TODAY’S NEWS TODAY Arguments Flare At Special Session IR S H IP BLAST 15 DIE AS SAND House Gets Canada Ready for Historic F.D.R. Visit T BARGE CAPSIZES Seven Bills (J IN LAKE ST OR. • For Action Btccch Block Explodes Aboard) U .S .8. Marblehead During Oddities Floor Clashes Point| Gunnery Practico Swift Disaster Hits To Carryover Into c a h k e t OKIES UNEEAItD IK HOAR ICAM9A8 CITS', Kan.. July Next Week . 20 <U.i:)—iThieves brolto Into a Craft in Heavy Seas caulcot company’s rooms, atoio aaeuy In Turret Not Found| threo bolts of casltet cloth nnd Dy’ JACK B. BEABDWOOD until Several Minutes a canlteti Thoy loaded tho loot Severi Members of Crew Escape Drowning ;j on a truck and drove away. Tlio BOISE, Idaho, July 29 (UP) .- - Aftor Finny— — watchman,-who couldn’t under.', — In Tragedy Off South Chicago —State senators anil reprcscnt- ntruid -HjritUlcves would want ' dtives — many of them work­ with a/caaKcT, aald ho thought ing ia their shirt sleeves be­ SAN DIEGO. Calif., July 20 (UR) tho m il were employes work­ (Copyright, 1030,. United Prm) —Tbo toll of tho flrat warship nc- ing late. cause of tho Fn?cttcrinff h ea t— cldcnt oinco 48 men died In a flam­ CHICAGO, Jiil}- 29 (UP)—Fifteen sailor.* drowned in Lak$ . > moved the Icgwlntivo program ing turret on the V. S. S. irissls-i UUIO jMii'bisnn todny iiOjcjj . ihcir heavilyJortJcd sand bargo, th* 1 ___ of the special fecasion' forward alppl 12 years atrn to<lav totaled]I ___rOCATEliO, July-29-OUU—- ilatcnal-Sccvico,-OApriiM<l-fiiKl-Hnii!rr'vj------------------ :------------- ----- today to bring proposed mcafF two dead and’hlno injorcd. ]1 Clarenco lvlc, 10, Jumped .In Owners of the borne said 22 men ... Twclvo others narrowly escaped | front of a mowing machine to ) on board when th* u rn up for'floor discussion.. injury or-deaUi when a. brcech| nave a urn nil bird that couldn’t bargj left Lockport, 111., yeaterd.iy witli f,000 tons of fland fo ( Seven bills 'were introduced block exploded ln a port bow tur­ fly. Tho mower sheared off Uio the company docks at South Cliiengo. in the Iwuac this rooming and ret of tho U. 8. S. Marblehead bonea nnd Uanuo of ono of his Seven of the men wer* an eighth was expected to be engaged Jn gunnery practico no legs JusLnhovo thVanklc. Sur­ mliea off San Dlegoi I geons believed they could «ivo know7i to have cscupcd from . introduced during tho after­ TJio blast was flvo miles from| Ills foot. „ • ___ the Large as it plunged to th* noon. session. ; ■ j|iottbm.. .....................t .. ____ ' Ileatcd 'argument b.roko outl currcd. Tli .................. w iia ij : WEEDTOURHEfiE, cruiser steamed Into port under ."A ll tho others’ must linvi^T on both floors, indicating' .tho| SEATTLE, July 20 (B.CI — forced driUt last night after tho Coastal steamer H. F. Alexan­ jdrowued," snid'CapU Albert.- third extraordinary session of accident, which occurred at l:S7i der berthed at Seattle with 450 lOrpss of tho South Chicago ..i- the 23rd legWalura might cr- 1. tn. (PST) yesterday. passengers and ono whalo. ’ ‘ ‘ ".lion. “ I figur# - tend into next .week. -------.... Thoao 1 tilled: ahlp collided -------------- 1 know how they Lao fitevo Morondc, second mnmmal in tho otralt of Juan |could havo escaped, and w t would Dills Introduced In tho house this class seamnn, Eureka, Calif. morning wero: ■ do Fucn, Idlllng it InManlly. and havo fqund them before now If Trovldes Fund* Percy William Cofer,- boat*-) carrying moat of tlio body to |Rcp. D, Worth Oiark and Sen. they wero alive." swain’s mate, Washington, Qa. Seattlo on ita bow. Tho bar go was less than a mil* - 1, 2, anil 3. Approving and re Uornndo was reported to havo William E, Borah Am ong' enacting Uie 1033 - legislature'; 'f .shoro when it sank. Sho had |been killed Instantly whilo Cofer BAItllKIt • Participants been laboring in beavy seas foe . • "continuing appropriation*" .meas ‘ r minutes later. Both ure, providing operating funds fori SEATTLE, July 20 fliPJ — moro than an hour, tho survivor* the occupational Uccnse' bureau, badly mangled by tbe LouLno Nngel, 18, today waa said, but the disaster camo with : force of tho blast. 1 proclaimed clmmpion Indy bar­ Widespread Interest In tho weed —'y a few (secondsVamlng. tho agriculture department lnspwT ' Groans Unheard tour planned for tomorrow In thla tloa f uni and tho abortion e radical ber of BcalUe after oliaving Suddenly Lists Tho groans and cries of tha I Norman Portcous, Jr., in two county under tlio oponaorslilp of 'I was on • deck with Capt - lion fund. wounued wero not heard nbovo Ui'o| tlio I’omona Grange, wiw reported 4. providing $15,000 from tho minutes flat. Sho won under Brown (Capt. Charles D. Brown, of'Other'guna being fired In] protest, however, because losing today by J: P. Hunt, director of who U missing) when I felt her • general fund for further enro ofl tho practico session. tlio county bureau of noxious weed •. tubcrcular eases. Tho 423,000. pro­ contestnnts-^lnlmcd tlmt Tor- list heavily," John Johnaon- flrrt Tlio Injured were: teous, onlj! 17 years old, bad control, nnd Harvey S. Hale, mate, said. "She started to turn - vide-! for thti work hy tho 1035] WllHnm A. Bradley. 21, Trenton, ly extension agent. IcelBlalure Has been exhausted. vlrtoally no whlnkers. 'ver, and I grabbed the captain* •- ...rk, multiple bums, condition Among tlioM from a distance] rm Junt as wo wero thrown Into Divides Burden fair. wlio havo arrived to talco part . 3....Providing . that: no county WILL Be water. ' :, Robcrt_W..Qp!e._25,.Philadelphia. |- SPOKANE.-July 29 ai.r.)----- the. program v/hlcli wllkfollow. t .VWo.both aank-when-we hit tha - shall bo tirarged for Uio caro of mulUplo lacerations and powder aervlng of lunch at Uie- county aged, blind, needy and dependent Tlio will ot Olof Olson, on fllo 'ater, and when I camo up the - Tlio aceno 0 Instorr-maldng events almost since America’s dli- bums, condition serious. In probate todayi bequeallis his fairground.! nt Filer at 1 p. m. li cnptnJn was mtoslng.".... ....... ; children or unemployable uclesa Edson U Flower, 21, Colorado Rep. D. Worth Clark, who Bpoltol tbe ntato and federal goyoraratihts .. .... ___thrilled today to the forthcoming uiiproccdcntcd aoul and body to God. Tho barge apparently atruck ' mcellog- of Praldent Kooaoveit, upper right, onij Loril Twccds- .last night at Co3tleford and went! co-operate and help bear' the fght leg, condition oerlous. tattom heavily, and broka up. Inuir, upper left, c«vernoSffenen) of Canada. Marking .tbo first (o Burley t° tako part ln a Mini- Pieces of wreckage bobbed to th* • ■ oinciAl visit (fti Aznertoaii TrtnlSent hair paid’ to Canada, Prlmo . John W. Overton, 18, Jacltoon, iIoka-CoaalTL county weed tour to­ p0(|BC'siHkln^ a 5400,000 sppro- (Continued On Pago 2, Column 8) surface with tho men who wer* ’ . nrlatlon for'ttieTrKed, bllnd. neody Uaekenxie.KJii^, in coUabornilon a-lUt-Unltod Blaloa Stin- Today’s Games day, and Sen. William E. Borah.) thrown free. —•■stered All. Uto'pomp aooortoit roynUy H Is credl(ed with-having* Snatch nt Timbers'' - - and dependent children and, unem­ tho appropriation which) ployable^ to bo expended'under di­ Of the two govcrtuM&itt wero to bo In* ' Johnson, Joseph Chance, Joseph . _ . » , la Ota shadow of Citadel bill’s nun- provldod for the present weed| rection of tbe commissioner ot NATIONAL LEAOUn eradication campaign being < Wooer, Herbert Larson and Elton • emergency rollef and employment; above), whose capture made Ganiifla Kngllah dor Washburn enatched at tho tlm* ^ of French. President EoosevcJt wfQI eatrain* for Dy United Prtes ’ed on under W P A auspices stipulating that nifcionlos thall be Itinerary Announced K““* " ■* them, and succeeded . taken from the general school fund nigbt. FIRST QAitES ond that tbo appropriation Shall R. H. Itinerary of tho tour, tn whlch| | Pittsburgh 000 000 001— ' 0 2 aU land owners, ranchers, busl-‘ ] shore wind swept them to”tho foot' extend over'the current biennium m and nny others Interest- until March 31, 1B37. Booton _.__001 002 100— _ . “ the South Chicago UghthoiisC- ..' 7. Setting, aside $15,000 for. : Swift, Welch nnd Paddenj Mac- .... invited to take part, was ,. They ahoutod for help and rou*~ Faydcn and Lopez. announced this afternoon by Ur. tlalms from legislators for conduct; Governors Blast At Hunt. cd Capt A. 15. Pierce and hl*a»>-, i of-tho spellal session and wages Fire-Flghtcra ' Check Montana| ^ ^ ^ ^ Blatant, Irving N. Carlson,., wh*' Leaving tho oounty court bouse aro not on duty at the tlme. '^'-:^ Blazo Fatal to Threo Moaj S t Louts —000 100 303— T 7 S .hero at 0:30 a. ra.. tho first otop will be made At tbo Intersection Waves crashed tho flvo against. M Tho eighth Mil, exported I------ Landon Evasiveness Pro&o Incondiartsm Brooklyn —803 140 45k—22 21 1 iA brcalcwater and bruised-thank.v — tntrotfuced-late today, nska-legta-l i Parrocico, Heusscr and Davis; |1 * Bluo Lali&i and Second ave- severely—- *-«forob Carlson and-Plaro»; f- Mungo, Baker and Bcrrcs, 1 1 east, whero a power sprayer reached U laUon-that will enable Idaho to I bo demonstrated. From there lem with Ufa preserver.';; secure 00 per cent of monies col- By FEED MYEBS aald he was eleoplnir la- '(■ Y,llcctcd under the-federal unemploy­ SECOND GAMES tho party will go to tho Blalock r 29 <UD—Democratic p place two miles south of Klmbor- when the quick lareh ", ment - Insuranco law as provided IlContlnuqd.on Page 2, C under-the federal social security ftttabur ’ thcnco to tbo Johnson place _..jss from tha county, farm, and Llttlo Rockies today was believed to tho Orchalaia subdivision.
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