University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1978 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 1-31-1978 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 081, No 86, 1/ 31/1978 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 081, No 86, 1/31/1978." 81, 86 (1978). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1978 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ., Sk'RCIM(, 00 1967 P~UGEOT 404 STATION WAGON. AC, JOBS! JOllS! JOBS! Lower fee.~. No mouey down, Sl!I.I,.~HYPNOSIS WORKSHOP, Friday Feb. lith oor.u::ermMs t- radio, rfldialtires. Runs, needs some work. S450, 765· Special pay plmJ, Carecrmnkcrs Emplo)lmcnt fnlm 7:00-9:30 pm and Saturday 10:00 a111~S:OO pm. ...... $726 1/3) Agency, 205 1/t Wcllr.:"lcy SE. 265-~725 1/30 Co.,t $30.00, ,~tudents $20,00, Phone 262·0{l66 or 266· "'o· .JAZZ ,SAXAPHONIST SUPI\EME Grover 17R9. 218 ,.., Was)lipgton TCturns tq UNM's Popejoy Hall on 8. MISCELLANEOUS ....>. Classlfleds WcO,. Pcb, l at 7:30 Pm. Tickets for this ASUNM· H m-PEC Pr(!.~entation arc available al the SU!l and C'I-WAP W.ATERBEDS! Wutcr Trips $89.95 buys" 9. TRAVEL §'"' Classified Advertising Is located in Popejoy Hall Oox Oflicc~ o:~nO at all Tickctnl~lster you I) tltuk walnut .'ttoincd frame, 2) safety liner, 3) "' lvcations. 2/1 foam c~lmfort pad,_ 4) imy :o~ize ma11rcss with 3·year . t97~ EUROPEAN CHAJ<TERS available. lTC 25l- Mexico .... Marron Hall, Am. 105. Open 8:30a.m .. 6R)O, 1/31 1972 BEETLE, REBUILT en~ine, fast, clean, $1650. !,ium~ntcc; $R9.95. 3407 Central NE. 255-2189, 21Z3 The UNM activities calen­ 6 to 4:30p.m., Monday through Friday. Dennis,298-686J Rm.211. 1/30 Ill dar will be published in 0 Rates are: to run an ad 4 days or less· ELECnONIC IGNITION SPECIALS good thru tomorrow's LOBO. ...1 February. Dclru Ma~k JOB $39.95; Megaspark 400 costs 15c a word per day; an ad placed $42,95; Tiger SST $34.95. 268·5490. Electronic 2:' TDDAY'S CRDSSIDRD~PUZZLI 5 days or-more consecutively costs 9c Ignition Sales. 2/17 ·a ACROSS 45 Waste , 0 . a word per day. MOPEDS FROM $399, Vespa Scooterli; Vespa, Peugeot, Hcrcule~. Bawvus Servit;e & ac­ material Tuesday, January 31, 1978 0 1 Composer 48 Collect NOON is the deadline to place an ad CC!iSoric.':i, J ,J. Moped, 3222 Central SE, 268-3949 2/9 UNITED Feature Syndicate -~X Ferde ----- 51 Roman .... in next day PRIVATE COLLECTION STRAIGHTGRAINED 6 Duo · deities Friday's Puzzle Solved: :2; ' u~ed pipes. Can be ~een at Pipe & Tobacco Road, 10 FOUND:• THURSDAY MORNING on 7 am in· 1078 Cornell SE, M·F 9:30-6:(X), Sat, 10-5. 2/2 Army In- 52 Asian coun- IT coming NE Heights bus~ lady's glove. Claim Rm. 105 SCHWINN SUBURBAN 5-SPEED girl's bicycle: stallatlon try .... Marron Hall. tfn 14 "The lA In Committee Hearing "' L PERSONALS Excellc111 conOitibn, $~5,00. E<'lrl, 268·7295. 2!3 54 Talks rapidly z Th1'nker" .. FIND YOURSELF in the Peace Corps, Ortega 233, GUILD, HOLLOW·BODY, ELECTRIC. Refinished 58 Actor '•,, oO • ACCiiRATE INFORMATION ABOUT con· 277-5907. .IS creator · ..... & new tuning keys. L.-argc body with beautiful, Robert---- IF· OJl tnt~:cption, ~tcrilization, abortion, Right to Choose, mellow 10ne, $350, 247-A !58. 1/31 15 4·840 sq. 59 Heavy cord 294-0171. 2/15 IR lA IL. r:l."' M~~T SEJ .. L EXCEP.TICJI'IAL paperback t::ollection; . UP/ Places JAZZ SAXAPHONJST SUPREME Grover 3.SERVICES Sc1-f1, poetry, nrt, ph1lm'tlphy, Hesse, Lawrence, etc. 16 t~~kish title 61 Plow's sole lA rN IR lA Wn">llington returns to UNM's Popejoy Hall 0,1 1 7 Choir re- 62 Latex of CaSS-l'ttc deck, record.~. 268-7204 ill Sumatra IK Wed., Feb, I at 7:30 p.m. Tickets for this ASUN­ • LSAT·MCAT REVIEW COURSES. Prepare Now. IF! 1 IT M/PEC Prc~t:ntlllion arc avniluble at the SUB und Call(lHNM 842-.5200. tfn sponses 63 Always College Plan OK'd Popcjo.y Hall box offices· and m all TickcLma~ter 18 per quan- 64•Supernatural rrnrs IE IR IE TYI'tNG, i.<t QUALITY, 883-7787, 2/24 6. EMPLOYMENT ~a UNM Lobos 8th lm:miom>.. 211 11 BJORHYTI·IM SERVICES, YOUR energy cycles, ' Y creature University of Albuquerque- the proposed site for the FILM PRODUCTION WORKSHOP: A non· 19 phy.~ical-cmotion<~l-intellcctuul. Send birthdatc, LJVU~IN ATTENDANT NEEDED for qumlraplegic Stable 65 Counterweight By TIM GALLAGHER :u:;.u.Jcmic introduction to the Url of film making college. $6.00. Full Ycnr Computer Projection, Booklet, Do­ student. 268-1697. ' 1/31 20 66 Lounging LOBO Editor taught by a working filmakcr, Call Gory Dobctm~n b~;~b~g:w- The bills will now go to the House Appropriations h~Your'ielf in.~truclions. 210 Spruce NE, NEED BASS PLAYER intcrc,'i!ed in working night c rooms ;1ncrnoons before Feb. 5. 266-0863 2/3 Albuqt_lcrque 87106, 2/3 A II circtlil with Jazz/l~ock band. For information, call 22 ge!"ts of 67 Military The Bernalillo County comprehensive community Committee which is expected to take action on them DESI'ARATELY WANTED, INTRODUCTION to In the Nation INCOME TAX PREPARATION form• 1040-A $5, Phil, 2R 1-3940 1129 punishment command college plan got a giant shot in the arm Monday by this weekend. Modern Circuit Analysis by Calahan, Macnee, 1040$7.50. Lollie265-3149, 1/31 24 Ancestry 12 Bogs down 39 Came into M~:Mnhon-Holt, Rinehart, Winston publisher. If HEI.P WANTED: TEACHERS a1 all levels. Foreign 26 Disturb 13 Advance on view receiving approval from the House Education UNM President Williams E. Davis said, "I'm glad interested in loaning or selling this book please FASTTYI'ING 266-3953. 2/t4 and Dome~tic Teachers, Box !063 Vnncouvcr, Wash. wages 42 Have a 9A6t\O 212 2 7 FL title of DOWN Committee. there's support for the community college concept. I contact Dr, Koschmann at 277·3140 or Mabel Grey at CLASSICAL GUITAR LESSONS: Segovin method. 21Thesun sh~ffi 277-4924 213 Beginners Welcome 266-9291. 1/fl PART TIME EMPLOYMENT for people who like respect: In­ The committee approved, by a 10-4 vote, the still believe that affiliation with UNM is the best way 1 Snatch 23 Exhibits in- 43 Brisk mov- AGORA SAYS: WELCOME b"ck. Call"' 277-30t3 TYI)ING. MA ENGLISH. Campus delivery. 296· rcoplc. Work as liule as 3 lm. per week, or more. formal Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce's plan to set up to go. Call 299-040 I for more information. 2/2 30 Show dis- 2 City on the fatuatlon ing one oc come by NW corner Mesa Vista Hnll. 1/30 H5f~. 3/20 25 European 46 Brother an independent community college under a local "We have expressed a willingness to go along with CONCEPTIONS • SOUTHWEST· A new GUITAR LESSONS. FIRST lesson free. Flat-picking PERRY'S PIZZA. 2004 C'cntritl SE, (nl.'ross from pleasure Tiber publication of UNM'.~ Creative Arts is now accepting or classical, Experienced teacher, Private lessons, UNM). FuH time help wanted--days. Please UJlply In 31 Agave 3 Polish river. falcon 4 7 Releases: 2 governing board. The approval was given after whatever plan emerges." submissions rrom sclllpturc to poetry. For more Cull Marc at L & M Music Studio, 247-8158. 2/3 afternoons. ·. l/31 32 Necessary 4 Craftiness 27 Annamese words proposed amendements that would have made the Davis said he was encouraged by the unanimous information cull Leslie 299-4773 or Gayle 292-1323. QA TYPING SERVICE. A complete typing and PART-TIME JOB: SALES, flexible hour.~, gooO pay. 37 An armed 5 Sword- measures 48 Desist: college a western branch of UNM were defeated. vote on the land acquisition bill. "This shows that 1 f n cOitorial :>y.~tem. Technical, general, legal, mt!dica\, Po'isihle full-time summer. Call Phil Franczyk, CLU. · force: Abbr. shaped 28 As well Naut. NOTICE TO STUDENTS interested in entering the scholastic. Clmns& tables. 345-2125. 4/29 SR3-5360. ' 2/17 38 Men at the 6 The Holy 29 ----Lisa A9 The The committee also unanimously approved House while there is division over the operation of the College of Nursing: The deadline for submission of UABYSITTING MY HOME NE Heights. $1/hr;, PART·TIME SALES PEOPLE for city-wide plate Ghost 33 Sailors eyelashes Bill 129 that provides for the purchase of the facility, there is support for the concept.'' application is Feb, I, 1978. Call277-4224 for further .45/meal, minimum $25/wk. 296-3405 I /31 publication, No high pressure--No JHt~sles with the 40 Texas in­ 34 Man, e.g. 50 Evergreen inrormat ion or appointment wilh counselor. 1/J I boso;, Work own hours, Write own pay~hcck. 7 Big tennis KINKO'S TYPING SERVlCE (IBM !1Clcctric) ami Cum pus Maga1inc, 9·noon. 292-2078. 1/31 stitution: serve 35 ----of few 53 Agitate PI!RRY'S PIZZA WILL begin delivering Friday Jan.
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