List of Public Benefit Organisations (PBO) approved in terms of section 18A of the Income Tax Act as at 31 December 2003: Name of PBO: Exemption Application No: 46664 Concerts 930004984 Aandmymering ACVV Tehuis Bejaardes 18/11/13/2738 ABC Kleuterskool 930005938 Abraham Kriel Maria Kloppers Children's Home 18/11/13/1444 Abri Foundation Charitable Trust 18/11/13/2950 Access College 930000702 ACVV Aberdeen 930010293 ACVV Aberdeen Aalwyn Ouetehuis 930010021 ACVV Adcock/van der Vyver Behuisingskema 930010259 ACVV Albertina 930009888 ACVV Alexandra 930009955 ACVV Baakensvallei Sentrum 930006889 ACVV Bothasig Creche Dienstak 930009637 ACVV Bredasdorp 930004489 ACVV Britstown 930009496 ACVV Britstown Huis Daniel 930010753 ACVV Calitzdorp 930010761 ACVV Calvinia 930010018 ACVV Carnarvon 930010546 ACVV Ceres 930009817 ACVV Colesberg 930010535 ACVV Cradock 930009918 ACVV Creche Prieska 930010756 ACVV Danielskuil 930010531 ACVV De Aar 930010545 ACVV De Grendel Versorgingsoord 930010401 ACVV Delft Versorgingsoord 930007024 ACVV Dienstak Bambi Versorgingsoord 930010453 ACVV Disa Tehuis Tulbach 930010757 ACVV Dolly Vermaak 930010184 ACVV Dysseldorp 930009423 ACVV Elizabeth Roos Tehuis 930010596 ACVV Franshoek 930010755 ACVV George 930009501 ACVV Graaff Reinet 930009885 ACVV Graaff Reinet Huis van de Graaff 930009898 ACVV Grabouw 930009818 ACVV Haas Das Care Centre 930010559 ACVV Heidelberg 930009913 ACVV Hester Hablutsel Versorgingsoord Dienstak 930007027 ACVV Hoofbestuur Nauursediens vir Kinderbeskerming 930010166 ACVV Huis Spes Bona 930010772 ACVV Kamieskroon 930010296 ACVV Kardoefie Pre-Primêre Skool 930009958 ACVV Kathu 930010768 ACVV Kenhardt 930009903 ACVV Kikki Wikki Primêr 930010758 ACVV Kirkwood 930008163 ACVV Lollapot Speelgroep 930010825 ACVV Malmesbury Speelkasteel Creche 930010254 ACVV Mamre 930010695 ACVV Mamre'l Armour Martinelle Kleuterskool 930010716 ACVV Marme Lief en Leed Klub 930010696 ACVV Meiring Woonstelle 930010771 ACVV Miernes Speelgroep 930010006 ACVV Montague 930010645 ACVV Moorreesburg 930010503 ACVV Moorreesburg Kleuterland Versorgingsoord 930009906 ACVV Noorder Paarl 930010843 ACVV Olifantshoek 930010588 ACVV PE Noord 930009917 ACVV Pofadder 930009919 ACVV Poplarlaan Adolph Schauder 930009967 ACVV Poplarlaan Port Elizabeth 930009958 ACVV Porterville 930010751 ACVV Postmasburg 930009914 ACVV Prieska 930010752 ACVV Prieska 930010023 ACVV Riebeek Kasteel 930010008 ACVV Riebeek Wes 930010016 ACVV Riversdal 930009815 ACVV Robertson 930009904 ACVV Robertson Huis le Roux Tehuis 930010762 ACVV Somerset Wes Heidi Versorgingsoord 930009986 ACVV Springbok 930010747 ACVV Strand Tak 930010569 ACVV Strand Tak Speelkasteel 930010767 ACVV Sutherland 930010705 ACVV Swellendam Dienssentrum 930010754 ACVV Tak Caledon 930009807 ACVV Tak Caledon Heidehof Tehuis vir Bejaardes 930010585 ACVV Tak van Dordrecht 930009499 ACVV Tulbach 930010759 ACVV Uniondale 930010856 ACVV van Aberdeen Aalwyn Ouetehuis 930010021 ACVV Victoria Wes 930010714 ACVV Victoria Wes Huis Frieda Kempes Tehuis 930010749 ACVV Victoria Wes Uyaphendula Dienssentrum 930010769 ACVV Victoria Wes Woonstel Kompleks 930010708 ACVV Wielie Walie Versorgingsoord Elandsbaai 930010261 ACVV Worcester Bollieland Creche 930005797 ACVV Yzerfontein 930009892 Ad Lucem Trust 18/11/13/350 Adopt a Kid or School Programme Public Benefit Trust 930000199 Adopt a School Foundation 18/11/13/3501 Adventist Development and Relief Agency 930000689 African Vision of Development 18/11/13/311 Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool 18/11/7/734 Afrikaanse Hoërskool Kroonstad 18/11/7/557 Afwell Ministries 930001171 Agape Aids Support Group 18/11/13/3318 Agape Christian School 18/11/13/1949 Aids Mission Outreach Trust 18/11/13/2519 Aids Youth Project 18/11/13/4854 Aksie Reformatoriese (Gereformeerde) Skoolonderwys 930001237 Albert Lihuli Day Care Centre 930010864 Alcohol and Drug Help Centre SANCA Zululand 930001217 Alexandra Health Centre and University Clinic 18/11/13/4226 Aliwal North Child and Family Welfare Society 18/11/13/2953 ALKARI 91 930010719 Allingham Primary School 930000259 Alma School for Specialised Education 930000004 Al-Noor Orphanage Trust 930007143 Aloe Park Pre-Primary School 930010603 Altiora Trust 18/11/13/3122 Amanzimtoti Primary School 930001446 Amasango Career School 18/11/7/629 Amatola HIV/AIDS and STD's Intervention Project 18/11/13/1920 Amsai Primary School 930010483 Andalusia Trust 18/11/13/4118 Angel Care Centre 930004928 Arbor Pre-Primary School 930004443 Arcadia School 18/11/7/410 Archimedes Foundation 930010701 Arethabeng Primary School 930001969 Argonaut International College 930003953 Arise and Shine Day Care Centre 18/11/13/4831 Assets Youth Initiative 930000675 Association for Autism 18/11/13/3204 Association for Educational Transformation 930002121 Association for the Fully International Society Development & Exchange Programme 930010381 Association for Voluntary Sterilization of South Africa 18/11/13/1666 Association of Christian Academies for the Highway 18/11/13/3165 Athlone School for the Blind 18/11/7/761 Athlone School for the Blind Association 930008866 Atholl Heights Primary School 930001294 Atlantis Family in Focus Project 930006807 Autism South Africa 18/11/13/2213 Autism Western Cape 930007695 Avalon Association 930004614 Avril Elizabeth Home for the Mentally Handicapped 930007621 Avril Elizabeth Trust 930009564 Baby Therapy Centre 18/11/13/345 Balasi Community Creche 930007555 Balfour Skool 930001533 Banana Day Care Centre 930000254 Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa 930005278 Barberton Nursery School 18/11/13/2684 Barlow Rand Educational Trust 18/11/13/2080 Baxoxele Primary School 930002905 Bay Primary School 18/11/7/631 Bedelia Pre-Primary School 18/11/7/587 Beiten-Nur Society for the Destitute 930010435 Bel Porto School 930002448 Belindia Kleuterskool cum Creche 18/11/13/4021 Bellville Pre-Primary School 930003044 Berg-en-Dal Pregnancy Crisis Centre 18/11/13/3510 Bergville Christian Academy 18/11/13/3981 Bergvliet High School 930010455 Berlin Pre-Primary 930007568 Beth Jacob School 18/11/13/4639 Bethal Primary School Trust 18/11/13/411 Bethesda Outreach Ministries 18/11/13/4806 Bisley Park Primary School 930004645 Blessed Geraro's Care Centre 18/11/13/2777 Blessed Place of Safety 930010224 Blydeville Primary School 18/11/7/676 Boesmanlandse Goue Oues Dienssentrum 930006879 Boitumelo Pre-School 930010863 Bokamoso Day Care Centre and Creche 930001859 Bokamoso High School 18/11/7/442 Bollie Bewaarskool 18/11/13/3890 Bontle Early Learning Centre 930003215 Bophelong Day Care Centre 930005036 Border Technikon 18/11/7/263 Bosele Educare and Pre-School 930007818 Boshof Hoërskool 18/11/7/634 Botshabelo 18/11/13/1891 Botshabelo Creations Community 18/11/13/2306 Boys Town South Africa 18/11/13/379 Bracken High School 930003233 Brackenfell High School 930007212 Brakanjan Wieg-en Kleuterskool 930008192 Bread Life Day Care Centre 930010824 Bread of Life Charity Fund 18/11/13/705 Brentvale Primary School 930002917 Bridge House School 18/11/13/3988 Bridge the Gap 930000742 Bright Springs Trust 930003355 Brindhaven Primary School 930002906 Brits Hospice 18/11/13/308 Broken Wings Association for the Disabled 18/11/13/3428 Brooklyn Primary School 930008281 Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu-Chi Foundation 930008947 Buffelsdale Secondary School 18/11/7/600 Buffelshoek Trust 18/11/13/765 Business Against Crime Eastern Cape 18/11/13/3434 Business Against Crime KwaZulu Natal 18/11/13/1190 Business Against Crime Mandeni 18/11/13/2471 Business Against Crime Mpumalanga 930010101 Business Against Crime Western Cape 930010653 Business Section 18A(c)(i) Education Trust 18/11/13/919 Business Section 18A(c)(ii) Education Trust 18/11/13/921 Business Section 18A(d) Education Trust 18/11/13/920 Busisiwe Multi Skill Centre Emaplazini Area Inanda 930000261 Cadiz Foundation 930009841 Calvin Schools 18/11/13/4664 Camphill Farm Community Hermanus 18/11/13/4249 Camps Bay Preparatory School 18/11/7/425 Cancer Association of South Africa 18/11/13/1397 Cannons Creek School Trust 18/11/13/2754 Cape Child Health Association 18/11/13/1108 Cape Higher Education Consortium 930002124 Cape Recife High School 18/11/7/712 Cape Town City Mission 18/11/13/1756 Capital Park Primary School 930005969 Capricorn Preparatory School 18/11/13/4623 Caring Network 18/11/13/2659 Carlientjie Pre-Primêre Skool 930010558 Carter High School 18/11/7/463 Casa Do Sol School 930000751 Centurion Christian School 18/11/13/376 Centurion Hospice Association 18/11/13/4669 Cerebral Palsy Association (Eastern Cape) 18/11/13/1148 Charis Christian School 930008245 Chartered Accountants Education Endowment Trust 18/11/13/4454 Chatsworth Regional Hospice Association 18/11/13/2890 Chelsea Preparatory School 18/11/7/679 Chere Botha School 930004648 Cheshire Home Sparks Estate 18/11/13/3160 Cheshire Homes - Durban 18/11/13/1865 Chesterville Nursery School Association 18/11/13/3280 Chief JM Dlaminin Cheshire Home 930003363 Child and Family Welfare Society 18/11/13/681 Child and Family Welfare Society 18/11/13/2194 Child Protection and Treatment Centre 930000609 Childline Family Care 18/11/13/1184 Children in Distress Network 930008976 Children of the Dawn 930001736 Choc Childhood Cancer Foundation SA 930009261 Christel House South Africa 18/11/13/1018 Christelike Privaat Skool 930009523 Christine Revel Children's Home 930004101 Chubby Chums 18/11/13/2698 City Year South African Citizen Service Organisation 930010802 Clapham High School 18/11/7/605 Clarendon Primary School 18/11/7/705 Claude Harris Leon Foundation 18/11/13/1241 Cleft
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