Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica, 15 (2017): 93–206 ISSN: Macià1698– et0476 al. The collection of Lepidoptera type specimens deposited in the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona (MCNB), Spain R. Macià, B. Caballero–López & G. Masó Macià, R., Caballero–López, B. & Masó, G., 2017. The collection of Lepidoptera type speci� mens deposited in the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona (MCNB), Spain. Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica, 15: 93–206. Abstract The collection of Lepidoptera type specimens deposited in the of Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona (MCNB), Spain.— The Lepidoptera type specimens in the collection of the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelonawere reorganized and catalogued. The revised collection —the vast majority of which belonged to Ignasi de Sagarra— now consists of 1,128 type specimens, corresponding to 168 taxa. This study provides all the available information relating to each of the revised specimens, including the current taxonomic status, the original name if different, the original reference for the type material, the exact transcription of the original label, and the conservation status of the specimen. Differences between the original description of species and their labels, as well as any taxonomical changes that have occurred, are also discussed. The corresponding bibliography is included in the references. If a taxonomic change has occurred since the description of taxa, the references discussing such changes are given. Key words: Collection type, Lepidoptera, Catalogued and reorganized, Sagarra collection Resumen Colección de ejemplares tipo del orden Lepidoptera depositados en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona, España.— Se ha revisado y documentado la colección de espe� címenes depositados en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona. La colección está constituida por 1.128 ejemplares tipo, con un total de 168 taxones. Hay que destacar que la gran mayoría de ejemplares revisados y documentados pertenecen a la colección de Ignasi de Sagarra. En este trabajo se facilita toda la información disponible relacionada con los especímenes revisados incluyendo, para cada taxón: la especie o subespecie, la situación taxonómica actual y la original (solo si ha sido cambiada), la cita original del mate� rial tipo, la transcripción exacta de las etiquetas originales y el estado de conservación de los ejemplares. Además se comentan las diferencias existentes entre la descripción original y la etiqueta y los cambios taxonómicos que se han producido en la especie. Se incluye la bibliografía correspondiente en el apartado de referencias. Palabras clave: Colección de ejemplares tipo, Lepidoptera, Colección Sagarra © [2017] Copyright belongs to the authors, who license the journal Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica to publish the paper under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits its distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original authors and source, the journal Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica, are cited. 93 Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica, 15 (2017): 93–206 Macià et al. Resum Col·lecció d'exemplars tipus de l'ordre Lepidoptera dipositats al Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, Espanya.— S'ha revisat i documentat la col·lecció d'espècimens dipositats al Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona. La col·lecció està constituïda per 1.128 exemplars tipus, amb un total de 168 tàxons. Cal destacar que la gran majoria d'exemplars revisats i documentats pertanyen a la col·lecció d'Ignasi de Sagarra. En aquest treball es facilita tota la informació disponible relacionada amb els espècimens revisats, incloent–hi per a cada taxó: l'espècie o subespècie, la situació taxonòmica actual i l'original (només si ha estat canviada), la citació original del material tipus, la transcripció exacta de les etiquetes originals i l'estat de conservació dels exemplars. A més es comenten les diferències exis� tents entre la descripció original i l'etiqueta i els canvis taxonòmics que s'han produït en l'espècie. S'inclou la bibliografa corresponent a l'apartat de referències. Paraules clau: Col·lecció d'exemplars tipus, Lepidoptera, Col·lecció Sagarra Received: 19/04/17; Final acceptance: 20/04/17 Ramon Macià, Berta Caballero–López & Glòria Masó, Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, Laboratori de Natura, Psg. Picasso s/n., 08003 Barcelona, Spain. Corresponding author: Ramon Macià. E–mail: [email protected] Introduction The collection of arthropods belonging to the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona (MCNB), Catalonia, Spain, consists of over 1.9 million specimens of arthropods, including examples of most subphylum orders (Chelicerata, Crustacea, Uniramia) in the phylum Arthropoda. The Hexapoda subphylum is the most widely represented and includes a considerable number of insects. Of the nearly 200,000 butterfies and moths in the MCNB collection, we initially focused on the type specimens as part of an on–going effort to publish the types of all of the MCNB's arthropod collection (Viñolas & Masó, 2013, 2014; Viñolas et al., 2014, 2016). The Lepidoptera type collection at the MCNB consists mainly of specimens from the collection of Ignasi de Sagarra, and it was studied in depth as part of the work on this ca� talogue. The present manuscript also refers to a number of types that have recently been added to the collection, and others that were previously overlooked. Ignasi de Sagarra i de Castellarnau (Barcelona, 10 October 1889 – Barcelona, 20 January 1940) Ignasi de Sagarra was appointed curator of the Catalan Institute of Natural History (ICHN) in 1911 and later elected its president. In 1914 he became Director on the Barcelona Natural Sciences Board. From 1918 until 1940, he was the Zoological Curator of Lepidoptera and Birds at the MCNB, during which time he described over one hundred species, subspecies and varieties. As director, he organised the donation of the ICHN's entomological collection to the MCNB and also donated his own collection. From 1911 onwards he published frequently in the Butlletí de la Institució Catalana de Història Natural, among other journals. His scientifc activity was interrupted by the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) but recommenced as soon as he returned from France and continued until his death in 1940. 94 Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica, 15 (2017): 93–206 Macià et al. His good knowledge of English and German enabled him to keep abreast of entomological publications worldwide and to establish rewarding friendships with entomologists throughout Europe. His scientifc zeal, as well as his cordiality and modesty, helped put the MCNB collection on the European Lepidoptera map (fg. 1). From the 1920s to the 1970s, the Museum's Arthropod Department was very active in the study of butterfies and moths. Many famous entomologists from all over Europe helped enrich the Lepidoptera collection and contributed to improving knowledge of Lepidoptera, above all in the Iberian Peninsula, but also in Europe and North Africa. Some of the most frequent contributors are Ramón Agenjo, Eugeni Balaguer, Cándido Bolívar, Antoni Codina, Luís Domènech, Josep Mª Farriols, Pius Font Quer, Enric Gros, Domingo Hospital, Mariana de Ibarra, Manuel Llenas, Salvador Maluquer, Worren Marten, Longí Navás, Santiago No� vellas, Orazio Querci, Enrico Romei, Odó Ch. Rosset, Staudinger, Roger Verity, Joaquim Vilarrúbia, Antoni Vilarrúbia, Alfred Weiss and Ricardo Zariquiey. For several reasons, the location and recognition of type specimens in extended collections is often a diffcult task. Firstly, many type specimens are not clearly marked since authors in the past did not always label their type specimens. This means that it is necessary to identify the specimens whose collection details best match the original description. Many many references — some of which are not easy to obtain— have to be searched in detail. Secondly, the correct placement of ancient types as currently recognised taxa is a further challenge. This problem is particularly severe for neglected families with a large and frag� mented literature, in which the oldest descriptions do not always mention type depositories. This process is extraordinarily time–consuming. It also requires a deep knowledge of the group and great perseverance. The collection was reorganised during the review. Registration numbers were added to all dried specimens and to all genitalia extracted and prepared on slides. The type specimens database was updated and will soon be available in GBIF. We hope this manuscript will be a useful tool in the renewal of the current taxonomy of this group. Fig. 1. Ignasi de Sagarra (1889–1940). Fig. 1. Ignasi de Sagarra (1889–1940). 95 Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica, 15 (2017): 93–206 Macià et al. Methodology Each type specimen included in this revision is described using all available information regarding both its original and current taxonomic status. If any taxonomic change has occu� rred, a brief discussion is included. The references that discuss these changes are included in the Bibliography. The systematics used in most cases follows Vives–Moreno (2014). In the catalogue, original combinations are classifed according to current taxonomical order. For each taxon with type specimens in the Museum's collection, the following information was examined and included: l Current status: only if it has changed. l Original type material citation: the literal transcription of the material type as given in the original publication is placed between guillemets « ». l Localities of type material in MCNB:
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