ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN Of GRAVEL QUARRY For Sri Devagiri. Sankar Reddy over an extent of 1.08 HA SY. No 38/2F,38/3 Pathapadu Village, Vijayawada Rural Mandal, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh State. Submitted by P.V.SATYANARAYANA Consultant Geologist &RQP Regn.No. RQP/DMG/AP/34/2017 , Lattice, Bommasani Sadhan, 2nd floor, Gollapudi, Vijayawada-521225 Ph.No.8610692941 INTRODUCTION Sri Devagiri. Sankar Reddy has filed an application for grant of quarry lease for Gravel over an Extent of 2.67 Acres / 1.08 Hectares In Sy. No 38/2F,38/3 of Pathapadu Village, Vijayawada Rural Mandal, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh State, for a period of 05 years was received by the Asst. Director of Mines and Geology, Vijayawada on 11-10-2018. The Assistant Director of Mines and Geology, Vijayawada has made proposals on application filed by Sri Devagiri Sankar Reddy duly recommending for grant of Quarry lease for Gravel Over An Extent of 2.67 Acres In Sy. No 38/2F,38/3 of Pathapadu Village, Vijayawada Rural Mandal, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh State, for a period of 05 years. After careful examination of the proposals of the Assistant Director of Mines and Geology, Vijayawada, it is agreed in principal to grant of Quarry Lease for Gravel Over An Extent of 2.67 AcresIn Sy. No 38/2F, 38/3 of Pathapadu Village, Vijayawada Rural Mandal, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh State, for a period of 05 years in favour of Sri Devagiri. Sankar Reddy subject to submission of approved mining Plan as required under Rule 7A (i) of APMMC Rules, 1966. Along with Environment Clearance as per the procedure mentioned in the Notification S.O.No 1533 (E) Dt: 14.02.2006 and subsequent amendments issued there from time to time and also S.O.N141 (E), Dt.15.01.2016 of the Ministry of Environment and Forest and Climate Change and CEF from APPCB. The mining plan is prepared under G.O.Ms.56, I&C (Mines-II), Dt: 15.01.2016 of AP for obtainingtheEnvironmentalClearance(EC)fromState Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) & annual production plan under semimechanized open cast method of mining under Rule 7(A) of APMMCR1966. The Mining Plan was approved by the Deputy Director Of Mines & Geology, Vijayawada vide letter No565/Q3/2019, Dated: 08.11.2019. 2 B.P No. LATITUDE LONGITUDE 1. 16°36'48.63228"N 80°39'25.42740"E 2. 16°36'47.42360"N 80°39'28.60286"E 3. 16°36'45.45963"N 80°39'28.23690"E 4. 16°36'45.25282"N 80°39'29.31619"E 5. 16°36'43.27639"N 80°39'29.01163"E 6. 16°36'43.45640"N 80°39'27.85881"E 7. 16°36'43.32755"N 80°39'27.41260"E 8. 16°36'42.81071"N 80°39'25.93872"E 9. 16°36'43.94134"N 80°39' 26.05105"E 10. 16°36'43.87187"N 80°39' 26.34609"E 11. 16°36'45.76022"N 80°39'26.66770"E 12 16°36'46.32523"N 80°39'26.42381"E LOCATION OF THE MINE The applied area falls in the Open Series Toposheet No. E44U10. The quarry lease area is spread over in Sy. No 38/2F,38/3,of Pathapadu Village, Vijayawada Rural Mandal, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh State Transport bus services ply from Vijayawada-Mylavaram towns frequently. Private transport is also available on this road network. Primary & Upper primary school education is available at Chevuturu & Vijayawada.Higher education is available at Vijayawada. Introduction of the Project Land The Quarry Lease applied for Gravel over an extent of 1.08 Hectares in Sy. No 38/2F,38/3 of Pathapadu Village, Vijayawada Rural Mandal, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh State. Location 1.08 Hectares of Gravel Quarry, Sy. NoNo 38/2F,38/3 of Pathapadu Village, Vijayawada Rural Mandal, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh State. The present mining lease area falls in the Patta land from patapadu village at a distance of 3.60 Kms from the Quarry Lease Area. 3 Boundaries: North Hill area South Agricultural Lands East Agricultural lands West Hill Area The Salient Features of the proposed project Nature of the project Sri Devagiri Sankar reddy Mining of GravelQuarry Size of the Project 1.08Ha / 2.67 Acers Production 53,082.5 Tons /annum (21,233 Cum Per Annum) LOCATION OF PROJECT District & State Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh Village & Mandal Pathapadu village,vijayawada rural mandal,krishna district,andhra pradesh Land Availability 1.08 Ha. Nearest Village Pathapadu village at a distance of 3.60Km Ownership Patta Land Toposheet No. 65D/10 (Open Series Toposheet No. E44U10) GENERAL CLIMATIC CONDITIONS Annual rainfall 1000 mm Min and max temp. 25C and 48 C Avg. relative humidity 75% Predominant wind SW&NE and SE to NW direction HISTORICAL / IMPORTANT PLACES Nearest human settlement The Nearest Village Pathapadu is situted 3.60 km from quarry lease area. Nearest town Vijayawada at a distance of 11 Kms Nearest railway station Ramavarapadu Railway Station is 10 Km Archaeological/ Historicaly None within 10 km radius of the site Important Site Sensitive Places Hospitals, schools and community facilities areavailableatChevuturuvillage&G.Konduru.Mandal Sanctuaries / National parks None within 10 km radius of the site. 4 GOOGLE MAP AROUND 10 KM RADIUS 5 TOPO MAP AROUND 05 KM RADIUS DETAILS OF THE MINE Mine Area This mine lease (ML) area is located in Patta land and the Quarry Lease for Gravel over an extent of 1.809 Hectares in Sy. No. 38/2f,38/3 of Pathapadu Village, Vijayawada Rural Mandal, Krishna Dt, Andhra Pradesh. The quarry lease applied area is fallen onplain land, which was topo relief of 3.6 Mts above the Ground level. The lowest contour is 67 M and highest contour is 70.6 M. Regional Geology The area constitutes southernmost part of Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt (EGMB), where the belt is tapering to less than 20 km width. EGMB is trending in NNE – SSW in the area. This area EGMB mainly represent by Western zone. The succession of Eastern Ghats Super Group is as follows: Intrusive Layered Anorthosites and associated Mafics and Chromiferrous Ultra Mafics. Charnockite Group Charnokite with Mega Crystic K-Feldspar Charnockite, Two Pyroxene Granulate/ Amphibolites Khondalite Cacl – Silicate – Granulites Group Garnet – Silliminite – Quartz – Biotite – K- Feldspar Graphite Gneiss (Khondalite) Quartzite – Ganet – Silliminite. Granitoid Suite Granitoid with Mega Crystic K- Feldspar Undifferentiated (with MigmatiticDiaTectile, Augen) Porphyroblastic Granite and Gneisses Garnet – BiotiteHomophanus Granite/Gneiss Leptinite, Local Charnockite Neosomes and Relics. The Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt is fold thrust terrain, the margins defined by westerly. The Present area constitutes part of Western Charnockite zone represented mainly of Charnockite and basic granulate with minor banded iron formation. Litho logically the lease area is underlain by Charnockite, which is fresh looking, greasy, dark colored with domination of hypersthenes, blue quartz minerals in it. The Charnockite in the area forms dome shaped, steepy sloping hills. The rock is medium to coarse grained texture composed of greasy quartz, hypersthenes, orthoclase and plagioclase with or without garnet. The rock is massive, with widely spaced vertical to sub vertical joints trending in NE-SW direction. It is observed that sheet joints are absent. Owing to its compact and hardness Charnockite with stand to weathering and form huge, steepy sloping dome shaped hills in the area. Local Geology: The quarry lease applied area is more or less a plain which was raising 3.6 mts above ground level exposed with Gravel with small pebble formation. The lowest contour is 67 M and highest contour is 70.6 M. The applied area having thick & red colour gravel is exposed on the surface which was formed by instu weathering of pre-existed khondalite group of Rock of Eastern ghat super group of Archean age. The average thickness of Gravel is 10 mts. The gravel utilized for formation of kaccha road & filling of low laying area formation layouts. Reserves and Average Production The deposit is found to be irregular in shape. Hence cross sectional method adopted for Estimation of Geological Reserves. 3 Sections A-A’,B-B’ & C-C’ were drawn at equal distance perpendicular to the strike direction of the formation to estimate the reserves (Plate – III). The cross sections were drawn perpendicular to the strike direction, the cross sectional area (i.e., Length & Depth) of the individual sections are calculated to arrive at sectional area, the area thus arrived is multiplied by the sectional influences (width) to arrive the volume of deposit. Therefore, the length is 47M, Depth is 10M and Sectional Influence (width) is 33M of Section A-A’. The length is 124M , Depth is 10M and Sectional Influence (width) 33M of Section B-B’ and The length is 29M, Depth is 10M and Sectional Influence (width) 42M of Section C-C’, respectively. MINEABLE RESERVES S.No Cross Sections Sectional Area Sectional Influence Volume (M2) (M) (M3) (Tons) 1. A-A’ 424 33 13,992 34,980 2. B-B’ 1,197 33 39,501 98,752.5 3. C-C’ 243 42 10,206 25,515 TOTAL 63,699 1,59,247.5 RESERVES BLOCKED UNDER SAFETY BENCHES S.No Cross Sections Sectional Area Sectional Influence Volume (M2) (M) (M3) (Tons) 1. A-A’ 48 33 1,584 3960 2. B-B’ 48 33 1,584 3960 3. C-C’ 48 42 2,016 5040 TOTAL 5,184 12,960 Reserves Blocked Under 7.5m Buffer Zone (Area (M2) X Depth (M)) = 3,825 x 10 = 38,250 M3 (95,625 Tons) Therefore , Total Geological Reserves = Mineable Reserves + Reserves Blocked under Safety Benches + Reserves Blocked under 7.5m Buffer Zone = 63,699M3+ 5,184M3+ 38,250 M3 = 1,07,133M3 (2,67,832.5 Tons) RESERVES AVAILABLE FOR MINING TOTAL GEOLOGICAL RESERVES Cu.M Tons Proved Reserves 1,07,133 2,67,832.5 Reserves Blocked Under Safety Benches 5,184 12,960 Reserves Blocked Under 7.5m Buffer Zone 38,250 95,625 Reserves Available for Mining 63,699 1,59,247.5 Extraction of Market Grade Reserves Reserves Available for Mining 63,699 1,59,247.5 Average Annual Production 21,233 53,082.5 Life of the Mine = Total of Mineable Proved Reserves Average Annual Production = 1,59,247.5 Tons/53,082.5 Tons = 3 Years PROJECT DESCRIPTION MINING PROCESS The proposed Mining is an open-cast method of mining.
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