107 Cm; 2 Kg; 800 G

107 Cm; 2 Kg; 800 G

18.01.2012 7 kg; 107 cm; 2 kg; 800 g 20080106 Adelaide 1 Jason Dudley 7787 1118 +26 745 +23 15211965060141 +36 447248057065197 2 Jarrod Sims 7706 1081 +26 699 +25 12522054846148 +36 406045049524285 20080113 Perth 1 Kyle Rasti 7199 1164 -11 732 +18 10712075038149 +28 346242053204378 20080126 Gold Coast 1 Brent Newdick 7354 108 +02 696 00 1355180506 145 +11 441943052314477 2 Kyle McCarthy 7315 115 +02 679 +06 1428198503 153 +11 413643056574434 20080229 Brisbane 1 Jason Dudley 7783 1145 -12 697 +13 147019850161477 -13 4934490616651586 2 Kyle Rasti 7444 1142 +02 706 +07 108521049761501 -13 3789440558443499 3 Kyle McCarthy 7404 1169 -12 667 +10 138219549891541 -04 4295450572144034 4 Jarrod Sims 7389 1116 -12 688 +09 127819548631534 -13 3854440499043284 5 Christopher Johnson 7224 1150 +02 704 +33 128918652001528 -04 4058450606645600 20080229 Chico 1 Jonathan Collins 7018 1143 648 128417449381598 3889450558444188 20080307 Huntsville 1 Aaron Harlan 7141 1120 -01 680 +04 139520250721458 +51 4020420445351496 2 Phillip Adam 6862 W 1121 -01 650 +14 137618751011538 +51 3553430425044924 20080308 La Habana 1 Junior Diaz Zayas 8057 104 +31 774 +07 1542205467 144 426740048544383 2 Leonel Suarez Fiajardo 8050 106 +31 715 +15 1186217489 144 414947061804354 3 Alexis Chivas 7956 106 +31 719 +02 1520202513 139 494546055685020 4 Yosley Azcuy Povea 7539 105 +31 718 +26 1434202498 144 444542057055386 5 Yosvani Ibañez Guillen 6856 113 +31 733 +09 1186217519 153 305238048425020 20080309 Sao Paulo 1 Luiz Alberto Cardoso de Araujo 7448 1087 +02 741 +02 121019349731451 +04 3841430477344208 2 Odirlei Carlos Pessoni 6996 1131 +03 675 -08 142818753631529 +04 4637420483350814 3 Anderson Estevao Venancio 6943 1116 +02 677 +08 123319050421563 +04 3756420530550588 4 Francisco Irlandio da Silva 6874 1089 +02 698 +20 110219051491538 +01 3397430518950962 5 Danilo Mendes Xavier 6824 1136 +02 650 +23 123818751541492 +04 3835400489245247 20080315 Stellenbosch 1 Willem Coertzen 7453 1119 -04 744 133019650891519 -47 3845430587545218 2 Guillaume Thierry 7166 1152 -04 718 135018151531654 -56 4477460546945336 20080319 Scottsdale 1 Massimo Bertocchi 7963 1079 +01 729 +05 149018347471423 +10 4356500511845275 2 Tyler Koskenoja 7460 1143 +01 666 +07 138619249361517 +10 4092420565642270 3 Craig Slaunwhite 7203 1166 +10 682 +08 158020454401594 +12 4352470535651528 4 Andrew Hall 7079 1161 +01 685 +05 144218952291578 +10 3993390615044834 5 Timothy A. Wunderlich 6829 1202 00 658 +10 132018953081612 +12 4086420582545007 20080321 Northridge 1 Christopher Staton 7399 1133 +14 708 +23 136420752521483 +09 4044430517244637 2 Octavius Gillespie-Bennett 7149 1154 +27 710 +13 129820154191532 +21 4217430604051250 3 Julian Gonzalez 7098 1130 +14 646 +26 121420452701515 +09 3885430592645902 20080321 Point Loma 1 Benjamin Dillow 6920 1148 654 116818750661569 4232423438043078 20080322 Clemson 1 Kevin Dwyer 7066 1108 +12 680 -08 132020952741498 +38 3521460557954875 2 Rodney J. McGinnis 6985 1156 +12 673 151618252751501 +38 3981380563745224 3 Miller Moss 6819 1119 662 123717948911585 3146430464744025 20080328 Sacramento 1 Ashton Eaton 7792 W 1082 +34 764 +50 122119647001421 +14 3516450452642415 2 Darius Draudvila 7722 1073 +34 729 +38 143820249541463 +14 3977430548945500 3 Adam Fretwell 7190 1106 +34 703 +10 119218751601481 +18 3525460547445318 20080330 Chengdu 1 Sun Gang 6843 1155 +05 680 +05 121519451251524 00 3538370578845680 20080403 Austin 1 James Edward Hardee 8371 1040 +18 723 +12 132619347761399 +33 5268525589650218 2 Gonzalo Barroilhet Costabal 7828 1104 +18 699 +22 135319650711392 +33 4310515575050236 3 Brandon Hoskins 7800 1099 +18 659 +16 137219048311485 +23 4346495611944556 4 Rickey Moody 7787 1081 +18 754 +13 138420251051455 +33 4627425602050987 5 Camille Vandendriessche 7559 1154 +01 630 +01 143419350941528 +37 4964485571844298 6 Justin Johnson 7473 1103 +01 681 +08 124921148841414 +33 3681445425844385 7 Wesley Bray 7251 1121 +17 702 +08 120319050051517 +34 3496445560044188 8 Phillip Adam 7157 1091 +01 656 +07 134318749781528 +23 3668435499244584 9 Chris Morrisey 7083 1120 +01 656 +16 126319349791519 +34 3580435502944816 10 Trinity Otto 7082 1084 +17 660 +11 126418749531489 +34 3749425483345855 11 Shawn Colligan 7059 1110 +17 661 -10 124218149191479 +37 3899395528944897 12 Chris Pounds 7010 1134 +01 637 +20 126918150421515 +37 4170435545145737 13 Daniel Newell 6962 1095 +17 640 +16 118419048941561 +37 3317425466643553 20080403 Berkeley 1 Mark Edward Jellison 7162 1152 -17 719 00 132219953101483 -14 3908425488544858 20080404 Jonesboro 1 B. J. Parish 7072 1129 691 133218851081579 4383425455444905 20080404 Tucson 1 James Adjetey-Nelson 7625 1085 00 704 -04 142220949961504 +14 4155450555451224 2 Skyler Reising 7295 1107 00 704 -13 144820951241613 +14 4169430461345769 3 Justin Schneider 6810 1152 00 675 -20 105018549711573 +14 3287410489042289 20080406 Reduit 1 Willem Coertzen 7721 1118 739 125720549861469 4042420653244824 2 Abdallah Mohamed Saad Hame 7301 1122 692 135019951451505 3942430506844394 3 Ali Kame 7013 1148 724 121118750911540 3204410559243951 20080410 Knoxville 1 Jangy Addy 7595 1077 +10 689 00 153819048831402 +24 4439435522752296 2 Stephen Harris 7414 1107 +10 722 00 120019651441495 +24 4093455557545425 3 Michael Patrick Ayers 7227 1094 +03 688 00 127819649741631 +18 3675475506945481 4 Frank Shotwell 7077 1136 +03 637 +06 120918450541481 +24 4189455469244167 5 Justin Bohler 6836 1150 +03 674 +10 105018150771459 +24 3395435487944178 20080411 Athens 1 Thomas Barrineau 7053 1155 -12 623 +17 130619549881645 00 3748455523443216 20080411 Baton Rouge 1 Claston Anthony Bernard 7886 W 1070 +30 722 +46 149620951031431 +25 4929415518345594 2 Matt Chisam 7522 W 1132 +30 694 +43 143120051471469 +25 4237465515044997 3 Jonathan Fagan 7115 W 1094 +30 721 +45 123118550851430 +25 3635395557651027 4 Cory Roberts 6895 W 1120 +30 645 +49 117917951521504 +49 3935445476844705 5 Nicholas Trubachick 6824 W 1148 +46 637 +52 131519151981576 +49 3172395605544214 Matt Chisam 7497 1132 +30 683 +37 143120051471469 +25 4237465515044997 20080412 Hangzhou 1 Liu Haibo 7406 1126 00 731 00 134520950601536 -05 3784430517445294 2 Zhang Yu 7113 1102 00 719 00 120920051471525 -05 3497420479444954 3 Guo Weizhao 7062 1104 00 709 +10 117818550791488 +10 3834400531745567 4 Sun Gang 6919 1150 00 669 +08 124118851961535 -05 3792390585844715 5 Yang Wenliang 6849 1148 00 647 00 119417951721600 +10 3894440558844346 6 Hong Qingyang 6833 1135 00 683 00 126918553321513 +14 4227450556954902 20080413 Rio de Janeiro 1 Luiz Alberto Cardoso de Araujo 7328 109 732 +11 13481814904142 +05 355240052114391 2 Ivan Scolfaro Caetano da Silva 7277 116 685 +13 13651905066149 +05 373845058754389 3 Francisco Irlandio da Silva 7196 108 706 +10 11201905105150 +05 355545058634524 4 Danilo Mendes Xavier 7183 112 719 +05 12921905031147 +05 387840050004400 5 Anderson Estevao Venancio 7126 109 679 -04 12361905013150 +05 391840060195010 6 Diego dos Santos P. Araujo 6928 113 675 -09 9632084954149 +12 284543049364363 7 Sinval Souza de Oliveira 6921 115 691 -01 11101754903151 +05 345841050224176 20080417 Azusa 1 Michael Morrison 7803 1114 -13 740 +18 125720049511499 +18 3985515597045676 2 Desi Burt 7528 1125 -13 721 +27 131620949401488 +18 3778425566745449 3 Joshua Hustedt 7465 1124 -13 748 +31 116620050861433 +18 3351515478345593 4 Daniel Awde 7288 1088 +17 693 +09 117719148471517 +09 3608455457943904 5 Andrew Hall 7216 1155 +17 673 +13 138918551671538 +09 4160425624044817 6 Kurt Lee 6901 1143 +17 657 +18 132217652011571 +09 3785475486144743 1 inv Nicholas Garza 6984 1127 +20 704 +20 122119948861625 -13 3122425472744490 2 inv David Pichler 6809 1116 +19 654 +21 113417850291482 -22 3993455389645921 20080417 Lawrence 1 Nicholas Adcock 7329 W 1099 +41 685 +44 131319349251444 +27 3256437483443617 2 Lars Vikan Rise 7310 1153 +19 708 +32 145918451261549 +27 4430447513744573 3 Christophe Dickman 6913 W 1084 +41 663 +54 104319048701585 +34 3140477346443063 4 Rodney J. McGinnis 6879 W 1148 +41 677 +68 142518451241533 +27 3409397496544446 20080418 Atlanta 1 David Lewis 7105 1133 +10 644 +19 131118349441550 -06 3419485446842888 2 Miller Moss 6991 1100 +10 647 +05 124918948251568 -06 3617405450643719 20080418 Princeton 1 Max Westman 7322 110 681 1255184496 146 389243058324385 2 Kyle Calvo 7186 109 706 1249199501 150 357444051425011 3 Brandon Lewis 6927 112 717 1261190502 152 358043044224584 20080419 Alamosa 1 Mustafa Abdur-Rahim 8106 1072 00 722 +05 142919448221421 +28 514544054724396 2 Wayne Durham 7058 1129 00 697 +06 129319750231578 +29 367238054514470 3 Daniel Patton 6835 1083 00 697 00 112718549281508 +28 363543043925265 20080419 Cincinnati 1 Kevin Dwyer 7240 1106 00 715 +20 131020451691523 3816445535551889 20080419 Fayetteville 1 Mitchell Henry 7059 1146 +07 672 +12 116719351541550 +12 3971450620251027 20080420 Tsukuba 1 Ryota Suzuki 7271 1092 +40 728 +31 116318852041506 +23 3337470525943847 2 Shota Iwahashi 7037 1071 +40 714 +32 112219453261440 +23 3614380514045263 3 Ryu Murata 6825 1099 +40 671 +40 119718551671547 +23 3462410471844318 20080420 Wakayama 1 Keisuke Ushiro 7512 1142 +15 679 +29 128920251491567 +13 4287440669643971 2 Hiromasa Tanaka 7428 1084 +28 708 +36 123818450761552 +13 4037480611345929 3 Tadahiro Hiramatsu 6903 1089 +28 696 +18 115419050881618 +13 3334400535144575 4 Yotaro Higashinaka 6878 1119 +28 662 +11 105418749961479 +13 3205400507643441 20080423 Philadelphia 1 Chris Morrisey 6955 1118 +26 666 +01 122419049641535 -11 360740549894493 20080424 Des Moines 1 Joseph Detmer 7712 107 +25 709 -04 11971844859143 +28 3680480541041413 2 Mat

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