Thearrow Pi Beta

Thearrow Pi Beta

THEARROW OF PI BETA PHI CONVENTION NUMBER (SECRET) 1912 SUb.rrrlber$ ore f'eflt.lflst«l '0 beep ,IIil II$uC under lock and t€7 0" dC'Strf>'1 aJ ..oon U3 n!ntl. \, THE ARROW Official Publication of the Pi Beta Phi Fraternity CONVENTION NUMBER .. 1912, NUMBER 5 SARAH GERTRUDE POMEROY.. Editor Table of Contents PAGE Minutes of the Twenty-second Biennial Convention 581 Minutes of the Session of the Alumna! Department . ....•. .. 592 Reports of Officers ....... ...................... • . 594 Reports of Committees ........ .. .. .... .. .. ........ 619 Summary of Chapter Reports of the Delegates ............ 632 Report of the Committee on the Award of the Loving Cup .. 350 Grand Council Meeting 652 Register of Convention 655 , All manu.c:ript should be addreued to the Editor, Sarah Gertrude Pomeroy. 1048 llain St.t Won:uter, Mass. Matenal intended for publication mUlt reach the Editor by the tenth of the montlu of October, Dettmbcr March, and June. Till Auo", i. pubfished the fifteenth of NO'lember, ]anuarr. April, and Jul, at 4$0 to 4S4 Abnalp Street. Men ..ha. Wi .. , by Georlf: Banta, officIal printer and publdher to the fraternity, Subscription pri« $1 .00 per yearj 25 cenU for .inlle copit .. Entered a. teCond-cI ... matter October 20, 1909, at the poltoflice at Men ••ba, Wb.. under the Act of Cou,reu of lhrcb 3, 18'9. ,. , . FRATERNITY DIRECTORY FOUNDERS OF THE FRATERNITY Margie Campbell •..•......•............ .. Tbyne Inltitate, Chase City, Va. Libbie Brook-Gaddis ............ ...... .. , .. .. 735 Main St., Galesbarg, Ill. Ad. Bruen-Grier ............... .• ... .. .... 16 Thorn •• Ave., Bellevue, Pa. Clara Brownlee-Hutchinson .. .. •• • . .•... ... ...... ........ Monmouth, m. Emma Brownlee-Kilgore .. .. ........ ...... 7639 Lowe Ave .• Chicago. Ill. Fannie Whitenack-Libby . .. ............ .... .. .......... Red Wing, MinD. Ro.a Mbore ...•..•.•.... .. .. ... ...•... ... 59 East 211t St, New York City Jennie Nicol, M. D. (deceased). lnl Smith-Soule .• •••.. .. .. .. 62] South K St.. Tacoma, Wash. Jennie Home-Tumball ......... .. .. ..... .. 2510 N. 32d St., Philadelphia. Pa. Fannie Thompson (decused). Nancy Black·Wallace . .... ... ...••...... Sewickley P.O., Glenosborne, Pa. GRAND COUNCIL GRAND PusIDKNT-May L Keller. t822 LiDden Ave., Baltimore, Md. GRAND VICZ·PRISIDKNT-Lida Burkhard Lardner ( Mrs. J. L.), 810 Milburn St.. Evanston, Ill. GRAND SzcuTAtY-Amy B. Onken, Chapin, Ill. GRAND fiRAluuR-Anne Stuart, 11)06 D Slrttt, Lincoln , Neb. Auow EDITOa-Sarah G. Pomeroy. 1 ~8 Main St., Worcester, Mass. HISTORIAN Elizabeth Clark Helmick (Mrs. Eli), .837 Kenmore Ave., Chicaeo. Ill. CATALOGUER Kate McLaughlin Bonme (Mr•. Ha.rry S.), Ltwisbarr. Pa. S&CUTAJlY OP NAnoNAL PAN· Hzu.&NIC CoNP&uNCE-Mn. Leicb Reilly, Gamma Phi Beta.. 10 Quick Avenue. Oak Park, 111. CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES ALPHA PROVINCE Pa&IIDENT-Anna RobinsoD Nickerson (Mrs. David D.), 74 Rockland Ave., MaJdeJI. Mass. OHTllJO ALrHA-Uni..-enity of Toronto, Lilliu M. Campbell, S Sc.ho6e1d AYe .. North Rosedale. Toronto. Ontario, CaDada. VUXONT ALPHA-Middlebury CoUtee. Floralce M. Aseltine, Pcanon'. Hall. Middlebury, Vt. VUKONT BnA-University of Vermont. Edith R. Gatel, 88 So. Willud St.. Burlington, Vh MAS.ACHUS.!'ITS ALPHA-BoltOD University, Florence Licht, 32 Rowe St., Melrose, Mu•. NEW YORX ALPHA-Syracuse University, Marjorie E. Campbell, Sen Olttom Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. NEw YORK BETA-Barnard College, Marguerite Schorr, 2336 LoriDa Place, New York City_ MARYLAND ALPHA~ucher College, Ethel Chamberlain, Baltimore. Md. CoLUW'"BlA ALPHA-Georre Washington University, Genc.ieve Friuell, 241-3th St., N. E., W UhiUgtOD. D. C. BETA PROVINCE PUSlOINT-Auna F. T. Pettit, ISU North 19th St., Philadelphia, Pa. PaNNsnVANIA ALPHA-Swarthmore College, Marion Baker, Swarthmore Col· lege, Swarthmore. PL P&NNIYLVANlA BHA-Bucknell University, Edna Whittam, Lewisburr. Pa. hNNSYLVANIA GAMMA-Dickinson College, Harriet H. Stuart, West Souther St., Carlisle, Pa. OHIO ALPHA-Ohio University, Henrietta Cronacber, Boyd Hall, Athens, Ohio. OHIO B&TA-Ohio State University, Ruth Saddler, 393 West 9th Ave., Colom· bus, Ohio. OHIO GAIUIA-University of Wooster. Leota MUDD. Holden Hall. Wooster, Ohio. MICHIGAN ALPHA-Hillsdale College, Grace Cone, Eut Hall. Hillsdale. Mich. MICHIGAN BHA-University of Michigan, Alta I. Welch, Pi Beta Phi House, 836 Tappan Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. GAMMA PROVINCE PuslDlNT-Abbie Langmaid. Gr.anite Fall •• Minn. M.NNIIOTA ALPHA-University of Minnesota, Lillian McLaughlin, 3144 Cot· fax Ave., So. Minneapolis. Minn. WISCONSIN ALpHA-University of Wisconsin. Vera Sieh, 2:33 LanccJon 51., Madison, Wi •. ILLINOIS BrrA-Lombard College, Dorothy Payn. Lombard Hall, Galesburr. llt [LLINOIS D.lLTA-KnOX College, Marjorie CarT. Whitinr Hall, Galesburr. Ill. [LUNOIS EPSILON-Northwestern University. Emily B. Piau. 440CJ Racine Ave .• Chicago, Ill. ILUNO'S ZETA-University of Illinois, Ruth N. Wilson, Pi Beta Phi HOUle, 807 South Third SL, Champaign, Ill. ILLINOIS ETA-James Millikin University, Marie Scott. Aston Hall, Dec::atur, Ill. INDIANA ALpHA-Franklin CoUere. Oakey Mile., Franklm, Ind. INDIANA BETA-University of Indiana., Marraret Paddock. Pi Beta Phi Bloomington, Ind. [NDIANA GA)ll(A-Buller CoHere, Cleo MiUikan, 2SJO Park Aft., Indianapoli., IDd. DELTA PROVINCE PusIDINT-Lois Janvier, 1445 Webster St., New Orleans, La. IOWA ALPHA-Iowa Wesleyan Colleee, Rae Zook. Elizabeth Hershe, Hall. Mt, Pleasant, Iowa. IOWA BITA-Simpson College. Perley, Sol N. B. St., Indianola, Iowa. IOWA GAMHA-Iowa State College, Blanche Hopkin., Pi Beta. Pbi Houle. Ames, Iowa. IOWA ZITA-Iowa State University, Elouisc Kessler, Davenport St., Iowa City, Iowa. NIBRASXA BITA-University of Nebraska, GtneviCYc Lowry, 427 So. 15th St., Lincoln, Neb. MISSOURI ALPHA-University of Missouri, Emily Wyatt, Pi Pbi House, C~ lumbia, Mo. MISSOURI BETA-Washington University, Meredith McCargo, 5413 Bartmer Ave., St. Louis, Mo. KANSAS ALPHA-University of Kansas, Genevieve Herrick, Pi Beta Phi House. 1245 Oread Ave., Lawrence, Kan. I ARKANSAS ALPHA-University of Arkansu. Mary Droke, 103 Hill St., Fayette-­ ville, Ark. LoUISIANA ALPHA-Newcomb College, Gladys Eustis, 6104 Hunt St., NeW' Orleans, La. EPSILON PROVINCE PaJSJDINT-Certrude Fiu·Randolph Currens ( Mrs. J . W.), 1510 13rh St., Boulder, Colo. OXLAHOllA ALPHA-University of Oklahoma, Leora Miller, Norman, Okla. TuAs AUHA-University of Texas, Adele Glasgow, Grace Hall, Austin, Texu. WYOMING ALPHA-University of Wyoming, Alice Downey, Laramie, Wyo. COLORADO ALPHA-University of Colorado, Liolita Snttl, 1117 Pine St., Boulder. Colo. CoLORADO BETA-University of Denver, Carolyn E. H osmer, 1615 S. Emer­ son St., Denver, Colo. ZETA PROVINCE PnslD.1NT-Marguerite Davis Carney (Mrs. P. C.), Berkeley, Cal. CAUrOILNJA ALPHA-Leland Stanford Jr. University, Barbara Alderton, Pi Beta Phi House, Stanford University, Cal. CAUFORNfA BETA-University of California, Alice McCoy, 2415 Prospect St., Berkeley, Cal. WASHIN GTON ALPHA-State University of Washington, Clara Strong, :1326 32nd St., 5., Seattle, \Vuh. WAJHI.NcroN BETA- ........ ..................... ...... STANDING COMMITTEES CoXN1TrE.& ON ExTZNSJON-Elda 1.. Smith. 710 S. Sixth St., Springfield, III. j Amelia Alpiner Stern (Mrs. A. 1..), Champaign, 111.; Florence Schee, In· di&Dola, Iowa. Co)o(fTTU ON ScHOLAURJP--Anna W. Lytle, Lewiston, Idaho; Ma, Cope-­ land Drybread (Mrs. C. H.), Franklin, Ind.; Edna 1.. Stone. 1618 Rhode Island Ave., Washington, D. C. COWMITTII ON CH,\pJ,ILONU--Minnie K. Organ, Salem, Mo. i Eliubeth Gamble, Detroit, Mich.; Susanne M. Lovelace, 1229 Thirteenth St, Boulder, Colo. • Stella R. Foz, 619 N. Salisbury, Lafayette, Ind. CowMlnn ON FRATERNITY ExAMINATIONS-Edith L. Carpenter, Guild House, Peacedale, R. 1.; Louise de la Barre, 2525 Park Ave., Minneapow, Minn.; Maude f.fcKenzie, 80g Pine St., Boulder, Colo. CoMKITTU ON UNDEJtGRADUATE LoAN FUN~Mildred Babcock Babcock (Mrs. R . L.), Dedham. Mu•. ; Elmina Wilson, 2338 LorinI' ptace, New York, N. Y. j Jennie L Rowell, 893 WiJard St., Burlington, Vt. ADDITIONAL COMMIITEES CoMMITTEE ON SoNG BooK-Alleycne M. Archibald. Lead, S. D.; Mu}' E. Shannon. 235 N. College Ave., FayetteviUe, Ark.; Anne Stuart, 1C)06 D St., Lincoln, Neb.; Jellie Smith Gaynor (Mr•. W .), 3718 Wyandotte St., City, Mo.; Lei. Howud, 2610 Garfield Sl, N. W., Wash­ ington, O. C. CoW:)(I~ ON CALcND.u-Kathanne Grie.t, 5239 Archer St., GermantoW'D, Pa.; Edith VaJet, III West 121th St, New York, N. Y.; Deborah L Ferrier, Moorestown, N. J. Co~nUTTU ON PI BETA PHI Guc&-Mary Wallihan Gibson (Mrs. A. E.), 1403 Clinton Ave., Cleveland, Ohio j Dorothy M. Alderton, 142 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y.; Emily Guild, Walton, N. Y. COMMITTEE ON HISTORICAL PJlOGU)I)l1 FOil FlniITH Harper Turner. The Brun.wick, 1332 Eye St., Apt. 33, Wuhington, D. c.; Katherine B. Miller, Lewis Institnte, Chicago; Kate King Bostwick (Mrs. H . 0.), Chardon, Ohio; Sarah G. Pomeroy, 1048 Main St., Worcester, Mall. PI BETA Pill REPlLESENTATlVJ: IN NATIONAL PAN ·HELLE NIC CONcuss-Lid. Burkhard Lardner (Mrs. J. L.), 810 Milburn St., Evanston, Ill. CHAlR»A.N BuUAU OF PRINTING--Sarah Gertrude Pomeroy, 1048 Main St., Worce.ter, Mus. ALUMNJE DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY SECUTAItY FOR THE ALUMNA!: AND GlAND V'CI:·Pli.ESJOITNT-Lida Burkhard Lardner (Mrs. J. L.), 810 Milburn St., Evanston, Ill. ALUMNA!: EDITOR-Sophie Parsons Woodman, 561 West 186 Street, New York City. SKCRETAlty FOR FOREICN CoUNTRus-Grand Vice·President. CO),{Jr,('TTU ON SETTLEMENT ScHooL-Elhabeth Clark-Helmick (Mrs. Eli), chairman, 4837 Kenmore Ave., Chicago,

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