Co. The Newark Post ========================= ~....A_} ... , ___ ~V O~I~J. =X=X=V========================~~======~N~E~W~A~R~K~, ~D~E~L~A~W~A~R~E~,==~=T=H=U=R=S=D=A=y=,=M=A=Y==3=,=1=93=4F==============================N=U=M==B=E=R=1=3=== PUBLIC LIBRARY FOR NEW ARK Attention Voters of the Newark ATTACK AND COUNTER ATTACK ENDORSED AT TOWN MEETING Special School District BETWEEN GOVERNOR AND HOUSE FAVORABLE VOTE RECOMMENDED . A special election will he held Saturday of this DESCRIBES RELIEF SITUATION week, May 5, frdm 2 to 5 P. M., to decide for or Everyone Can Vote Who Is Qualified To Vote At I against the establishment and support of a free After Promise Resulting From Conference Between The A General Election; There Is No Property I library in Newark. Every citizen who is qualified Governor And The House, Dominant Republican Group Or Paid-Tax Qualification. to vote at a general election is qualified to vote at And Democratic Members Of The House Clash As Each this special election. There are no restrictions as to Refuses Final Concessions The Special Election, This. Saturday, May 5, At The Public ownership of property or payment of taxes. School Building, 2 to 5 P. M., To Vote On Support For Place: The new Public Sc'hool Building on Governor Is In Washington on Relief Conference Town Library Is Thoroughly Discussed By Those Present. Academy Street-main office. The officers of elec~ The present struggle between the with federal relief authorities as to Resolution To Support Library Given Rising Vote tion are Weldin C. Waples, T. A. Baker, Charles C. two political groups concerned in the prospects for federal aid. control of the Legislature is drawing 'l'Ill' meeti ng called for last evening loaned to Newark by the New Castle Hubert, Harrison Gray and Charles W. Colmery. toward its close. No one seems to at the Publi c School Building to dis­ County Free Library. Neither the New Century Club that know today, any more than on any SCHOOL WILL Cll~5 th(' proposal for a free public Those who wish .public library service contin ~ has kept the library going for many previous day, whether any bill will li brary in the Newark School district, used for the benefit of children and adults, for recre~ years (as a subscription library until pass before the session adjourns, as it drew an interested and enthusiastic two years ago), nor the County Pub­ REGISTER 1ST ational, and general reading, and study, will take must do soon, from inability to keep grollp of Newark's c i t i z~ n s . General lic Library, which is on a reduced part in thlis election and vote for 'the support of di scll~sion befor e t he chan'man opened budget and is intended specially for its members in attendance. GRADE PUPILS the meeti ng, showed so strong a sen­ rural districts, can any longer main­ the free public library. It was believed that the willingness ti ment among those present in favor tain a library with such a large de­ of t he House and of the Governor to Children Who Are To Enter of \'0 ti ng' on Saturday to raise $1000 ma nd for books. The State offers to Voting in favor of the free library is not expected agree upon changes in the Kelly bill, by taxation for support of a public school districts which raise $1000 an­ to cost any taxpayer a larger bill next year than he would enable this bill to pass. This School Next September In Ii·brar\,. that Mr. Francis A. Cooch, nually by taxation for a public library had last year, because the . proposed tax for the bHl has features that are far from First Grade Will Be Regis­ who had pl'cpared a paper upon the a gift of $500 per year. All the good public policy, that are in fact in­ tered May 10. Ji brnr\' movement in Newark, said he proper legal action has been taken to library is a .chool tax on the Newark school district. effici ent and in a measure wasteful, did l1~L sec the need for presenting prepare for a popular vote on t he The school tax rate is being reduced each year as but the bill does provide a million and The spring registration of children llrguments. He suggested that ques­ question for or against raising $1000 a half dollars for direct relief and job entering the Newark School in the tions be asked by any whc had them. by taxation in the Newark school dis­ the banda are paid off. The small tax for the library relief, which is so desperately needed, first grade for the school year 1934-36 MI'. ('oo(' h then led a discussion which trict. The election is to be held at is expected to come well within this reduction, so that there can be little doubt of over­ will take place in the school office, brought out both questions and in­ the Newark Public School on Satur­ that the school tax may still be lower than last whelming public support for t he pas­ New Building, on Thursday morning, teresting co mment as well as a r eview day of this week from 2 to 5 p. m, sage of this bill, rather than Vlo bill at May 10 at 8.30 (standard time). Par­ of the library movement in relation Every citizen is qualified to vote who year. all. Senate RepUblicans with t he Gov- ents are requested to present birth to popular, local demand for books. can vote at a general election. There certificates at the time of registration. Thi s has g rown until the present is no longer any resttiction as to ~==========================::I1 I =~~::k aann~ t:O~l~~~s:;a~~~ r~~~~e;~ Children who will be six years of age library in the Academy .building can­ ownership of property or payment of published it has been announced also on or before January I, 1936, are re­ not n;eet the need. In the past two taxes. These old laws are repealed COUNCIL GIVES TOWN in the Wilmington papers that Gover­ quired to be enrolled. At the same years the library has had 1000 regu­ by subsequent laws. It is estimated nnor Buck has provided for $500,000 time Dr. Downes will make the physi­ lar b01'l'owers, who have averaged that to raise $1000 per year, the cost DECORATING TO MARYLAND of direct relief under the power of cal examination of all children enter­ more than 34 books each, the actual will be 20 cents upon each $1000 of t he State Board of Charities to bor­ ing the first grade in September. circulation being 34 ,806. To keep assessed valuation of taxable prop- DECORATING CO. OF FREDERICK row for such purpose. The New Cas­ Registration and physical examina­ tle County Levy Court would issue tions will take place in the New Lon- . enough books to supply this demand erty. Property assessed at $2000, Festa·ve Colors For Centenary Celebration Will Brighten ha . Lrained the r esources of the local would pay 40 cents, at $5000 would' the bonds. Meanwhile, today, the Gov­ don Avenue Building at 10.30 (stand­ book collection and of t he supply (Continued on Page 8.) Main Street Thursday, May 10 ernor is at Washington conferring ard time). Arrangements were completed yes- nated to form the. overhead spans of t erday with t he Maryland Decorating color across the street. Street deco­ UNIVERSITY OFFERS TICKETS Company, of Frederick, Md., to deco- rations for the Town Council will be NEW ARK FISH AND GAME rate Main Street for the University put up last, next Thursday. Mean­ of Delaware Centenary, as voted by while many commercial houses will FREE TO PUBLIC FOR be decurated by the Maryland Com­ PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION the town council several weeks ago. pany. Whether any private houses CENTENARY CELEBRATION The national and the Delaware colors are to be decorated was not learned. HAS GOOD START will be used in the "stringers" across Some of the places of business that have already given orders for decora­ Centenary Celebration Begins Next Thursday With. ~ageant !~~~ ~:r~~~m T;:e s~!~~n ;~rr ~~~~i tion ,re the Rhodes Drug Store, Com­ About Fifty Sportsmen Of ~ewark And Surrounding Districts Showing For Students, Faculty, And As Many Citizens . East to the railroad crossing at New- munity Stores, Dale Jewelry Shop, Met Here Last Thursday To F onn Chapter Of As Can Be Accommodated At Mitchell Hall Iark Center. Fans of national colors Deer Park Hotel, Deluxe Candy Shop, State Association ___ will be placed at each end of the Denniso n Motor Company, and the Applications For Tickets Should Be Made Soon; stringers or ropes and the red, white Home Drug Store, Ewing Company, Walter R. Powell, of Newark, President ' h d I and blue and the blue and gold alter- Sheaffer's. , Full Program 0 f E vents I s P u hi18 e n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I At a meeting of local sportsmen, between sportsmen and farmers by This Issue of The Post = held in the Dennison Motor Company mutual respect and understanding of showroom last Thursday evening, the each other's interests and problems Ci tizens of Delaware are cordially ' the State have been taken care of concerning game. The new associa­ Newark Chapter of the State Fish tion also plans in cooperation with a invi ted lo attend the three-day cele- shall be offered to the public, free, of SWIMMING CLASSES FOR and Game Protective Association was number of farmers, the experiment of bration of the Centenary of the Uni- cO~~:~e admission cards may be se­ NEWARK BOYS TO BE formed.
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