n^ ^ nor a}o" c-) lqlqlrs THE FEDERALDEMOCRATIC REPUBLTCOF ETHIOPIA CENTRAL STATISTICAL AUTHORITY t't''.4t'&{44/, Es?&trt.l{: ft.dft*1b&,gi$ rt.f *,*t **. C' s q' Lihrilr\ AGRICULTURALSAMPLE SURVEY { 999/2000( 1992 E.C.) ( September1999 -Febmary 2000) VOLUMEIiI RHPORTON FARMMANAGEMENT PRACTICES ( PRTVATE PEASANT HOLTIINGS, MEHER SEASON ) A.ddisAbaba Septenber,2000 STATISTICALBULLETIN "ui f,i -i, ; ,,,:'^.; '!' ,' PREPAREI'AND PRtrNTEDBY CENTRALSTATISRCAL AUffi OMTY P"O"BOXU{3 AT'DTSAFABA TeI59.30-U TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Listof Tab1es........... ...............iii Listof Figures...... .;..............xiii PART I. INTRODUCTIONAND OBJECTIVESOF THE SURVE\ 1. Introduction;........:...... ............... I 2. Objectiveofthe Survey .............2 PART II. SURVEY METHODOLOGY"DATA COLLECTIONAND PROCESSING 1. Scope,Coverage and Contentof the Survey .............3 2. Conceptsand Definitions.............. .............5 3. SampleDesign. ....18 4. FieldOrganization.. .....19 5. Trainingof FieldStaff .........12 6. MethodofDataCollection..... ........12 7. DataProcessing..... ......13 a) Editing,Coding and Verification..... ...............13 b) DataEntry, Cleaning and Tabulation .............13 PART III. SUMMARY OF TFIESURVEY RESULTS. 1. AreaUnder Different Farm Management Practices.......... 15 1.1 TotalFertilizer Applied Area....... 16 1.2 TotalPesticideApplied Area 1.3 TotalImproved Seed Applied Area 17 1.4 TotalInigated Area....... ..;............. 18 2. TotalFertilizer Applied Area by Typeof Fertilizerand Crop 81 2.1 NaturalFertilizer Applied Area 82 2.2 DAP AppliedArea 82 2.3 UREA AppliedArea 2.4 Areawitha Combinationof DAP andUREA Applied.. 83 2.5 Areawitha Combinationof Naturaland Commercial FertilizerApplied 83 3. Quantityof CommercialFertilizer Applied by Type .........I47 3.1 Quantityof DAPApplied ..........,..... .........147 3.2 Quantityof UREAApplied ......147 3.3 Quantityof DAP andUREA Applied in Mix. ..........148 3.4 Quantity of Commercial and Natural Fertilizers Appliedin Mix...... 148 Page 4. Quantityof Localand Improved Seeds used by Typeof Crop........213 5. Numberof Holders,Applying AgriculturalInputs on their fields by theirEducational Attainment.......... ............247 AppendixI. EstimationProcedures and Formulations for Estimatesof Totalsand Variance............ ..........279 AppendixII. Estimatesof the StandardErrors with the CorrespondingCoefficient of Variations ...285 LrsT oF TABLES Page Estimatesof ImprovedSeed, Irrigation, Pesticides and Fertilizer applied areaand their percentagedistribution by cropfor Meherseason of private peasantholdings, 199912000 (1992 E.C) Table1.1 NATIONAL......... ...19 Table1.2 NATIONAL- REGION ..........24 Table1.3 TIGRAY .................22 Table1.3.1 West Tigray Zone ........23 Table1.3.2 Central Tigray Zone....... ...............24 Table1.3.3 East Tigray Zone.. ........25 Table1.3.4 South Tigray Zone ..:....26 Table1.4 AFAR .....27 Table1.4.1 Zone I Zone ................................28 Table1.4.2 Zone 3 Zone .................29 Table1.5 AMHARA ......30 Table1.5.1 North Gonder Zone .......31 Table1.5.2 SouthGonder Zone .......32 Table1.5.3 North Wolo Zone .........33 Table1.5.4 South Wolo Zone .........34 Table1.5.5 North Shewa Zone .......35 Table1.5.6 East GojamZone... ........36 Table1.5.7 West Gojam Zone ........37 Table1.5.8 WaghameraZone ..........38 Table1.5.9 Agewawi Zone Table1 .5.10 Oromiya Zone .............40 Table 1.6OROMIYA..... ...........41 TableI .6.1West Welega Zone....... ................42 Table| .6.2 EastWele ga Zone ........43 Table1.6.3 Ilibabor Zone....... .........44 Table1.6.4 Jimma Zone....... ...........45 Table1.6.5 West Shewa Zone ........46 Table1.6.6 North Shewa Zane .......47 Table1.6.7 East SheawaZane .........48 Table1.6.8 Arsi Zone ......49 Page Table1.6.9 WestHarerge 2one................ ........50 Table1.6.10 East Harerge Zone ........51 Table1.6.11 8a1e2one............. .........52 TableI.6.12 Borena Zone....... ............53 Table1.7 SOMALE .................54 Table1.7.1 ShineleZone....... ..........55 Table1.7.2 JijigaZone ............... .....56 Table1.7 .3 MoyaleZone ................57 Table1.8 BENSHANGUL- GUMUZ ......58 Table1.8.1 Metekel Zone ...59 TableI.8.2 AsosaZone....... ................60 Table1.8.3 Kemeshi Zone .................61 Table1.9 S.N.N.P.R ...........62 Table1.9.1 Gurage Zone....... Table1.9.2 Hadiya Zone....... .............64 TableI.9.3 KembataAlabaTembaroZone....... ................65 TableI.9.4 SidamaZone ...66 Table1.9.5 Gedio Zone....... ...............67 Table1.9.6 North Omo Zone ..............68 TableI.9.7 SouthOmo Zone .............69 Table1.9.8 Keficho- Shekicho Zone ................70 TableI.9.9 Bench-MajeZone ...........71 Table1.9.10 Yem Special Wereda Zone ...........72 TableI .9.1 I AmaroSpecial Wereda Zone ....... .................73 TableI.9.I2 Burji SpecialWereda Zone....... .....74 Table1.9.13 Konso Special Wereda Zone .........75 TableL9.I4 DerasheSpecial Wereda Zone....... ...............76 Table1.10. GAMBELA............ .................77 Table1.11. HARARI ...78 Table1.t2. ADDISABABA ......79 Table1.13. DIREDAWA.. .........80 lv Page Estimatesof Fertilizer Applied Area by Type of Fertilizer for Meher Season Crops of PrivatePeasant Holdings (1999120001992 E.C') Table2.1 NATIONAL......... "" 84 Table2.2 NATIONAL - REGION ...."':"""" """"" 85 Table}.3 TIGRAY "'87 Table2.3.1 WestTigray Zone """"' 88 Table2.3.2 CentralTigray Zone..............:"""" """"""" 89 Table2.3.3 EastTigray Zone.. """"' 90 Table2.3.4 SouthTigray Zone """' 91 Table2.4 AFAR Table2.4.1 ZoneI Zone """"""""' 93 Table2.4.2 Zone3 Zone. " " "ili' " "94 Table2.5 AMHARA """""""' 95 Table2.5.1 North GonderZone """'96 Table2.5.2 SouthGonder Zone """97 Table2.5.3 North Wolo Zone """"' 98 Table2.5.4 SouthWolo Zone """"'99 Table2.5.5 North ShewaZone """' 100 Table2.5.6 EastGojamZone... ""''" 101 Table2.5.7 WestGojam Zone.....-. "LAz Table2.5.8 WaghameraZone..,. """103 Table2.5.g AgewawiZone """"""' 104 Table2.5.10 Oromiy a Zone """""" 105 Tabte 2.6 OROMIyA.... ............106 Table2.6.1 WestWelega Zone-...... 'I07 Table2.6.2 EastWelegaZone """j"""""""" 108 Table2.6.3 Ilibabor4one....... """"' 109 Table2.6.4 JimmaZone...-... """""' 110 Table2.6.5 WestShewa Zone """" I 11 Table2.6.6 North Shewa4one....... """"""""112 Table2.6.7 EastSheawaZone.... ""'113 Table2.6.8 Arsi Zone "":""""" """ 114 Table2.6.9 WestHarerge Zone """ 115 T able2.6.10 EastHarerge Zone """ 116 Page Table2.6.1I BaleZone ......ll7 Table2.6.12 Borena Zone....... ..........I 18 TableZ.7 SOMALE .. I 19 Table2.7.1 ShineleZone .120 Table2.7.2 JijigaZone....... ..............121 Table2.7.3 MoyaleZone ..122 Table2.8 BENSHANGUL- GUMUZ .....123 Table2.8.1 MetekelZone . 124 Table2.8.2 Asosa Zone....... .............125 Table2.8.3 KemeshiZone .126 Table2.9 S.N.N.P.R ..127 Table2.9.1 Gurage Zone....... ............128 Table2.9.2 Hadiya Zone....... .............129 Table2.9.3 KembataAlaba Tembaro Zone....... ..............130 Table2.9.4 SidamaZone ... l3l Table2.9.5 Gedio Zone....... .............132 Table2.9.6 North Omo Zone ............133 Table2.9.7 South Omo Zone ............134 Table2.9.8 Keficho-Shekicho Zone . 135 Table2.9.9 Bench-MajeZone ......?...................136 Table2.9.1A Yem Special Wereda Zone ..........137 Table2.9.11 Amaro Special V/ereda Zone....... ...............138 Table2.9.12 Burji SpecialWereda Zone....... ...139 Table2.9.13 Konso Special Wereda Zone .......140 Table2.9.14 Derashe Special Wereda Zone....... .............l4l Table2.10. GAMBELA .............142 Table2.11. HARARI .143 Table2.12. ADDISABABA .....144 Table2.13. DIREDAWA.. .........145 Page Estimatesof Quantityof CommercialFertilizer by Type of Fertilizerfor MeherSeason Crops of PrivatePeasant Holdings (1999/2000 1992E.C.) Table3.1 NATIONAL ............149 Table3.2 NATIONAL- REGION ...........151 Table3.3 TIGRAY ... 153 Table3.3.1 WestTigray Zone....... ...154 Table3.3.2 Central Tigray Zone....... ...............155 Table3.3.3 EastTigray Zone....... ...156 Table3.3.4 SouthTigray Zone .......1"57 Table3.4 AFAR .....158 Table3.4.1 Zone I Zone. .......159 Table3.4.2 Zone3 Zone. .......160 Table3.5 AMHARA ...............161 Table3.5. 1 NorthGonder Zone .....162 Table3.5.2 SouthGonder Zone .....1'63 Tdble3.5.3 NorthWolo Zone ........L64 Table3.5.4 South Wolo Zone ........165 Table3.5.5 North Shewa Zone .......1'66 Table3.5.6 East GojamZone... ......167 Table3.5.7 WestGojam Zone .......168 . Table3.5.8 WaghameraZone .........169 Table3.5.9 AgewawiZone Table3.5.10 Oromiya Zone ............l7l Table 3.6 OROMIYA.... ...........172 Table3.6.1 West Welega Zone....... ...............173 Table3.6.2 East Wele gaZone .......l74 Table3.6.3 Ilibabor 1one....... ........t75 Table3.6.4 Jimma Zone....... ...........176 Table3.6.5 West Shewa Zone ........177 Table3.6.6North Shewa Zone .......178 Table3.6.7 East SheawaZone -......179 Table3.6.8 Arsi Zone ....................180 Table3.6.9 WestHarerge Zone ....181 Table3.6.10 East Harerge Zone ....182 Table3.6.11 Bale Zone ...183 Table3.6.12 Borena Zone....... Page Table3.7 SOMALE ... 185 Table3.7.1 ShineleZone .. lg6 Table3.7.2 JijigaZone....... ..............1g7 Table3.7 .3 MoyaleZone. ..l gg Table3.8 BENSHANGUL- GUMUZ ......189 Table3.8.1 Metekel Zone ...............190 Table3.8.2 Asosa Zone....... .............l9l rabrei:lniff;;fTable3.8.3 Kemeshi Zone ...............I92 ,z:;:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: :iii Table3.9.3 KembataAlaba Tembaro Zone....... ..............196 Table3.9.4 Sidama Zone ..IgT T;i[1'":,fi:ff61ff;;;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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