AND THE BOONTON WEEKLY BULLETIN 8. L. OAHBISON, tiitmi VOLUME TWENTY-EIGHT NUMBER ONE HUNPRED THOMAS H. TBENHOLM, Editor BOONTON; N. J., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER-18, 1823 CHARLES L. GRUBB, Asso. Editor I SINGLE COPIES THREE CENTS - 'VanRaalteOut- !Prosecutor's Men 37th Convention Red Cross Drive for' Annual Report of Speaker to Survey Town to Appeal Seize Beer Here Japanese Sufferers Hanover Schools Hits Morristown Two raids in widely separated parts ofW.CT.U.Held , The Red Cross Drive for subscrip- Sup'tHulsart . "The Schools of Hanover Township Tax Reduction tion to the Japan suffers is on and of Boonton early last Friday night and Comparisons of the Schools of during the week representatives of One Block on Hill Street to be In Third Game of Series, on netted the members Cf the Proaecu-,. MrsV Harry R, Gill, President, Hie" Ked" Cross 'wilP visit "you^or "sub- tricts," will be the subject of an1 ad- 1 Sunday, and Win by 6-4 tors staff several barrels of beer and Speaks ort Subject of "Law ' scriptions, no.matter how small, which to Educate Each • t dress this (Tuesday) evening at the. Made Dne Way Thorough- Score. two and a half cases of the same Enforcement. will go toward the quota of the Morris Pupil. ,, - I Morris'Plains School, on Speedwell fare. County Chapter which is $3200.00. Yavenue by Dr. E. de S. Brunner, a liquid. The members of the staff ar- The Junior Red Cross is earnestly re- With nearly a whole new team in Thirty-seven delegates fi" m all sec- County Superintendent of Schools .member of the Hanover Board of Ed- Regular" semi-monthljy meeting of rested the owners of the liquid. quested to join In this drive; J. Howan! Hulsart hug fininhed his ucntion. Never has the schools of Board of Aldermen waaAeld on Mon- .,,the field, .VanJtaalte got down to Those arrestett were Flavinq Die- tions of Morris'County were present on last Friday morning. wh,ei" the A request --for Christmas bugs .for annual compilation.of school statistics [ Hanover Township had as complete a day evening. Mayor Molfer""presided business and defeated Morristown doardo nnd Carmine Camello, The our soldiers in the Canal Zone has for the year ending 'July 1. There: survey as was made last year, and all members were bresent except last Sunday afternoon in a game that cases and two' barrels of beer were thirty-seventh annual convention of the County W- C. T. U. opened in the been sent. These bags*-must be were 17,935 pupils enrolled in the pub-; Miss Elizabeth Hooker conducted Messrs. Bowden and Le\ys. keep the rooters on their toes every seized in Diefoardo's home, while two shipped not later than. October, 15. lie schools of the county and the aver-1 the field study under the dirtction'of minute- Kugleman did the throwing* barrels of beer were seized at the Reformed Church, with a devotional A reunion of the Towaco Branch will Minutes of previous meeting were for Boonton with Waugh hoiJing him home of Camello. It is said that the service led by Mrs. J. F. Tattle, presi take place in the near'future and a read and approved. "op behind the bat and they worked liquid* contains more alcohol than is dent of the Rockaway Union. Greet- luncheon will be served'each member Report of Tax Collector D. Lester very nicely allowing the County Seat permitted by law. ings were extended by Mrs. G. £. Van contributing some delicacy. Date and Smith was read and'"referred; to Fi- Nostrand, of the local Union, which fttendance 500.36. I Hanover Township, the wealth and nance Committee. • j* Boy3 but seven .hits and permitting Constable Beddow was in charge of place will appear in the nexVissue of school support, school costs and fi- but one man to go to first with a was responded to by Mrs. J. L. Dexter, this paper. It is hoped all the old Transportation in the county cost i Treasurer's reports waB presented the raiding party. Both the men, ar- ¥78,781 and tuition for pupils up to nances, the school buildings, classifi- free ticket. Vanltaa'lte got down to of Morristown. Mrs. Dexter referred members will join in this reunion as cation of pupils, teaching and admin- of general and water account$j:and re-, business right in the beginning and rested were released Saturday morn- to conditions in Newark. In just one things of importance. j the eighth-grade paid to other.;school ferred to Finance and Water Com- ing under $1,000 bail for a hearing districts cost ?22,408 while there was istration and the social conditions. block from the Lackawanna station, It is .earnestly desired that the pa- mittee respectively. 'put two "runs over in the first inning before Judge C. Franklin Wilson next to Orange street, there are seven sa- up for discussion. i paid for high school education from after McGill had reached first base week-, : Catherine M. Pentz, outside the districts in which the h|gh trons and all those interested in the Plans of Joseph Bloom and Peter loons, now called cafes with drawn schools attend this meeting. C, Wendt for improvements to their' due to a bad- throw. Peni?itore then shades and-closed doors. ^**fd there Chairman. schools are located 579,759. hit safe to right for two bases scot- properties of Union and Brook streets no way we can compel them to raise There was spent for repairs, re- were both referred lo Fire Committee. g McGUl, then Johnnie LaHart hit the shades according to law?" Mor- furnishing and leasing $88,671, leas- deep right-for a triple scoring Personals Hanover Schools, I Offer of Dixon Bros, of $50.00 for ristown has also a cample of the same ing being a smajl item of $1,950. For Locals chemical tank and hose was'referred jitore; Estey walked but the next Miss Viola Bedink, of Williamsport, thing.. Treasurer's report showed re- interest and redemption of bonds Iran up' popped up and was out as Badly Over-crowded to Fire Committee. Pa., was a recent guest of Miss J. ceipts for the past year with $865.02, $170,623 was expended. For land, the Boonton Churches on Sunday took 1 was Ebtey going to third. • Again in B. Norwood, of Madison street. with a balance of $251,05. ,,,. Supervising Principal Charles' F. districts spent $6,500, and for new up collections for the Red Cross to A number of bills were presented be second Van Raalte managed to John T. Edwards,'State .supervisor Champion, of the Hanover Township buildings $533,791, for extraordinary be uBed for the Japan sufferers, the and referred to proper committee Xu get another run over after Murphy of the Department of Roads, now- liv- In the -address of the County Presi- schools," is being kept busy adjusting repairs and extensions, $25,717. total amount of same being $226.10 be paid if found correct. and Nelson - had both hit safe and ing at Nutley, .visited our.office.Fri- dent, Mrs. Gill spoke on "Law En- matters caused by the large increase t A recess was "taken to look over forcement^lirom now on until1 Novem- The schools have a total of $4,228,- The • tea that was . to have been bills. JIcGill had followed it up with another < day' of last week to renew his sub- in pupils this year. As a^result of 300, made up as follows: Land, $319,- given this afternoon at the home of safe hit. Morristown however, came | scription to the Times-BullCtinrMr. ber this must be our slogan." Mrs.. this registration plans will have to be 478; buildings, $3,596,738; furnish- Mrs. Frank Hammond, on Old Boon- Recess terminating, Mr. Grothman, back in the third and clouted .out Edwards is a brother of Joseph W. Gill described her recent trip to Alas- chairman of Finance Committee, re- 1 changed in some districts, i- ings, $302,448. There are 503 class ton road, has been postponed unti three runs, tieing the score and fol- Edward*, of Uoonton, and United ' ka and the many discussions ori£$he In the Malapardis SchoolJthere are rooms. Thirty men and sixty-eight Thursday afternoon, from three to ported ell bills approved for payment. lowed it up in the fifth by ?cnrinfr "tct-'s Senator-elect Edward.I. Ed- wet ar,d dry issues throughout the "105 pupils registered withp.20 more women are employed as teachers in five o'clock. Application for license to keep a another and then the score stood-4-3 wards. entire trip. "The ignorance of most seeking admission. The school is now the high schools, the men receiving pool room on Mechanic street was until the eighth' when V^i.R.-.j.ite of the dry people is beyond all un- over-crowded,' so to • help 'solve the The Missionary Societies of the read from Samuel Zucker. Referred 31ns. C. B. IIair.es and son, Robert, an average salary of $1,907 and the Parsippany Presbyterian Church will scored three runs thereby p-ttinR the of Old Boonton road,3psr.t the weai- derstanding." "We must not _only problem the fifth grade will be con- women $1,568. Morristown tops the to License Committee. game on ice, it all happened after read-and'keep ourselves posted, but we veyed to Whippany. The fifth grade hold a Rnlly Day Service on Thurs- A number of notes were ordered enii visiting relatives at Staten Island. list for salaries.
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