Brunei Darussalam Elsewhere Brunei Int Med J. 2012; 8 (6): 377-380 This section of the journal serves to highlight the works and researches done by local doctors or doctors either in Brunei Darussalam or in collaborations with other centres that have been published in regional or international journals. This also includes works published as part of collaboration with centres outside of Brunei Darussalam. These works include review articles, original articles and case reports published between 15 th August 2012 to 14 th December 2012. (Some publications have been published or in- dexed at a later date than publication). Weak Laws against Acid Attacks on these two structures. We report two cases of oe- Women: an Indian Perspective. sophageal tuberculosis; a 73-year-old man with simultaneous oesophageal, stomach and duodenal Ahmad N. involvement, and a 45-year-old man with isolated Med Leg J. 2012;80(Pt 3):110-20. oesophageal involvement. Underlying malignancies were initially suspected in both cases, but they ABSTARCT were eventually diagnosed as tuberculosis. Acid attacks, especially on women, have seen an alarming growth in India over the last decade. Correspondence : Chong VH. Division of Gastroenterology While these attacks can be attributed to various and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, Raja Isteri Peng- factors such as the social weakness of women in a iran Anak Saleha Hospital, Bandar Seri Begawan, BA 1710, male-dominated society, the situation is exacerbat- Brunei Darussalam. [email protected]. ed by the general neglect of the lawmakers. As acid is inexpensive and easily available, it serves as an Article is available from the journal website at http:// ideal weapon for the perpetrators. Further, as this www.sma.org.sg/UploadedImg/files/SMJ/5309/5309cr5.pdf offence is bailable in certain situations, the punish- ment does not act as a sufficient deterrent in most Cervical cancer in Brunei cases. This paper describes the horrendous effects Darussalam. that acid attacks have on the victims physically, Lee MY, Telisinghe PU, Ramasamy R. Singapore psychologically and socially. It also examines the Med J. 2012 Sep;53(9):604-7. contemporary laws governing acid attacks on vic- tims and offenders. Ideas for a better legal ap- ABSTARCT proach will also be examined with special reference Introduction: Cervical cancer caused by the human to acid attacks as a crime, and the validity of spe- papilloma virus (HPV) is a common cancer in wom- cific legal provisions for female victims. en. There is no published data on the recent inci- Correspondence : N Ahmad. Associate Professor of Law, dence of cervical dysplasia, cervical cancer and Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, Brunei Darussalam. genital warts caused by the different types of HPVs in Brunei Darussalam. Methods: A cross-sectional, retrospective study was conducted utilising data Oesophageal tuberculosis: rare but from patients diagnosed with cervical cancer during not to be forgotten. the period 2005-2009 in Brunei Darussalam. The Momin N, Chong VH. varying incidences of different types of cervical Singapore Med J. 2012 Sep;53(9):e192-4. lesions among various ethnic and age groups, and in the overall population, were determined. Results: ABSTRACT The mean age-standardised incidence of invasive Tuberculosis remains an important cause of mor- cervical cancer during the five-year period was 24.9 bidity and mortality, especially in underdeveloped per 100,000 women per year (95% confidence in- and developing nations. Manifestations could be terval [CI] 21.7, 28.1). Age-specific invasive cervi- nonspecific and may mimic many other conditions, cal cancer incidence peaked in the age group 45-59 including malignancies. Oesophageal involvement is years. Chinese females tended to have a higher surprisingly rare despite the high prevalence of incidence of invasive cervical cancer (28.2 per pulmonary tuberculosis and the close proximity of 100,000 women per year; 95% CI 17.8, 38.7) than Brunei Int Med J. 2012; 8 (6): 378 years. Chinese females tended to have a higher develop a system prototype that incorporates ex- incidence of invasive cervical cancer (28.2 per pectations from patients. 100,000 women per year; 95% CI 17.8, 38.7) than Malay females (20.6 per 100,000 women per year; Correspondence : Nabil Almunawar. Faculty of Business, 95% CI 17.1, 24.2), while other ethnic groups in Economics and Policy Studies, Universiti of Brunei Darus- Brunei Darussalam had a significantly lower inci- salam, Brunei Darussalam. [email protected] dence (6.5 per 100,000 women per year; 95% CI 3.0, 10.0). Conclusion: The results suggest that Can we reduce workplace fatalities Brunei Darussalam has a relatively higher incidence by half? of cervical cancer compared to its neighbouring countries. The findings support the need for more Koh DS. Saf Health Work. 2012 Jun;3(2):104-9. comprehensive screening, public education pro- Epub 2012 Jun 8. grammes and vaccination against HPV in the coun- try. ABSTARCT Singapore, an island republic of over 5 million in- Correspondence : Ranjan RAMASAMY. PAPSRB Institute habitants, has 3.1 million workers. Most are em- of Health Sciences, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Gadong, ployed in the service, finance and tourist/transport BE1410, Brunei Darussalam. [email protected] industry. Significant numbers work in manufactur- ing, construction and heavy industry. Following a Article is available from the journal website at http:// series of construction and shipyard accidents with www.sma.org.sg/UploadedImg/files/SMJ/5309/5309a8.pdf multiple deaths in 2004, the government an- nounced its intention to reduce workplace fatalities from 4.9 to 2.5 per 100,000 by 2015. There was Customer expectation of e-health strong political will to achieve this target. The stra- systems in Brunei Darussalam. tegic approaches were to build workplace safety Almunawar MN, Wint Z, Low KC, Anshari M.J Health and health (WSH) capabilities; implement legisla- Care Finance. 2012 Summer;38(4):36-49. tive changes with enforcement; promote benefits of WSH and recognize best practices, and enhance ABSTARCT partnership with stakeholders. The anticipated out- This study seeks to determine the dimension of e- comes were to reduce workplace fatality and injury health services in Brunei Darussalam from the cus- rates; have WSH as an integral part of business; tomer's perspective. The study seeks to identify, and establish a progressive and pervasive WSH understand, analyze, and evaluate the public's ex- culture. With these measures, the workplace fatali- pectation of e-health in Brunei Darussalam. A ques- ty rate declined from 4.9/100,000 in 2004, to tionnaire was designed to gather quantitative and 2.2/100,000 in 2010. However, other confounding qualitative data to survey patients, the patient's factors could also account for this decline, and have family, and health practitioners at hospitals, clinics, to be considered. The next target, announced by or home care centers in Brunei Darussalam from Singapore's Prime Minister in 2008, is to further February to March 2011. A 25-item Likert-type reduce the workplace fatality rate to 1.8/100,000 survey instrument was specifically developed for by 2018, and to have "one of the best workplace this study and administered to a sample of 366 safety records in the world". patients. These data were analyzed to provide ini- tial ideas and recommendations to policy makers Correspondence : Professor David Koh. PAPRSB Institute on how to move forward with the e-health initiative of Health Sciences, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei.; as a means to improve health care services. The SSH School of Public Health, National University of Singa- survey revealed that there is a high demand and pore, Singapore. expectation from people of Brunei to have better health care services through an e-health system in order to improve health literacy as well as quality Acute kidney injury in dengue virus and efficiency of health care. Regardless of the infection limitations of the survey, the general public has Khalil MA, Sarwar S, Chaudry MA, Maqbool B, Khalil responded to the questionnaire with great support Z, Tan J, Yaquib S, Hussain SA. for the abilities of an e-health system. The results Clin Kidney J. 2012; 5 (5):390-4. doi:10.1093/ckj/ of the survey provide a solid foundation for our sfs117 ongoing research project to proceed further to de- velop the model of e-health and subsequently to Brunei Int Med J. 2012; 8 (6): 379 ABSTARCT Correspondence: Department of Zoology, Faculty of Sci- Background Dengue is a growing public health ence, University of Jaffna, Jaffna 40000, Sri Lanka, suren- problem in Pakistan and acute kidney injury (AKI) [email protected] Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna, Jaffna 40000, Sri Lanka, is one of the least studied complications of dengue virus infection (DVI). The aim of this study was to Ranjan Ramasamy: Institute of Health Sciences, Universiti determine the frequency, severity and predictors of Brunei Darussalam, Gadong BE1410, Brunei Darussalam. E AKI in patients with DVI and to study the impact of mail: [email protected] AKI on the length of hospital stay and mortality. Methods We retrospectively reviewed medical rec- ords of patients aged ≥14 years hospitalized with a Spectrum of intra-ocular foreign bod- primary diagnosis of DVI at Aga Khan University ies and the outcome of their manage- Hospital Karachi between January 2008 and De- ment in Brunei Darussalam. cember 2010. Binary logistic regression models George J, Ali N, Rahman NA, Joshi N. were constructed to identify factors associated with Int Ophthalmol. 2012 Dec 11. [Epub ahead of print] the development of AKI and to study the impact of AKI on hospital stays of more than 3 days. Abstract Results Out of 532 patients, AKI was present in To review the etiologies, prognostic factors and 13.3% (71/532).
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