Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Deaver, Michael: Files Folder Title: April 1984 Incoming (5) Box: 17 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ - - ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON April 9, 1984 Honorable Michael K. Deaver Deputy Chief of Staff to the President The White House Dear Mike: Just a note to express my appreciation for the opportunity to meet with you on March 20th and to have a few minutes with the President in the Oval Office. I was par­ ticularly pleased to receive the autographed picture of the President and me -- it cer­ tainly will be one of my most cherished remembrances from our Washington assignment. Shirley joins with me in wishing you, Carolyn and the children the very best in the years to come. With al 1 of the trials and tribulations which I am sure you must experience, we all owe you a great debt of gratitude for your perseverance and loyalty to the President at great personal sacri­ fice. Again, many thanks for your thoughtful­ ness and by all means let's continue to stay in touch. Kindest personal regards. Sincerely, William R. Gianelli / ELDON RUDD MEMBER OF CONGRESS 4TH DISTRICT ARIZONA CONGRESS of" C)intteb $tate.s ofCJICmcrittt April 11 1 9 8 4 POSTAGE PAID Dear Mike, Your birthday is an important day to remember. It also gives me an opportunity to say hello to you. Let me join your many other well-wishers in sending my personal greeting on this special day. May the future hold many more such enjoyable events. Sincerely, ~ Eldon Rudd Member of Congress ER:ms Michael K. Deaver Deputy Chief of Staff & Assistant to the President The White House Washington, D.C . 20500 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON , Mr. Deaver: This falls on the same day as the lunch with the President and the Irish Ambassador. Which would you like to attend? Irish Hangtown Fry March 5, 1984 MEMORANDUM TO: HANGTOWN FRY MEMBERS WASHINGTON CHAPTER t-.. \\ 1 FROM: AL HILL, SECRETARY~ SUBJECT: DATE AND LOCATION CHANGES FOR THE NEXT TWO RTF LUNCHES Ou r March lunch will still be held o ~:=.:.~-""~~ , however, the location has been clianged to the following: Metropolitan Square (Jim Dwight's office) 15th & G Streets, N.W. (across from Main Treasury Building) Entrance on G Street -- under flags 7th Floor Phone: 626-1900 Our >t>ril lunch has both a date and location change. It will be held on April 13th and will be at Bob Walker's office: Adolph Coors Company 214 Massachusetts Avenue, N. E. 8th Floor Phone: 547-2050 Lunch will begin at 12 noon. Please call Susie Cohen (395-5080) to let her know if you plan to attend. She needs to know at least three days prior to each lunch date. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!! I hope to see you there! Enclosed is an update of our Washington Chapter membership list. We welcome Henry Shine to our group. 3/6/84 WASHINGTON CHAPTER -- HANGTOWN FRY 1. ARNETT, RAY #343-4416 9. HICKEY, ED #456-2150 Assistant Secretary Assistant to the President & Directo1 Fish, Wildlife & Parks of Special Support Services U.S. Department of Interior East Wing, The White House Room 3156 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. 18th & C Streets, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20500 Washington, D. C. 20240 10 . HILL, AL #395-5080 2. CA..~LESON. BOB #456-6630 Chairman Special Assistant to the President Council on Environmental Quality for Policy Development 722 Jackson Place, N.W. 231 Old Executive Off ice Building Washington, D. C. 20006 17th & Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20500 11. JENKINS, JIM #456-7600 Deputy Counsellor to the President 3. CHAPPIE, GENE #225-3076 West Wing, The White House U.S. House of Representatives 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W . 1730 Longworth Building Washington, D. C. 20500 Washington, D. C. 20515 12. KARPE, BOB #755-5926 4. DEAVER, MIKE #456-6475 President Deputy Chief of Staff and Government National Mortgage Assn. Assistant to the President Room 6100 - HUD Building West Wing, The White House 451 Seventh Street, N.W. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W . Washington, D. C. 20410 Washington, D. C. 20500 13. LYNG, DICK #447-6158 5. DROHAN, BILL #523-6151 Deputy Secretary Executive Assistant to the Department of Agriculture Under Secretary Room 200-A Department of Labor 14th Street & Independence Ave., S.W. S2018 Washington, D. C. 20250 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20210 14 . MEESE , ED #456-2235 Counsellor to the President 6. DWIGHT, JIM #626-1900 West Wing, The White House Partner 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Deloitte, Haskins & Sells Washington, D. C. 20500 Metropolitan Square 655 Fifteenth Street, N.W. 15. NOFZIGER, LYN #332-4030 Suite 700 Nofziger & Bragg Washington, D. C. 20005 1605 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Washingt on, D. C. 20009 7. FORD, FORD #523-6151 Under Secretary of Labor 16 . OLSON, TED #633-2041 Department of Labor Assistant Attorney General 82018 Off ice of Legal Counsel 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. U.S. Department of Justice Washington, D. C. 20210 Room 5214 Washington, D. C. 20530 8. GIANELLI, WILLIAM #69 7-8986 Assistant Secretary of the Army 17. SHINE, HZNRY #466- 6800 (Civil Works) Santarelli & Bond Department of the Army 2033 E Street, N.W . The Pentagon - Room 3E570 Washington, D. C. 20036 Washington, D. C. 20310 RTF MEMBERS Page 2 18. STEARNS, JIM #223-8400 Chairman Securities Investor Protection Cor p . 900 Seventeenth Street, N.W. Suite 800 Wash i ngton, D. C. 20006 19. SVAHN, JACK #456-6515 Assistant to the President for Policy Development West Wing, The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20500 20. TIDWELL, DAVE #343-2701 Special Assistant to the Director of the Bureau of Land Management Department of Interior Room 5660 18th & C Streets, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20240 21. TURNAGE, TOM #7 24- 0817 Director Selective Service System 1023 31st Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20435 22. TWEEDT, PETER #634-4232 Deputy Assistant Administrator for Coastal Zone Management NOAA - Room 326 2001 Wisconsin Av enue, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20232 23. WALKER, BOB #547-2050 Adolph Coors Company 214 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E. Suite 350 Washington, D. C. 20002 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON 4 \tole~ 13.:il~~\~ tu~~ 'ti' ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ Qs/4-s I J ~~~~~t ~~- ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ OMA ~ 1 tJo t~~ ' 4~. ' , ~~p- - >!' ... ~· .. .. ~ '.' :i··,; r- ~ ·v;AsHF~\ X SITE ~ - ;-· •., --· t 'I • -:::: D a--.. I :! AFR 198~ I 1 · ~i 1 c\ :... i.. • ·:-: J ; ;_,_ ~ I 84 AP H1 l.~ TRANSMITTED DA TE ANO TI ME RECE l'J ~ ~~ IOAT;;~~D T:~1E SSN NBR r . TO BE · coMPL~ED BY REQUESTER 1 •1 FRO'.I OJ\SD/ISP/VP OFFICE~; DESK ~ally K. Horn PHONE NBR fi<i'> - " 1) • _,,. Qs & As on Nuclear Ri~k Reduction Centers . SUBJECT ------ ') HCl ,\SS I FICA T JON l!NCLASSTFIEn PAGES ·---·----------- ------- I DELIVERY ~ INSTRUCTIONS I xxx IMMEDIATELY NOTE: FURNISH AFTER DUTY HOUR CONTACT TELEP!~ ~)~ .; ::- NUMBER ~OR EACH ADDEE REQUIRING AFTER i i'~J L ii~ n DELIVERY . t'r ·'· ~~~~. ~~A j_tiiD:Al ~:AA91C .•ll~~ow-rs&?"l'ei .._ e w&;:'zwti'P~•i'•~.,.,,,~... ,~. • D .... ...,.,...-.: fNJl . , f"!"'&.c»' lt'? •JCl•" ::L. !??ll•~~ ~"'-~t9-C~ {~ ~ . TRANSMIT TO . , ..... ' ~( - ' .'j . AC ~ ::l'.CY JNDIVtDUALS NAME OFFICE ROOM NBR PHONE N : ~ ~~ ~ .: · ,~Dr . Ronald F. Lehman 11 386WH 1qi- 3'n r1 •l ' il •J '. ,•1, ~ -. : '~ : -...' ~fr. .lohn Hall PM 7317 i' .L'-lDO) 1, ~ 1\ CJl.\ ~r. Tim DeGarve .. ACDA 44 84 {>l..'.-1542 r .2t- NSC,,/< •'• ~ ~ ' ~ T if 16'm -m_ ) ~ I ~ I I J I l v - HJ ~ . - l '• I 1 I I I ~RF•'· ',\:~~\ :;:. URGENT: PLF.ASE CAL1 . FOR PICK L:P. .. - ' . I ~ 1 '-: ~:: . l : ~'d for your information :rnd pott>ntinl use arc Qs & As prcpan•d f,,r r1 •..;pn11din).! '" j ~ 1". -- 1<•ri<>s on the 10 April Wnsldng tcn Tlml'S article on D<1D attitudc·s I <' 1.- ar·.i :11 :"l l';J r 1· i rt·duction centers . f . I ..... $ • •• • = .--..,._ . ·: · ·.;t . ()!I: Doe~,; the Dcp<1rlmcnt. of Defense oppm;e the c~t11hl ishment ·:uc lear. risk t"e(luct.ion centertl? If so, why. , .·. :--.·: .: •:-: '111P Depa rttT\ent of Defense does not oppose t11r ~ i l1r.•Cl. of .. ~ ,-; : ,. risk ro <.1uct.lon ccn tcrs . As the Secretary of f> e ft'n~;c • • 1 ~ 1 ... :.t..ed i.n hi.:.o; Report to the cong_rcs!:l 1n 1\pril 1983, on Direct ... , .., 11; 1 i ca t..ions Links and Other Measures to Enhance Sta bi 1 i ty, · . --1 i , 1 t e er .is i. s control bodies locu ted in Washington a nc1 Moscow . · .._' , ~ possi.bi lily in thr~ long term, once the proper found ~ l t ion ' .. ... such centers has uccn establisheu. That foundation includes ·. ·. ~ c :, tabl ishmPnt of technical mechanisms and operationc1l proce­ .: .... u.?~.,, , to facilitate dialogue cit a level belo'w that of hc<ld of c: · 1'.'\:!rnmcn t and .explicit u..greemen t on situations whic:'h wnr r..:tnt ~.. ~ i: 1!at 1 t.at.F.> ns. 'l'o achieve the foundation, the t}.,. S. has proposed to the ~ ·-: 1.•iets the establishment of a Joint Military Co11ununic<1Lions Link ~ - ' >iCL ). The -.1MCL would be a l i.nk bcl ow the level of ht•;1d of '.
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