UIIVEBSirr or IMfHINor s^c. 'Qtfpet' ScHutcf w&SHIti$\Qn *** Washington, D. C. BEST WEEKLY IN THE NORTHWEST BRITISH-INDIA PROBLEM It will probably be denied, but the 2- Inside fact Is that U. S. Ambassador ->«« matter. BAINBRIDSE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, THURS., JUNE 17, 1943. VOL, XIX. NO.t. B PASES. 5 CENTS Bill Phillips came back from India with a blunt, in spots bitter, report against the British. He felt that the United State* GANGWAY FOR BAINBRIDGE'S BABY SPECIAL! should do something about'the fes- BAND LEADS BEAR'S GROWL taring Indian-political situation^that STORK PUSHES WAR ASIDE TO DELIVER EIGHT the Indian Brwiy and petfpto could not be a force in the war until the.- • Tlie Stork, apparently unaware Elsie Haugen, daughter of Copt, ily moved on Tuesday Into their qucstion was cleaned up. Alto he BREMERTON: that there is (i war going on, and Mrs. • Andrew Haugcn, West newly-built home "in Wert Blak- FRIGHTENS Blakely. eliy. was stralgkt-fromthe-tticJuIrier in his f overdid himself and wrote eight criticism of Field Marshal Wavell Island births - into the record whom be feels is not suited for the RERRY MARCH SON BORN HOME WITH BABY FIVE YOUTHS Job and should be removed. book this week. • Mrs. Kenneth Dyste, Eagledale, Phillips not only gave this report • Marching: behind an Army • Mrs. John Belling, Port Madl- • One of the Ialand's "killer" Births reported tQ The Review: son returned home Friday with Uie former Helen Pherson, ar- to the President but be rtso had a • band. 300 Bremerton civic lead- bears, surprised In a Port Madi- conference with Winston Churchill their new son. James Edward, rived heme Sunday from Provi- ers, business people, housewives who was born June 3. The child, dence Hospital, Seattle, with her son thicket by five boys last Fri- Ambassador Phillips' report Is SECOND SON BORN mott significant, because he has and youngsters Tuesday morn- their third son, - weighed first child, a son bom June 8. day. frightened them Ijy growling been pro-British, served as minister ing went to Balnbridge Island • A second son, named Freder- pounds. The child Dwayne Lee, weighed and caused, them to flee, leav- 7 pounds, 12 ounces, at birth. ing behind some of their belong- to Canada,, has been a consistent strawberry farms In a graphic ick Charles, was born Sunday to RETURNS HOME ings. believer that our policy must go portrayal of how & friendly met- Mr. and .Mrs. Whitman Randall, hand-ln-hand with the British. PhU- IT 8 A BOY It was the first report, since ropolitan city can help harvest Seattle. Their other child is two Ups is mild, not addicted to cru- • Mrs. Stanley Beach. Rolling the bears started killing farm an- the essential war crop of a neigh- years old. Mrs. Randall, the for- sading. but a thorough.' conscien- Bay. returned June 4 from the • A son was bora to Mr. and imals last summer, of a hostile boring; agricultural community. mer Ruth Gray, is the sister of tious diplomat, reporting what be Seattle General Hospital with Mrs. Donald Sweetman, Fern cliff, attitude toward humans. Taking a chartered ferry from Mrs: Verner Halvorsen, Wlnslow. believes to be the facts. her Infant daughter, Carol, who in Providence Hospital, Seattle, Maj. M. J. Hopkins, Rolllaf Bremerton to Winalow, the on June 9. They named him John Among other things, Phillips re- " was bom May 24. The- baby Bay, to whom the incident waa crowd's colorful trek waa merely Merrill. He weighed 7 pounds, 11 ported that mediation between dif- DYES HAVE SON weighed 7 M pounds. reported, organized a hunt Sun- a large-scale demonstration for ferent Indian factions and the Brit- ounces at birth. day with six men and eight the benefit of press associations • Mrs. Troy Dye, Wert Blakely, * ITS ANOTHER DAUGHTER ish government was possible now; became the mother of a seven- hounds. No trace of a bear was also desirable. He feels that If some of what Bremerton youngsters SON BORN pound, 12-ounce boy fa Swedish • Delores Mattaon was born to found. such move Is not undertaken now, had been doing; for the past two Earlier, however, the major weeks to aid In harvesting the Is- Hospital, Seattle, June 8. The Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mattaon, Jr., • A boy waa bora last Friday to he should not go back to India, nor went to the old logging road south land crop, periled by a labor child, her first, has not been Weat Blakely, June 1 In the Mr. and Mrs. Eric Christenaen. should any other U. S. ambassador, of Port Madison where the .boys, ahortage. named, as Mrs. Dye Is waiting Bremerton Hospital. The Matt- West Blakely, In the Columbus since the presence of an American who had been picking" berries, The event waa reported and for his father's arrival here later sona have one' other daughter. Hospital, Seattle. He weighed 8% envoy would be taken as the stamp said they met the bear. photographed by the Office of this month. Mr. Dye is In the Mrs. Mattaon returned home with pounds. The Christ enaena have of U. S. approval tor British poUcy. The major .found a knife, a War Information as well as by service. Mrs. Dye Is the former Delores early this week. The fam- two daughters. What the Pretident said to Church- nickel find part of ahlrt. Not daily newspapers. CapL Edward Hi. OQ the®tndian problem Is his knowing the Identity of the boys, M. Joyce, Seattle, district supervi- secret But It is known that Roose- he was holding the articles until velt has hoped for a year that the sor of the War Relocation Auth- ISLAND PASTOR the owners claimed them. British would do something About ority, hallM the "berry njarch" AWS PLANS TO CONDUCT RUBBISH FIRE India. However, he also feels very Five Seattle men aided in the as an important publicity stunt BROTHER'S WEDDING hunt Sunday. Th«y were E. Merk- strongly that the United States' In awakening the nation's urban ley, one-time Port Madison rea- should not Interfere In Britain's colo- population In aiding the food pro- • The Rev. T. Murdock Hale, DRAWS FINE SCHOOL HERE ldent and big game hunter; "Cou- duction program. pastor of the Rolling Bay Preaby- Meanwhile, the .BrltUh, with an • The Ialand will have Its own • In the first action of Its kind gar" Martin, who brought the The throng." whose arrival sur- terian Church, will conduct the dogs; D. Scribner, M. Ashley and army I»rj« enough to handle any airplane recognition school, Mrs. wedding . services for his own on the Island, W. E. Van Wago- prised Island commuters bound W. Mackey. Lucas Rodal, RoUing problem Ins Id* India, teem content for Seattle, was aasembled under Naomi Barnes, Rolling Bay, an- brother- In Seattle today, when ner, Wlnslow, was fined $10 for Bay. also was In the party. merely to lit .on the lid—deeplte sponsorship of the Bremerton nounced this week. Marlon Hale, of CoqulUe, Or., and setting an outdoors fire out of The Incident occured a week af- American plea* that the Burma road Junior Chamber of Commerce Regiatration for the RoUing Mlsa Olga Maria Makur, of Se- season by Justice of the Peace mutt be reopened and despite the' ter the State Game Department Chief organizer was Richard Gray Bay Aircraft Warning Service attle, are married. Walt Woodward. Rolling Bay, fact that Indian troop* will not fl*ht * temporarily abandoned a fruit- post claaaea will be taken at th- Roger Hale, Lakeside, another Friday. the Jap* wholeheartedly unless they Robinson, Port Madison. Bremer- leas. four-week search for the ton photographer and junior Rolling Bay library from to 2 brother,' will act aa beat man. Mr. Van Wagoner pleaded gullt- have a email investment In the Tour to 4 p. m. and from 7 to 0 p. m. y to a charge filed by O. L. My- marauders here. Freedom* for which they are *up- chamber president. Mrs. Titus Hale, mother of the June 25. Although the course is ers. Head of the Bay, Island fire poted to fl*ht. Two Bremerton city commis- three men. will be an honored sioners, its police "chief and Mayor designed for observers, anyone guest at the ceremony. She ai« warden. Mr. Myers accused Mr. Van Wagoner of setting a rubbish BOARD 0KEHS OIL WOMAN WATCHE8 ARMY COOKS Hum Kean led the delegation. may take the training, Mrs. rived here from her home In A hastily-gathered group of Is- Barnes said. Lakeside last Friday and has fire In Wlnslow June 9. Mr. Van lilss Mary L Barber. Waihlnr Wagoner said he waa not aware ton'* flrct dollar-a-year woman, has landers which met the Bremerton- Classes, of two hours a day, been vlaltlng Mr. and Mrs. Hale FOR ROAD HERE two days a'week, will start iq of the ban effective June 1. - sow begun to bring long-needed lana Included Mrs. Gertrude L. at Rolling Bay this week. • One scaling coal of oil will bo July. Positive recognition of ene- "This probably would hare l>een thrift to army mess kitchens. If Johnson. RoUing Bay, state 'rep- applied toHhe road from Pleasant my and friendly planes will be overlooked In peace times," Mr. Miss Barber has her way, the resentative; Mrs. Ruth Comrada, • Beach to the bottom of Bucklln's taught by use of Army slides, Woodward told Mr. Van Wago- army's 250.000 cooks will be per- Winalow restaurant owner; the HERBERT NELSON, Hill, according to a resolution flash cards, posters and motion ner, "But the state banned all suaded to make soup out of the left- Ret.
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