VOLUME VIII JANUARY 2003 NUMBER 1 LIBERTY UNIVERSITY® AND LIBERTY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 1971 University Boulevard Lynchburg, VA 24502-2269 (434) 582-2000 GRADUATE EDITION Liberty University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 Telephone Number 404-679-4501) to award associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. Liberty University is accredited by the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (P.O. Box 828, Forest, Virginia 24451 Telephone Number 434-525-9539) to award associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. The University reserves the right to make necessary changes without further notice. The regulations, courses, personnel and costs listed herein are subject to change after date of publication of this bulletin through estab- lished procedures. In such cases, the University will attempt to communicate such changes to all students, fac- ulty and staff through written means. It is IMPORTANT that students familiarize themselves with the regulations set forth in this Catalog and assume all proper responsi- bilities concerning them. 2 • FROM THE FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT From the Founder and the President iberty University is a school that is making a difference! hank you for your interest in Liberty University! As a LWe have a faculty and student body who are committed to T member of the Liberty family, you have an opportunity to impacting the globe for the cause of Christ. It is our prayer that pursue that interest, continuing your development as Christ- God will use Liberty to change the world in our lifetime. centered men and women with the values, knowledge, and Since its inception in 1971, it has been our dream to build a skills necessary for impacting tomorrow’s world. Christian university that is both academically excellent and One reason for our success is our Christ-centered faculty spiritually vibrant. In just thirty years, Liberty has become the who have graduated from over 300 different institutions and world’s largest distinctively Christian university. Today we are who teach relevant, challenging, and interesting classes from a proud to be a part of this world-class Christian institution that Christian perspective. The faculty ensure that there is an excit- is already making a difference across our nation and around the ing curriculum designed for the leaders of tomorrow. world. Another reason for our success is the emphasis on spiritual, God has blessed us with incredible facilities like the Arthur S. academic, and social growth. While Liberty’s classes are as DeMoss Learning Center, Williams Football Stadium, the Vines rigorous as they are interesting, not all learning occurs in the Convocation Center, David’s Place, the Reber-Thomas Dining classroom or on Liberty Mountain. Students have many oppor- Hall, and the forthcoming Tim and Beverly LaHaye Student tunities for mission work, internships, and other activities Center. God has also blessed us with a nationally ranked debate designed to provide experience in their chosen fields. We team and a Division One athletic program. But more than any- believe that the only complete method of learning is one that thing else, God has blessed us with a tremendous student body involves direct experience. A Liberty graduate not only has a from all fifty states and scores of foreign countries. diploma, but a resume that applies directly to the workplace. I want to challenge you personally to become a part of what Liberty University is a beacon in higher education, graduat- God is doing at Liberty University. We want you to join with ing Christians prepared and eager for a world ready for their our more than 32,000 alumni who have come to experience leadership. “The World’s Most Exciting University” where we are “Changing Lives — One Degree at a Time”. John M. Borek, Jr., President Jerry Falwell, Founder and Chancellor TABLE OF CONTENTS • 3 Table of Contents From the Founder and the President 2 Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary 58 Doctrinal Position 4 Master of Divinity 58 Master of Religious Education 59 Statement of Purpose 5 Master of Arts in Religion 60 Master of Theology 62 Liberty Baptist Theplogical Seminary 6 Doctor of Ministry 63 Introduction to the Campus 8 Courses of Instruction 65 Distance Learning Program 10 Board of Trustees 86 A. Pierre Guillermin Integrated Learning Administration and Staff 88 Resource Center 11 Faculty Roster 90 Graduate Admissions 12 Financing the University 94 Academic Information 22 University Calendar 95 Financial Information 27 Index 97 Financial Aid Information 31 Student Affairs 36 The Career Center 37 Academic Programs 38 College of Arts and Sciences 39 Master of Arts in Counseling 39 Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling 42 Master of Science in Nursing 43 School of Business and Government 45 Master of Business Administration 45 School of Education 46 Master of Education 46 Educational Specialist 51 Doctor of Education 53 School of Religion 56 Master of Arts in Religious Studies 56 This publication uses the masculine pronoun in the generic sense. 4 • LIBERTY UNIVERSITY Counseling and the Master of Science in Nursing. The School Liberty University of Religion offers the Master of Arts degree in the field of Religious Studies. The School of Business and Government FOUNDED offers the Master of Business Administration degree. Liberty 1971 Baptist Theological Seminary offers the Master of Divinity, Master of Religious Education, Master of Arts in Religion, LOCATION Master of Theology, and Doctor of Ministry degrees. Liberty University is located in the heart of Virginia in Lynchburg (population 70,000) on the south banks of the his- COLORS toric James River with the scenic Blue Ridge Mountains as a Royal blue, red, and white. backdrop. The city is over 200 years old and is noted for its cul- ture, beauty, and educational advantages. Lynchburg is at the TELEPHONE crossroads of U.S. highways 29 and 460 and has adequate Access to all offices (434) 582-2000 transportation facilities by bus, railway, and air. CALENDAR TYPE Two semesters with a Summer Session and a January The University is a religiously-oriented, private, coeduca- Intersession. tional, comprehensive institution. ACCREDITATION MOTTO The University is approved by the State Council of Higher “Knowledge Aflame” Education for Virginia and is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools DISTINCTIVENESS (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, (404) Liberty University was originally formed under the auspices 679-4501) to award associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, and doc- of Thomas Road Baptist Church. Liberty is distinctive among toral degrees. Liberty is accredited by the Transnational Christian colleges because resident students use Thomas Road Association of Christian Colleges and Schools; (P.O. Box 828, Baptist Church, other local church ministries, and community Forest, Virginia 24551, (434) 525-9539) to award associate’s, service groups as a laboratory for practical application of what bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees; and is a member of they learn in the classroom. While this practice is not logisti- the Association of Christian Schools International. cally or philosophically possible for students in the external programs, the Distance Learning Program uses its curriculum Liberty University admits students of any race, and advising to encourage spiritual, moral and ethical develop- color, national and ethnic origin, to all the rights, ment in the student body. privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the SYMBOLS school. The University does not discriminate on the The University Seal, a symbol of the administrative authori- basis of race, religion, color, sex, national or ethnic ty of the University, depicts Thomas Road Baptist Church origin, age, or physical disability, the administra- aflame with the fire of the Gospel, against the background of an tion of its educational policies, admissions policies, open Bible. The flame within the Seal depicts the motto, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other “Knowledge Aflame,” and evokes the University guiding phi- school-administered programs. losophy — that knowledge has validity only when viewed in the light of Biblical Truth. The Seal’s octagonal border reflects the Jeffersonian architecture of the building which first housed the University. Doctrinal Position The Mace is a symbol of administrative authority, a symbol of continuity as the institution pursues its enduring mission, and We affirm our belief in one God, infinite Spirit, Creator, and a witness of institutional heritage. Sustainer of all things, who exists eternally in three persons, The Eagle symbol refers to the soaring spirit of achievement God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. These the University seeks to inspire in its students, and to the patri- three are one in essence but distinct in person and function. otic spirit of the University. The school colors are royal blue, We affirm that the Father is the first person of the Trinity, and red, and white. The school verse is II Corinthians 3:17, “. the source of all that God is and does. From Him the Son is where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” eternally generated, and from Them, the Spirit eternally pro- The Eaglehead/Liberty University Logo is symbolic of the ceeds. He is the designer of creation, the speaker of revelation, athletic teams of the University. The name for all male sports the author of redemption, and the sovereign of history. teams is “The Flames”; all female sports teams are referred to We affirm that the Lord Jesus Christ is the second person of as “The Lady Flames.” The Flames Mascot is an eagle, the the Trinity. Eternally begotten from the Father, He is God. He name of which is “Flame.” was conceived by the virgin Mary through a miracle of the Holy Spirit.
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