Human Capital Management Watch Out for Eddie Haskell f you’re old enough to remem- quirements, and they offer almost noth- ber Leave It To Beaver, or if ing to attract real talent. Online job posts you’ve caught a re-run on “Nick are no better. Sometimes they’re longer, I but again, most say little more than “this at Nite,” you know who Eddie is what we need.” Remember, Eddie’s Haskell is. He’s Wally’s smooth out there reading these, and he’s looking talking friend, and no matter what for the next new thing to pique his inter- trouble he may have caused, he was est. Recruitment advertising, whether always able to charm his way past online or off, is marketing. To make your Mrs. Cleaver. marketing successful, and attract real tal- ent, you need to create compelling copy. Now before you say, “what does this You need to sell. And you need to give have to do with me,” consider this: There candidates a strong reason to take ac- are a lot of “Eddie Haskell’s” out there… tion…now! Make ads and position de- and they’re trying to get a job with you! scriptions visibly attractive with intrigu- ing titles and graphics that capture the But, were they great interviewees? Some attention of the best candidates. Include CAN YOU SPOT EDDIE? may have been, but many more prob- detailed information about the benefits ably were not. Here’s why: great em- of working for your company, the posi- The problem with Eddie Haskell’s is that ployees don’t change jobs all that often, tive aspects of your corporate culture, they’re hard to spot. Often they come and therefore, many don’t interview that and even the highlights of living in your disguised as perfect candidates. They well. They may be apprehensive about local community. have the right experience. They say the the process or just plain inexperienced right things. They offer polished re- in job hunting. Then there’s good old sponses to all your questions. And they Eddie, he loves to job hop – and he’s an 2. Resume Screening can present impeccable references. Just expert at the process. He knows how to Many online recruiting methods are one problem... they’re still troublemak- make a very good first impression and great resume generators. To separate the ers! And in the worst cases, they actu- position himself as a perfect job candi- gems from the masses, most companies ally misrepresent their skills and abili- date. He’s sort of a chameleon who only employ some sort of resume screening ties. Take a look at the top performers in shows his true colors after being hired. process. Typically, these processes focus your organization. No doubt, they’re tal- on making sure a candidate’s skills and ented, hard-working team players. They Now take a look at your candidate eval- experience meet or exceed posted job are customer focused and eager to solve uation process. Can Eddie Haskell beat requirements. Eddie knows this, and he problems. your system? Do you rely on subjective knows how to beat your process by care- judgments made primarily through in- fully “beefing-up” his resume. He may terview questions? Or do you have more “puff-up” his responsibilities or load- objective measures in place to validate up on key words for your resume scan- a candidate’s skills and abilities? These ning system to find. While the solution Patrick B. Ropella measures could include assessment test- is not to abandon the resume screening Chairman & CEO, Ropella ing, reference checking, and even work process, you may need to devise a new scoring system…one that emphasizes Tel: (850) 983-4777 simulations. past records of accomplishment, success Web: www.Ropella.com trends, job longevity, and participation AVOID EDDIE BY in activities or associations that are rel- Patrick Ropella is Chairman & CEOCEO of the Ropella ATTRACTING REAL TALENT evant to your products or markets and Group an international Executive Search, Leadership consistent with the profile of your ideal Transformation, and Corporate Consulting firm. He au-au- 1. Recruitment Advertising job candidate. thoredthored thethe bookbook andand web-basedweb-based training program, The The next time your local newspaper prints the employment section, take a Right Hire – MasteringMastering thethe Art of SMART Talent Man-Man- 3. Candidate Sourcing quick read. If you can keep your eyes agement, and has seen his content featured in many Eddie Haskell is easy to find. He’ll come open long enough to get past the first running to you. But your ideal job can- tradetrade magazines,magazines, businessbusiness publications,publications, and industry few ads, you’ll see a disturbing trend. didate is probably happily employed journals.journals. Patrick regularlyregularly speaksspeaks atat webinars,webinars, career Most recruitment ads are horrid. They’re somewhere else right now. He’s doing fairs, and conferences. fairs, and conferences. dull. They’re little more than a list of re- well in his current role, getting praise PharmaChem March 2007 Human Capital Management and recognition, and receiving bonuses Train your hiring managers how to and incentives. In other words, he’s not appropriately nurture relationships actively looking for a change. To avoid with those select few individuals who hiring Eddie, you need to find creative appear to be most valuable to your or- ways to capture the attention and inter- ganization – if you’re not doing it, your est of these passive candidates. competitors are. The two best methods for attracting pas- THE SECRET TO SUCCESS sive job seekers are through referrals and direct recruiting. Start with your current Keep in mind that the process for locat- exceptional employees. Create incen- ing the best personnel is very different tives for referrals. Get them involved in from the process used to eliminate bad brainstorming recruiting ideas. If that candidates. Take a good look at your fails to produce the results you want, or hiring process. See where Eddie might if time is a critical concern, get a profes- be able to slip past the cracks. Spend sional executive search firm involved. the resources needed to attract the best Challenge them to cull their database people, and make sure you know how and use their network to uncover the to spot…and get rid of Eddie when he best available talent. shows up at your door! 4. Hiring Process Here are a few other ways to improve your recruiting process to avoid Eddie: Prepare “success profiles” each contain- ing a standard job description as well as information and measurement criteria to help determine the traits needed and the achievements expected from each employee in your organization. Include this profile information on your website, and in your recruitment advertising. Great candidates, who will make great employees, want to review information about what it takes to be successful and what they need to “fit well” and succeed in your company. Be proactive. Create a process that will push the best people responding to your recruitment efforts to the top of the list. Contact those people immediately or you will lose them to someone else. Create a custom application or skills survey centered around behavior-based interview questions. Ask candidates to provide specificPatrick examples B. Ropella of instances where they demonstratedChairman & CEO,the typesRopella of behaviors you seekTel: (850) in 983-4777 an ideal candi- date. Web: www.Ropella.com Train your staff to work with the best people.Patrick RopellaThe best is Chairman candidates & CEO need of the extra Ropella effort.Group anThey international want Executiveto know Search, more Leadership about theTransformation, companies and theyCorporate are Consulting going firm.to apHe- au- proachthored thefor book career and web-based opportunities. training program, They The alsoRight need Hire –to Mastering be actively the Art “courted.” of SMART Talent Man- agement, and has seen his content featured in many trade magazines, business publications, and industry journals. Patrick regularly speaks at webinars, career fairs, and conferences. PharmaChem March 2007.
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