Discussion: mantle plumes Intraplate volcanism: conc Continuing the discussion of mantle plumes in the previous two issues, Alan D Smith looks at mantle models. hree decades ago the introduction of Abstract model (Vervoort et al. 1999), the results of plate tectonics appeared to herald a new Plank and Langmuir (1998) show there is era in the understanding of the Earth. Models for the generation of sources for enough variation in sediment composition to T 176 177 Following in the wake of this paradigm shift intraplate volcanism include: (i) the plume explain the large range of Hf/ Hf with was the introduction of the mantle plume model involving isolation of subducted respect to 143Nd/144Nd in mid-ocean ridge hypothesis (Morgan 1971) based on the sug- oceanic crust at depth in the mantle; (ii) the basalts (MORB) when recycled crust is remixed gestion of Wilson (1963) that the sources of streaky-mantle model where ocean island to form the depleted mantle reservoir (Smith ocean island basalts (OIB) were thermal anom- basalts are derived from preferential melting and Lewis 1999). Arguments based on Nb/U alies. The plume model offered an explanation of crustal components remixed into the ratios (Hofmann 1997) against crustal recycling for the origin of intraplate volcanism (IPV), convecting mantle MORB-source; (iii) the into the MORB-source are also flawed from the whose distribution was otherwise problematic hydrous-peridotite model where volatile- failure to realize the depleted mantle is the prod- in plate tectonic theory, while also providing a bearing sources are generated at convergent uct, not a starting composition in the mixing reference frame for plate tectonic movements. margins from the infusion of slab-derived process. Tomographic evidence for penetration When linked with the fate of subducted oceanic melts or fluids and sediment into the mantle of the lower mantle by subducting slabs sup- crust (Hofmann and White 1982), it also led to wedge, and are superimposed on streaky- ports whole mantle convection, and it is sug- a geodynamic model of the Earth’s interior. mantle heterogeneity. Only the latter gested that the background pattern of high- and However, in the years that followed, geo- satisfies geochemical constraints and low-velocity anomalies that has been ignored in dynamics became plagued by complexities and produces a source with lower solidus the search for plume conduits, delineates the paradoxes as observations required increasing temperature than average mantle as mixing of slabs into the mantle. Possibilities are variations to the plume model (Smith and Lewis required by petrological evidence. then that: (i) OIB are derived by selective melt- 1999). Proponents argue this state reflects a ing of streaky-mantle sources, with preferential still-incomplete understanding of plume melting of recycled components producing OIB processes (Sleep 2003), but the reality is that for counterparts along ocean ridges (Green and whereas greater contributions from the depleted three decades the model has been promoted Falloon 1998). component are involved in the generation of with little constraint or critical evaluation. Such Problems also abound with regard to the geo- MORB (Fitton and James 1986) (figure 1b); (ii) one-sided interpretation, with newer tools such chemical suitability of recycled oceanic crust. OIB sources represent a further level of hetero- as seismic tomography largely used to state Partitioning of Ta into slab-fluids at convergent geneity superimposed on streaky-mantle het- agreement with, rather than test, pre-existing margins causes eclogite to have higher Nb/Ta erogeneity (figure 1c). In either case, the concepts, is suggested as the principal cause of ratios than found in OIB (Kamber and location of IPV can be explained by surface the current muddle in geodynamics. Collerson 2000). Likewise, loss of Re from the plate architecture and stress fields acting on the slab requires unrealistic amounts of eclogite in plate (Anderson 1995, Smith 2003b). The plume model a plume to satisfy Re–Os isotope constraints Deriving OIB by melting of streaky mantle The plume model envisages generation of IPV unless special melting regimes are invoked does not encounter any difficulties with regard from plumes of recycled subducted oceanic (Becker 2000), while loss of Nd results in eclog- to explaining the antiquity of isotopic signa- lithosphere that has been isolated from mantle ite evolving to higher 143Nd/144Nd than seen in tures, but otherwise, geochemical difficulties are convection at the core–mantle boundary, mid- OIB (Kogiso et al. 1997). Metasomatism of the the same as in the plume model. Invoking a sec- lower mantle or base of the upper mantle for up base of the oceanic lithosphere has been ond level of heterogeneity is readily reconcilable to 2×109 years (figure 1a). The model is suc- invoked to compensate for losses of mobile with longstanding petrological evidence (Green cessful in explaining the occurrence of iso- elements (Niu et al. 2001). However, such 1971, Francis and Ludden 1995, Green and topically ancient signatures in volcanism in enrichment is considered unfeasible because Falloon 1998) that OIB are generated from young ocean basins. However, supposed proofs unless the base of the subducting lithosphere volatile-bearing sources. The principal site of of the plume model from high 3He/4He ratios in was delaminated from the crustal part of the recycling volatiles into the mantle is at conver- OIB indicating a primordial component in the slab, any plume source-layer would fill up long gent margins. Processes that may occur in such recycled material, or high 186Os/188Os ratios before the required time for isotopic evolution, regions include mixing of sediment into the indicating interaction of plume-sources with the and even if the amount of lithosphere could be mantle wedge, and the introduction of melts outer core (Brandon et al. 1999) are not defin- accommodated, recycled basalt sources would and fluids from the subducting slab. The possi- itive. High 3He/4He ratios could reflect a defi- still be precluded by the low 176Hf/177Hf ratios bilities are complex because of the range of slab ciency in 4He from low U, Th (Anderson 1998) of HIMU OIB (Ballentine et al. 1997). components including sediment, basalt, serpen- and also Sm abundances in the source region, tinite, and the dependence of metasomatic while high 186Os/188Os ratios can be generated Possibilities without plumes processes on factors such as the thermal regime in pyroxenites at any depth (Smith 2003a). Without plumes, subducted oceanic crust and of the slab. However, it is likely that phase Arguments for thermal anomalies have not been sediments can be remixed with the convecting changes in any sediment mixed into the mantle supported by heat-flow observations (Stein and mantle as in the streaky-mantle model of Fitton and devolatilization of the slab lead to the for- Stein 2003) or petrology, where the generation and James (1986). Although arguments have mation of hydrous minerals such as amphibole temperatures of Hawaiian tholeiites and picrites been made for subduction of relatively uniform in the hanging wall of the mantle wedge. have been shown to be no greater than for their sediment mixtures in order to fit the plume Amphibole is of particular significance from 2.8 April 2003 Vol 44 Discussion: mantle plumes epts, problems and proofs MORB MORB arc OIV arc OIV arc OIV suture plume UM residues CM CM delamination UM UM plume remixing remixing LM of oceanic of oceanic ? LM lithosphere LM lithosphere PM PM? PM? (a)core (b)core (c) core D″ D″ D″ 1: Models for the generation of sources for intraplate volcanism (IPV). (a) Plume models isolate subducted oceanic lithosphere and derive mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) from the residues of plumes. (b) Streaky-mantle model remixes subducted lithosphere into the convecting mantle and derives IPV from streaks of recycled crustal material. (c) Hydrous peridotite model envisages the sources of intraplate volcanism are formed complementary to arc volcanism at convergent margins, with ancient isotopic signatures generated along sutures in the continental mantle. Abbreviations: CM continental mantle, LM lower mantle, PM primitive mantle, UM upper mantle. evidence for its presence in the sources of most 1×109 years, at least five times longer than the put into adding variations to the plume model, OIB (Francis and Ludden 1995), and from its lifetime of oceanic lithosphere, requiring evo- such models would not appear as unrealistic as incorporation of Nb which may reverse the lution of some sources in a long-lived reservoir proponents of the plume model depict them. The fractionation of Nb/Ta in slab-fluids. Common such as the continental mantle. The depiction of basis for alternative models is the petrological amphibole compositions are only stable to this reservoir as a homogeneous and refractory evidence for volatile-bearing sources which depths of approximately 100 km, such that an entity in plume models is completely at odds obviates any need for thermal anomalies. G enriched layer could only exist at the litho- with the existence of tectonic cycles that will sphere–asthenosphere interface as in the peri- produce zones of fertility along sutures, hence Alan D Smith, CIE-UNAM, Temixco, Morelos sphere model of Anderson (1995). However, the association of OIB with pre-existing linea- 62580, Mexico. convection induced in the mantle wedge by the ments in opening basins as in the example of References descending slab produces a series of reactions Iceland (Smith 1993, Foulger 2002). The con- Anderson D L 1995 Rev. Geophys. 33 125–49. generating phases through phlogopite to high- tinental mantle is likely to be also a dynamic Anderson D L 1998 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 95 4822–27. pressure amphibole compositions such as reservoir that may erode into the asthenosphere, Ballentine C J et al. 1997 Chem.
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