l I rr1 ll$ IY --- _ D"'"· No.----- Date -----____ AFTER THE MOON -WHAT? MINUTES OF THE MANNED FLIGHT AWARENESS SEMINAR MANNED SPACECRAFT CENTER SEPTEMBER 25•26, 1969 FOREWORD THE PURPOSE OF THIS SEMINAR WAS TO PROVIDE THE GOVERNMENT/ INDUSTRY TEAM WITH NEW INSIGHTS INTO THE FUTURE OF MANNED SPACE FLIGHT AND ITS ATTENDANT REQUIREMENTS FOR QUALITY WORKMANSHf P IN THE PROSECUTION OF APOLLO AND FOLLOW-ON PROGRAM ACTIVITIES. GUIDELINES, OBJECTIVES, GOALS AND MOTI­ VATIONAL INNOVATIONS WERE DISCUSSED, AND PRESENTATIONS WERE GIVEN BY KEY MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL OF NASA AND THE AEROSPACE INDUSTRY. r AGENDA SEMINAR ON MANNED FLIGHT AWARENESS Manned Spacecraft Center Houston, Texas Thursday, September 25 SESSION I - NASA Management: The Manned Flight SESSION II - Industrial Executives: Industry's View of Awarness Challenge as NASA Sees it the Future Session Monitor: Mr. Philip H. Bolger Session Monitor: Mr. Philip H. Bolger Opening Remarks Philip H. Bolger, Acting Director McDonnell Douglas Walter F. Burke. President Manned Space FI i gh t Safety Astronautics Company Welcome Address Dr. Robert R. Gilruth, Director North American William B. Bergen, President Manned Space Fl 1ghl Center Rockwell Keynote Address - Dr. George Mueller The Boeing Company Harold J. McClellan, General "The Future of Manned Associate Administrator for Manager, Southeast Division, Space Flight" Manned Space Fl 1ght Aerospace Division Apollo 12 and Beyond Dr. Rocco Petrone Apollo Program Director Apollo Applications William C. Schneider, Director Program Planning Apollo Applicat1ons Program Panel Discussion Moderator - W. C. Schneider The Management Lee James, Director Panel Members Chai lenge Program Management Marshall Space Flight Center NASA Industry Astronaut Participation Major Stuart Roosa, USAF W. C. Schneider W. F. Burke 1n the MannedFl 1ght Astronaut R. A. Petrone W. 8. Bergen Awareness Program R. R. Gilruth H.J. McClellan Friday, September 26 Panel Members John Mi I lmotl - IBM SESSION Ill - MFA Concept at Work Tom Scott - The Boeing Company Dwayne Gray - North American Rockwell Session Monitor: Dr. Preston T. Farish Tony Tocco - TRW Harold Durfee - Grumman Aerospace Corporation Moderator Dr. Preston T. Farish Gordon Macke - McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company Space Station Task John W. Small, Manned Flight Awareness Themes and Program Group, Manned Assistant Field Director Continuity Spaceflight Center 1. Central Themes Al Chop, Headquarters West Reliability and Quality Dr. John Condon, Director and Awards Coast Representative, Manned Assurance Office, Flight Awareness Office NASA Headquarters 2. Manned Flight Eugene E. Horton, Chief, Manned lndustnalRelations Dr. Charles Hughes, Director Awareness Working Flight Awareness Office. Manned and Compensation Tools: Posters, Spacecraft Center Service, Texas lnstru- Newsletter, Films, men Is, Incorporated Decals, etc. "Innovations tn Moderator - Eugene E. Horton Summary and Closing Philip H. Bolger Mot, vahon'' Remarks ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page OPENING REMARKS - Philip H. Bolger 1 WELCOME ADDRESS - Dr. Robert R. Gilruth 2 MANNED FLIGHT AWARENESS CHALLENGE AS NASA SEES IT THE FUTURE OF MANNED SPACE FLIGHT - Dr. George Mueller 3 APOLLO 12 AND BEYOND - Dr. Rocco Petrone 11 APOLLO APPLICATIONS PROGRAM PLANNING - William C. Schneider 15 THE MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE - Lee James 21 ASTRONAUT PARTICIPATION IN THE MANNED FLIGHT AWARENESS PROGRAM - Major Stuart Roosa, USAF 27 INDUSTRY'S VIEW OF THE FUTURE Walter F. Burke 29 William 8. Bergen 33 Harold J. McClellan 37 PANEL DISCUSSION 40 MFA CONCEPT AT WORK John W. Smal I 45 Dr. John Condon 51 Dr. Charles Hughes 53 INNOVATIONS IN MOTIVATION 61 MANNED FLIGHT AWARENESS THEMES AND PROGRAM CONTINUITY CENTRAL THEMES AND AWARDS - Al Chop 69 MANN ED FLIGHT AWARENESS WORKING TOOLS - Eugene E. Horton 73 CLOSING REMARKS- Phi lip H. Bolger 77 iii OPENING REMARKS PHILIP H. BOLGER Acting Director Manned Space Flight Safety The successful lunar landing and completion of the "I wish to express my regret that I am un.-ible 0 ight of Apollo 11 achieved a national objective in this to participate in the M::inned Flight Aware­ decade and is a significant milestone in man's con­ ness Seminar beca.u1:1e of previous commit­ tinuing progress in space e:,,.-ploration. Ilistorically, ments. The subjects that you will discuss achievements of such magnitude, requiring concen­ are of the greatest Importance to the future tl·ated efforts over an appreciable time period, are of Manned Space Flight. It is imperative followed by a letdown and general relaxation of the that the NASA/Contractor Team maintain personnel involved. In addition, this letdown may be its momentum and continue to achieve the amplllied by a serious morale problem when funding highest degree of quality worlananship. I cutbacks are experienced. The result is n decline in realize that this is a difficult task to achieve the required attention to detailed workmanship which in this period of cutback in space activities can cause a rise in accident rates and potentiaJ loss following the success of the Apollo 11 mis­ of life. sion. On the other hand. however , we are entering a new era of relatively stable space llight activity and will be undertaking new To counter these potential moraJe and complacency programs that Dr. Mueller and his associ­ problems in the spaceflight program, this Govern­ ates will discuss with you. We must im:.. ment/JndUBtry Manned Flight Awareness Seminar is press on the aerospace worker force the fact being conducted. The objective of this seminar is U1e that our future in space is a bright one and maintenance of high quality workmanship through ef­ t.bat we will continue to move forwru:d in fective awareness and motivational programs. We achieving an ever greater operational capa­ intend to do this by outlining NASA's plans for future bility and broadenjngour scientific knowledge programs and the resources being ma.de available to in space. To achieve these goals we are as successfully conclude these programs. In addition, always dependent upon the i11di vidnalworker , executives of various industrial firms deeply in.volved hls motivation and interest, and ultimately in space work will present their views oJ the future. the quality of his workmanship. I know that In this way we can get the message from NASA Man­ you support my views on these subjects ru1d agement to the individuals responsible for doing the will make every effort to bring our future work that is vital to assuring a high quality of work­ space flight programs to successful achieve­ manship in the aerospace force. ment. Th.e Manned Flight Awareness Pro­ gram is one of ow· most valuable tools in support of these objectives and I hope you f The proceedings of this Seminar will be transcribed will make every efort to utilize its capa­ and available to those who are attending, hopefully bilities to the utmost." within one month. Now, we've asked you to come today to discuss some Now, l have a statement from Dr. Paine, who was relatively serious problems that are confronting us in unable to be here today, but he is quite interested in this period of instabiHty as we are cutting back after our Manned Flight Awareness Program and what It is the Apollo 11 success. Our speakers will address trying to do. Dr. Paine says: these subjects in light of their particular programs. WELCOME ADDRESS DR. ROBERT R. GILRUTH Director Monned Space Flight Center Good morning, I am happy to welcome you to ihis semi­ that success can follow success, and that the words nar. l would especially like to lho.nk Walter Burke, ''Made in USA" stand for excellence and worth in Bill Bergen, Pat McClellan, and you other leaders in leadership throughout the world. industry for taking time to be with us today, and to bring us views for the future of manned space flight Success results, I believe, from the interaction of from your perspective in industry. many people doing many things. But success can never come about without pride. Itcannot come about It is fitting, 1 believe, that this meeting is being held Without personal dedication and a fundamental under­ follo\\ ing the most remai·kable expedition of all his­ standing of the job that is to be done. Unfortunately, tory-man's first journey to the moon. Neil Armstrong motivation is an intangible. It is not something that described Apollo 11 as "a giant lea.pfor mankind," and the Federal Government can write into its contracts. there is no question but that il ivas a giant leap. It It has to be self-induced. It comes from within. It proved among other things that the moon is no longer results from knowing that the work we are doing is quite so remote and inaccessible as it had been. It important and that the job we have been given is more did not assure us, however, that the next step in space than just an 8-hour day. It is impossible to get every­ would be equally successful. Whether or not it. is wi.11 one, in all our organizations, to think like this, but if depend to a very large extent upon t.he inspiration and we could just raise lhe number by 10, 25, or even leadership. a.nd lhe imagination that will be shown by 50 percent, then I believe we would be working in an those of us who are in this room today. entirely new realm, with far greater potential for success and less probability of costly mistakes. I think this can be a very valuable meeting tor all of us. We are going to hear a bit about.what is planned, what is possible, both from the viewpoint of NASA and I cannot over-stress the importance thal NASA man­ from industry. 1 believe that this [rank e.xchange of agement attaches to the Manned Flight Awareness views and comments ean give each of us a fresh per­ Prog1·am.
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