їііЬес) by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.. a fraternal non-profit associitioii| ШгаІИН Y Vol. LVI No. 37 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 11,1988 50 cents Decision in Medvid case Authorities forcibly disband 5,000 Federal judge says U.S. government at silent demonstration in Lviv violated Ukrainian lawyers' rights JERSEY CITY, N. J. - Local autho­ wearing green uniforms and carrying rities in the western Ukrainian city of clubs, moved on the crowd, which had PHILADELPHIA - A U.S. district American Bar Association et al. v. Lviv have once again reacted with force stood silently as police and KGB photo­ judge for the District of Columbia has George P. Shultz etal. Civil Action 85- against participants of a public meeting graphed them. The unit reportedly ruled that Secretary of State George P. 3487 (USDC) filed in October. 1985 by held there without official permission pushed them in all directions in an effort Shultz and Commissioner Alan Nelson the UABA and two individual mem­ on September 1, reported the External to disperse the meeting. of the Immigration and Naturalization bers, attorneys Orest Jejna of Phoenix, Representation of the Ukrainian Hel­ Participants reportedly began to Service (INS) "violated, and threaten to Ariz., and Julian Kulas of Chicago, sinki Union. shout "Fascists" and "Free Makar," violate in the future, the rights of the when they were denied access to coun­ Some 5,000 residents of Lviv and referring to the August 4 arrest of Ukrainian American Bar Association sel and advise Myroslav Medvid, the vicinity gathered in front of Ivan meeting organizer Ivan Makar, and (UABA) to communicate effectively an Ukrainian merchant seaman who jump­ Franko State University on September marched away from the university offer of free legal services to unad­ ed from a Soviet grain vessel near New 1 despite a ban on the meeting by toward the Lviv О^зега House and mitted aliens seeking asylum" from the Orleans on October 24, 1985. The officials who refused to grant its organ­ Lenin monument. That area, however, USSR and East Bloc countries. lawsuit was a cooperative venture izers, members of the Initiative Group was completely surrounded by militia, In a six-page memorandum decision between the UABA and the conserva­ to Promote Perestroika, permission to who reportedly began grabbing indivi­ and three-page order filed August 31, tive Washington Legal Foundation. hold the rally citing a new Soviet law duals and shoving them into vehicles. and received by the UABA's lead Mr. Medvid, who desperately sought restricting public meetings. According to the press service of the attorney, Andrew Fylypovych of Phila­ Ukrainian Helsinki Union, 15 persons political asylum and was in U.S. cus­ The thousands reportedly gathered in delphia on September 6, Judge Louis F. were known to have been detained or tody on two separate occasions for a the early evening and stood for a long Oberdorfer set September 15 as a arrested during the September 1 rally, total of some 24 hours, w^as never time in silence, so as to avoid any violent deadline for the INS to take corrective including Ihor Derkach, an engineer advised that Ukrainian-speaking law­ reaction from the militia that surround­ measures. yers were willing to represent him and and a member of the Initiative Group ed the area, as had occurred at an that organized the meeting, Mr. Der­ This decision is a welcome culmina­ wanted to speak with him. In a contro- August 4 rally, when dozens of people tion of a lawsuit styled as Ukrainian (Continued on page 14) kach was reportedly freed at 2 a.m. the were arrested or beaten. following day after threatening to At around 8 p.m., however, the sixth inform the Western press and govern­ Ogonyok editor speaks out about unit of the militia's special riot forces. ments about the incident. undemocratic conditions in Ukraine Soyuzivka closes 35th summer season by Bohdan Nahaylo consolidate his strength." Thus, for the first time, as far as is There seem to be very few sensitive known, Mr. Korotych was drawn into with Labor Day weekend festivities subjects that the weekly magazine publicly reveahng his attitude towards by Marta Kolomayets Ogonyok has failed to deal with since the Shcherbytsky leadership's enduring resort. Vitaliy Korotycb took over as editor. control over Ukraine. Ogonyok's editor Attendance peaked on Saturday Yet in view of Mr. Korotych's back­ made it clear that he considers this KERHONKSON, NY. - Soyu­ evening, September 3, according to ground — he is a well-known Ukrainian republic a bastion of the forces opposed zivka, the Ukrainian National Associa­ Soyuzivka co-manager Lidia Kuczer. poet — there is one area, or set of issues, to "democratization" and "restructur­ tion's resort nestled in the Catskills of More than 4,000 guests crossed the upstate New York, closed its gates for which he might have been expected to ing" and too formidable a force to be entrance gate and made their way up the the summer on Monday, September 5, tackle, but until now seems to have challenged head-on at this stage by the winding road, past the tennis courts and ending yet another successful season at stayed clear of - namely, the nationa­ Gorbachev leadership. onto the Veselka patio, a central gather­ this estate. lities question generally and the situa­ As he implied, Volodymyr Shcher­ ing point for Soyuzivka visitors. tion in his native Ukraine specifically. bytsky and his associates head not only Although this 35th annual season got This Labor Day weekend crowd was the most populous and economically off to a slow start, as many Ukrainians quite an international assembly; the In an interview published on.August most important of the non-Russian busied themselves with Millennium UNA resort hosted Ukrainians from 28 in the Barcelona newspaper La republics, but also the largest single year celebrations throughout the United Munich, Paris, Warsaw, Melbourne, Vanguardia, however, Mr. Korotych States, Canada and Europe, it picked party organization within the Commu­ Toronto, New York, Chicago, Mon­ was asked directly about his views on up steam and by Labor Day weekend nist Party of the Soviet Union. treal, Washington, Los Angeles, Ottawa, these matters, and his replies were frank more than 15,000 people had visited the Nevertheless, Mr. Korotych went on (Continued on page 4) and illuminating. to express his confidence, that if the Showing considerable incisiveness, current process of "democratization" the Spanish interviewer, Rafael Poch, continues, the situation in Ukraine will uiiyed. among others, the following begin to improve as well. He explained: question: ''As a Ukrainian, what is your "1 find it very difficult to imagine op.men of the lack of glasnost and the what will happen in the next elections continuing 'stagnation' (Brezhnevjsm) early next year, but I believe democratic in Ukraine?" Mr Korotych responded: stances are developing day by day and it "The situation there fUkraineJ is will be very difficult to elect deputies as rather 5ad and ami-democralic, but the before. Lenin defined a revolutionary last thing that Gorbachev needs is a civil situation as follows: those underneath war. We m OgonyoR have lust started to are not prepared for things to continue broach the issue of corruption in Uzbe­ as before, while those on top cannot kistan, not a very strategic republic -- govern with the same methods as and you know what a huge stir that before. This is our situation." caused. I am not sure this is strategically Understandably, Mr. Korotych now the ^sght lime to tackle the subject of views the world around him from a i'k'Vine, AUhough it IS oecessa!; to central 0!\ more precisely, a "Gorba­ со''Ч,г-глгсііе or. cbniinalHig :he mam chev-oriented'' perspective. In Ukraine c^'innnals EDd .ісйку^щ tbe !irstecrnO" listli, though, more and more cultural Ale^ be^dlines the Sunday evening concert жі the UNA resort's, last s.liow of ІІм m.c ч^а:^, Gorbachev now псесЧ to (CoiitlnMed. Oil page 12) 35tli suinmer season. He Is accompanied by the Oles KMzyszyn Trio, THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1988 No. 37 A GLIMPSE OF SOVIET REALITY GLASNOST DIARY: Ukrainians in Moscow, Leningrad recording changes in the USSR organize cultural societies the average Soviet, according to the conservative magazine, Nash Sovre- group in Leningrad would approach the The joke rings true by Roman Solchanyk mennik. authorities with the same proposal. The Polish Party daily Trybuna Ludu One man is complaining to his friend, Mr. Keller writes that Mr. Gorba­ Subsequently, Literaturna Ukraina recently reported on August 19 that saying that all people ever talk about is chev's policy of glasnost has created a published individual and group letters Ukrainians in Moscow, organized in the glasnost. "You know, every newspaper I demand to express things that were not expressing support for the project, and Moscow Society of Admirers of Ukrai­ pick up, I read about glasnost; every talked about before. The press now reported that similar letters had been nian Culture Slavutych, intend to begin television show I watch, they under­ writes about the "Mafiya," the criminal published in Vecherny Leningrad. publishing a monthly journal as well as score glasnost. ''rekket," and "narkotyky." During a quarterly intended for Ukrainians Although no official announcement ''All the politicians take about is protests in Armenia, the people carry­ abroad. - regarding the group's formation ap­ glasnost. I'm really tired of glasnost; ing picket signs were labeled "piket- pears to have been published in the Kiev If these plans are realized, it will be there's nowhere I can go to get away chyky." press, in June Literaturna Ukraina the first time since the early 1930s that from it." In the world of computer technology retported that the T.
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