VOLUiME XXXVII MASON, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1912 NUMBER 30 OOOOOOiJI ipooooooatKMJOooonoooapocMJOOnooooocxKw I D Watch for the special Saturday bar• Second Matinee Pretty flight. Prosecuting Attorney Hayden's G. S. THORBURN LOCAL NEWS gains at Quirk's, * Second matinee and perhaps last of Report. At Vandercook's M. K. Campbell leaves for his new the season was given by the Mason A remarkable record for the last Maple Street Grocer DaOOOOOODOODC>OOQtXM>(K>OUaDOOODOOOOOOOI home in East Lansing next Tuesday. Driving-Club last Friday afternoon six months is shown In the semi-an• 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar for 55c, Libby's Corned Beef, can ..20c All wail paper over 10c per single There was a light attendance, smi\ll nual report of Prosecuting Attorney with $1.50 other groceries. UPTON PIANO CONTESTANTS Veribest Lunch Tongue, can-20c roll, i oif during special sale at Quirk's. fields Of horses and slow time for this diaries H. Hayden, just submitted, 2 cans Pink Salmon 25e- Libby's Potted Hani, can...5c-10c time in the season. Ed Davis of Lan Of 500 cases prosecuted 5-12 convic• 3 lbs. Seeded Raisins 25c Durinp the month of ,Tuly we will Blue ribbon races and Cadillaqua at Helmet Brand Salmon, can 13c sing started them. Dr. James Joslin tions were secured, but two were ac• 3 bottles Catsup 25c after increased votes for subcrlptlons Detroit this week. All roads lead to Red Alaska Salmon, can 20c Of Williamston and H. M. Williams quitted, seven were dismissed on pay• We are still leaders on the 25e, to the Democrat. We will give .5,000 Detroit. Chef Brand Kippered Herring, 10c were judges, Fred Valentine and A.I ment Of costs, seven were nolle 28c and 30c Coffee. Try it and votes Instead of 3,000 for each new MLss Lillian Goe has tlie position in Barber caught the time. Summaries pressed, four were discharged on ex• be convinced. Sardines in Oi, can 5c sub.scrlber and for each renewal who tlie third and fourth grades in the follow: amination and four were settled out Sardines in Mustard, can. 10c pays up arrearajies and one year In Leslie sciiools. FIRST ItAOE-llALE MILE 2 IN 3 of court. The report dues not include Sardines in Olive Oil, can 13c advance. Take advantatfe of this Sugar Bowl, Erwlu 1 Government Headstones for Last Wednesday Earl Williams, of cases now pending in circuit or su• Sardines in Bouillon, can 13c Prince S., Smith 2 Soldiers. olYer, it will help your slandlntjs. Voviiy fell from a load of hay and MacLaren's Imperial Cheese.-15c Tinie-I:10K, l!l2K. 1:12 preme courts. Several Of these are of Thk Dkmockat, Mason. broke his left arm. Mich. Full Cream Cheese, lb..20c SKCO.Vl) HACK—It A Ll' Mtr,K2lN3 great importance, one being the case In a nO'tice received by tlio un• French's Mustard Salad Dress• Parmers, Take Notice. Men's and boys'Kromelk siines are Dnoley, Wllliiims i Of Julia Liodiey, who murdered her dersigned from the war depart• ing, jar 10c We wil! pay 2;ic this weelc for but the kind that shed water and give Little Queen, Cement 2 lover, Ed. Hallen, in Lansing six ment concerning stone markers lor Daisy Online, Winlleld 3 good wear, at J. A. Cortrlght's. weeks ago. soldiers' graves, it was stated 'that Stuffed Olives, jar 10c-15c-25c tcr fat delivered at creamery in fiood Meda 0.. Clianibera 4 the department was in receipt Queen Olives, plain.—10c-15c-25c condition. Mason Cuhameuv Co. Sidney Stlckney, charged with Tiine-l:12;!.;, 1;13.1:l2|/j Drunkenness leads, 358 having been thousands of 'applicationa for such Heinz Sweet Pickles, doz 10c drunkenness, is serving 20 days in jail arraigned on tills cliarge and 350 con See notice to liuclfieberry piciters. W. G. Grow has purchased a headstones, and it is impossible to Heinz Dill Pickles, doz 15c because he could not raise $13,05. new victed. But one was acquitted and •Another band concert tills evenlnp Warren touring car. three were nolle pressed. Twenty-flvi tell definitely when orders can he 2-qt Fruit Jar Sour Pickles...-25c There will be a ball game at Odd Watch the bargain table for July 31 There will be morning service drunks drew suspended sentences, 81 filled. Applicants, however, will be Pure Olive Oil, imported from Fellows' park tomorrow afternoon at at at Longyear ]3ro.s. Eden cliurch next Sunday. sentences were suspended on paymco notified of the shipment of such Italy, per quart... 80c 2:30, between Holt and Mason teams. stoiies, SO that preparations may Holsum, Tip Top, Mother's, Bus• Now is the time tn buy that ham The L. A, S. Of Eden will meet with Of costs, 42 were flned $5; 33, $10; 3, A son wcigiiing 0 lbs. was welcomed be made to take care of them. Tho ter Brown, Cream and Salt Ris• mock, i olT at Quirk's. < Mrs. Geo. Mann Wednesday, July 31 5; 4, five days in jail; 28, 10 days at the home Of Dr. 0. S. Ballard last 45, 15 days; 61, 20 days, and 28,30 days cemetery authorities have hereto-, ing Bread, fresh every day. Monday i^red Owen purchased Thursday morning. His name is Anew iloor has been put In the Near One civarge of embezzlement was sus foire attended to setting the mark• Both Phones, threc-yenr-old driver of J. H. Price. Wade Elton. store, occupied by Geo. M. Webb and pended on payment of costs, one ers after they were delivered &nd Ford Aseltine. R. 0. Dart has sold to Robert Thor Have you been in to see those new forger was released on probation distributed to the proper loc.n- burn lot 22, block one, Hudson's addi silks? Morocco, keppo and suesine, al Tuesday morning JudgcWIestgrant- Fourteen gamblers were convicted tions in the cemetery, and the sol• tion, Lansing. ed Renabelle Tanner a divorce from diers will probably furnish c3ment THE LITTLE GIRL colors, 200. Japonika silk at 30c and Thirteen convictions for violation of Every table, counter and corner o black taffeta, regular $1.50 value at $1, Oleve M. Tanner. the labor laws were secured. Of 20 and other material required, so tho our store is full of money saviog bar at J. A. Cortrlght's. * TheShafer, Allen, Smith and Barnes larceny cases but one was dismissed stones placed in our cemetery may of Yesterday be imbedded in concrete, which gains. Quirk'.-. The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. families held a picnic at the city park Death of Mrs. Mark Wilcox. will form a lasting foundation and Is a young lady today - her Tuesday and Thursday of last week has established an agency here for the Monday afternoon. Mrs. Mark Wilcox, aged 81 years, a support. W. J. 'Adams. 0. A. Ries siilpped 14 bushels of hu^k- sale of its western lands, located in Monday the supreme court handed summer frocks are are most resident of Mason for 37 years, died at elberries to Lansing. Montreal, Alberta and Saskatchewan. down an opinion sustaining the mort• A HKLl' TO MAN. becoming, it is the happiest her home in tiie southwestern part o The annual Oalliolic picnic will be F. D. Stanton received the appoint• gage tax law passed by the last legls the city last Wednesday night, after It seems to me when twhight comes. time of her young life. held in Artz Bros, grove in Bunkerhil ment. lature. And the day has gone to rest, an illness of several weeks. Funeral Vflmi the stars heglu to glimmer, Nothing but a.picture can on Tuesday, Aug. (itli. Mrs. Jane Durraan of this city asks The Rebekah coterie will meet next In the peacfcrul. quiet wesii services were held from the home the I can almost hear tho voices for a divorce from James Adelbert keep her as she is. Now really Tlie Mason Milling Co. will pay you Monday at 2:30 in the city paric. Pot- following Friday afternoon, being con 01 ones who Imve gone hcEore, Dorman, on grounds of drunkenness, And long wlUi tender longing. —isn't it worth a picture? the highest market price for your luck supper. The families invited to ducted by Rev. 0. L. Beebe, with in To see them all once more. •on-support and abuse. They were supper. grain. Let tliem bid on it. terment In Maple Grove cemetery. And as I sit and ponder, Make the appointment today married Dec 7, 1891, and have two With lights turned soft and low, Stockbridge home coming August Ciias. W. Browne, Jr., has sold the Maiden name of deceased was Susan I can almost see the face 1st and 2d. Residents of tiiat village sons aged 15 and 12 years. Free Press agency and Chicago Sunday 01 the ones I used to know; Wilcox and lier early life was spent in Ami they seem to be so liappy, are preparing for a good time'. Judges Coll ingwnod and Wiest signed papers to Richard Cavender and tlie Elmlra, N. Y., wiiere she followed the In their home of splendor bright, It [ almost long to dwell ihere. Earl Winn of Ahiierlon, aged IS the following decrees for divorce last State Journal to Donald Neely. occupation of tailoress. Although In the Lund of Endless Light. years, died suddenly of apoplexy. Thursdiiy afternoon: Ethelyn Howd The L. A. S. of Eden will serve ice twice married she never changed lier The "Golden Rule" Is there observed, Their thoughts are pure and tree.
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