Weather • • • • • •mthWMt Alberu rarMUl INTERMITTENT RAIN VOL. XXXIX.—No. 214. LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1946 16 PAGES TITO POINTS ACCUSINC FINGER AT U.S. Strike Plan Distinguished Guest Says FlightsMm Nehni M Lit vinoff + 4* '4* + + + + + + + + + For Farmers Is Ousted Monty Ari^ivea for Tour of Canada Deli berate ]'>^J^ Is Pr^ared Released From Duties as Charges U.S. Planes Recon­ India Govt RELEASED Soviet Deputy Foreign noitring Yugoslav Mili­ GOVT. HEAD Minister tary Zones Parity Prices Drive Gains Presi(jent All-India Con­ Momentum as Brief MOSCOW, Aug. 24— f/P) — BELGRADE, Aug. 2i.—iJPh- Maxim M. Litvinoff, former Marshal Tito, in a written re­ gress Party Will Take Drawn Up Soviet foreign commissar and ply to correspondents' questions, ambas.sador to the United today ac'.uscd Uniteo Stales Offic :ept. 2 States, has been released from military autliorities of delib­ e on EDMONTON, A^g. 24—(CP.) his duties as a deputy foreiirn erate aerui i--connaisance oi The parity prices drive of Al­ minister, it was announced of­ Yugoslav military installations LONDON, Aug. 24.—(CP.)— berta farmers gatliered momen­ ficially today. along me iluiian-iugosiav .lawaharlal Nehru, president ot tum today witli composition of The council of ministers sim­ frontier. the AIl-Lndian Congress party. a brief to be submitted federal in the text or his replies to autliaritics, backed by the threat ultaneously appointed two new wa.s named today to head a new deputy foreign ministers—F.vo- questions by newspapermen, interim government for India t* of refusal of 20,000 members of '^ito claimed tliat unauthorized the Alberta Farmers* Union to dor Gousev, Soviet ambassador take office Sept. 2. to Britain and Yakov Alexan- tiights over lujoslav soil were The King appointed the in­ make deliveries of farm pro­ drovich Malik. (Gousev was for­ carried out for the purpose of duce should their demands not "reconnoitring thos'.: regions terim government, designed to merly Russian ambassador to be the first step in giving India be met. Canada.) which our miiitary units are Added strength for the Alber­ occupying in zone 'B' and the her independence, but it is ta movement came from Sas­ The second vacancy had re­ rest of Ine Ironlicr zone.' under fire already from the katchewan where F. T. Apple­ sulted from the releasing of TITO'S ANSWER powerful Moslem League, whieh by, president of the United Solomon Abramovich Lozovsky The question which the Yugoslav reiuscd to participate. The' Farmers of Saskatchewan, said as a deputy foreign minister last premier was answering was: Mosleins' "Direct Action" cam­ any farm delivery strike called month. Lozovsky was appointed •Do you believe the infringement paign threatens to make it rir- in Alberta would have the vol­ chief of the Soviet information of Yugoslav frontiers to be delib­ tually impossible for the govern­ untary help of the 27,000 farm bureau. erate, ana, if .so, for what purpose?" ment to function. families in his organization. Continuing his answer to that PRESENT JOINT BRIEF CHANGE IN POLICY? question, Tito said: MOSLEM BOYCOTT The farmers' brief will be pre­ Litvinoff, 70, was one of the old­ "Furthermore, tne .systematic fly­ Tlie proposed constitution must est Russian revolutionaries. In the ing over our territory in upper sented Jointly, probably next Wed­ past, his resignations and appoint­ be written by an assembly without nesday in Ottawa, by the- U.F.A. MAXIM M. LITVINOFF Slovenia by Allied transport and JAWAHARL^\L NEHRU the help of the Moslem League, ments often have presaged a change passenger planes has not been ac­ and tlie Saslcatcliewan brancli of in Soviet .foreign policy. L»ader of the All-India Congress which has said it would boycott the the UJ-.C. Former Soviet Foreign Commissar cidental erring from routes, or on party, who has been named to head sesfions. Whether the princely Carl Stimpflc, A.P.U. president, and Ambassador to the United After serving for a decade as for­ account of weather, but intentional the new interim government for states will Join in support of the and Mr. Appleby made- clear that States who has been released from eign commissar, he was replaced and arbitrary acta by Allied pilots Inilia which takes office on Sept. 2. interim government also ii In arrangements would be made to en­ his duties. unexpectedly by V. M. Molotov on who do not respect our sovereignty question. sure milk delivery to hospitals, May 9, 1939, in the midst of nego­ and who fly over our territory with­ tiations with Britain and France for out permission in order to shorten The New Delhi radio, announcing: children and homes for the aged. a mutual assistance pact. The sig­ Farmers of his organization, said the way, as tney themselves state." the names of the hitcrim appointees, nificance of this move became ap­ Tito accused American military said the King had accepted the Mr. Appleby, had not contemplated parent in August, 1939, when the a strilce this year and they would authorities of attempting to In­ resignations of the govemor gen­ Kremlin concluded a non-aggres­ timidate his followers and encour­ eral's council, an advisory cabinet. not be given any order to do so sion pact with Germany. War broke Reply Given age his erstwhile opponents. Heavily but rather would be aslced to co­ Three POW's otit a month later. The new appointments were: operate voluntarily. armed cralt such as flying Port­ Nehru; Stirdar Vallabhai Patcl, "If Saskatchewan farmers do An advocate of collective security resses were being employed to theae Congress delegate to Simla talks; atrike, it will only be done to help and close relations with Britain ends, he said. Dr. Rajcndra Prasad, Congress and the United States, Litvinoff Tito's accusations came wnlle out the Alberta farmers," he said. negotiated the United States recog­ Working Committee member; PROCEDURE American officials today prepared To Miners Chakravarthi Kajagopaiachari, nition of Russia with President Break Camp to open a mass grave believed to former premier of Madras; Sarat Meantime throughout Alberta, Roosevelt and the United States contain the bodies of all five occu­ where a phrity price for wheat state department in 1933. pants of an American transport —Will Negotiate Chandra Bose, Congress legislatiye commensurate with the cost-of- —At Lethbridge BLOW AT CO-OPERATION plane shot down by Yugoslav fight­ leader; Dr. John Matthai, Bombay living is considered to be $1.55 a At Washington the "release" of ers last Monday. The ulficials plan­ CAIOARYT Aug. 24— 0i —The industrialist; Sardar Baldev Singh, bushel Instead of the government- Three German prisoners of Litvinoff was interpreted by Amer­ ned to verify a report by Tlco that domestic coal industry Is unable to Slkli leader; Saaf Ali. Congress guaranteed $1.25, the A.F.U. rush­ war in the Lethbridge camp ican diplomats today as a blow at no one parachutea from the blaz­ assume the addttionai costs wliich Moslem leader; Sir Shafat Ahmed ed Instructions to its strike com­ escaped about seven o'clock Russian co-operation with Britain ing aircraft. would result from the granting ot Khan, non-league Moslem and for­ mittees to inform them of proce­ Saturday morning when they any portion of the requests of the mer high commissioner in South dure. and the United States. UvfERS NO APOLOGY slipped over the camp fence Simultaneously there came to Tito handed a note to United United Mine Workers district 18, Africa; Jagjtvan Ram, president ot A.P.U. reported Its members vot­ and headed out into the coun­ light even more specific iastances States Ambassador Kivaard V. tlie Domestic Coal Operator's Asso­ the Dapressed Classes League; G. ed overwhelmingly to withhold de­ try. Patterson at the summer resort ciation of Western Canada said in H. Bhaba, a Parsee; and Sayed All liveries if satisfactory agreement Is of a vast movement by the Stalin a statement released here Friday. The escaped n»en were. Hugo regime to strengthen its ^old over ?1 J!!f4^«»*'='?»y "ly'"* ****** Zaheer, a leader of a sect of Mos­ not reached at Ottawa. Stolte, who escaped txsm the Russian people and ' exclude tnm- aiifKirently were n* wir..-. The qperfttore; reply to d'Qjnands, lems." DECLINES COMMENT camS_on July 15, but was re­ western powers from knowledge of - Tivors ot the crasK He described addressed '«o"'^fM>2T5oJicy committee EDMONTON, Aug. ' 24^ ((B — captured Claresholm some what is going on in the Soviet the ineiden» lis "a regrettitMe of th« mine' workers. sigAstf^ by V> k*,The radio said two more Moslem George Church, Balzac, Alta., presi­ three days later; Franz Schroe- Uilion. accident," uut offered ii« apol- A. Cooney, secretary-treasurer, members would be appointed later. dent of the powerful United Farm­ dealt Individually with the requests der aind . Lorenz Kaunierczak. The United States Is directly con­ .l-IELD MARSHAL VISCOUNlV MONTG()MfilftY : ofy. The new interim government will ers of Alberta, declined to make Police are now searching for cerned with this because at the re­ Mr. Patterson and other Ameri­ of tlie miners, and asked for "earn­ take ofBce Sept. 3. any coffllhent on the announcement them and anyone having any can diplomats visited the oceiie of est consideration" of the operatoi-s' by directors of -the Alberta Farm­ quest of the Russian government, JACK BRAYLEY FELLOW PASSENGER arguments. information concerning them is it was learned, American naval at­ Canadian Press Staff Writer. A distinguished fellow passenger tiie crash yesterday and found re­ ers Union that more than 20,000 urged to contact the nearest taches have been withdrawn from liable evidence that none of tiie Mine workers' demands Included Alberta farmers would stage a de­ HALIFAX, Aur.
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