Eastern Illinois University The Keep August 2004 8-26-2004 Daily Eastern News: August 26, 2004 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2004_aug Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: August 26, 2004" (2004). August. 9. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2004_aug/9 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 2004 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in August by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ''Tell the truth 111ul don't be afraiJ. " 1IE VOCE + IHkilc .. fn1ll•111: page 1 B THE DAILY TllURSDIY AUGUST 26 2004 thedailyeastemnews.com Eastern Illinois University, Charkston f"trefighters work around a vehicle in the driveway, which also reuived damage from the tire. The cause of the fire, which started in the far west room of the house, is under investigation. STEPHEN H AAS'THEDAILYEASTtRN M WS II II 1r I Home of track members totaled in afternoon blaze BY JULIA BoURQUf and Eric Buhot and juniors Nathan Pepper and CAMPUS EDITOR Daniel St:raekdjahn live in the "Arby's house," located near the Arby's on Lincoln Avenue. The The house of Eascem traek and cross councry house bas been rhe crack and cross councry team members caughc fire Wednesday arrer­ house for three yC:irs, and Atkins was a founding noon, leaving behind severe member. damage and 6vc Ea.stem ath­ Sinc.c Carmen Hall's fire, uni­ leces withour a home. More on the Web versity officials have developed The fire srarced in rhe fu See more photos at: an emergency alrernative plan, wesuoom ofthe house at 1515 ''"'"' .1hedai/ye.i.<ternf')('W$. com and Eascem President Lou Thitd St., bur che cause remains Hencken said these men will be under investigation, said caken care of. Charleston Fire Chief Darrell Nees. "There's no way co rum this into a positive sit­ "The house received extensive damage, and, uation," Hencken said, "but we're going to do co me, it looks like it will be a complete loss," our best co make it as least scressful as we can." STEPHEN HAAS/THE ONLY EASTERN NlWS Nees said. "The entire house received quice a bit Through the emergency plan che men will Aaron Grobencie11r talks with pSJCllolog profmor Cary Caniv11 while Kevin Atkins rubs llis sbul­ of both heat and smoke damage." den n Eric hllot looks on. Tltt tn 1tartM _.., afttr ttte me midents, all 11111btn of Seniors Krnn Atkins, Aaron Grobengicser SEE fl RE PACE 7 Eastem's track tum, left for practiot ..... a..... BY JENNlftll PllYAM Life Ccci Brinker. The Scudcnc Activities follow the opening of rh.c new intramural ST\JOENT GOVERNMENT EDITOR Center, located in the Martin Luther KingJr. fidds which begins ac 7:30 p.m. Student leaders University Union, houses Recognized Getty also di.scusscd a student saving club The Scudenc Scnare held iis fuse meeting Student Organization and executive offic.cs. card program he intends co start this year. Wednesday to discuss expectations of senare Executive members also discussed upcom­ "Srudencs will save $1,000 throughout the start with goals members and provide advisor reporrs. ing events during the meeting. year by getting discounts ac Papa John's Pizza, "The Student Activities Center renova­ "The Srudcnc Government versus campus Papa Murphy's and Fazoli's," Getty said. The for upcoming year tions look grear and special thanks should be recreation sofi.ball game is (Thursday night) cards will be distributed che first three weeks given to Shirley Stewart, Vice President for and we still need more players," said Student Srudent Affiiirs," said Director of Srudent Body President Chris Getty. The game will SEE LEADERS PJ'GE 9 FIVE-DAY OUTLOOK TODAY I FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY 85 85 83 76 11 71 67 63 58 55 Partlv cloudv Scattered f·Sk>rms Scattered T-Stonns Showl'rs IMlydoudy THLllSDAY. Atx; ST 26, 2004 AROUND' BLOODY WEDNESDAY WTF? ILLINOIS PORT OF SWEET CAMPUSES GRASS, Mont. (AP)· Jesse NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Huttman insists he didn't do it on purpose, but the Bling bling! toilet he lell UGS, a Texas-based software compan}. has donated plugged after $14 million worth of software co rhe College of •nature called' at Engineering and Engineering Technology co hdp pre­ this border cross­ pare srudents for employment after graduation. ing in north-cen­ tral Montana has This grant is che ~nd concribution from UC,S, him tacing crimi­ which donated $5.6 million of software four years ago. nal charges. "Companies arc looking for people with experience," Tool• County said Jan Brown, UGS din:ccor of incemal and executive authorities communication. 'This software will give chem real­ charged the 19· world experience." year-old college Promod Vohra, acting dean of the College of student from Engineering and Engineering Technology, said more Great Falls with than 1,600 enrolled engineering srudenrs will have an cnmmal m1sch1ei opportunity co use ch(' programs in their d3.S5CS. alter a border Vohra said che use of chese rechnological cools will agent accused help srudencs become more compc:'tirivt' globally. him oi intention· READMORf Al WWW.STAR.NIU.EDU ally dogging the toilet SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Huftman said the clogged p1p1ng was completely Smokers relocated unintentional. the result 01 an led Src:fus knows he now has co go an extra 25 feet urgent, but natu· before he can light up, but whar really has him up in ral, bodll) func­ flames is how much further he has ro go just to buy tmn some smokes. "I've never been "1bac's~ annoyance chat I have ro go all the way to arrcstt'd bctore or the Suip co buy cigarerces now." said Steffens, a sopho­ anything like that, more in music business who was all too used to getting and I get arre~ted his smokes from che Srudenc C.Cncer. for taking a Sreffens. sporting a Lucky Strike T-shin. is now dump sad preparing to work the campus with a petition. He's Hunman, a stu­ angry. The new smoking policy is absurd. he said. It dent at Montana could have been bercer thouglu our. Most ofall, he just State University believes he is being discriminated against, forced to rake m Bozeman. his habit elsewhere because it's not somec:hing people Port authonlfes wane to look at. He feds like he's being pushed aside stopped their car READMOREAT -W.DAll\'fCYPTIAN.COM 1or a random ~e.1rch. The car's JOSH R HlEY/IHl; CWLY EASTIKN MWS 19-year-old dnver T,ter Sapp, sophomore pre-physical therapy major, gets ''stuck" by Kim Hille, a phlebotomist for the American Red \\as cited for pos­ session ot alco­ Cro11, 11 be donates blood at the Student Rec Center Wednesday afternoon. hol. CORRECTIONS IN WEDNESDAY'S EDITION of The Daily Eastern News, WORD the headline and photo caption with an article about ONLINE POLL new equipment at the Student Rec Center incorrectly DU JOUR credited the University Board with supplying the funds This wetk we ask our readen how tbey fHl aboat tbe redesign of The Daily Eastern News. Rip it apart-.we dare you! phlebotomy for the new equipment. The funds were apportioned to 1. the letting o( the the Rec Center by the Apportionment Board Al It's about •Cl'&"!!S time. I hated that of' looking thing. blood for transfu­ Bl I like totally dislike it ... like it looks weird and stuff. I only like look at the pictures anyway. sion, diagnosis, °' IN THE SAME ISSUE, a photo caption incorrectly stated Cl I'm scurred of 1t. I won't read it. experiment and especially fonnerty Michael Chron was a speech communication major. He Dl Fabooo. We want more and we want it nowt in the treatment d is a speech communication professor. The News regrets disease-also the errors. VOTE @WWWTHEDAILYEASTERNNEWS.COM called venesedion. EOfTOtl IOj OtlCF ••••••••••• MATT MDNHm 5f'ORTS PHOTO El>ITOll • , , , • , .Slll'ttf.N HMS PHONE. 217-581-2812 FAX: 581-2923 • • • • • • mmemhcit0)'3hoo.com st•'(>I oenetha,JSpho~r.lphv.oom E-MAIL mmeinhe1tOyahoo oom MANACINC f.DfTOtl ••• , ••••.l<>AQulN OcHOA 5f'OllTS corroa ..•.......• .AAll~ Seoun • • • • .cujoOclu.cdu • • • • • • •..iseid03830site.com NIGHT PRODUCTION STAff NICttT CHIEF ••••••••••• MArr MUNHm Assr. MANAGING lDITOtl , ••• .MATT WIWAMS AssoclA n SPO«TS lDfTOtl •••••DAH RiNHtal l...SIM OE5ICN ••••• , .JEH>llftll CHWlltUD . • • • • . • • . .mmw11l1am> 12200ao1.com • ndwrcs880l'Olm. 11 com SPORTS DESIGN •••••••••••Houy MYEllS EASTERN NEWS NlW> lDITOtl ••••••••••••••IC£vlH 54MPWI Vl•cc mno• •••••• •• ••• ••••••EvAH H1u NJCHT PHoro EDITOtl • ••••••JosH Rmn Th<' Daily faswrn News I' produced bv the ~mpierOhotma•l .com HAVE A SUGGESTION? COPY D>m>lt> ••••••••CHRtmo« DoHENY students of Eastern llhno s IJ rnvcrMty II 1s AsSOCIA n NEW~ IDITOR , , , • • , •••••••OPf.N As'OC!An VUtCl IDITOR ••• .AP1lll MclAacN you have any suggestion!> or ideas ••••••••••••••••••••••)AMIE McCHEE publoshrd d.1ilv Mondav 1hrough Frid.1y, in If NICHT NEWS UMTOllS • •••••ICn&'I S- OPtNtON l'ACl rDITOll •••JENNIHR CHt.UIEl.LO o .. u"ff co110tt •••••••••••• .S1U'H1.N HAM Charle>ton. Ill dur :i II and spring for anicles you would like to sec in t jch1ar1elloltyahoo com .stcphenCh.mphotographycom St'Mcster:s .ind 1v.1 e Wc<"kly dur ng th<! The D111/y Eastem /\'nus, fed &ee to Acnmics t.on'Ott ••••••••••••DAW> THIU 4DVUTISINC ""'-"ACUI • , ••••••• .SFTH Esns t comaa us ar 581-2812 or b\ e-mail youn jcd11R20holm111 com SA1 t> MANACnt ••••••••••••C11•1> RAun AoMINtsTIL\TION EDITOR ••• • • ••• • • • • .01'£N PROMOTIONS MA.'<AGlR •• • .Mlc.r..... Nl\Jll4utR mrneinhe1c<i.'1':lhoo.com NATIONAl AD\ER11Sl>IG ••••••TORI C.UU1uo Bus1 ..
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