKC Asia Europe America Oceania Africa Kο te‐ nukl‐ tllen lhc att ol 11 、日k nf thc o「 ,p(コ ]e tЬ llen 11lt‖ 、llald ig or an〔 ,PI)oi(■ ' st「 kl]=kο te Men― [he p ece of「 crdo erit D Tlc nt、、「(:h cove S 9 tlに )ead Face tl「 ont a](1 27 一 ‐ 0 ぢ:U瞥 ihe針 ´:h呼 動極: 32 198 1 VOLUME 14 1 2018 www archbudo com TakamiY et a― Techniques and tacicsfrom meda卜 winning Nippon 3● dokan― J]o Table 2.Results ofthe Worid Kendo Championships 8。 ner・ l pt,pOse 1la fof bυ do wh cl■ as〔 onb甘 、ctcd¬ Piace k ta noぃ ,aru koen in Chlvoda WKC kt■ ヽkyoヽ 1964 lst 0i'WaZa― th中 ct of s lラ a,「 v ngt「 eo,つ o ne■ lapan Korea 〔anada str ke bylno、 1 lg the shinal alc t]c Do(ly and tlを n Japan Korea ltaly co tttcrattacな ng the elne s n3 opc‐ n rlt・ |11]|,lediately Korea Japan Taiwan Shikaセ ‐waza― a genela Japan Korea 3razll ¬a lT,c of tcch nic ues for Korea Hungary in iaing an 38glessive attack japan Korea Hungary Tsuki― o nc of tlne strに lng OI t卜 usl11=zo nes「 l kendo lapan Brazil Korea Canada Talwan 〇 ∩ Japan Korea Germany Canada ⊃ Japan Korea m Japan Korea Germany 』 Japan Korea Brazil 〇 ∽ 国 RESULTS A broad classiflcation of techniques is as foト > -1″ 】 lowsi shika健 θzσ are offensive manoeuvres The overa‖ effective rate of strikes was 178 for 〓 carried out prior

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