\, ~ RECORD. Vol. XLVII, No. 2~ ChartE~r·Amendm~nt•• 'i . - /' , Action' W~ell~Planned·-For·Primaries by Dick Krone but to assist the 3000 University Mr. PUFdy commented that "The 'c'harter'- Campaign' Committee workers in their, planned offens-. UC'·\vin· is bound to affect vtlte Chairman, Frank T. Purdy, Ex- ive to exhort the inert ',Pr()-=UC voting, for how can Cincinnati ecu:tive'Dire'clor for Developm-ent 'voter. p.eoplefail to be .proud of such of the University, has announced Last fall the campaign wasde- an event." the plan of action for the coming signed by an advertising firm and ,A film featuring Dr. Langsam is being shown to an increasingly J~deen Barbor, playing the role of Adelaide in "Guys and Dells," charter, ..amendment vote at the carried out on a basis of mass . makes her debut in musical comedy. primaryelections 'on MayS . advertising through the medium's large number of students and Iac- The emphasis at this election of television, radio, posters, and ~lty. This film encourages each twHlbe getting those people fav- billboards. However, the issue viewer to take the responsibility Broadway H if Staged orable to UC to the polls instead failed to pass by 3.9%. The of' seeing that five "yes" voters .of attempting to change peoples' office of Development comment- got to the polls. minds through advertising. This ed that a..shift, of six votes' per • If the amendment last fall has: precinct would have passed it. was tried 'at the last election. been passed it would have. meant By 'UC' Mummers Guild . '; A simple majority is needed. a net increase to the University of . The University "family", which Because of this Mr. Arthur . approximately $400,000. • This by Nancy Pundsack ~jnclu<les.the faculty, the' staff, the Hinman's, Assistant Professor of WO"UldS,till,mean that 0, n.ly 1,9~ Damon Runyon's vinyettes of ..Kathy McKee a freshman in A&S. alumni, and parents of UC stu' Sociology, methods of social re- of. ,the:. University's ,:expensm. the big city's other people, ,the Kathy is making her, first appear- .dents, is organized to cover the search class is conducting a sur- wouldhave been paid by taxes. ' dime 'a dozen of Broadway will ance in, a Mummers production. hundreds of' voting precincts in vey of the Cincinnati area in come to life in musical rcomedy In high school she' appeared in Although tuition could have been the city, in order. to urge voters order to determine why the vote increased 'this would -have sky- from this evening when the Mum- musicals but this is her -first to go to the polls. The committee was negative. mers Guild presents "Guys and spe-aking role. She will oeseen rocketed expenses for students so is even prepared -to baby-sitand When asked how UC's' NCAA high-that' only the wealthy could Dolls." as Sarah Brown, the mission provide rides to the ·polls. J crown would influence the voting, afford to attend UC. ""tJ i . This famous show first. appear- maid who falls in love with 'New Furthermore, the; committee is ed in New York in the early York's most eligible gambler. asking friends and'students of the 1950's. From the very beginning 'I'ogether, Kathy and Joe sing the University to see that five would- it was a complete success. Not wonderful songs "T'Il Know," be-UC-affirmative voters reach "pnly was. the music unforgettable "I've Never Been in Love Be- the polls. The students' role will Bulletin Board Given but the wonderful story with it fore," "If I were a Bell," "Luck not be to stand at the polls with has created characters which be a-Lady," and.v'Your Eyes are I'iave become by words, .to the the Eyes of a Woman 'In Love." . literature,' as, at the last election, American public: Sky Masterson, Jadeen Barbor, well known to By .Class .Of 1962 the suave debonair 'gambler who Mummers Guild followers for .her . ,[;.,.;' :falls in love with. a mission maid; many lead roles in their produc- Senior, Class Gift co-chairmen Nathan Detroit, the reliable tions such. as "The Skin Of Our Mike. Zipes, BA, ;62, and Nancy runner: of the floating crap game, Teeth," ,,':The Play's, the Thing" Memb~rs of the University Taylor, 'BA ,'62, have announced devil may' care guy, a lovable and, "Othello" is making her of, Cinc:innati Parents" Club that, the senior class gift. this coward with a heart of gofdrand debut in a musical comedy role, will attend a, buffet supper at 'year will be an outdoor bulletiri ,t\delaide his, sweetheart ofl4 , as she recreates the. part made 6 p.m. tonight in the 'campus board. ' . years, the leader of the "Hot Box-. famous -by Vivian Blaine of Student Union. :Thos choice of gift was based :Line," the girl with the bad bad Adelaide. Some' of-the most ex- upon three. criteria: ~recognition cold. , '. citing moments of the show oc- Fotlowin'g the meal, club members will attend the open- of .the senior class, the need of 'In the role of Sky Masterson, a cur when she sings "Bushel and the: school, and the cost of the part made famous in the movies a Peck," "Take Back Your Mink" 'ing perf~rmance of the mtisical " comedy' "Guys and Dotls" by gift. After this, seniors were ask- by Marlon Brando, will be Joe and "Mary the Man Today." ed about the ideas they had for Zima, 'A&S '62.' Zima, a varsity .Tickets to the show will be"on the Mum mers, UC undergrad- Nancy Taylor Mjke Zipes uate dramatics society, -at 8:30 the gift. ' , , , football' player, is remembered ' sale today and tomorrow from 11 The bulletin board is a .large, .coming events. , for his portrayal of Emile De- toone. Reservations' can be made p.m, in Wilson Memorial Hall. The group will be' 'guests of illuminated board which is to be Money for the gift, as is in Beque in last year's productlon by calling UN '1-8000, Ext. ,307~ the Mummers. installed in front of the Union previous years, will be obtained of «South Pacific." .;,. Prices are $1.25 for UC students Building. It was felt that a board by asking the ·graduating seniors: (Playing .opposite him will be anp faculty and '$1.75 otherwise. __ '/ of this type would be a step in to. donate. their cap and gown fee. allevating the problem of como' At the time for registration f~r munication that now exists on the cap and gown, each senior campus. -" will be handed a card and aske-d . Spirited Political Interchange , The size of .the board, is about to check the amount he wishes to eight feet by four feet enclosed contribute for the gift. in sliding glass doors with a cork . Zipes said that "It is hoped that backing, for-announcements and all seniors participate in 'tfie gift posters relating to the various and contribute, their 'cap and W,itnessed .By .Hiner -Foundation .social, athletic, and cultural gown, deposit, which will enable events "sponsored by campus or- us to leave behind a gift that will, A· spirited political interchange spending without, regard to the the future. ganizations. 'It is felt that, benefit the entire campus ana wiil between. Mr. William Roe, presi- long-range weakening effeetsof He cited the present unrest of through .this media, more stu- be remembered as a gift from the derit of .Cincinnatf Industries and such a program. The conserva- our age ,as being, ,the, result not dents will be informed about up- class of 1962 for years to come.' member of the John Birch So- tive movement, he went ~. on, of the weakness of liberalism to ciety,' .and the Reverend Robert found purpose in protecting the achieve peace, but of a rapidly- J. O'Brien of First Unitarian best interests from the past and changing world ~n which all peo- Church; who upheld the liberal separating the means from the ples are striving to attain what Stoup New Editor-In-Chief ends in analyzing every issue.' the past denied them. There is view took place recently. currently is serving as Office Both' gentlemen were invited He cited what he called "the a definite need for social legis- Glenn Stoup, A&S"63, has been selected as News Re;ord Editor- Manager. to speak by the UC chapter of \ fi.scalirresponsibility"of the' lation, according to' Mr. O'Bri- past four presidential adminis- en,not to be initiated by -"om_ In-Chief for next year. Allen Quimby has worked on the Hillel Foundation as the main paper two years in the positions ~vent of its weekend conclave trations as being the cause of nisCient, starry-eyed liberals" Quimby, A&S '64, was named the gradual 'weakening of, west- but by peo~leha'ving a keen per- . Managing Editor, and Mary Lou of Sports Reporter, Co-technical for members' of five Ohio and Editor, and Assistant 'Sports Edi... ern civilization under the C:o.m-· ceptionof the changing needs Diersing, BA '64, was selected Kentucky universitles. THe topic ' tor. The, selections were made examined was "Campus Con- munist conspiracy and called of society. as Business Manager. for "old fashioned honesty. ;and After, both talks, Mr. Cohen' by the Board" of Publications at servatism goes Nationwide." ' Stoup came to the News Re~ord its March 21 meeting. perserverance" in everyunCler- opened the discussion to the audi- The speakers were introduced in -the fall 'after having servedon The new editors will assume by the moderator; Mr., Martin taking of~the free world.~to per-, ence.
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