I /a m ity Iroomi, CO. liaurhrstrr Hrralft iltor Manchfislnr A City nl Villarir Charm Saturday, May 2.1087 30 Cents H §nt Com/mny C. IVM. MAC. BRIDGEPORT TOLL AT 27 1 1 I.M MM t l l . M Just one t N .M m i-ta worker rjo tJIt I.IM .F . pjo is missing AJO T.WI.r. fjn Am iiNttr. BRIDGEPORT (AP) - Pour IM) 1I.IM.F. more bodiei recovered from M> no the rubble of the L ’Ambiance P la u r.m apartment buildini Friday, bring­ IM ing the death toll to 17 and leaving Ajft Juat one construction worker unac­ FJK counted for. The 117.6 million apartment building was about 60 percent complete when It collapsed April tS. SincO then, rescue workers have ft meticulously picked through the 1040 enormous pile of rubble around the clock in desperate hope of finding I someone trapped alive. Jonathan test, director of the rescue operation, said he didn’t know how much longer the effort would take. “ We’re slowing the machines \down because were getting into smaller areas,” test said. “ All I k n ^ is t got 140 tons of concrete between me and the basement.” .Y Meanwhile, attorneys for a sub­ O M In contractor began arguments in a |1 HOMt... million lawsuit in federal court, blaming the city of Bridgeport for the project’s collapse during M.000.00. construction. In the civil suit in U.S. District t Court, LiR Frame Builders Inc. of BImsford, N.Y., seeks damages tor loss of equipment at the site of L’Ambiance Plata. Attorney Arnold J. Bai, the company’s attorney, also con­ tended that because of the “ csirless- nesB and negligence” of the city, LiR Frame has become exposed to Ith P A U L AAWWtO claims of damages or lawsuits. ■R8AKS tlL IN C I — TV avangeliat Jim Bakkar, with hit wife, Tammy, Mark T. Anastasi, associdte city •peaks to reporters Friday outside his Peim Springs home. He said he w oni attorney, called the lawsuit “ no­ try to regain ieadership of the $120 miliion PTL empire. In Manchester, local thing but a bald-faced, totally unsubstantiated claim that for pastors say ifs a tough time to be an Assemblies of Qod minister. Stories on page 2. j Pleaae umii* page I It’s Democrat vs. Democrat -MAOAHNR PULLOUT n c n O N Cummings, Sullivan dispute raffle ... page 5 Need money? Herald columnist gives It away on Thursdayl BRIDGEPORT (AP) - Poot more bodies were recovered from the rubble of the L ’Ambiance n a ia apartmern building Friday, bring­ ing the death toil to 27 and leaving Juat one construction worker unac­ counted for. The S17.S million apartment building was about M percent complete when It collapsed April U . Since then, rescue workers have meticulously picked through the enormous pile of rubble around the clock in desperate hope of finding someone trapped alive. Jonathan Best, director of the rescue operation, salcf he didn’t know how much longer the effort would take. “ We’re slowing the machines down because were getUng into smaller areas,’’ Best said. “ AH 1 know is I got 240 tons of concrete between me and the basement.” Meanwhile, attorneys for a sub­ contractor began arguments in a |1 million lawsuit in federal court, blaming the city of Bridgeport for the project’s collapse during construction. In the civil suit in U.S. District Court, Lift Frame Builders Inc. of Elmsford, N.Y., seeks damages for loss of equipment at the site of L’Ambiance Plata. Attorney Arnold J. Bai, the company’s attorney, also con­ tended that because of the “ carless- ness and negligence” of the city. Lift Frame has become exposed to BREAKS SILENCE — TV evangelist Jim Bakker, with his wife, Tammy, AP photo claims of damages or lawsuits. Mark T. Anastasi, associate city speaks to reporters Friday outside his Palm-Springs home. He said he won’t attorney, called the lawsuit “ no­ try to regain leadership of the $129 million PTL empire. In Manchester, local thing but a bald-faced, totally pastors say if s a tough time to be an Asaemblies of Qod miniater. Stories on unsubstantiated claim that for page 2. Please tam la page 2 It’s Democrat vs. Democrat ------- :-------------MAGAZINE PULUHJT BECTION Cummings, Sullivan dispute raffle ... page 5 Need money? Herald columnist gives It away on Thursday! did nothing 94 Bakkws ask for forahwies^ uvhen North told claim $8 mHlKm is owod them of contra effort fiOM mtmmciai. va^ - m9wW9 vOTwMS S^M d ^ P fL bv Harei af Sm rW W SO rwBit’ WAgHfNGTON (AF> - OHtdt thfOt k M O ttr U deORim^ ^d^Wwy dv 0fnBMw WS^ A ^mSh two years ag» (hat be wM heiMM rakw I If* «Mf «Mnt » tor the CeatoM (ram tbe Wme fwaM at a I w iv iv mrnmKmm M v i w r p # w b ^ h v D.g. aidtothemwaalTlegaf. hot the hwreau didnothing l^SsS dS^di HIMHv iv a^^Ve avR^HHIvd B^w bamv bBed tBa viBiim BtaaiL era MWHb If, nectssmieif r 0 1 crocvniviim vmiw. WMpi ^ ^ . ^Ady^ -ir/VaMi MpMfri OAiM -» .. ^ MB ^^Am d jO e ^ # » #M aaeer Jr fl/ im nu MWIOTI OT QOO WIOV twa^ daWt. fl&Fd ilOeW a FBI I/irCCfOr WintafllT II. WBBvWT VBQ OlBBr MilVBU VMDSOf r^MvwR^p W fVliB^HW Il^Se loafar/ ‘Si Mm m tht Ml iS s t fgtffty SMSmt, ia afalicataewaeanfar- Babfcer and Ma wife were paM li.e t4 8 td e fm frdm fi^ Wbee aebed if tbey nyatad to lawwa Ba . gri.^ ^ ‘ A .... ^ eBee eiaee tbe tftaefoavre ef tbe aax m m eniaM li. rebera to tbeir mlalatry'/ Mra. i : a » t iieifj on ice 10 na iie9CPmuiricT« iwo mnes wwwj mu on aeaadal OM lad to bte dawafaM, “ Wbat yen aee ia ebal yen gel/' onnwf ddd^rtdf ^^BeWvdd vaBBj inv laiiiiie Of m curncitj iianaiiiiiieu 10 oc idae arid be baa never been te a B a l ^ eald did ‘‘If'aBbeilviaiaiMBiadbeby. :0 9 t circninted to top offfclala. proKiiBio Of rar wiw- Tammy dmft Bve aeereffyv #ebve W^ieeimg d ^ I lie ciocuifieiifs 0190 8Hvw mvi rfomi cofiimoeo iie VWVp^mi^ SlRa niiivllbaMvaM epee. Yea aee ear bemee, oar earn. l n « f Rmu wuTFPeci FroBaem ifcvgvn biri ifBiMiiBi seem be la a baavoneianal. Tbfaia«batvteare.” Adviser Robert McFnrlnne In Zone IMS of (he "We bopa all ef die people we love "We never fried to bide aayfbfng OfMarrLCbA’pregrama^wbieb Lfoeail faad-rafaiag. an nweb ivffi fdrglye na and beip ea ee bad/' Mra. BbMwr eaM. Af (be WMfe House. MOkeamna Marifa FHawator To his dismay, Harry learnad his hotai was to seen/' IMkierHifd. ffeaaidbe "FMineMly, we will net be aMe 0SIO FrioBj, BSMO on tile TOwrr Dvsra reporr raci on holding the door-to-door salesman and Ma wffo, t ammy l*^ e , iveiM to aorvtve prebaMy eix ineatba at revviiecfioije 011Q on life ciodniieimro e? meuce unre we convention. ferbive tbeir aeenaera and ware ntf tbe meM> bat Oed Maiwaya tabtag have, tofbe beat of our kaowledgefbiadlacBaaioa never getaf "to apead tbe real ef e«r fMe eareef oa," BabbereaM. Heeafdbe fooB |ii0ce...A- . ifgikAme |iieiNieiii w80 newer su?leeua ■ a a ^01b gtori^ fim aadtdawMbareoeed"d<ariitleia,|» "We wBI net IMBf. I Jmt deWt mnffer." ‘"Tamm and! are iflye. Wemay mIBlee la reyalBee." want to B|bf/ 'ba efdded. APVfwto The documenta were retoMed by tbe Senate Cow w cticet W sedw r net be fe » nefl," Babber caid. ffeaaldbedldnetlMewifbeeeeM VwrfHH IBOir ^PSaVSIiOTf IB ^mnOf* Intelligence Cemmittee aa it debated Webster's sBOy ^BOUWa NIHly I^S BINI HiO WHO Work«rg guidB s lo id eonofdtfB "Barely?" lira. BabbarfearMy eeBeet tbe reyedte and dM net My ^^^^d di^^m |band^^^ o f onto a huifdlrig coflapsa in Sridgaport aa fiia BomiBatloa to bend tbe CIA. The panel voted 15-d BOO OTWB KBSWBIB bio ^OOTOy IHEOrjOCTOu ml %B9 DTlOI fllOnnSO wbat tbey etemmed frem. Wbea d^^di ^0 truck Friday st fha tHa of tha apartmarit raecua affort contlnuaa. Friday to recommend (Iw Senate cofmrm Webster for CBo^aro hMsvl8f wiui roponors oourio inoir mfiim no ukfB^r w npa otw VW^mdWmj w o rVOBIIOv IIW m m j O I the new post SatoHar,’ early mernhig luaalilBe. fkaa David, and ttw geepela. jneMMunief if oisei^Beo UNtf ^81 ovCOTi^me cteottf irttli a diaflce of afteraeeB abewerf. betdanlag in 1555 North asked FBf eMcfala for apMal W M HgM and rarlaMe. Cfeanee ef ibawera S> Toll at 27, one still missing; treatment of indlvldnals be believed were aaefal In pereent. Saturday aiSM and Snaday^ meaOy daw * efforts to sM tbe Contnu, to aealat (be tJ.S. mflitary in wKbatwHIiaeiiniMeofalMMera. La«r4tto4l. fM afaaadw . Local Assemblies of God dergy Central Anwrtca or to free D.S. beriagea In Lebaaen. Cbanoeefi laapereentbotbl rnigbtaad FBI offtdela aaM no Improper special treatawat waa aecofdad fa any of tbe cnees. contractor blames Bridgeport wTHimj fHofnlflg, IMfiRvIlfgCBCCCOfflfnitlM tWISyM mornhif euneMne. Tbea becembif doody tvMb a comment on the Bakker scandal Ha Webster vote for aa hour to diaeusa la private a efianee ef afteraoea abmrera. Mt|B arennd IB. Wtod Nattoaal Security Counril nwme. Committee Chrir- becoming aoeib l# te i f mpb. Cbanee ef abewera ft Centfaned freaa gage f hoisting these floors into place material H hae atored at tbe ^VaBfV HBpBVI IBI regriTM great prMirion, If part of man DavM Bonn, D-Okla., aaM the elaaafited nwmo . pereeat. Satorday Mibt, nteatly deadly wftb a # oiMperifled reaeena ttw rity te la m ^ .
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