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Humanity in Action Bosnia and Herzegovina [email protected] +387 33 218 281 About the Internationa !on"erence in #ara$evo %H&'( )une 27 * )u y 1, 2012 %H&-&( #ara$evo+ Bosnia and Herzegovina .he Humanity in Action Internationa !on"erence is the annua gathering o" Humanity in Action /e o0s+ #enior /e o0s+ Board members and partner organizations. .he 2012 Internationa !on"erence in #arajevo "eatured 2eynotes, 0or2sho1s and discussions ed by e3perts and activists 0ho are 0or2ing to0ards reducing interethnic tension and sha1ing a democratic "uture in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It a so inc uded site visits to 4oto5ari+ the memoria site "or the #rebrenica massacres+ to 6ostar and to the "ront ines o" the siege o" #arajevo. .he Humanity in Action Internationa !on"erence is the annua gathering o" more than 20, young and estab ished eaders committed to promoting human rights+ diversity and active citizenshi1 in their o0n communities and around the 0or d. .he con"erence7s program "eatured 0or d-c ass spea2ers eading discussions on reconci iation+ memoria ization and human rights. It inc uded site visits to 4oto5ari+ the memoria site "or the #rebrenica massacres, to 6ostar and to the "rontlines o" the siege o" #arajevo. .he agenda a so "eatured ski s training sessions and net0or2ing opportunities "or Humanity in Action /e o0s and #enior /e o0s. By bringing this event to #arajevo+ Humanity in Action hopes to encourage its globa net0or2 o" more than 1,20, #enior /e o0s to become invo ved in promoting reconci iation in the Ba 2ans and to bui d the "oundation "or the e3pansion o" the Humanity in Action /e o0ship to Bosnia and Herzegovina. 8ideo and other educationa materia s %e come -emar2s "or the #arajevo !on"erence+ by 9amija .anovic Introductory -emar2s at the .hird Annua Internationa !on"erence+ by )udith :o dstein .he ;ayton Accords and the /uture o" Bosnia and Herzegovina+ by <urt Bassuener .he ;isso ution o" =ugoslavia( -oots o" the !on" ict+ by #onja Biser2o .he 4o0er o" >ne( !ourage+ -esistance and !hange 6a2ers+ by #vet ana Broz )ustice+ -econci iation and Human Rights+ by Antone a !aruso+ Be inda !oo1er+ )ean*6arie <amata i+ 8e ma #aric Hans Binnendi$27s -emar2s at the 2012 Humanity in Action Internationa !on"erence+ by Hans Binnendi$2 %itnessing the %ar( A !orrespondent’s 4erspective+ by <onstanty :ebert ;enying :enocide+ by &dina Be@irevi@ 4roviding -ights-Based Assistance to 9andmine #urvivors in BiH+ by Amir 6ujanovic -econci iation in Bosnia and Herzegovina( 4erspectives "rom #ocia 4sycho ogy+ by #abina Aehaji@*! ancy 6inority Rights "or A B+ by )a2ob /inci #trategies Against ;iscrimination in &urope+ by 6a3im /erschtman .he -esponsibi ity to -emember+ by 6arce / oor !on"erence 4rogram %&;'&#;A=+ )C'& 27 Hote #ara$ :uests #taying at Hote #araj ;epart "or Hote Bristo 16.15 4 ease meet outside Hote #ara$ Hote Bristo 17.1E*18.3, >pening -eception Hosted by Humanity in Action Bosnia and Herzegovina %e come -emar2s 18.3,*18.FE 9amija .anovi@ G/ounding !hair+ Humanity in Action Bosnia and HerzegovinaH <eynote( J.he 4o0er o" >ne( !ourage+ -esistance and !hange 6a2ers" 18.FE*1I.FE #vet ana Broz G:ari0oH #pecia >pening <eynote( A !onversation 0ith 4resident Bi ! inton 19.FE*20.3, 4resident Bi ! inton+ /ounder o" the %i iam ). ! inton /oundation+ F2nd 4resident o" the Cnited #tates Hote #ara$ %e come ;inner "or 2012 Humanity in Action /e o0s 21.,,*23.,, J.he Humanity in Action 'etwor2( >1portunities and -esponsibi itiesJ Antje #cheid er GHumanity in Action :ermanyH 4ar2 4rin5eva 21.,,*23.,, %e come ;inner "or Board 6embers and Invited :uests /ree &vening "or Humanity in Action #enior /e o0s 21.,, >ptiona !heers 4ub &uro 2012 #emi"ina .HC-#;A=+ )C'& 28 Humanity in Action /e o0s and #enior /e o0s ;epart Hote #ara$ 8.FE C'I.I! Business !enter I.,,*I.3, !hec2 in at C'I.I! %e come -emar2s I.3,*I.E, )udith :o dstein G/ounder and &3ecutive ;irector+ Humanity in ActionH Action 4roject 4resentation( J.o0ard ;urab e #o utions "or Bosnia7s Interna y ;isplaced" I.E,*10.,, 4roject deve oped by Aida #a 5i@ and !had ;oobay GHumanity in Action #enior /e o0sH <eynote( J.he ;isso ution o" =ugoslavia( -oots o" the !on" ict" 10.,,*11.,, #onja Biser2o GHe sin2i !ommitteeH 11.1E*12.1E ;iscussion :roups #ara$evo !on"erence -oom( J%itnessing the %ar( A !orrespondent’s 4erspectiveK <onstanty :ebert G)ourna istH Amsterdam !on"erence -oom( J;o !itizens !ount I" =ou !an7t !ount !itizensB .he BiH 2013 !ensusJ 8a ery 4erry G4ub ic Internationa La0 L 4o icy :rou1H Ber in !on"erence -oom( J:enocide Fi m Library( >ra History 4roject 0ith #rebrenica #urvivorsJ 6egan 6etzger+ #e ma Hadzic and :orcin ;izdar GHumanity in Action #enior /e o0sH !openhagen !on"erence -oom( J-econci iation in Bosnia and Herzegovina( 4erspectives "rom #ocia 4sycho ogyJ #abina Aeha$i@*! ancy G#arajevo #choo o" #cience and .echno ogyH 'e0 =or2 !on"erence -oom( JBosnia?s !onstitutiona -e"orm( Is it 4ossib e to !reate a :overnab e #tateBJ <urt Bassuener G;emocratization 4o icy !ounci H 4aris !on"erence -oom( J&ducationa #egregation in Bosnia and Herzegovina( 4resentation o" a #imu ation :ameJ &min &minagic GHumanity in Action #enior /e o0H and Anne #ta "ort GHumanity in Action :ermanyH %arsa0 !on"erence -oom( J;ivided #choo s( &ducationa #egregation in Bosnia .odayJ 9amija .anovi@ G/ounding !hair+ Humanity in Action Bosnia and HerzegovinaH 12.15*13.3, 9unch Action 4roject 4resentation( J%hen I /a #i ent, #i ent /a s the %or d" 13.3,*13.F, 4roject deve oped by 6arta #y2ut GHumanity in Action #enior /e o0H <eynote( J.he ;ayton Accords and the /uture o" Bosnia and HerzegovinaJ 13.F,*14.3, <urt Bassuener G;emocratization 4o icy !ounci H 14.FE*1E.FE ;iscussion :roups #ara$evo !on"erence -oom( J;enying :enocideJ &dina Be@irevi@ G!enter "or )ustice and -econci iation and Cniversity o" #arajevoH Amsterdam !on"erence -oom( J4roviding Rights-Based Assistance to Landmine #urvivors in BiHJ Amir 6ujanovic GLandmine #urvivors InitiativesH Ber in !on"erence -oom( J&nduring ;isp acement: .he I;4 &3perience in Bosnia and HerzegovinaJ Aida #a 5i@ GHumanity in Action #enior /e o0H !openhagen !on"erence -oom( J#tanding Cp to !orruptionJ Ivana <ora$ i@ G.ransparency Internationa + Bosnia and HerzegovinaH 4aris !on"erence -oom( J!u tura &ntrepreneurship in Bosnia and HerzegovinaJ 8i dana ;r jevic G<riterion Art House !inemaH %arsa0 !on"erence -oom( J9:B. -ights in Bosnia and HerzegovinaJ ;amir Arsenijevic GCniversity o" .uz aH and &mina Bošnja2 G#arajevo >pen !enterH 15.FE*16.15 !o""ee Brea2 Action 4roject 4resentation( J!rossborder /actoryJ 16.15*1D.25 4roject deve oped by 6artine A onso 6arquis GHumanity in Action #enior /e o0H /i m #creening and <eynote( J.he #iege o" #arajevo 6useum( .he Art o" 9iving 19I2*1IIDJ 16.2E*17.15 6irjana &vtov G/A6A !o ectionH ! osing -emar2s "or the ;ay 17.1E*17.3, Hans Binnendi$2 G!hair+ Humanity in ActionH 17.3,*18.3, ;inner at C'I.I! Business !enter <riterion Art House !inema 19.15*20.3, -eception <riterion Art House !inema &vening >ption 1 20.3,*22.3, /i m #creening and ;iscussion( JC#4>6&'& D77J 8e ma #aric and 9eslie %ood0ard G4ost-!on" ict -esearch !enterH #2enderija 4 ateau &vening >ption 2 20.FE &uro 2012 #emi"ina /-I;A=+ )C'& 2I :uests #taying at Hote #araj ;epart "or #rebrenica+ 6ostar and #arajevo 4 ease meet outside the entrance to Hote #ara$ 7.FE :uests #taying at Hote Bristo ;epart "or #rebrenica and #arajevo. 4 ease meet outside the entrance to Hote Bristo :uests #taying at Hote Bristo ;epart "or 6ostar 8.10 4 ease meet outside the entrance to Hote #ara$ 18.3, #ite 8isits -eturn to #arajevo 6a a 4ivnicaOInternet #enior /e o0s -eunion ;inner .his event is open to a #enior /e o0s, Board members and invited guests. 20.3, %e come -emar2s Hana 4aMi@ and 'ataša :avri@ GHumanity in Action #enior /e o0sH 20.,, /ree &vening "or Humanity in Action /e o0s #-&B-&'I!A #I.& 8I#I. 11.,, Arriva in 4oto5ari 11.,,*11.3, >pening -emar2s 11.3,*12.,, /i m #creening( J!ry "rom the :raveJ JA #urvivor7s #toryJ 12.,,*13.,, Hasan 'uhanovi@ G#rebrenica*4oto5ari 6emoria !enter L !emeteryH 13.,,*14.,, 9unch and 8isit to 4oto5ari 6emoria and ;utchbat Base J=outh in #rebrenicaJ 14.,,*14.FE Harun :adžo GHumanity in Action #enior /e o0H 15.,,*15.3, Bus .our through #rebrenica 15.3, ;eparture "or #arajevo 6>#.A- #I.& 8I#I. 10.3, Arriva at 6ostar+ 6usa a #Nuare JHistory o" 6ostar( !ity .ourJ 10.3,*11.3, A ma & ezovi@ G.our :uideH Cnited %or d !o ege in 6ostar %e come -emar2s #ta"" o" the Cnited %or d !o ege 11.FE*12.3, JHuman Rights !ha enges in 6ostarOBosnia and HerzegovinaJ Amra <azi@ GAdvisor in the Institution o" the >mbudsman "or Human -ightsH ! ub A e2sa 12.FE*14.,, 9unch and /i m #creening( J.he Heart o" HerzegovinaJ 14.,,*14.FE /ree .ime in the > d !ity o" 6ostar =outh !u tura !enter AbraMevi@ J:rassroots Action in Bosnia and HerzegovinaJ 14.FE*1D.,, -ona d 4anzer G><! AbraMevi@H+ 8 ado Qori@ G!ivi /ront o" the >thersH and Inga <ot o G6>#.I6C'+ Humanity in Action #enior /e o0H 16.,, ;eparture "or #arajevo #A-A)&8> #I.& 8I#I. J.he #iege o" #ara$evo( 8isit to the /ront ines and the .unne 6useumJ 8.,,*12.3, :enera )ovan ;ivja2 G&3ecutive ;irector+ >brazovanje :radi BiH O &ducation Bui ds Bosnia and HerzegovinaH -estaurant !hipas 11.1E*12.3, 9unch Bosnian %ar !rimes !hamber J-econci iation and )ustice( 8isit to the Bosnian %ar !rimes !hamberJ 12.E,*14.3, )udge 4hi ip %einer and )udge 4atricia %ha en G#tate !ourt o" Bosnia and HerzegovinaH #ara$evo !enter 6unicipa ity J.ruth and -econci iation( 9oo2ing Bac2 and 6oving /or0ard" 15.15*16.1E 'ataša <andi@ GHumanitarian La0 !enterH J6emory+

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