10:20 Weeds as Hosts for Insect Pests 10:20 New Options for Control of Invasive FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 2017 10:20 WeedsShimat as Joseph, Hosts forUCCE, Insect Monterey Pests County 10:20 NewAnnual Options Grasses for Control in the ofWest Invasive FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 2017 7:00am- REGISTRATION & CEU Shimat Joseph, UCCE, Monterey County AnnualHarry GrassesQuicke, Bayer in the ES West Development California Weed 7:00am11:15am- REGISTRATIONSIGN-IN/OUT & CEU California Weed Harry Quicke, Bayer ES Development 10:45 Chemical Weed Control in Berry Crops 10:45 The Next Generation of Vegetation 11:15am SIGNJudy-IN/OUT Letterman & Celeste Elliott, CaliforniaScience WeedSociety 10:45 ChemicalSteve Fennimore, Weed Control UC Davis, in Berry Salinas Crops 10:45 TheManagement Next Generation and Stewardship of Vegetation JudyCWSS Letterman & Celeste Elliott, Science Society Steve Fennimore, UC Davis, Salinas ManagementGabriel Ludwig, and HelenaStewardship Chemical Company CWSS Science Society Gabriel Ludwig, Helena Chemical Company 11:30am-1:00pm CWSS BUSINESS & AWARDS LUNCHEON—DE ANZA BALLROOMS I & II DE ANZA BALLROOM III Annual Conference 11:30amKatherine-1:00pm Walker, CWSS CWSS BUSINESS President, &BASF AWARDS LUNCHEON—DE ANZA BALLROOMS I & II Annual Conference DE ANZA BALLROOM III Katherine Walker, CWSS President, BASF Annual Conference 7:30- SESSION M: LAWS & REGULATIONS AFTERNOON CONCURRENT SESSIONS 7:30- SESSIONChairs: LisaM: LAWS Blecker, & REGULATIONSUC Statewide IPM AFTERNOON CONCURRENT SESSIONS 11:30 DE ANZA BALLROOM III BONSAI BALLROOM 11:30 Chairsand :Leslie Lisa Blecker,Crowl, CDPR UC Statewide IPM DE ANZA BALLROOM III BONSAI BALLROOM and Leslie Crowl, CDPR 1:10- SESSION I: TURF & ORNAMENTAL 1:10- SESSION J: AGRONOMY 1:10 2:55 - SESSION Chairs: Rick I: TURF Miller, & ORNAMENTALDow AgroSciences and 1:102:55- SESSIONChairs: SteveJ: AGRONOMY Orloff, UCCE Siskiyou and 7:30 Best Practices to Keep Pesticides Out Weed Management 2:55 Chairs:Karey Rick Windbiel Miller,-Rojas, Dow AgroSciences UCIPM, UCCE and 2:55 Chairs:Dawn Steve Brunmeier, Orloff, BASF UCCE Siskiyou and 7:30 Bestof WaterPractices to Keep Pesticides Out WeedWeed Management Management 1:10 KareyWeed Windbiel Control-Rojas, in turf: UCIPM, Research UCCE Update 1:10 DawnSpread Brunmeier, and Management BASF of Herbicide of SamuelWater Sandoval, UC Davis/UC ANR 1:10 Weedand ControlBest management in turf: Research Practices Update 1:10 SpreadResistant and ManagementWeeds in California of Herbicide Rice Samuel Sandoval, UC Davis/UC ANR in ina Changinga Changing andMark Best M. management Mahady, Mark Practices M. Mahady & Assoc. ResistantKassim AlWeeds-Khatib, in UCCalifornia Davis Rice 8:00 Surface and Groundwater Monitoring in a Changing 1:35 MarkPhytotoxicity M. Mahady, of Mark Herbicides M. Mahady and & Abiotic Assoc. 1:35 KassimBefore Al Roundup-Khatib, UC Ready Davis Crops: Was Weed 8:00 SurfaceNels Ruud and andGroundwater Kean Go, CDPRMonitor ing 1:35 PhytotoxicityFactors to Landscape of Herbicides and and Turf. Abiotic Causes, 1:35 BeforeControl Roundup that Great? Ready Crops: Was Weed Nels Ruud and Kean Go, CDPR Agricultural/UrbanAgricultural/Urban FactorsImpacts, to Landscapeand Procedures and Turf. for Mitigation Causes, ControlSteve Wright,that Great? UCCE Tulare and Kings 8:30 New Applicator Certification and Agricultural/Urban Impacts,Lauren andHowell, Procedures Bemus Landscape, for Mitigation Inc. SteveCounties Wright, UCCE Tulare and Kings 8:30 NewContinuing Applicator Education Certification (CE) and EnvironmentEnvironment 2:00 LaurenHealthy Howell, Schools Bemus Act: Landscape, 2016 Update Inc. for Turf 2:00 CountiesNew PPO Herbicide Use in Established ContinuingRegulations Education (CE) Environment 2:00 Healthyand Landscape Schools Act: Eric 2016 Denemark, Update CDPR for Turf 2:00 NewAlfalfa PPO Herbicide Use in Established RegulationsLeslie Crowl, CDPR Leslie Crowl, CDPR Final Agenda and Landscape Eric Denemark, CDPR AlfalfaMick Canevari, UCCE San Joaquin County Final Agenda 2:25 Updates in Turf PGR Research: Applica- 2:25 MickNozzle Canevari, Technologies UCCE San for Joaquin Effective County Weed 9:00 What you Need to Know about the Final Agenda 2:25 Updatestion Intervals, in Turf PGRPoa annuaResearch: Management, Applica- 2:25 NozzleControl Technologies for Effective Weed 9:00 WhatApplication you Need Exclusion to Know Zoneabout (AEZ) the January 18-20, 2017 tionand Intervals, Turf Water Poa Usage annua Management, ControlBob Wolf, Wolf Consulting and Research, ApplicationSpeaker TBD, Exclusion U.S. EPA Zone Region (AEZ) 9 JanuaryJanuary 18-20, 18-20, 2017 2017 andJeff Turf Atkinson, Water SePROUsage Corporation BobLLC Wolf, Wolf Consulting and Research, Speaker TBD, U.S. EPA Region 9 Portola Hotel & Spa 2:55- JeffAfternoon Atkinson, BreakSePRO Corporation 2:55- LLCAfternoon Break 9:45 Break PortolaPortola Hotel &Hotel Spa & Spa 9:45 Monterey, California 2:553:10- Afternoon Break 2:553:10- Afternoon Break Break Monterey, California 3:103:15 - SESSION K: FORESTRY, RANGE & 3:103:15 - SESSION L: VEGETABLE CROPS 10:00 The New Worker Protection Standard Monterey, California 3:155:00- SESSIONNATURAL K: FORESTRY,AREAS RANGE & 3:155:00- SESSIONChairs: RichardL: VEGETABLE Smith, UCCE, CROPS Monterey 10:00 The– ANew California Worker Perspective Protection Standard 5:00 NATURALChairs: Tom AREAS Getts , UCCE, Lassen County 5:00 Chairs:County Richard and Ryan Smith, Bounds, UCCE, Syngenta Monterey – ARegina California Sarracino, Perspective DPR Enforcement Regina Sarracino, DPR Enforcement Chairs:and Beau Tom Miller,Getts, DowUCCE, AgroScience Lassen County County and Ryan Bounds, Syngenta 3:15 andInteractive Beau Miller, Effects Dow AgroScienceof Grazing, Glypho -sate 3:15 Automated Thinner Technology and its 10:30 New Training Topics for Workers and 10:30 NewHandlers Training and Topics How tofor Tackle Workers Them and CALIFORNIA WEED 3:15 InteractiveRate, and Effects Application of Grazing, Timing Glypho on Barb-sate 3:15 AutomatedApplica-tion Thinner to Weed Technology Control and its CALCALIFORNIAIFORNIA WEED WEED Rate,Goatgrass and Application Seedhead Timing Production on Barb and ApplicaJorge -Heraud,tion to Weed Blue River Control Technology HandlersLisa Blecker and Howand Sarah to Tackle Risorto, Them UC SCIENCE SOCIETY GoatgrassViability TravisSeedhead Bean, Production UC Riverside and Jorge Heraud, Blue River Technology LisaStatewide Blecker IPMand Sarah Risorto, UC SCIENCESCIENCE SOCIETY SOCIETY Statewide IPM P.O. BOX 1961 3:40 ViabilityEcologically Travis- Bean,based UC Adapti Riversideve Management 3:40 Automated Weeders: Where are They P.O. P.O.BOX BOX 1961 1961 3:40 Ecologicallyof Perennial-based Pepperweed Adaptive for Management Endangered 3:40 AutomatedHeaded? Weeders: Where are They 11:00 Pesticide Jeopardy WEST SACRAMENTO, CA 95691 11:00 of SpeciesPerennial and Pepperweed Tidal Marsh for Recovery Endangered Brenda Headed?Steve Fennimore, UC Davis, Salinas PesticideSarah Risorto, Jeopardy UC Statewide IPM WEST(831)WEST 442 SACRAMENTO,- 0883SACRAMENTO, CA 95691 CA 95691 SpeciesGrewell, and USDA Tidal-ARS Marsh EIW, Recovery UC Davis Brenda Steve Fennimore, UC Davis, Salinas Sarah Risorto, UC Statewide IPM (831)(831) 442- 442-08830883 www.cwss.org 4:05 Grewell,Reforestation USDA-ARS Following EIW, UC Wildfire Davis 4:05 Weed Control in Artichokes: Past, 11:45- ADJOURN and turn in CEU forms 11:45- www.cwss.org 4:05 ReforestationStuart Gray, SierraFollowing Pacific Wildfire Industries 4:05 WeedPresent Control and inFuture Artichokes: Past, 12:00 ADJOURN and turn in CEU forms 17.5www.cwss.org DPR CE hours approved, Stuart Gray, Sierra Pacific Industries PresentLionel Handel,and Future Agricultural Consultant 12:00 17.5 DPR CE hours approved, 17.5 DPR CE hours approved, Lionel Handel, Agricultural Consultant Including 4 Laws & Regulations 4:30 Restoration Challenges on the Central 4:30 Weed Control in Organic Vegetable IncludingIncluding 4 Laws 4 Laws & Regulations & Regulations 4:30 RestorationCoast Greg Challenges Norwell, All on Seasons the Central Weed 4:30 WeedProduction Control in Organic Vegetable CoastControl Greg Norwell, All Seasons Weed ProductionRamy Colfer, Earthbound Farms Control Ramy Colfer, Earthbound Farms TUESDAY,TUESDAY, JANUARYJANUARY 17,17, 20172017 TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2017 3:40-4:00 Afternoon Break 3:30pm3:30pm--6:30pm6:30pm CONFERENCECONFERENCE REGISTRATIONREGISTRATION JudyJudy LettermanLetterman && CelesteCeleste Elliott,Elliott, CWSSCWSS 3:403:40--4:004:00 AfternoonAfternoon BreakBreak 3:30pm-6:30pm CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Judy Letterman & Celeste Elliott, CWSS 4:00-4:05 STUDENT AWARDS – Presented by Scott Oneto, CWSS Director, UCCE, Central Sierra 5:00pm-8:00pm Josie Hugie, CWSS Director, Wilbur-Ellis Co. 4:00-4:05 STUDENT AWARDS – Presented by Scott Oneto, CWSS Director, UCCE, Central Sierra 5:00pm-8:00pm CONFERENCECONFERENCE EXHIBIT/POSTEREXHIBIT/POSTER SETUPSETUP Josie Hugie, CWSS Director, Wilbur-Ellis Co. 4:00-4:05 STUDENT AWARDS – Presented by Scott Oneto, CWSS Director, UCCE, Central Sierra 5:00pm-8:00pm CONFERENCE EXHIBIT/POSTER SETUP Josie Hugie, CWSS Director, Wilbur-Ellis Co. 4:05-5:00 SESSION D: WHAT’S NEW IN WEED CONTROL 4:05-5:00 SESSION D: WHAT’S NEW IN WEED CONTROL 4:05-5:00 Chair:SESSION Kristina D: WHAT’S Short, Westbridge NEW IN WEED Ag Products CONTROL WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 2017 Chair:Chair: KristinaKristina Short,Short, WestbridgeWestbridge AgAg ProductsProducts WEDNESDAY,WEDNESDAY, JANUARYJANUARY 18,18, 20172017 5:00-6:30 CWSS MEMBER RECEPTION—DE ANZA BALLROOMS I & II 7:00am-5:00pm REGISTRATION
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