PAGE SIXTEEN _ _ - I SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 20, manrljPBtw lEwning Amaffo Dally N tt Press Run Per Thb Week Ended About Town Manohealer Area November 80, 1871 The Weather Partial clearing, windy, much Mancheiter Regiatered Nurses State Police colder tonight, the Iowa to the Association will have a Christ­ 15,590 upper teens. Tuesday, partly mas party Dec. 8 at Willie's Aid in Drive The Baby Has cloudy continued windy and Steak House. The party will cold, high in the 80s. open with a social hour at 6 ;80 Manchenter— A City o f Village Charm p.m., and dinner will be served For N eedy VOL. LXXXXLn NO. 45 at 7:80. Ticket returns should (THIRTY-SIX PA G E ^TW d SE<?nONS) be made to Mrs. John Ryan, state police troops serving Been Named MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1971 (CUssUled AdvertUlng on Page U ) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTI 58 Strickland St., by Monday. area towns are cooperating in Commissioner Cleveland' B. |Ihe Junior Choir of the Fuessenloh's drive to assist the Church of the Nazarene will re­ hearse tomorrow at 6 p.m. in Revitalisation Corps in collect­ Peacock, Boland Becton IV, son of Roland HI the youth building of the church. ing food and clothing for needy and Linda Maturo Peacock, 287 Centar St., kuiumsotar. He Ex-GeneralTells families in the ijrea. was bom Nov. 9 at Manchester Memorial HMptW. Hie m ^ r - Donations have already been nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M ttun, ISO.BoUcn Top Court Outlaws The Rev. S. Franklin Logsdon of Largo, Fla., will conduct a dropped off at the Colchester at., Manchester. His paternal grandpareida are Mr. ana Mrs. Bible study Monday from 10 to Troop, and Stafford Troop C is Roland Peacock Jr., Baltimore, Md. Why He Sought 11 a.m. at Trinity Covenant expecting some shortly. Church. In making his request that Roebuck, James Michael, son of William and Pamela the police assist in the drive, Kaeaer Roebuck, 61 Spring St, Rockville. Ho was born Nov. B Fuessenlch said ‘"mis is in line at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal graJupMenU Sex Discrimination A Union Thanksgiving Service will be held tomorrow at 7:30 with my philosophy that a po­ are Mr. and Mrs. BTederiok J. Kaeeor,\B96 Avery St., South My Lai Probe. p.m. at Center Congregational lice department can be of serv­ Windsor. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mre. James Church. The service is sponsor­ ice to the community beyond O. Roebuck, South Glastonbury. By HARRY F. KOHENTHAL ed by the Manchester Council of the areas of law enforcement.- ^ Md. (AP)— Former Brig. Gen. George H Churches and Temple Beth Sho- Diana, William James H, son of WiUlom J. and L«U Mv^i had no report of atrocities in In Ruling on Idaho lom. The offering will be de­ Morelli Diana, 114 W. Middle Tpke., Manchester, He was bom voted to Manchester FISH and Meeting Slated Nov. 11 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grand­ vestlgateJ^sttoat^te the MarchM 1968 assault.O'-®" K- Henderson to im to "Work Among Our American mother is Mrs. Emma Morelli, 82 Munro 8t., ManohesUr. HU Young,_ —• former----- —assistant WV441’com- ^ —— -------- —. ________ ___ WASHINGTON (AP) — protection” clause of the 14th decisions beginning in 1964 that Indian Friends” in the Dako­ By School Board paternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Itomph- monder of the Amerlcal Divl- ^r The Supreme Court ruled ^m®''<>ment. prohibited racial segregation in tas. ere, 36 Clinton St., Manchester. He has a brother, Christopher, Sion, said the investigation he said the report was ..non.'.../'...-I., i ^ ® House of Representatives the public schools, The new (Board of Bducotlcn 6; and a sister, Victoria, 4^. ordered was only on the basis either the after- unanimously today that has approved a constitutional The 14th Amendment was raU- The Couples Club a t South will hold its first business meet­ « 1*1 of a report that a helicopter pi- f®®? ‘I?® operation or the fol- arbltrary’ discrimination amendment guaranteeing worn- fled in 1868. Section 1 includes United Methodist Church will ing Monday at 8 p.m. in the Longo, Karry-Ann, daughter of Liborio and Kathleen lot had a confrontation with Holladay and against women is unconsti- ®" ®q®®‘ rights. The ruling the admonition that "no state have a potluck tonight at 6 :30 Dixon Longo, RFD 8, Kelly Rd., Vernon. She was bom Nov. 8 ground troops. I'^rederik Watke, the com- tutioinal. came as a Senate Judiciary shall make or enforce any law in Cooper Hall of the church. Bennet Junior High School at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother The tesUmony was important '•espectlvely of a hell- Subcommittee was about to which shall abridge the privl- Chief Justice Warren Main Building. is Mrs. Jeannette Rodrigue, 856 E. Middle Tpke, Manchester. to the defense of Henderson ‘on and company, E- Hur- hold a session on the proposed leges or immunities of citizens In addition to committee re­ The Junior Choir of Commu­ Her paternal grandfather la Pasqual Longo, Rockville. who U charged specificallv . ® he ger ^ k e for the court as it amendment. The effect of the of the United States . nor ports, the board will receive nity BapUst Church will re­ with falling "to investigate alle^ *'^® H®"- struck down an Idaho law that decision on the amendment was deny tq any person within its requests to establish two wash­ hearse tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. gatlons or reports of excessive gave men preference over not immediately clear. jurisdiction Uie equal protectlcn out accounts. One is a State Foss, James Frederick, sen of Fllmcnt and Nancy women in administering cs- In the past, the court has cf the laws.” at the churqji. killing of noncombatante.” The ^ „ ‘!'® ®®*"' Department of Education grant Voisine Foss, 85 Village St., Rockville. He was bom Nov. 10 „ used Ihe same provision of the In the Idaho case, Mrs. Sally at RockvlUe General Hospital. His maternal grandparents are order, the government charges ‘ h® assault troops, The Confirmation Class of of 124,655'to support the occupa­ came frx>m Young * *^® ‘ **® meeting lasted The ruling was the first ever 14th Amendment to protect Ne- Reed, an Ada County woman South United Methodist Church tional education program at the Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Vidslne, Broad Brook. HU paternal by me h l^ court to ban sex groes against discrimination, had been denied under state grandmother U Mts. Fred HIU, Pinney St„ RookvUle. He has Young directly ' contradicted khT,, “ r , >;"‘n“ t®a' "I will meet Monday at 3 p.m. at high school. The other, under earlier tesUmony by Lt Col ^ol Henderson discrimination under the “ equal The clause was the basis for law appointment as adminis­ Public Act. 35, is a prelimlnaty a sUtar, Jean; and a brother, Leonard. the church and will go to Hart­ John Holladay. who said that v “ *® ^ received,” tratrix of her son's estate. The ford to visit St. George's Greek grant of $B,27B tor disadvan­ the general had been told 75 or ‘ Co‘ - Hen- father, Cecil Reed, had filed a Orthodox Church. Parents may taged children in non-public Arplno, Mathew Anthony, son of Connie and Donna De­ 100- unresisting civilians were commander competing petition for appoint­ pick up the young people at 5 schools. marco Arplno, 62 Carman Rd., Manchester. He was been Nov. killed in My Lai directed an investigation ment. Both parents, who were p.m. at South Church. Hie board will also act on a 10 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. HU maternal grandpar­ "If Col. Holladay made that Il®„. immediately and At Nixon Session separated sometime before resignation and an ajqiolntment. ents are Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Demarco, NewtonvUle, Mass. statement he is grossly mlstak- ‘ ® ^ '’®' their son Richard's death, were The Manchester Newcomers His paternal grandmother U Mrs. Elena Arplno, Newton, Moss. en,” Young said. ‘ “ P®a- equally entitled to administer Club Couples Bridge Group 2 He has a brother, Mark, 6; and two slaters. Dole, 4, and Karen, U _ >8 sibiOt * the estate. However, under Ida­ n d e r cross-examination within th» »» j will meet tonight at 6 at the 1%. Meany Defends ho law, a man is given prefer­ Miss Kittredge Young said "to the best of my vo^ n ^ h h home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn lecollectlon the first knowledge H®"^®''®®" Sav® ence over a woman when they Prentiss, 12E Ambassador Dr. Miss Snowmobile Dnkett, Kevin John, son of RaliSi and MarjTDaly Dukett, I had that noncombatantTwere re^rts to the division are on equal footing in estate proceedings. 684 N. Main St., Manchester. He was bom Nov. 14 at Mancha*' killed was when I r e e v e d Col. The Perennial Planters Gar­ Miss Priscilla Kittredge, 21, ter Memorial Hospital. HU maternal grandparenU are Mr. Delegates^ Action After being informed of the den d u b will meet Monday at Hen^rson's oral report/' ^at r^wriUeTrerort. ' decision, Mrs. Reed told a of 10 Norman St. was selected and Mrs. John F. Daly, 82 Oliver Rd., Manchester, HU pater­ By NEHv OILBRIDE , 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Miss Snowmobile at a recent reaction,” Meany said to loud newsman: "I’m very happy for nal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. FranoU Didcatt, 188 Ter­ convention applause. Raymond Halsted, 212 Green­ contest at a snowmobile show MIAMI BEACH (AP) — all the women and myself.” race Dr., Rockville. He has a brother, Shawn, 3H, "The President did not come wood Dr. Mrs. Harry Lloyd is at the Hartford Armory.
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