Courtesy of the Local History Room, Fullerton Public Library COMMUNITY & ARTS CALENDAR Page 11-14 in cn H i—I Fullerton’s Only Local, Independent Newspaper • Est 1978 (printed on recycled paper) VOLUME 23 # 310 • APRIL 15, 2001 ► J < ‘A Night in 5K Crop Walk Fullerton” Fights Hunger 7pm - 11pm F o lk s will be taking to the streets Friday April 27 o f Fullerton again on Sunday, April 29th in an annual tradition that helps fight hun­ Y o u are invited to Fullerton’s 37th ger and homelessness locally and furthers annual showcase o f cultural and fine the work o f 19 organizations in benefit- arts programs. Throughout the city, ting the desperately needy of more than Fullerton’s art organizations will open 80 nations. their doors for special dance, visual art Under the sponsorship of the Fuller­ and music presentations. The event is ton Interfaith Ministerial Association and free. Parking is free and there is a free Church World Service, the 5K Fullerton shuttle bus to all events. The 11 offi­ CROP Hunger Walk hopes to attract cial participating sites are: more than double the 200 walkers who • Fullerton Museum Center participated last year. • Fullerton Public Library You can register irtperson from 12:30 • Fullerton College to 1pm April 29 at the Downtown Ful­ • TheatreWhereabouts lerton Plaza next to the Fullerton Mu­ • Muckenthaler Cultural Center seum on Wilshire Avenue, between Har­ • Momingside Presbyterian bor and Pomona. The Walk begins at • St. Paul Lutheran Church lpm. • Nouveau Chamber Ballet Photo © 2001 Alex Buck from Fullerton Observed Collection Those who plan to walk ask friends, • First Christian Church Above: The Red Barn on the com er of Lemon and Bastanchury, is the site o f the annual co-workers, employers and colleagues to • Christian Life-Center and April 28th FarmFest & BarB-Q. Come visit the barn during this fun family event that sponsor them by pledging a donation in • Village Art Center. benefits Future Farmers o f America programs at Fullerton High School. any amount. The walk will end at First Official Maps will be available at Christian Church of Fullerton, next to the all of the above sites beginning April Plaza, where cookies and cooling drinks 17th. For more information call 738- Fullerton will await walkers. 6545. (see related story page 9) Call Kara Huff at 879-8290 for High sponsor envelopes and more informa- Arboretum tion- Continued on page 14 Green Scene Farm Sorry We Goofed Garden Show Festival by Warren Bowen T h e third annual Farm Festival is a rare opportunity for suburban­ ites, young and old, to find out what Fullerton is a marvelously diverse farm life is all about! Fullerton community. The new census data tells Union High School’s Agri-Science us about the population, restaurants Academy sponsors the event on Sat­ provide food from far corners o f the urday, April 28th from noon to 4pm. globe, local history is revealing ever “Part-Time” Faculty The Festival, held at Fullerton more about our past, and cultural of­ High’s Farm on the corner o f Ber­ ferings abound. Although gardening Fight for Benefits keley and Lemon, is a chance for is now our number one hobby nation­ N orth Orange County These and other grievances those hard-working Future Farmers Photo by Jeff Evans ©1999 ally, not every Fullertonian has taken Community College District were aired recently in an on-go­ o f America students to show off their the opportunity to visit the unique (NOCCCD) houses Fullerton ing protest by part-time faculty many skills in animal husbandry and Railroad Days plant diversity at one o f our premier College, Cypress College and angered by the district’s refusal horticulture. Highlights include visitor attractions, the Fullerton Arbo­ the School of Continuing Edu­ to grant “part-timers,” who hold farm tours, demonstrations and dis­ Celebration is Free retum. cation. Two-thirds of all fac­ the same academic credentials plays about the many aspects of Although a $3 donation for adults wil The “Arb” has been in place nearly ulty members are considered and teaching responsibilities as farming, plus many fun activities, be gratefully accepted from those who 30 years, ever growing with new part-time even though many their full-time counterparts, ad-- such as a moon-bounce and petting would like to help the festival defray costs, plantings and hosting several annual work several jobs commuting equate pay and benefits. This zoo for the younger children. For Bob Root of the Fullerton Railway Plaza events for which it is ideally suited. from campus to campus. Part- situation is seen throughout Cali­ teens and adults, arts and crafts Association, says the two-day event com ­ The Green Scene Garden Show is now time teachers are paid $39 per fornia as student enrollment is booths, games, door prizes and a si­ ing up May 5th and 6th at Fullerton Train in its 28th year. It will take place April hour while full time teachers projected to increase by 714,000 lent auction are planned. Entertain­ Station on Santa Fe will be free again this 28 and 29th on the Arboretum grounds are at $71 with full benefits for additional students by year 2010. ment will be provided by the popu­ year. located at the intersection o f Associ­ teaching the same class. Part- As older teachers retire, part- lar rock & roll group, “4/10 Split.” Exhibits will include the circa 1927 ated Road and Yorba Linda Blvd, just time faculty are not compen­ time faculty are carrying a larger Profit from the BBQ will be do­ Baldwin Steam Locomotive pictured a block east of State College Blvd. sated for office hours and do percentage o f the state’s teach­ nated to the FFA by Texas Bar-B- above which will be pulling into the sta­ Continued on page 23 not receive any medical ben­ ing load, and instead of meeting Que & Rib Company, a new restau­ tion on Santa Fe around 2pm Thursday efits. Most have taught in the that workload with full-time em­ rant located in' the Fullerton and be available for tours on both Satur­ DEAR READERS: district for five years or more. ployment, “part-time” positions MetroCenter on the corner of Har­ day and Sunday during the event, before While even part-time classi­ are created so local districts don’t bor and Orangethorpe. departing around 5pm on Sunday. Also Thank-you for have to pay the wages and medi­ Admission to the Fullerton Farm renewing your fied employees receive full tours o f private rail cars,, miniature and medical coverage and cost of cal benefits of a full time instruc­ Festival is $3 for adults; $ 1 for chil­ model trains, police and firetruck exhib­ subscriptions and for living raises each year, part- tor. dren 12 and under and seniors; chil­ all the wonderful its, historic exhibits, marching bands, bar­ time teachers do not and even For more information or to dren under 3 are free. All proceeds bershop quartets, and much much more. notes of though the part-time Board of lend support to the Adjunct Fac­ will benefit Fullerton Union High Festivities go from 9am to 5pm each day encouragement and Trustee members voted them­ ulty United call 526-7220 or School’s Future Farmers of and early birds can enjoy a pancake break­ appreciation. We are selves full medical coverage drop by the office at 124 W. America. To purchase advance tick­ fast put on by the local boy scout troops. grateful for your kind they neglected to cover part- Wilshire Avenue in downtown ets or for further information, please For more information or to volunteer thoughts. time teachers. Fullerton. call (714) 671-1186. to help out with the event call 278-0648 The Volunteers o f the ----------- , or visit website: Fullerton Observer Clip & Mail to: www.trainweb.com/frpa Community Fullerton Observer Know Fullerton • Read the Newspaper Community Newspaper Get Well Soon P.O.Box 7051 ullerton O bserver We Love You FULLERTON Fullerton, CA 92834 SMALL ENOUGH TO TELL THE TRUTH OBSERVER Enclose $20/year ($30 outside Fullerton) T J / ia n fi -TJou ! PRESORTED PO Box 7051 STANDARD U.S. □ RENEW Fullerton CA For Independent, In-depth Coverage Subscribe Today! Mailed to your home! POSTAGE 92834 NAME: Phone □ n e w PAID FULLERTON CA (714) 525-6402 ADDRESS: ■ ^ GIFT PERMIT NO. 1577 Courtesy of the Local History Room, Fullerton Public Library Page 2 FULLERTON OBSERVER APRIL 15, 2001 Com m unity O pinions Continued on page 3 & 14 City Membership in OC Lighting Downtown Regional Airport Authority at L io n ’s Field Fullerton A Bad Idea This is in response to an opin­ Dear Council Member ion submitted by a concerned citi­ & Fox Theatre I urge the City o f Fullerton to withdraw from the zen regarding field lighting at When we lived in Pasa­ OCRAA. It is unconscionable that the O.C. Board o f Lion’s Field. dena in the 1980’s, West Supervisors is spending 5 million dollars of our tax As President of Fullerton Hills Colorado Blvd was skid row. money to promote an airport at El Toro when the citi­ Girls Softball, I can assure you that In these fabulous old build­ zens of this County have clearly indicated by a posi­ we are very aware o f the need to ings were antique shops, tive vote of 67 percent that an airport is not an accept­ be conscientious of energy conser­ thrift stores, pawn shops, and able use of that property. I am indignant about the use vation.
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