
Your want, q ~fe~eersy lu place -Phone 686-7700 Published Every-TJiurs.day by Trumar PublUhing Corp, 609 Morris ave., Sprlngfiold, N.J. 0708) - 6B6-7>00 m^. ^. JRRjNGr ICIP,' to ai~- ..- ' : MmsKm to start after •!.::v IA Parents ,appeqfoojiave school closed all at once -Board-of-Education Monday voted-KGi '-•' | WMmat —-phase "out tfie Raymond .Chisholm School as a^ |— ~ltey part of its plan/txTcleal" with anexpeS6ea~~ decline in Springfield elementary school en- rollment for at least tihe next five' years.; ._" The 'p^lan, adoptwl-aHtirr-rnrntthly-rncftttag- at die Florence Gaudineer Schoql,_was .ap-" proved following strong statements of oppo- IS sition from a number of parents with chil- —vl-- ~imn~aT.the""Chlsholm School. The audience' |-;of- some 30 citizens Included perhaps--20 -^\ Chlshoim School parents. ~'"• - Tha—major difference in the plan from1 ••»*UMu»*!fa.fc-*-.%-7 1'••••¥; .:'. *••] proposals is that die phase-but will k.' |; iiot start "until- Septemberof "197Or~rather 1 than next fall. Starting in the fall of 1970, • there .will be no more kindergarten classes. •> at Chisholm.Youngsters' who ..would^have '••• fel |.._S£arted there-will attend the othervthree ele- thefalTof 197l7there will'be no klnder- .garten or-firstrgraderTir Chlsholm, and the phase-out .will.ba-extended upward-one extra— •graide 04Cn yisar^ • -•" ~ • " As Chlsholm enrollment dwindles, and as !'.''. =^'.space becomes available In the other schools, the iast_two or three grades wlUJb? trans- ferred at once, and~the-scliool, as such, wilLbexlosed. •."...•" " - Canlo Casale, board-president; Seymour Ntarguliesj-chalrman-of the advisory schooJL- planning committee, who presented the pro- posal,1 and other board members stressed ^-yitoj^srrecruited by the SpriiigHad Teen ^Dedication of the • new-center^fbr^u^' by young people andsenior -£™2i!raSF ^taWU|5r rf *° oldcr P01^011 o£ cleari sweepof the Job of preparing the old library citizens and for odier recreatibnal purposes is scheduled for. purposeomsnois was, 1 a.ma.lor factor irr their decision. = ::: 1 "= =^-"^--';,aa-the'Sflt*-:Mjey^^c.;Ce^iw«:™"." -l' sald the board could noT-justify the r^mQ)»ey ;rieede<J" to-renovatethat part" of the in view of the anticipated decline In attAWance..,.r. .' " ..^--'.•"...''', .••' -• di'T^IE EMBA.TTLED PARENTS, who had op- mm posed the plan from-Its-first-presBntatldn-a, -year-ago-by Dr. Henry1 Rlssetto, board] con- mi sultant, on Mbnday appeared''to shift~thelr •-. Irabst-any time for-several weekends,— ing machines were set upf More Of the teen-' emphasis.———•• . Church ~MiIFhaB-been a beehive of activity 20 or 30 ypitng^people. both boys and girls, ''"'"ZLJ1~~ ~'~~'—'""""'~~ J Several of—the—speakers .from the floor for Ae paut several weeks; Since the old could be found In-dungarees, up and down the ies which will hang in ^e upstair^ rooms. - agreed that they had! ttbrarv ITIOVMI nut, H f iSi -ladders, rolj^ng-paint, taping windows' and ii_Where was ali'thls energeUbhelprecruited? .(Coifjtinue.d on page10) The Springfield TeeirCoundjl, an~ organization weekends, cleaning, painting, sew- of young people spbhsoredJty thejSprlhgfi* GETTING-POST-EP^—Mambers-of-theXadfes SbcietyxTXhe First Presbyterian Church, post vailed. as a radio kept a contemporary rhythm l_a_nptice of the.gr oup's 27th annual Springfield andquesrshowTand sale, tb'bVtJeia"Tue835y'to" ing,, moving and doing whatever chore was going,, and all of this produced a freshly Recreouon.Depar.tment and directed by Vinci Plaia, assistant recreation director, sent out next Thursday at theJPresbyterlan Parish Houser-They-Hrerleft toTrtghtrMrsTWIIHim" "necessary towards creating a whole new painted civic center. : Wood, president; iMrs.Thomas'Geddes, cHalrman for the show, and Mrs. Robert Potter, atmosphere—-a new recreatlori center. Upstairs.In the^old-museum_room.'fbur sew- " a call for help and the call was,heard." co-chairman. —"• ;•.•''" .'. ——• -^ ' •" -" "" " •.' -•••-•-—-r — It is"~trUSTliat''thfe Recfeati'on Center will z be for the'teenagers, so In a sense they were —worklng-for-memselves^3utJUieyIclldn!t-Bt6p -^wlth- their own facilities. Theylwofkedjn^the fown •whole building, which also Includes the recrea- tlon offlceTtBe cultural ceniarTZI^ _ urai gifts The new center-ls-schethtled-:to-be-open: •-- (Continued on pago 10) m KUPJPERMANT hawa to. eat Instant and-frozen foods." .Irene dream-is-to-trave A highly intelligent young .lady, Irene Is Thejipxingfield Pemocratici-'dommlttee-wlU out the world. also a teenager wlUTanxiety about a universal Kiwjanis orcKestrd sponsor a-dinner dance at the Galleon Ball- Robert B. Meyner, former governor of-New .At the age of 17, die-maiden-from Greece maturation-rite. —T— ft the-camptis^fcSeton-Hall-tJriiversltyy -jersey and, a" probable candidate this year.' realized the beginning of that dream as a South Orange, on SaturdaSd y eveningi , ApriAil l 266. His appearance-follows those" of James Kin- "i Youth Forum representative. In the . "I won't be able to* drive a car until I am to play for elderly, neally, Union. County.. &emocraticichairman:— zll:'. -month's' since she left her home in the 18," Irene-statedj John T. Confiors Jr., former chairmahjof sif-'reglon-of-Greecerlreneivislted juid- Saturday. Irengwill make her debut ap- "New Jersey Democrats forHumphrey-Muskiep pearance on American television, particlpat- RegjonaU>oard ^.two ;boroqghs of,-NewrYprk-City_.and_; 1 veterans,:, pdtieng and Arthur "Sills, state attorney general. :Jngiieldbeforashaleft Sunday for Boston, -ing—inrr-the—CBS-TV educational program, • Donald Lan, Springfield Democratic chair- "Young-World. 1969." TheTsHow, wliich Irene are the big differences beTWBen Greece 4^o-Kiwanlo Club o{-Millburii-Sprlngfl8ld ^man,_inrannounclng this evehtr-soidTirat; !hc=~ veutux'e to It: pnrpnflfi of thtf~f1fiftrft Wflfr-fwrwfi'iW?—^"^^"^p^iii'r "~ an jaffort'Jo—iift^flie-splrlt- _ Ktonal"HiKh~Sch6grBoardbf Education allow citizens Interested iiOurtherlng the lSjBXpeCteft4Oi:Pr.esent_the-reBults ofitgjs'urvey ideals-and-programs of the Democrattcrpa -ln^an-informatamtma V^rvSanfordW prcfiestra many-iof- whose"Tni atoPtnerly-wlth-thieFcountry'-s outBtandfifg-i organiaations-durtng Jhe "hTgTbarid" era." TA POTENTlALDemobriElcoaadidjat -*-MMusic Is one of the greatest therapies" for -governor, -adclressecFTthe^rDeimocratlc . known," Insists Dr. Welriger, "It moves the follow North avenue to' -the municipal -committee- at Its, ,r.egular March,, moods and plays a-greatpartlhrehabilitation. gr dH^^'ThOtt^ Each member of the orchestra devotes his Walnut avenue, Garwbod. The Franklin School Activities of the Attorney General's Office." time and talent to the "spread-the-good- to Miss Tarantula Is two bl<^cks along Walnut.avenue, on the' Following his preparedremarks Sills answered cheer" project and there.is no remuneration left. The school is north of the Central Rail- questions on a wide range of topics. -of any kind. The Kiwonls Club provides the road tracks, and those going there should On taxes, heindlCated that he felt the burden not cross- the trtfeks. funds for die music score's and equipment and for top citizenship : ' ' (Continued on page 10) the Union County Regional Adult Education Schools provide rehearsal facilities at the Marie Carole Tarantula has been chosen Jonathan Ddyton Reglorial High School In to represent Jonathan Dayton Regional High Springfield. Harry E. Linkin, director of adult School as the DAR "Good Citizen" delegate Spec Dennis Coll education, views the1- project as "the most for 1968-69. ....... '"• „ The DAR "Good Citizen" is selected each (Continued on page 10) year 'by vote of the senior class to name killed in Vietnam; three girls who possess the qualities of de- pendability, service, leadership and patriotism. One of these three girls is. then in Army onfc year Dayton band lists chosen by the high school faculty to repre- sent the~school. Funeral arrangements are still incomplete Church and Cannon Chapter, National So- for Spec. 4 Dennis J. Coll, son of Mr. and concert April 18 ciety, Daughters of the American Revolu-' Mrs. Joseph J. Coll of 174 Morris ave., tlon, is the sponsor of the delegate who will Springfield, who was reported killed in action The annual spring concert of the Jonathan be a contender'for the title of New Jersey in Vietnam last week. Dayton Regional High School Band will be held DAR "Good Citizen" In Trenton on March 27. The body Is being returned to this country at the high school on Friday evening, April ' Miss Tarantula is ..the daughter of Mr. and for burial. The funeral will be held from the 18, under the sponsorship of the Band Parents Mrs. i Raymond Tarantula of 30 Mohawk dr., Galante Funeral Home, 2800 Morris ave., Organization. Tlie program, which will be; Springfield. Among' her activities, she has Union, with a Requiem Mass at Blessed Sacra- mm announced later; will include concert pieces served ,i«s president of the National Honor' ment Church, East Orange. • performed by the .61 members of the band, Society, as secretary of the Pep'Club, as Spec. 4 Coll, who was drafted a year ago under the direction of David A. Kimball of the layout editor of the high school yearbook and had been in Vietnam since October, was high school faculty. and as a member of the French Club and listed as missing In action-on March 3. His Proceeds from the concert will aid the Band • Quill and Scroll Society. — death.was reported March 12. Parents Organization, scholarship fund, stu- She was chosen a's an alternate to Girls" The 20-year-old serviceman. was born in ' dent awards and educational programs. The State and was ith'e recipient of the K of C Newark and lived In East Orange until moving concert committee chairman Is John Qulnn Essay Award. Miss Tarantula has also served to Springfield with Ills family three years ago. of the Band Parents Organization. • as a volunteer Candystrlper at the East Or- While In East Orange High School,-he worked^ Student tickets enn be purchnsed-at the high ange Veterans Hospital. She plans to attend part time but still found time to be a member \TIONAL EXCHANGE — Irene Bonl, a visiting Istudent from Greece, at- left, and - of the, tennis clubi.
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