HF Controls HF CONTROLS CORPORATION HFC-6000 Product Line U--Nuclear Qualification Project ERD 111 EPRI TR 107330 REQUIREMENTS COMPLIANCE TRACEABILITY MATRIX RR901-000-10 Rev C Effective Date: 12/14/2009 Author: Ivan Chow Reviewer: Jonathan Taylor Approval: Allen Hsu Copyright© 2009 HF Controls Corporation 1 of 66 ERD i 11 EPRI TR 107330 Requirement Compliance Traceability Matrix Revision History Date Revision Author Changes 2/3/05 A0 J Taylor Draft 3/1/05 A J Taylor Incorporate review comments 11/19/09 B I. Chow Resolved the inconsistencies about undetectable errors and remedial implementations in RR901-000-01 Rev. B and PP901-000-01 Rev. C SCR 2612, CR 2009-0540 12/9/09 C I. Chow Revised and based on new documented information from the qualification summary report and reconstructed requirement documentations. Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ...................... ............................................................................... 3 2.0 Traceability M atrix ....................................................................................... 3 3.0 Glossary .................................................................................................... 3 3.1 Traceability M atrix Com pliance ................................................................ 3 3.2 .Abbreviations .............................................................................................. 4 4.0 R eferences .................................................................................................... 5 List of Tables Table 1 - EPRI TR 107330 Requirement Compliance Traceability Matrix Table ...... 8 RR901-000- 10 2 of 66 Rev. C ERD 111 EPRI TR 107330 Requirement Compliance Traceability Matrix 1.0 INTRODUCTION The following pages present a traceability matrix for compliance of the ERDI 11 project with EPRI TR-107330, Generic Requirements Specification for Qualifying a Commercially Available PLC for Safety-Related Applications in Nuclear Power Plants. The purpose of this project was to assemble an HFC-6000 control system and conduct the specified range of tests to demonstrate the functional capabilities and resiliency of the system design. 2.0 TRACEABILITY MATRIX The traceability matrix consists of a multi column table. The purpose and content of the material in each column is as follows: EPRI TR-107330 Reference Contains the section and paragraph number reference for each line of text in the specification. Summary of Requirement Contains either the paragraph heading or the summary of the content in the indicated paragraph. Compliance Indicates level of compliance achieved. (Refer to paragraph 3.0.) HFC Document Reference Identifies the HFC document that either accomplishes the specific requirement or provides the evidence for compliance. Refer to PP901-000-01, HFC-6000 Product Line Document Map for a list of document references. Comments Provides explanatory information about the level of compliance or the way in which compliance is accomplished. 3.0 GLOSSARY 3.1 TRACEABILITY MATRIX COMPLIANCE Comply The intent of the stated requirement was met in full by the indicated document. Exception The intent of the stated requirement was not met in some respect. The entry in the comments column indicates the nature of the deviations. N/A Not Applicable. Either the EPRI reference did not include any requirement, or the stated requirement is not applicable to the test specimen covered by this report. RR901-000-10 3 of 66 Rev. C ERD 111 EPRI TR 107330 Requirement Compliance Traceability Matrix . I 3.2 ABBREVIATIONS ADC Analog/Digital Converter Al, Analog Input AIC Analog Input Conversion AO Analog Output C Centigrade CD Compact Disk C-Link Communication Link CPC Communication Protocol Controller CPLD Complex Programmable Logic device CR Condition Report CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check CSM Control Switch Module DAC Digital/Analog Converter DB deci Bell DI Digital (Discrete) Input DIP Dual In-Line Package DO Digital (Discrete) Output EMI Electromagnetic Interference EWS Engineering Workstation FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis FOT Fiber-Optics Transmitter FPC Flat Panel Controller FPD Flat Panel Display g acceleration of gravity HAS Historical Archiving System HFC HF Controls HIFR Host Interface Remote (HFC software utility) HMI Human-Machine Interface HPAT HFC Plant Automated Tester hr hour iaw in accordance with ICL Intercommunications Link I/O Input/Output JCRT Java CRT (HFC software utility for operator workstations) KHz Kilo Hertz LED Light Emitting diode M/A Manual/Automatic MA milli Ampere min minute ms millisecond NMI Non-Maskable Interrupt OBE Operating Basis Event PC Personal Computer PCB Printed circuit Board PLC Programmable Logic Controller PROM Programmable Read-Only Memory RR901-000-10 4 of 66 Rev. C " ERD 111 EPRI TR 107330 Requirement Compliance Traceability Matrix PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride QA Quality Assurance QAPM QA Program Manual RAM Random Access Memory RFI Radio Frequency Interference RH Relative Humidity RQ Designation for a remote data routing table RTD Resistance Thermal Detector ROM Read Only Memory sec second SLC Single Loop Controller SOE Sequence of Events S-SE Safety Shutdown Event TSAP Test Specimen Application (synthetic application program for test specimen) TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic v volt V&V Verification and Validation vac volt alternating current vdc volt direct current w watt 4.0 REFERENCES Document Number Description - Revision __ERD i 1/Current 400409-01 HFC-BPCO1-19, Hardware Design Spec. A/D 400419-01 HFC SBC06, Hardware Design Spec A/C 400434-01 HFC-AI1 6F, HW Design Spec. A/B 400454-01 HFC-DI161, HW Design Spec. A/B 400459-01 HFC-DO8J, HW Design Specification A/A 400464-01 HFC-DC33, HW Design Specification A/C 400469-01 HFC-DC34, HW Design Spec. A/C 400474-01 HFC-AO8F, HW Design Spec. A/B 51378-1 Wyle Report 700709-00 HFC-6000 Chassis Assembly A/A 700901-06 HFC-6000, 1O Requirements Spec. A/A 700901-09 ERD 1I1 TSAP Requirement Spec. A/A 700907-01 ERD 111 TSAP Wiring Schematic D/D 700907-02 Single Loop Controller C/C 700908-01 HPAT Wiring C/C 700909-01 FOT Wiring D/D 700910-01 TSAP Test Rack D/D 700912-01 TSAP System Assembly Drawing G/G 700915-00 I/O Module Wiring B/B 700916-01 Power Distribution, TSAP Configuration C/C 700916-02 Power Distribution, Single Loop Configuration D/D RR901-000-10 5 of 66 Rev. C ERDI 11EPRI TR 107330 Requirement Compliance Traceability Matrix Document Number Description Revision ,ERDI11./Current ADS0401 TSAP Design Description A/A ATP0402 Application Test Plan A/D DD0401 Test Specimen Design Description A/B DSOO1-000-01 Operating System Component Design Spec. C/C DS002-000-01 C-Link Protocol Design Spec. C/C' DS002-000-02 ICL Protocol Design Spec. E/E DS004-000-03 MCRT Design A/A DS901-000-01 SBC06 DPM06, Module Detailed Design Spec. B/D DS901-000-02 1O Board Module Detailed Design Spec. B/B DS901-000-03 DO8J, Module Detailed Design Spec. B/B DS901-000-04 D1161, Detail Design Spec. B/B DS901-000-05 DC33 Detailed Design Spec. A/D DS901-000-06 DC34 Detailed Design Spec. A/D DS901-000-07 AI16F Detailed Design Spec. D1/DI DS901-000-08 AO8F Detailed Design Spec A/E DS901-000-10 AI8L Detailed Design Spec. B/E DS901-000-11 AI8M Detailed Design Spec. C/C DS901-000-12 AI4K Detailed Design Spec. C/C MS901-000-01 SBC06 Module Design Spec. F/F MS901-000-02 1O Board Module Design Spec. C/C PP901-000-01 Topical Report A/C QAPM Quality Assurance Program Manual 5/H QPP 3.1 Design Control D/I QPP 3.2 Software Lifecycle and V&V Program 1/I QPP 6.1 Control and Distribution of Documents B/H QPP 12.1 Control of Measurement and Test Equipment C/G QPP 13.1 Handling, Shipping, Storage and Preservation of 0/C Materials, Parts and Components QPP 16.1 Corrective Action Program D/M QPP 16.2 Customer Feedback 0/E QPP 16.3 1OCFR Part 21 Report 0/B RR901-000-01 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis B/B RR901-000-04 Reliability and Availability Analysis Report A/A RS901-000-01 HFC-6000 Product Line C/F RS901-000-02 HFC-PSR06 Requirements Spec. D/E TN0401 Master Test Plan C/C TP0401 Integration Test Plan B/B TP0402 Operability Test Procedure C-E/F TP0403 Prudency Test Procedure C-E/F TP0404 Environmental Stress Test Procedure C/D TP0405 Seismic Test Procedure C-D/E TP0406 Surge Withstand Test Procedure C/D TP0407 EMI-RFI Test Procedure C/C TP0408 TSAP Validation Test Procedure A/B RR901 -000-10 6 of 66 Rev. C ERD 111 EPRI TR 107330 Requirement Compliance Traceability Matrix Document Number Description Revision ERD 11/Current TP0408B Test Specimens Validation Test Procedure A/B TP0409 ESD Test Procedure C/C TP0410 Bum-in Test Procedures B/C TP0411 Isolation Test Procedures B/B TROO1-000-02 Application Object Test Plan B/B TS901-000-22 ERD 111, Baseline Tegting Summary Report B/B TS901-000-23 Environmental Test Report B/C TS901-000-25 EMI Test Report B/C TS901-000-28 Isolation Test Report B/C TS901-000-29 Post Qualification Report B/B TS901-000-30 Summary Report for Bum In Setup, TSAP B/B Validation. TS901-000-34 Seismic Retest In House Test Report B/B TS901-000-35 HFC6000 Seismic Retest Report B/B UG004-000-01 EWS User's Guide E/E UG004-000-02 OIS User's Guide E/E UG004-000-04 Onestep Software User's Guide D/D UG004-000-05 Software Installation Guide, Version 1.14 or 2.0 D/D UG004-000-07 Site Planning and Installation Guide H/H UG004-000-08 Maintenance, Troubleshooting and Diagnostics F/F UG004-000-10 WCRT Setup User's Guide A/A VV0414 Master Configuration List A/A WI-DOC-001 Document Distribution B/G WI-ENG-003 Configuration Management 1/E WI-ENG-006 PCB Assembly Order Requirement List 2/A WI-ENG-008 Software V&V Procedures 0/VV-001 WI-ENG-020 Software Security 0/B WI-ENG- 100 Engineering Processes 0/D WI-ENG-206 CMS Library SW Source Code Control A/A RR901-000-10 7 of 66 Rev.
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