Spurs Mail Plane Rerouting Plea "SEE STORY BELOW , Milder FINAL . : . SBnny and mUder today, THEDAILY •••-.." ;<3ear and cola tonight. Be-, coming cloudy tomorrow. EDITION J I / Monnwuth County** Home Newspaper tor 90 Years >) . 158 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1969 26 PACES 10 CENTS Hughes Urges Water Bond Plan Support WASHINGTON (AP) - Jersey Chamber of Com,- He called the program "one But he said, "The size of ceptive to a larger amount a bill to establish a new fed- Assemblyman Herbert M. Gov. Btchard J. Hughes of rnerce. •of the very highest signifi- ' this bond issue must and will, on the heels of a record $990 eral department of conserva- Rinaldi, R-Essex, chairman of New Jersey, suggesting only But the governor said a cance for the well-being of reflect the needs." million bond»issue which was tion and environment "with the special joint legislative half-jokingly that the state large bond issue could*help our people and the continued , In New Jersey, meanwhile, approved by the voters last primary responsibility for commission on water supply may have to resort to a tax strength of our business and the chairman of a joint legis- November for education, protecting the quality of our policy, said yesterday the on snuff, hag appealed to the head off such a desperate revenue-raising measure. industrial community." lative commission on water transportation and institutions surroundings as a whole." committee will recommend a business community Dor sup- In a speech to the 32nd an- supply, proposed a $91 million projects.. In Trenton, a special legis- bond proposal calling for: port in passing a multi-million ' Officials of the chamber of nual Congressional reception bond issue for water supply. Some 1,200 businessmen, lative committee said a $90.8 —?40.5 million for construc- dollar'bond issue for water commerce expressed support and dinner of the New Jersey He did not touch on water pol- political'officials and private million bond issue is .neces- tion of six reservoir projects supply and water pollution for' Hughes' proposal for- a Chamber of Commerce, the lution control. citizens were invited to the sary for state water supply given top priority last year by control. bond issue to be submitted to Democratic governor did not .Republican legislative lead- dinner in the Statler Hilton projects alone, although the the Governor's Capital Needs "We are how down to a pos- the voters in November. put a price tag on his pro- ers have been talking of a hotel here. Republicans don't plan to go Study Commission. sibility of taxing snuff, believe Hughes did not specify exact- posal. Presumably, he, will bond issue of less than $100 U.S. Sen, Clifford P. Case, much higher than that on a —?34.5 million for acquisi- ' it or not," Hughes said last ly how large the borrowing disclose this in his budget million on the contention that a Republican from New Jer- combined sewerage disposal- tion of reservoir sites. night at a dinner of the New program should be. message Thursday. the public might not be re- - sey, said he plans to introduce water supply issue. (See WATER, Pg. 2, Col. 1) Third Fort Monmouth Officer Injured 2 Die in Plane Crash EASHJN, Pa. (AP) - Two The sole survivor was iden- N. J. Naval Air Station. Payne was thrown clear of Pritchard said he heard a Ft, Monmouth, N, J., men ified as (he pilot/ Lt. Col. ' The aircraft contacted the the shattered cockpit on im- sputtering motor as the plane were killed and a third in- Thomas L, Payne, 37, of 38-B Altentown • Bethlehem • Eas- pact, still strapped to his seat. tedded toward the ground. jured in the crash of a twin- Eaton Crest Drive", Eatpn- ton Airport by radio shortly There was no fire, although The aircraft was identified engined Army plane that lost town, N. J. He was listed in before it went down, report- local.. fire companies used as a U9, a military designa- power and dammed Snto satisfactory condition at an ing that it had lost/power in heavy streams of water to tion for the Aero Commander. some trees about 10 miles Easton hospital.' both of its engines. disperse dense gas fumes at 'north of here last night. A spokesman at Ft. Mon- Payne is assigned to the It hit a tree as it came the scene of the crash. mouth said Maj. Weatherman The dead men were identi- U.S. Army Electronics Com- down, ironically in the only Edwin Pritchard, a farmer was born in Crossmore, 'N.C. fied as Army Maj. James A. mand at F,ort Monmouth, as row of trees in an area of whose home lies only-1,500 and did two tours of duty in Weatherman, 37, of 6 Vine were the two dead victims. -open fields, about five miles feet from the impact point, Vietnam, from Sept,, 1963 to Court, West End, N. J., and The plane was on a train- northeast of Braden Airport, said the aircraft circled the August, 1963 and from July, Army CWO Prank M. Thom- ing flight from the Electron- near this Eastern Pennsyl- field twice, then passed low 1967 to July, 1968. as, 40, of 155 S. Pembecton ics Command . aviation de- vania city on the New Jersey over his barn before it hit the Ave., Oceanport, N. 3. tachment at the Lakehurst, border; trees with a "thump." His commendations includ- ed the Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster and the Repub- lic of Vietnam Cross for Gal- CONGRESSIONAL RECEPTION — Earl Felio, left, president of> lantry with Palm. He is survived by his wid- Chamber of Commerce, greet! Gov; Richard J. Hughes and Sen. Clifford ?• New Look' Pledged ow, Mrs. Grace Weatherman, Case, R-N.J., at last night's congressional reception hostad by the Chamber, in his two children, Sally Lynn Washington. T jArV WirepKotoT and James Alexander Weath? erman, and his parents, Mr, and Mrs.' Garfield Owen as J< Weatherman of Charlotte, N.C. By BOB DUBILL tion for the idea of large- ty of a civilian-military facili- grounds it is needed for mili- Warrant Officer Thomas WASHINGTON .(AP) - scale .commercial air service ty at the sprawling air base tary purposes. • was born in Norwood, Col, New Jersey officials have a at McGuire. near Fort Dlx in Burlington But Hughes said the air and had served in Vietnam . promise from the Nixon ad- Hughes, a Democrat, and County which is now used base is now largely a com- from May, 1966 to May, 1967, ministration today that, fed- Republicans U.S. Sen. Clifford solely- for military activities. mercial- operation for trans- • He was recipient of Gubernatorial Bid eral authorities will take a P. Case and State Senate Ma- "They promised a new, ob- porting military personnel to the Bronze Star, the Army "fresh new. Molt" at a propos- jority Leader Raymond H. jective look at the problem," and from overseas points. Command Medal and the Air WASHINGTON - Rep. of-the running for the GOP him and said he hopes the al to/bulld a metropolitan Bateman were among a New' Hughes said. Laird promised that he Medal. James J. Howard, D-N.J., gubernatorial nomination, congressman will continue his Jet port at McGuire Air Fx>rce Jersey delegation that' dis- "We are quite ' satisfied, would keep an open mind on said last night he is "serious- Last night, Mr. Howard interest. Base. cussed the Jetport problem quite happy," said Bateman,. the matter and that he would Surviving are his widow, ly considering" seeking the made it clear that backing "Jim Howard Is a wonder- Gov. Richard J. Hughes with U.S. Defense Secre- who is. from Somerset Coun- be open to any new informa- Mrs. Lucy Thomas', and four Democratic party's guber- from labpr,. college students, and Republican leaders met tary Melvin R. Laird and, ty. tion that the governor's spe- children, Jasmine, Frank, Is- natnrial nomination^!. and voters who supported the ful man and a tremendous with cabinet official* ytjrter. Secretary. of Transportation . The federal, government has cial jetport evaluation site abelle and Renee Thomas. vote-getter," the governor John A. Volpe. "I made my decision yes- late Sen. Robert F, Kennedy day and came away with a rejected McGuire in the past might provide. No funeral arrangements terday," the 3d District Con- and Sen. Eugene McCarthy said. pledge of renewed considera- as a civilian jetport site on (JETPORT, Pg. 4, Col. 4) (See^KILLED.Pg.3, Col.3) They talked of the possibili- gressman said. "I cannot for the Democratic Presiden- "Of course, at this point, I overlook the support that ap- tial-nomination, had made am neutral and am in the jtears to betom|ng my way." him change his thinking. ...'.. .role, of a fact-finder^ but ntTIt —Upon Imaring UrafrMrHow-.' 1 qT the annual Congressional Din- ard is interested in the nom- . Howarthere-is-uud has a great deal of >purs Rerouting Plea ner of the New Jersey Cham- ination, Gov. Richard J.. strength," the governor said. ber of Commerce in the Stat- Hughes immediately praised (See HOWARD, Pg. 2, Col. 2) By NANCY J. KUBEVSKI port. CAB investigation of the ly populated housing develop- ing the planes due east from ' Mayor Harold Foujks also ler Hilton Hotel, here. MIDDLETOWN - D» the crash is expected to take sev- ments. Red Bank and over a small expressed concern for the pos- . Mr. Howard's new position wake of Wednesday night's eral weeks. ,' "It was a miracle that lives area Of the township," Corn- sibility of future air crashes is in distinct contrast to'his Suburban Airlines mail plane In the meantime, the Town- were spared and an even mitteeman Kavalek ex- in the township and wel- earlier stand, when it ap- crash in which a young Ea- ship Committee is expected more horrifying tragedy plained.
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