PROVINCIAL FISHERIES PROFILE Province of Compostela Valley I. GENERAL INFRORMATION** Total Land Area No.of Coastal Coastal Municipality Population (source No.of Barangay PPDO,Comval) (sq.km.) Barangay Population District 1 Maragusan 55,503 394.29 24 New Bataan 47,470 688.60 16 Compostela 81,934 187.50 16 Montevista 39,602 265.0 20 Monkayo 94,627 692.89 21 District 11 Nabunturan 73,196 245.29 28 Mawab 35,698 169.52 11 Laak 70,856 947.06 40 Maco 72,235 244.40 37 7 18,680 Mabini 36,807 412.25 11 6 20,286 Pantukan 79,067 420.13 13 9 51,352 TOTAL 687,195 4,666.93 237 22 90,318 II. FISHERY RESOURCES A. COMMERCIAL FISHERIES a. No.of Extension Worker Assigned……………………None b. No. of Commercial Fishing Vessel ( Catchers)……….None c. No. of Commercial Fishing Vessel (Registered)………None d. Total Annual Production (M.T./yr)……………………None e. No. of Licensed Commercial Fishermen………………None B. MUNICIPAL FISHERIES B.1 CAPTURE MUNICIPAL ** Municipality No.of Extension No.of No.of No.of Total No. of Total No.of Total Workers Assigned Fishermen Fishermen Motorized Annual non- Annual Fish Annual (Full time) (Part Banca Production Motorized Production Coral Production time) (M.T./Yr.) Banca (M.T./Yr.) (M.T./Yr.) Maco 2 (Alix Bellena & 180 115 150 200 122 95 3 1.5 Hanida Fernandez Mabini 2 (Amalia C. Bama 200 91 135 100 85 25 21 8 & Godofredo Fulo) Pantukan 2 (Bernardo G. Saga 456 142 410 775.79 188 180.55 9 2.84 & Lominicop Mambering TOTAL 836 348 695 1,145.79 395 365.55 33 12.34 B.2 INLAND MUNICIPAL *** Municipality Lake (ha.) River (ha.) Dams (ha.) SWIP (ha.) Total Annual production (M.T./Yr.) District 1 Maragusan - - - - - 10 1.5 New Bataan - 850 ( Kahayag, Fatima & - (Tadia Dam, Bantacan) Magangit) 49 ( Agusan Dead River- San Miguel,Mapaca, Osmeña,Poblacion, Compostela - - - 40 Bagongon;Patay Ngan River-Ngan; Batoto River-New Alegria, San Jose 33 ( Upper Ulip, San Jose, 9 Banlag, Pasian, 10.5 (Upper Ulip,San Poblacion, Rizal, Baylo, (Olaycon, Naboc Tubo- Monkayo - 42 Jose, Banlag, Pasian Union, Macopa, Tubo, Union, Salvacion, & Casoon) Salvacion, Tubo-Tubo, Poblacion) Olaycon, Babag & Casoon) 10 2.0 Montevista - 10.5 1 (Linoan) District II 1 23 20 2 Nabunturan ( San Isidro & ( Magsaysay & 30 ( Manat River) (Basak & Pangutosan) Magading) Libasan) Mawab - 6 - 0.4 - Laak - - - - - 3 Mabini - - - (Lake Lantawan) 133 Maco 30 5 15 2.5 ( Lake Leonard) Pantukan - - - - - 127.43 TOTAL 146 998.5 20 50.9 C. AQUACULTURE C.1 Brackishwater Fishpond** Productive Area under Productive Area- Total Annual No. of Operator No. of Operator Municipality FLA (has) Private/Others (has) Production (M.T. /yr.) (under FLA) (Private/Others) 15.8266 (Mr. Josefino Derla & Mabini Mr. Leonardo 53.8 130.56 3 19 Benlero; Patrociño Doriman) 40 Maco - 42.3250 150 - 42 Pantukan - 143.23 190.79 - 101 TOTAL 15.8266 239.355 471.35 3 C.2 Freshwater Fishpond*** Total Productive Total Production No. of Total Productive Total Production Municipality No. of Operators Area Tilapia (has) (M.T./Yr.) Operators Area Hito (has) (M.T./Yr.) District I Maragusan 12.6361 40.3269 426 0.4459 0.833 13 New Bataan 8.5259 9.74 180 0.1000 0.1 5 Compostela 9.9870 40 145 - - - Monkayo 12.3090 110.553 219 11.8000 16.3333 36 Montevista 5.3365 19.48 86 0.5000 2.0 4 Distirct II Nabunturan 13.3920 6.62 299 0.2600 1.48 15 Mawab 5.3920 1.045 92 0.1450 0.2 8 Laak 6.0 13.7 120 - - - Mabini 22 3.5 98 0.2500 0.642 9 Maco 29 13 150 - - - Pantukan 6.1 32 21 - - - TOTAL 130.8825 289.9649 1,836 13.8000 21.5883 90 C.3 Freshwater Fish Cages* Total Productive Area- Total Annual Production Municipality No. of Operators No. of Units/Size (sq.m) Tilapia (has) (M.T. /Yr.) 2 units of 5x5x2 & 2 Laak 480 0.65 30 units of 6x6x2 2 TOTAL 480cu.m 0.65 30 C.4 Freshwater Fish pen* Total Productive Area- Total Annual Production Municipality No. of Operators No. of Units/Size (sq..m) Tilapia (has) (M.T. /Yr.) 1 association with 60 Maco 0.2500 5 1 members 1 association with 60 TOTAL 0.2500 5 1 members C.5 Marine Fish Cage*** Total Productive Area (has/ Total Annual Production Municipality No. of Operators No. of Units/Size (sq.m) sq. m) (M.T. /Yr.) Pantukan (Mariculture 31.0 70.8841 13 14 units 10x10; 3 units Park) 6x6 2 Mabini 10.0 8 10 units of 6x6 Maco 1.0 5 1 1 unit of 6x6 28 TOTAL 42.0 83.8841 16 C.6 Marine Fish Pen* Total Productive Area Total Annual Production Municipality No. of Operators No. of Units/Size (sq.m) (has/sq.m) (M.T./Yr.) 3 Pantukan 2.0 3.8 3 C.7 Seaweed* Total Productive Area Total Annual Production No. of Units/Farm Municipality No. of Operators (has/sq.m) (M.T./Yr.) Lantay Longline Nursery 3 units 3.5 Mabini 25.155 7 - with 6 0.2500 has (Brgy. Cuambog) longlines Annex 1. Accredited Tilapia Hatcheries*** Tilapia Total Annual Name of Hatchery Name of Operator Area (has) Production Ownership (M.T. /Yr.) Government 1. Compostela Municipal Tilapia LGU- Compostela 0.0400 100,000 Hatchery Government Provincial Government of 2. Provincial Freshwater Hatchery 0.9491 450,000 Compostela Valley Government 3. LGU- Nabunturan Multi- LGU- Nabunturan 0.0600 100,000 Purpose Hatchery 4. Regional Fisheries Research and Development Center for BFAR-XI 5.4182 3,842,550 Government Freshwater Private 5. Aposacas Tilapia Hatchery Felipa Aposacas 0.2791 2,185,000 Satellite Hatcheries - 2,835,000 Total 6.7464 BFAR- RFRDCF- 3,842,550 Annex 2. Hito Hatcheries** Total Annual Production Name of Hatchery Name of Operator Area (has) Ownership (pcs/yr) 1. MAGRO Hatchery LGU-Monkayo 0.0050 50,000 Government 2. Kambilawa Fisheries Nasser Hernaez 0.0200 200,000 Private Corporation 3. LGU- Nabunturan LGU- Compostela 0.0050 50,000 Government Multi-Purpose Hatchery 4. Provincial Freshwater Provincial Government of 0.0050 100,000 Government Hatchery Compostela Valley 5. RG Aqua Randy G. Gayas 0.2000 120,000 Private TOTAL 0.0350 520,000 III. PFO PERSONNEL & STAFF Designation Name ACC III/Acting PFO Nelma P. Ayado Technical Coordinator in District II & Mariculture Park Rogelyn B. Apit Technical Coordinator in Fish Processing/Provincial FARMC/Fisherfolk Coordinator Djo Jay D. Valledor Technical Coordinator in District I Maricel T. Pañamogan Allan A. Cordova Mariculture Park Support Staff Teodosio P. Laspoña Mariculture Park Support Staff Claudio T. Ponteras Mariculture Park Support Staff IV. FISHERY RELATED INFORMATIONS a. No. of Fisherfolk Organization/Cooperatives……………..40 b. No. of M/BFARMC ……………………………………21 c. No. of Fish Landing centers……………………………36 d. No. of Fish Sanctuary (established & proposed)…….2 Note: *-data source from 2010 fisheries profile **-data source from 2011 fisheries profile ***-data source from 2012 fisheries profile Annex 3. LIST OF FISH SANCTUARIES AND FISHERY RESERVES ESTABLISHED IN COMVAL PROVINCE (for 2012) Fish Sanctuary Municipal Name of Fish Sanctuary Location Status Year Established Ordinance Remarks Sanctuary Area Number 1. Brgy. Anislagan, Saint Vincent Existing 5.333 has 2007 No. 105 Series of Establishment of Maco, Comval Marine 2007 sanctuary Protected Area Coordinated with DENR-Comval 2. Brgy.Pindasan, Kopiat Fish Existing & 10 has 2006 No.111 Series of Co-Management Mabini, Comval Sanctuary Properly Managed 2006 with Lapanday Group of Companies Annex 4. Barangay Fisheries Aquatic Resources Management Council Barangay Fisheries Aquatic Resources Management Council Municipality BFARMC-Bucana Maco BFARMC- Anislagan BFARMC- Hijo BFARMC-Poblacion BFARMC- San Juan BFARMC-San Roque BFARMC-Binuangan BFARMC- San Antonio BFARMC-Cadunan BFARMC-Pindasan Mabini BFARMC- Cuambog BFARMC-Tagnanan BFARMC- Kingking BFARMC-Fuentes BFARMC- Matiao BFARMC- Tibagon BFARMC- Bongbong Pantukan BFARMC- Bongabong BFARMC-Tagdangua BFARMC-Magnaga BFARMC- Tambongon Annex 7. LGU Extension Workers Assigned Designation Name Office Address Ronald Sibayan PAGRO Supervising Agriculturist Antonio Bersano PAGRO Aquaculturist II Pedro Doyog PAGRO AT/Fisheries Allan Aposacas PAGRO Hatchery Technician Jenjen Bito-onan MAGRO-Maragusan AT-Fisheries Wilfredo Robles MAGRO- New Bataan AT/Fisheries Richard Agopalo MAGRO- Compostela AT/Fisheries Randy G. Gayas MAGRO-Monkayo AT/Fisheries Norelyn D. Lico MAGRO- Montevista AT-Fisheries Adin Siaboc MAGRO-Nabunturan AT/Fisheries Joel Jubahib MAGRO-Nabunturan AT/Fisheries Ly Anne Florenosos MAGRO-Mawab AT/Fisheries Zoe T. Edillo MAGRO-Laak AT/Fisheries Amalia C. Bama MAGRO-Mabini AT/Fisheries Godofredo Fulo MAGRO-Mabini AT/Fisheries Alix Bellena MAGRO-Maco AT/Fisheries Hanida Fernandez MAGRO-Maco AT/Fisheries Bernardo Saga MAGRO-Pantukan AT/Fisheries Lominicop Mambering MAGRO-Pantukan AT/Fisheries Annex 5. Fisherfolk Associations and Organizations MACO Name of Association/Organization Contact Person/Chairman Annex 5. Fisherfolk Associations and Organizations MACO Name of Association/Organization Contact Person/Chairman Annex 5. Fisherfolk Associations and Organizations MACO Name of Association/Organization Contact Person/Chairman 1. Hijo Fisherfolk Association Buenaventura M. Maranon Brgy. Hijo, Maco, Comval 2. Bucana Fisherfolk Association Eladio C. Mejares Brgy. Bucana, Maco, COmval 3. Poblacion Fisherfolk Association Benito C. Pantalia Brgy. Poblacion, Maco, Comval 4. Binuangan Fisherfolk Association Danilo K. Abubakar Brgy. Binuangan, Maco, Comval 5. San Roque Fisherfolk Association Nilo S. Manon-og Brgy. San Roque, Maco, Comval 6. San Juan Fisherfolk Association Baldomero O. Respecia Brgy. San Juan, Maco, Comval 7. Anislagan Fisherfolk Association Alfredo R. Velasco Brgy. Anislagan, Maco, Comval 8. New Leyte Fisherfolk Association Fernando P. Pallera Brgy. New Leyte, Maco, Comval 9. Maco Fishpond Operator Association Leonardo Hilario, Jr. 10. Maco Fish processing Association Myrna Gonzales MABINI 1.
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