Kettering to Corby Capacity Works - GRIP 4 Signalling Scheme Plan Design Log Doc Ref: 134187-JAC-SG-DLG-000001 Version A07 August 2017 Any advice, opinions, or recommendations within this document (a) should be read and relied upon only in the context of the document as a whole; (b) do not, in any way, purport to include any manner of legal advice or opinion; (c) are based upon the information made available to Jacobs at the date of this document and on current UK standards, codes, technology and construction practices as at the date of this document. It should be noted and it is expressly stated that no independent verification of any of the documents or information supplied to Jacobs has been made. No liability is accepted by Jacobs for any use of this document, other than for the purposes for which it was originally prepared and provided. 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Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose and Scope of Design Log 1 1.2 Description of Project 1 2 References 3 2.1 Source Data 3 2.2 Standards 3 2.3 GRIP 3 Signalling Deliverables 3 3 Design Log Items 4 3.1 Signalling Scheme Plan – Version 0.1 4 3.2 Signalling Scheme Plan – Version 0.2 11 3.3 Signalling Scheme Plan – Version 1.0 20 3.4 Signalling Scheme Plan – Version 1.1 23 3.5 Signalling Scheme Plan – Version 1.2 29 3.6 Signalling Scheme Plan – Version 2.0 32 3.7 Signalling Scheme Plan – Version 2.1 32 3.8 Signalling Scheme Plan – Version 3.0 36 3.9 Signalling Scheme Plan – Version A 36 3.10 Signalling Scheme Plan – Version B 41 3.11 Signalling Scheme Plan – Version C 42 3.12 Signalling Scheme Plan – Version D 45 4 Non-Compliances/Derogations 51 Appendix A Technical Queries/Request for Information Appendix B Braking Calculations Appendix C TPWS Assessments Appendix D Kettering to Corby Signal Numbering Matrix Appendix E Designers Risk Assessment Abbreviations Abbreviation Explanation AIP Approval In Principle AFC Approved for Construction ARS Auto Route Setting AWI Advanced Warning Indicator AWS Automatic Warning System BSC British Steel Corporation CAD Computer Aided Design CBI Computer Based Interlocking CDM Construction (Design and Management) CRE Contractors Responsible Engineer DPE Designated Project Engineer eB electronic Browser ( A Network Rail system) ELR Engineering Line Reference EMCC East Midlands Control Centre ESOC Emergency Signals On Control FMA Track section, synonym: Counting circuit GRIP Guide to Railway Investment Projects GPL Ground Position Light HABD Hot Axle Box Detector HERRF Hazard Elimination and Risk Reduction Form IBCL In-Bearer Clamp Lock IDC Interdisciplinary Design Check IDR Interdisciplinary Design Review IRJ Insulated Rail Joint LSI Line Speed Improvement LiDAR Light Detection And Ranging MAR Main Aspect approached controlled from Red Main Aspect approach controlled from Yellow – Flashing yellow Aspects in MAY-FA rear MML Midland Main Line MMLE Midland Main Line Electrification MSRP Major Scheme Review Panel OLE Overhead Line Equipment OSS Overspeed Sensor Systems OTW One Train Working PLJI Position Light Junction Indicator PSR Permanent Speed Restriction PWay Permanent Way PZT Point Zone Telephone REB Relocatable Equipment Building RRI Route Relay Interlocking SB Signal Box SDO Selective Door Operation SOD Safe Overrun Distance SORAT Signal Overrun Risk Assessment Toolset SPAD Signal Passed At Danger SPT Signal Post Telephone TPWS Train Protection & Warning System TSS Train Stop System, TQ Technical Query VDU Visual Display Unit 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose and Scope of Design Log This design log is intended to act as a record of the development of the alterations for Kettering to Corby Capacity Works - GRIP 3 project. It is a living document and should be maintained up to the point the scheme is commissioned and the Scheme Plan becomes the Signalling Plan. 1.2 Description of Project The purpose of the project is to increase the route capacity between Kettering and Manton Junction via Corby which will be achieved through a combination of track doubling works and signalling enhancements. The enhancements will also provide an alternative route for train services between Bedford and Leicester during construction of the electrification of the MML and a potential diversionary route for services subsequent to electrification. The Kettering to Corby route runs from the north end of Kettering Station (ELR SPC3) through Corby Station (ELR GSM1). The capacity enhancement between Corby and Manton Junction, which is already double line, will be achieved through signalling works only. The area affected by the project is controlled by the EMCC at Derby (Kettering Workstation) and Manton Junction SB, spanning three RRI Interlockings. The existing interlocking boundary falls along the Corby lines at approximately the 78 MP. South towards Kettering falls within Kettering RRI Interlocking and is controlled by the EMCC at Derby (Kettering Workstation) and north towards Manton Junction falls within Corby RRI Interlocking and is controlled by Manton Junction SB. Manton Junction has its own local RRI interlocking that fringes with Corby RRI interlocking, the boundary falling at the start/end of CD and DC axle counter sections (Manton side of Wing Tunnel). The new EMCC CBI interlocking will now control all infrastructure up to the existing Manton/Corby interlocking boundary, which will be modified by the requirements of this project to bring Corby under control of the EMCC. 134187-JAC-SG-DLG-000001.doc 1 The sketch detailed in Figure 1 below shows the geographical limits: Figure 1: Geographical Scope of Work 134187-JAC-SG-DLG-000001.doc 2 2 References 2.1 Source Data The source documentation that was used in producing the Signalling Scheme Plan is: - East Midlands Control Centre Signalling Plans, 135110/SBP/004 and 135110/SBP/005, version 1; Manton Doubling Scheme plan 12-NE0035 version E; Line Speed Improvement Scheme plans 12-NE-0017/08 & 09 version C; GRIP 3 Contract Specific Requirements version 2; Kettering to Corby GRIP 1-2 Study Signalling Sketch Option 2,6610485- SIG-xxx sheets 1to8, version A; Project Requirements Specification GRIP Stage 3 (Phase 1 Option Selection), K2C _G3_phase _1_PRS v1a, Version 1a.0; K2C GRIP 1-2 Signalling headway analysis, Version A; Atkins MMLE OLE AIP report 121926-ATK-DOC-OH-000002 version 01; PWay design 5121795-K2C-DRG-TR-0000010-27 version A01 and 5121795-K2C-DRG-TR-0000031 version A01. 2.2 Standards The Railway Group Standards and Network Rail Standards applied to this project are the standards at time of AIP. Any changes in standards from the AIP date will need to be reviewed at GRIP 5 and highlighted to Network Rail for further guidance. 2.3 GRIP 3 Signalling Deliverables Scheme Plan and Aspect Sequence Charts; Design Log; OPS; Hot AxleBox Detector Strategy; Train Detection Strategy; SORA Report; Excess and Irregular Signal Spacing Risk Assessment; Trap Point Risk Assessment; Permissible Working Risk Assessment; Signalling Principles Review. 134187-JAC-SG-DLG-000001.doc 3 3 Design Log Items 3.1 Signalling Scheme Plan – Version 0.1 No Date/Initial Addition/Change Reason Open/ Closed 1 10/04/14 (IS) Base information taken as per the issued signalling plans 135110/SBP/004 and 135110/SBP/005 and Scheme Plan Closed have been updated to Omnicom measurements/ survey for correlation. The scheme plan number Design received is 13-NE-0075. This will be used to create 4 sheets, sheet one is for Kettering, sheet 2 for Corby and sheet 3 and 4 is for the aspect sequence charts. Due to information received regarding the Numbering philosophy the equipment numbers identified in scheme plan Version 0.1 design logs below have changed as per the information shown in Appendix D, Kettering to Corby Signal Numbering Matrix. Where a log has been superseded by Version 0.2 design log entries this has been identified with the superseding log number. 2 15/01/14 (IS) Some equipment shown on the base plan was not in the Omnicom videos as this was introduced as Scheme Plan Closed part of the line speed increase scheme for the area. This has been verified from the supplied scheme Design plan design 12-NE-0017/09 version C. 3 15/01/14 (IS) The Kilometerage used in the design files does not match any of the Kilometerages taken from Scheme Plan Closed Omnicom. The signal to signal distances seem to be correct, with 7 yard difference between some Design signals but this could be due to the curvature of the track. The Kilometerage is not to be updated as there seems to be up to 10m difference between Omnicom positions and the existing base plan positions. All equipment will be positioned relative to the signals using the differences identified in the Omnicom survey.
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