"aasjgjaiww sTBgS'V'r "" HF"jir r,Kjipsi'f'l0'!ai9ffflf0 -- 1693. No. 1493. VOL. XXYHLNo. 39. i HONOLULU, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. WHOLE b Hawaiian Gazette. Business (Harus iprc'mi Totircs. SATURDAY'S RACE. PUBLISHED BY VHSCELLAMEOUS. RdlSCELLANEOUS HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., (limited,) BISHOP & COMPANY. HAWAIIAN vry Tuesday Wiornlns, ESrj'.CLXISjXSISillD ire lOSO. GERSTER WON TBE EVENT IN DOLLARS PER ANNUM BANKERS. IKO'OI.ri.U, I1A1VAIIAS 1MVSDS Atetrael Miii Title Co, THREE STRAIGHT HEATS. PA 1A HLE IX AD VAXCE. DEAW EXOHASGE OS reJcu mtiori:eri SO.OO in Alliance THE BAHK OF CALIrOR3l. SflN FRflHCISCO ii.O TnitR AOEXTS IV Vorfc, Weito cludce pwtase" prepaid. i" Boston, S'nris Ml. --J,;-' ftXKCELCLNT ST. MESSRS. K H. ROTHSCHILD SODS. LONOOM, 171. Manager H. WHITNEY, Business AKKFOKT-ON-THEOHAIN. HONOLIU.U. H. I. Slucuin the Favorite In the Uettlus EDITOR. The Commercial Banking Co. of Sidney, And London. Holllucer IOOOAhed Incident Office, No. 46 Merchant btreel The Commercial Bankinsr Co. of Sydney, of the Kace. Sydney. The Bank of Ner Zealand, Auckland, and its Branches In Chrietchnrch, Djnedin and r. il. ilatclj freaidoal WclMnptoD. Cecil Broi73 ...- HATES OF ADVERTISING. The Bank of Uritlsh Columbia. Portland, W. li. OHSde - - - Sfcretary Orecon. J.y. IJrivn, - Treianreri Mauaf-e- r 3m Cm iy The Azores and Madeira Islands W. K. irn-- i' Auditor Ml8ffiln 2m Stockholm, Swedes. ... G1XI The) "bartered Bank of 1UU ISO 200 300 400 1000 India, Australia and n In..... 4.CO 1000 14 00 China. 1 In 200 3W)j 500 600 1000 14 00 2000 Hongkong. Yokohama, Japan. Andtransacla The sole topic in sporting circles .. ..... 309 500 GOO 800, lu 1000! 1200 1750 2100 1356 General Baukin; Business y is prcjicrea to searcn S 400 GOO 750 This Cut.iiisnj in CO last week was the coming match .. 51W 750 300 1200 1500 2400 30 records famish abstracts of tllio to (In 2000 3000 63 03 nd 3 In 750 lOOO'lSOG 1600 O. 5IAJL.JL, & all wal proportv in the Kingdom. between Hollinger'a Gerster 903 1200,1401) 1900 2400 SO 00 SO 00 E. SO.. race i IS 00 22 00 3000 4000 5000 loooo --J Vol ... ,1500 LIMITED. Sestien placiuB loans oii, or contemplat and Horner's Lot Slocum for a 'lT 50 220013000 4000 MOO 000 120 00 v, Coi.... 15000 Importers and Dealers Hardware, ing the purehsssof realtestate will find it Ool. .. !000J 23 0032 00 J50 0017500 11000 in of $1000 side. The condi- Plows, Paints, Oils and General Merchandise, to thoir advantogp to 'oniult tin company purse a Intended lor publication, -- OFFICERS: in regard to title tions of the race were that Gerster jioiabdSressedtolbc-EdUorofthcUaw- a. Wm W Hall President and Manager Post Offlcc Bos. O. E O Wh'te Secretaryacd Treasurer (irdfrs jtlpmlwl toivith prompt- should be driven to a sulky, and ar uazette. - a- - Correpondonce relating to Advertise- WinF Allen Auditor ness. and Job Prlntlne. should ThosMayand F Wundenburg.... Director Lot Slocum to a road cart. While -- of the Hawaiian 1356 Corner Fort and King Stg y lB- -, ll 'felepno sdlrcssed to the Manaeer ilutus'. Telepnuus Gerster was known to be quite .axcito. Post Offlcc Box, O. P.O. Eos 335 Cards and all quarterly or yearly . or on -- LTT7m:. vts'." c.c.cicr. speedy and might be posted as a dvcrtieraenf are payable n adzanct eicntatiocor the bill. & winner under iho conditions, the ac- - Sncces.ors to Lewees JKDicesoh, brs. lokw. 3 All foreign advertisements mustbe mmm when ordered In, or no old Slocum who ma-iied with the pay Importers nd Dealers la Lumbor, reliable Lot has . be taken of them. The rate pi vH'l remit-- And ail k!cd of Building Materials. ,r civon in the abavc scale, and won more heats under 2 :30 than a fir or American advertise 13M FortStreet.Mflnolnln. y I .tlcrntlonh may be made by postal any horse in America was tbo J" eb2pue Honsn. DKNTISTh. J OLDa, - . i : : : Proprietor favorite in the betting. Besides THE Corner Sunann Avenue and Hotel Streets. the purse there were a number of Commercial Advertiser Oaily Pacific Choice Alos, Wises and Iiiqnors large bets placed on him before nnlillhed bj the Hawaiian Gakttk Com. lS5h y. i. OQccln Merchant Stmt, and the raco came off. the City, at Hotel St., r.p.. Dr. & McGrtsw' by Carriers in E. S. CUNHA' J. LEO XIII. A large number of interest- (3S.OO) For Aiumm. Six Hollars '3cS.otaX Ka-piola- Postage paid, wIzlo Soalor. ed spectators assembled at ni ..,,. jrnreicn Countries ja&-Q- &i ADMIN1STSEEU gjo.oo per annum UNION SALOON, park on Saturday after- Adilrc-- s aiT Communications, Inrearof the "Hawaiian Gazette" building 135G to witness the race above i a r HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPAQ, No 23 Merchant Street. noon No. 45 Merchant Sstrcet Railw'y described. The grounds had HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO Canadian Pacific The present occupant of the portant events, among which may been leased for the occasion by Steam Engines, SugarMIUs. Boilers,, be mentioned the contest with Ger- and Hollinger, aras- - Coolers, Iron, Bra? Lead Casting Crown of St) Peter, Pope Leo XIII., Messrs. Horner guStoWS j and The Famous Toohist Route or the Wobld. many, of which may be Baid that Pontiff, is the son it who expended some $50 in repair- Machlnory of Every Description the 258th Roman though opposed to no lesBj redoubt- -- ing the track. An entrance fee of Order, fia Pecci, and was PROFESSIONAL. $5 Second and $10 First Class. of Count Ludovico able antagonist than Prince Bis- 50 cents was collected at the gate Particular attention paid to Ships' Blackt a small was not smithing. JOB WORK executed on tho.hortei. born in 1810, at Carpineto, marck, the Pope certainly to reimburse the gentlemen men- 9 CARTER & CARTER, 1356 notice. y Loss than by Other Linos. town in the Province of Emilia in worsted. tioned. Though quite a number Xjvw- - In the dispute between Germany To w UNITED STATES the northern part of Italy. Hav- managed to get into the grounds Y & Aix Powis the ,,,36 No. 24 Merchant Street. H. W. SCHMIDT SONS, and Spain as to the sovereignty of before the gates wero opened, some OANADA.wa PoniLASD, TACOiii. ing acquired the rudiments of edu- asd the Caroline islands the Pope ac- $40 $50 collected. A. ROSA. and Commission tfcrchmk, Vi-terb- o, or was hwm SEATTXr, VlOTOBXa-H- VAKCOnTIB. r"the college of a Xixr. cation Jesuit cepted the position of arbiter, and Before the race was commenced Attornoy Honolnln. he passed thence, at the age his decision in favor of Spain was was raised by Hollinger Ko. 15 Kaaiiusaso Stbeit, an objection TiorjOTAIN EESOEIS, Collegio Romano, accepted by Bismarck. vehicle manufactured 1S51, llonolnln, II. I. ? of fourteen, to the regarding the J. S. SmTHTES, In 1888 his holiness issued a de- for Lot Slo- Banff, Glacier, Mount Stephen and where he greatly distinguished him- especially the use of WILLIAM C. PARKE, cree denouncing in general terma claim being made that it - DEu.1fcllo proceeded next to the col- cum, the X-a-v- BTotary Fraser Canon. self, and er- the methods of some of the Irish to require- Hav- did not come up the AttorneyAcknowledgments.at AND AGENT TO GRANT MABRIAGE lege of Noble Ecclesiastics. leaders in tbo "Plan of Campaign." ments of a road cart. A majority Ami Asent to take few LICENSES. ing taken the degree of Doctor of More than once in the last judges sustained the object- 13 Kaaucjcau Sjihee, of the OFFICE: Empress Line of Sieimeis from VancoiiTer the Pope declared it to 1415-t-f by Pope Greg- years has vehiclo was changed U- - ! Mahnkono. Kohala. Hawaii. Laws, he was made ion, and the 1S9J llonolnln. 5 good French Seg-natura- be the duty of all China, India "Referendary of the ." for a lighter one. It differed from CASTIiE, WA.TERIIODM!, Tickets to nil points in Japan, ory XVI. to loyally acknowledge W R. JOIEIV X and nronnd the world. catholics the new one in that it was some IMP0BTEB AND DBA LEE IN GEHEBAL the republic as the supreme author- twenty pounds lighter, but had Courts of MKBCHAKDIBE. Information twenty-seve- n Gio-acchi- And Notary Public. Attends allthe tsj For Tiokets and General At the age of ity in France, and quite recently, lower wheels, with the seat further y j35S the Kingdom. ti56 Queen Street. Honolulu jr Pecci took holy orders and in a letter to the Archbishop of behind and having straight axles. & CO., flock to THEO. II A.VIK Co., THEO. H. DAVIES was in the same year ordained Bordeaux, he asks his Messrs. Sam Graham, T. W. ALPRED MAGOON, and loyally obey the J. Pacifio ltailway for him "recognize Lishman'and W. M. Cunningham Importers and Cosunission Merchants, Canadian priest. iPope Gregory gave the country and Counselor At Law. 1426-l- v Hawaiian Islands. constitution of their as it acted as judgeB, and Dr. W. T. Attorney abd asexts rot title of "Prothonotary Apostolic" OFFICE 42 Merchant Street. exists," and advises them to "with- Monsarratt and H. Focke as time- Honolulu. II. I. Lloyd's and the LIverpoolUnderwriters, apostolic dele- British and Foreign Marine Insurance Co., PIONEER STEAM and appointed him draw religion from the deceiving keepers. 1343 . AndKorthero Asaaranco Ocmpacy. - ltM Candy Manufactory and Bakery, gate to several Roman Sees in suc- complications of politics." Promptly at 2:30 the judges Honolulu. , the rest, His Holiness Pope Honolulu. Honolulu. :e . cession. For rang for the race. At the first score HAWAIIAN WINE CO. Practical Confectioner,HonwPastry Cook and Baker Leo XIII.
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