SEMINARS IN ULTRASOUND, CT, AND MRI CT, SEMINARS IN ULTRASOUND, VOL 36 , NO 5 OCTOBER 2015 Forthcoming Topics in Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MRI Vol 36, No 6, December 2015—Prenatal MRI Seminars in Previous Topics Vol 36, No 4, August 2015 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Obstetrics and Gynecology Vol 36, No 3, June 2015—Imaging of Functional and Dysfunctional Neurologic Systems IMAGING DENTAL ULTRASOUND Vol 36, No 2, April 2015—Neonatal Imaging-Part II Vol 36, No 1, February 2015—Foreign Bodies Vol 35, No 6, December 2014—Neonatal Imaging-Part 1 CT and MRI Vol 35, No 5, October 2014—Brain White Matter Tracts: Functional Anatomy and Pathology Vol 35, No 4, August 2014—Imaging of Infants and Children: State-of-the-art Dose Reduction Strategies Vol 35, No 3, June 2014—The Great Mimickers Vol 35, No 2, April 2014—Toxic and Metabolic Encephalopathic Syndromes Vol 35, No 1, February 2014—Interstitial Pnemonia and Related Diseases Editors: Vol 34, No 6, December 2013—Radiological Imaging in Hematological Disorders Howard W. Raymond, MD Vol 34, No 5, October 2013—Central Skull Base Joel D. Swartz, MD Dental Imaging Vol 34, No 4, August 2013 —Imaging of Contemporary Gastrointestinal Interventions Gabriela Gayer, MD Guest Editor - James J. Abrahams, MD Vol 34, No 3, June 2013—Small Parts Ultrasound Vol 34, No 2, April 2013—Brainstem Part 2 Vol 34, No 1, February 2013—Hepatobiliary Radiology Embryology and Anatomy of the Jaw and Dentition Vol 33, No 6, December 2012—The Pulmonary Vasculature Imaging of the jaws Vol 33, No 5, October 2012—Cervical Lymphadenopathy Dental Implants Vol 33, No 4, August 2012—Errors and Malpractice in Radiology 450 – 395 , PP OCTOBER 2015 , 5 : 36 Dental Implant Complications Vol 33, No 3, June 2012—Imaging of the Aorta Infl ammatory Diseases of the Teeth and Jaws Vol 33, No 2, April 2012—Thyroid and Parathyroid Imaging Lesions of the Jaw Vol 33, No 1, February 2012– Multimodality Imaging of the Pregnant Patient Vol 32, No 6, December 2011—Congenital/Developmental Brain Abnormalities, Part II Vol 32, No 5, October 2011—Sarcomas Vol 32, No 4, August 2011—Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis: State of the Art ELSEVIER http: //www.semultrasoundctmri.com Seminars in ULTRASOUND CT and MRI HOWARD W. RAYMOND, MD, JOEL D. SWARTZ, MD, and GABRIELA GAYER, MD Publication information: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT and MRI (ISSN: 0887-2171) is published bimonthly by Elsevier Inc., 360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010-1710. Months of issue are February, April, June, August, October, and December. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and additional mailing offi ces. USA POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Seminars in Ultr asound, CT and MRI , Elsevier Customer Service Department, 3251 Riverport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043, USA. Editorial correspondence should be addressed to Howard W. Raymond, MD, 50 Lindor Heights, Holyoke, MA 01040; Joel D. Swartz, MD, 1210 Page Terrace, Villanova, PA 19085-2132; and Gabriela Gayer, MD, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifi n 70300, Israel. Correspondence regarding subscriptions or change of address should be addressed to Elsevier Health Sciences Division, Subscription Customer Service, 3251 Riverport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. 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Advertising representative: Cunningham Associates, 180 Old Tappan Rd, Old Tappan, NJ 07675. Tel: 201-767-4170; Fax: 201-767-2784. The contents of Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MRI are indexed and included in Index Medicus, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, RSNA Index to Imaging Literature, Science Citation Index, Biosis, CINAHL® database and Current Contents & Clinical Medicine. Dental Imaging VOL 36 , NO 5 OCTOBER 2015 Table of Contents Letter From the Guest Editor: Imaging of the Jaw ..................................................... James J. Abrahams 395 Embryology and Anatomy of the Jaw and Dentition .................. Vahe M. Zohrabian , Colin S. Poon, and James J. Abrahams 397 Imaging of the jaws ............................................................................................................. Lisa J. Koenig 407 Dental Implants ............................................... Vahe M. Zohrabian , Michael Sonick , Debby Hwang, and James J. Abrahams 415 Dental Implant Complications .......................................................... Kevin Liaw , Ronald H. Delf ni, and James J. Abrahams 427 Infl ammatory Diseases of the Teeth and Jaws ..................... Vahe M. Zohrabian and James J. Abrahams 434 Lesions of the Jaw ....................................................................................................... Kristine M. Mosier 444 EDITORS HOWARD W. RAYMOND, MD JOEL D. SWARTZ, MD GABRIELA GAYER, MD Holyoke Medical Center Germantown Imaging Associates Assaf Harofeh Medical Center Holyoke, MA, USA Gladwyne, PA, USA Zerifi n, Israel EDITORIAL BOARD JAN WALTHER CASSELMAN KOICHI NISHIMURA, MD MRI and Head and Neck Radiology National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology AZ St - Jan Brugge Obu, Japan Bruges, Belgium STEPHEN C. O’CONNOR, MD HUGH CURTIN, MD Department of Radiology Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infi rmary Baystate Medical Center and Children’s Hospital Boston, MA Springfi eld, MA NYREE GRIFFIN, MD, FRCR Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust ANTONIO PINTO, MD, PhD London, UK Department of Radiology Cardarelli Hospital H. RIC HARNSBERGER, MD Naples, Italy University of Utah School of Medicine Salt Lake City, UT MAHESH K. SHETTY, MD, FRCR, FACR, FAIUM Baylor College of Medicine OLIVIER HÉLÉNON, MD Hôpital Necker Woman’s Hospital of Texas Paris, France Houston, TX ARI LEPPÄNIEMI, MD FRANCIS VEILLON, MD Helsinki University Central Hospital Hôpital de Hautepierre Helsinki, Finland Strasbourg, France Volume 36, Number 5 October 2015 Letter From the Guest Editor: Imaging of the Jaw hy do radiologists find imaging of the jaw and teeth General Electric who had no idea what to do with it and Wdifficult and intimidating? A large part of the reason is naturally
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