● HIRING 450 new hires CUNY community colleges will see a wave of new faculty CNEWSPAPER OF THE PROFESSIONALlarıon STAFF CONGRESS / CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK NOVEMBER 2003 and staff. PAGE 5 ENROLLMENT NEGOTIATIONS PSC contract demands IS UP... on health and safety Work should not make you sick. As contract bargaining continues this fall, the PSC demands stronger protections on construction hazards, fire safety and bad air. PAGE 3 ADJUNCTS Campus Equity Week at City University The PSC spotlights adjuncts and pushes for equity with events on Oct. 27-31. Also, deconstructing the tension between full-timers and part-timers. PAGES 6-7, 11 ANDAND THETHE SQUEEZESQUEEZE LABOR US says no to labor rights in Iraq US occupation authorities have used Saddam Hussein’s anti-labor laws to block union organizing in Iraq’s pub- ISIS ON ON lic sector. Does democracy include labor rights? PAGE 9 Lisa Quiñones CUNY student enrollment is up 2.4% this year, but overcrowding at many campuses is getting worse. With long lines, fire hazards and packed classrooms, safety and learning are threatened. PAGE 4 AMERICAN ASSN. OF UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS ● AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TEACHERS ● N.Y.C. CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL ● N.Y.S. AFL-CIO ● N.Y. STATE UNITED TEACHERS 2 NEWS & LETTERS Clarion | November 2003 Campus equity week CALENDAR MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3 / 1:00 pm: Re- October 27 – 31 tirees Chapter meeting. At the CUNY Graduate Center, 34th St. MONDAY 10/27, 3:30–5:00 pm: Informational picket at CUNY Board and 5th Ave., Room 9204. of Trustees meeting. Demand equity for part-timers. Hunter College School of Social Work, 129 E. 79th St. [Note the location] TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4: Meet with a TIAA-CREF representative to dis- FRIDAY 10/31, 10:00–1:00 pm: Forum on applying for new full-time cuss asset allocation, retirement jobs at CUNY. Panel and workshops on applications and interviews. and tax deferred annuity. At the Grad Center, Segal Theater. PSC office, 25 West 43rd St. Call Lin- da Slifkin at 212-354-1252 to schedule FRIDAY 10/31, 2:00–4:30 pm: Film Festival on contingent academ- an appointment. ic labor and reception. Grad Center, Segal Theater. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 / 6:00 pm: PSC Solidarity Committee meeting. Contact your chapter chair to find out about local events. Peter Hogness At the PSC office. For more info, call Participants in the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride from Las Vegas, NV, at Jim Perlstein at 212-354-1252. the October 4 rally in Queens to mark the end of the cross-country trek. PSC members joined tens of thousands demanding justice for immigrant workers. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 / 3:00 pm: “First Nov. 14 health plan deadline Fridays” Adjunct Affairs meeting. At the PSC office. For more info, call November 14 is the end of the an- The four plans are Aetna, CIGNA, Marcia Newfield at 212-354-1252. Have you moved? nual transfer period for CUNY em- HIP-POS (not HIP-HMO) and GHI- ployees who want to change health HMO (not the more common GHI- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14: Deadline for If you’ve changed your home ad- phone, e-mail address, college, title plans. Get forms and details from CBP). annual transfer period for CUNY dress, or if you’ve moved to a differ- and department. Write to PSC Mem- your campus personnel office. If you purchase an optional drug employees to change health plans. ent department or campus, please bership Department, 25 W. 43rd St., For four of the plans, members rider, the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund More information at left. notify the PSC Membership Depart- 5th Fl., NY, NY 10036, or fax the in- have two options for prescription will cover part of the cost instead of ment. We’d like to make sure you formation to 212-302-7815 (“Atten- drug coverage: either stay with giving you a Medco card. This reim- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 / 6:00 pm: Labor get your copy of Clarion! tion: Membership”). You can print Medco, or purchase an optional drug bursement is $700 for families, $300 Goes to the Movies, PSC film series. Please include your full name, the form from the PSC Web site, at rider (in addition to any co-insur- if single. Drug rider costs range “Harlan County, USA,” a dynamic home address, home and school tele- www.psc-cuny.org/update.htm. ance payments for the plan itself). from $16.02 to $86.99 per paycheck. documentary about striking miners from rural Kentucky. At the CCNY Center for Worker Education, 99 Hudson St. | WRITE TO: CLARION/PSC, 25 W. 43RD STREET, FIFTH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10036. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR E-MAIL: [email protected]. FAX: 212-302-7815. SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16 / 9:30 am – 12:30 pm: PSC International Com- mittee meeting. For location or oth- er information, e-mail Tony O’Brien at [email protected]. Fix law on undocumented student tuition TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 / 6:00 pm: PSC Women’s Committee meeting. At ● After the attacks on September HEOs and 9/11 at BMCC just our colleagues in the faculty. contract that has reduced the teach- the PSC office. For more info, call 11, 2001, CUNY decided to charge all We are all in this together. ing load of new hires (12 credits in Norah Chase at 212-354-1252. undocumented applicants the out- ● I was troubled by the lack of in- John Gallagher three years). of-state tuition rate. After protests clusion of Higher Education Offi- BMCC This will provide me with addi- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 / 9:30 am: “The by a broad coalition of students, fac- cers in your article, “BMCC and tional time to develop a new re- Patriot Act and the University.” ulty and staff, community and labor 9/11 Fallout.” Their contributions search area on immigrant health UFS conference on provisions of the organizations, a bill was passed that were crucial to the recovery of the Go directly to jail and alternative healing (with Dr. act, implications for faculty, partic- granted in-state status to many un- college. They also were the PSC ● This morning I attended the inau- Freudenberg and the support of ular concerns of scientists and li- documented students. The law gives members most exposed to health guration of the Queens College Cen- Dean Sherwen). In the short run, we brarians, immigration issues and NY State status to students who at- and safety problems throughout ter Fall Labor breakfast series. It will be conducting ethnographic historical context. Speakers include tended a NY high school for at least this period. featured City Council Speaker Gif- projects on Latino immigrants’ folk Ellen Schrecker (Yeshiva), Joan two years (or earned a GED) and ap- Many HEOs at BMCC not only re- ford Miller, who is virtually running healing practices, and we will be Scott (AAUP), Allan Wernick, (Hos- plied to CUNY or SUNY within five mained on campus throughout the for mayor and was there to speak on training research fellows as well. tos), Donna Lieberman (NYCLU). years of getting their diploma, or day on September 11, but also re- the theme, “New York 2010: Envi- We will also organize a CUNY work- At Hunter College School of Social were enrolled in SUNY or CUNY in turned before power, telephones sioning a New City.” ing group oriented toward a re- Work, 129 East 79th St. (at Lexing- Fall 2001 and paid resident tuition. and water were restored to bring I asked Miller about his position search and “think tank” agenda. ton Ave). Advance registration re- While this is terrific for a large back e-mail, distance learning and on the 1967 Rockefeller-inspired These projects will hopefully attract quired: e-mail William.Phipps@mail. number of students, too many appli- telecommunications infrastructure. Taylor Law, and whether as mayor the interests of the growing body of cuny.edu or call 212-794-5538. cants are still left out. Any undocu- Others set up command posts and he would jail municipal or state em- faculty and students at CUNY work- mented applicant who only has a call centers on 125th Street and 57th ployees who went on strike. Speak- ing on immigrant issues. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21: Deadline to en- high school diploma from abroad is Street. HEOs phoned students day er Miller responded quickly and en- For those of us who believe that roll in the Health Care Flexible still required to pay the out-of-state after day to see how they were do- thusiastically, “The law is the law. teaching is a serious enterprise that Spending Account program for rate. ing and keep them informed on As mayor I am sworn to uphold the should elicit the best of our intellec- 2004. For more info see September At the City College Center for plans to reopen. Many HEOs work- law.” He made no criticism of the tual energies, the temporary reduc- Clarion, page 9 (online at www.psc- Worker Education, we have had to ed without a day off, straight Taylor Law whatsoever. I wondered tion of the teaching load will work as cuny.org/communications. htm) or deny admission to many older ap- through to October 1. Special men- if he would have had the same re- a sort of “head start,” which not on- visit your campus personnel office. plicants who do not meet the re- tion must be given to the University sponse to the laws on segregation ly will result in our better teaching, quirements of the new law and can- architects who worked under stress- fifty years ago. but will also allow us to accomplish MONDAY, DECEMBER 1: Deadline for not afford out-of-state tuition.
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