UARANTEED VERY GOOD CONDITION. Complete with GENUINE STANDARD MODEL 98 MAUSER TWO OF THE FIRST-80 YRS. OLD! The World's Most Famous Rifle Action! DEN SPECIALS! rench military rifle Designed Just three years of Emperor Louis N from Campot Needle Fire. Action Single Shot. $9195 ACTIONS Made in Germany and Europe. Early dates, no stampings. All precision milled parts. The Gunsmiths choice for barreling to the following calibers: 22-250 220 Swift, 250- 3000, 257 R., 257 R. lmp.', 270, 7MM. 300 box machine with out-off. Fires 10.4 MM Italian cartridge. Serviceable. 53" long. Sov., 308, 30-06, 30-06 Imp., 35 Rem., 35 Should be in every military collection. Sorry, No C.O.D.'s. Calif. rend. add 4% Whelen and 35 Whelen Imp. Guaranteed state tax. verv aood condition. ..............325 BARRELED MAUSER 98 ACTIONSÑBarrele rn with new Buhmiller Apex barrels- In the I HUNTERS! CONFISCATED RUSSIAN RIFLES $14.95 white less sights, cut, crowned, contoured, I test fired, chambered and headspaced. -----¥¥----¥¥---¥¥--Each ............................. SHORT MEXICAN 7MM : Model 98 ' SMALL RING Mauser Actions I ~~~~~-~g~~~~~¥~~~¥¥~~¥¥~~~~¥~~~~¥~~¥¥~~¥¥-~-¥--- I I  PI7 30-06 U.S. ENFIELD RIFLE $37.50 I $25.00 a I Ideal for rebarrelin to the new 6MM call- 1 I bers 243 Win. - 244 Rem. The choice of 1 experts for rebarreling to the latest big g game caliber .358 Win. Also for the follow- I ing calibers: 35 Rem., 308 Savage, 7MM, I 257 R.t 257 R. Irnp.~~5?-3~?0~220 Swift, ! 22-250. Maae In Mexico ror ine ,mM ,,." ,,-,. ". ...... --..- ......... cartridge. Sn moll rings, heavy receiver wall. I ~~~~~~~~~g~~~~--~--~~~m~-m~~-----~mmm--~m~~m----~~~~mm-----~I Small barrel thread.'These are true 98 ac- I tions . Cock on upstroke. Hove o third lug, I etc. All milled parts. Dated 1930-36. Mou- I GENUINE MAUSER 7MM RIFLES ...$49.50 ser precision workmanship. Condition: used, I very good. .................... .$25.00 I 4 BARRELED ACTIONS in any of the above ' calibers, using above action, in the shite, ' I less sights, cut, crowned, contoured, test I superb accuracy. Has the famous 98 MAUSER 7MM Sho-t fired, chambered and headspaced. We use ring. All milled prewar parts. Mfd. in years 1930-36. Buhmiller or Apex barrels. This is the ' bl. 26". Cal. 7MM. Ammo mfg. by Rem. and W;n., avail- shortest lightest strongest military action tion: Used, very good cond. -- made for these calibers. ..........$55.00 ' - ¥~~~¥~~¥~~~~~¥¥¥¥¥ . D MODEL PI 7 ACTIONS~AMMUNITION BARGAINS IDEAL FOR BARRELING TO !NEW SHIPMENT SUPPLY LIMITED # 9MM LUOER AMMO .....................$5.50 par 100 rds, 458 WIN. MAGNUM! I RUSSIAN RIFLE 7.62 MM Softnose hunting ammo., 150 gr. for I deer, bear and N. Amer. big game. 20 rds. $2.95 Magnum cartridges' Actions' issued' In I S MM MAUSER AMM. $%SO per 100. Attention Mauser Ownere: V. G. condition, bolts, brand new-. .... .$25 I This is the original netman amma desigmd for your gun. use for maximum accu"ç and Vel~city. This 8 MM (7.92) full ENFIELD ACTIONS - Barreled to 1 jacketed Mauser ammunition mrd. in Germany to strict Military any caliber listed above except magnums, ' È~ecificçtion (Purchased commercially would cost you $20 per using new Buhmiller or Apex barrels.. .$57.50 :~~~i~~)s~i~m~~ai~~\~~~~~ ~~,~~a~~~~&ali~ll Genuine original Model 1917 30-06 BARRELED & CONVERTED ENFIELD ACTIONS I -" ""¥ Order' under loo""' to 300, 375, 450 Magnum.. .$75 I .4S LON0 COLT AMMUNITION. Commercial, brand new. Lead First of these available for many months. This .......... I bullets, brass cases. American primed. Can be reloaded. S8.50 ~~~~~~~$~o~:a~~i~5~i~'s~w~[CONVERTED ENFIELD ACTIONS to take 1 per 100 rd*. 257 R, Imp, 270 7MM, Magnum shells. Action only. Price. .... .$45 I SPRINOFIELO 03 front firing pins, new, ppd. .......3 for $i.oo 250-3000 257 O3 pin with -b '""' 300 ~av.,'308, 30-06, 30-06 Imp., 35 Rem. 30-06 BARRELED ENFIELD ACTIONS as is- : 35 Wheten, 35 Whelen Imp. Experts consider sued by U. S. Govt. V. G condition I NOTE: AII ammunition must ba shipped RR ~xpressF.O.B. ~ua- 9I¥¥~¥~~~~~~¥¥¥~~~~¥¥¥¥¥Enfield actions most desirable for conversion with new bolts. ...................$38.95 dena. Ordering in large quantities tsnds to defray shipping costs. 10-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE I TO ORDER Send check cash or M.O. or c 0 D : *¥en 113 or"morw deposit on ail orders: All orders shipped R.R. Kxpre~charges collect F.O.B. @> GOLDEN STATE ARMS CORPORATION add tax. 287 Armory BIdg., 1165 E. Colorado St., Pasadena 1, Calif. Pasadena, Calif. rend. 4% stata ACCEPT THIS $2 ti CHRISTMAS GIFT Guns If" FROM --./ -- 1 3 Enjoyment-Packed Issues for Only $4.50-You Save $2 The editors of GUNS and its entire staff join in wishing you a Merry Christmas ...and invite you to accept this SPECIAL money- saving Christmas Gift Offer. GUNS Magazine sells on the news stands for 50c a copy, $6.50 for 13 months. Yet, if you return the gift coupon below within the next ten days, you'll receive the next thirteen big issues of GUNS for only $4.50-thus saving you $2.00 under the news stand price. YOU TAKE NO RISK We'll enter your subscription to start with the very next issue which comes off the press soon-but we want you to be the judge. If at any time you're not completely satisfied with GUNSÑi it isn't everything we say it is-just tell us and we'll refund yo in full. Fair enough? As a special Christmas Gift subscriber you'll save $2.00 under the cost of single copies bought on the news stand ...and you'll get the added convenience of havina" every exciting issue delivered right to your home. - - @#.;?: : w**$ ; a . - .*^-^ '< %. BONUS FOR FAST ACTION Act before January 1st on this SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GIFT offer Send GUNS as a Gift and we'll send you a BONUS issue FREE! That brings your savings ... Some $2.00 Saving to $2.50! Gives you fourteen big enjoyable issues at a cost of only Send GUNS Magazine every 32c a copy. month to a friend as a Christ- mas gift. You get the same SEND NO MONEY NOW-Un- less you prefer-we'll be happy big saving. Just print the name to bill you. And remember, you of your friend or relative on the TAKE NO RISK since you must be delighted or you may cancel Gift Coupon. We'll send a gift your subscription for full refund or credit. So, mail the GUNS Gift card (filled out in your name) Coupon today-you haven't a FREE! thing to lose and everything to gain.  WORTH $2.00 IF MAILED BEFORE DECEMBER 1ST I Magazine I wont to send GUNS as a Christmas . -- North Central Pork Gift to: Skokia, Illinoh I accept your generous Gift Coupon offer which saves me $2.00 under the news Name......................... ... stand price of GUNS. Start my personal subscription as soon Address .......................... as the next copy comes off the press. City.. ............... State.. ...... (I understand you'll send a gift card) Ad dress ........................ 0 I enclose $4.50 for gift subscription ~ City .................State ....... IJ I enclose $4.50 for my own subscription Bill me Bill me This offer not valid after January 1st. I TWICE as WARM! -AS ANY OTHER INSULATION LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ORDER BY no beef, except: don't let the ads drown out the features. You not only have a very fine magazine, Veteran vs. Sullivan Law but also a very good staff. Not too long ago The articles published, month after month I asked for some information regarding a Hopkins & Alien 12 ga. double. The detailed in GUNShave been so consistently imagina- tive, exciting, authoritative, and well, just ex- answer I received truly amazed me. I would cellent in every way that they will eventually at this time like to thank Mr. W. B. Edwards lead me to an advanced stage of frustration. for the answers and suggestions he sent me. He is no doubt a man who knows his trade. You see, I am a die-hard pistol enthusiast I was going to tell you the above a long time who is unable to get his hands on even an air- ago, but I never got around to write. pistol, much less the real product. Why? The only way I see that I can repay you, Because local and state laws prohibit the is that I keep buying your magazine, and average citizen to possess pistols and revolvers, never fear, I will! And I'm average. Sure, can stop reading I Edward Sikula about guns and perhaps save my sanity, but Nelson, B. C., Canada I'd rather be nuts than miss even one issue of GUNS. I can join some local gun club and attend all of its meetings for years and years Shotguns for Big Game 52-PAGE \ and then, perhaps if I'm well liked by all the Your "How Good are Shotguns for Big CATALOG . members including the building janitor, I Game?" is very interesting for French shoot- would be considered fit to receive a pistol ers, because big game, mostly boars, is gen- scientific FACTS permit. If I had the time. All I have time ABOUT DOWN! erally hunted with smooth bores in France.
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