2556 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 22, 1989 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FUTURE OF THE FEDERAL OCS eluding those off the coasts of California and 5-10 years from now? Can they be that con­ PROGRAM Florida. fident we will have an adequate energy The text of Mr. Huff's testimony follows: supply? If so, where do they think it will come from? TESTIMONY OF JOHN R. HUFF, PRESIDENT AND HON. JACK FIELDS CEO OCEANEERING INTERNATIONAL Something must be terribly misunder­ OF TEXAS stood about our nation's offshore oil and gas Chairman Yates and members of the sub­ leasing program for it to be in such serious IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES committee. I am John R. Huff, President trouble. Consider the facts: 25 percent of and CEO of Oceaneering International of Wednesday, February 22, 1989 our domestic natural gas and 12 percent of Houston, Texas. Oceaneering, together with our oil is produced on the OCS in an envi­ Mr. FIELDS. Mr. Speaker, during his State its affiliate companies, is the world's largest ronmentally sound manner; the OCS pro­ of the Union Address, President George Bush publicly-owned underwater services contrac­ gram contributes an average of $2.6 billion announced his intention to delay leasing activ­ tor to the petroleum industry. We operate annually to the United States treasury since in 24 countries and employ approximately ity on certain Federal OCS lands off the 1,500 workers worldwide. 1954; the offshore industries employ thou­ coasts of California and Florida. Today, I am testifying on behalf of the sands, not only in Louisiana and Texas but Mr. Speaker, after years of moratoria and National Ocean Industries Association in Ohio and Pennsylvania; we created and other delays, it is time for the Federal OCS which represents over 325 companies en­ support a high tech industry in which America leads the world; and the OCS leas­ Leasing Program to move forward in the bal­ gaged in all aspects of offshore oil and gas exploration and development. My statement ing program is supported by the courts time anced manner that Congress required in the after time. Certain individuals in coastal OCS Lands Act Amendments of 1978. is supported by the International Associa­ tion of Drilling Contractors, the Interna­ communities choose to ignore these facts As the ranking minority member of the tional Association of Geophysical Contrac­ and instead, do whatever it takes to make Panama Canal/Outer Continental Shelf Sub­ tors, the Offshore Marine Service Associa­ enough noise and controversy to prevent committee, I have thoroughly reviewed every tion, and the Petroleum Equipment Suppli­ the opportunity to find additional energy aspect of the Federal OCS Program. There is ers Association. These groups represent supplies for our nation. no question that Federal lands off our coast, companies which provide the equipment, WE'RE ALL ENVIRONMENTALISTS, BUT NOT which belong to all Americans, can be ex­ services, and support required for offshore EXTREMISTS plored and developed in an environmentally energy development. Together we represent No one questions today's renewed commit­ sound manner. After all, the Federal OCS is approximately 2,200 companies and 250,000 ment to environmental protection. I, like employees. We come before this subcommit­ our Nation's safest energy extraction program. George Bush, am a environmentalist. This tee to state our opposition to the insertion concern for the environment and safety In fact, there has never been an oil spill re­ of OCS leasing and drilling moratoria in the sulting from a blowout in any of the more than should not surprise anyone. The people who FY90 Interior appropriation bill not only make up the offshore industries are the last 6,000 exploratory wells drilled in U.S. waters. because they directly impact our industries' ones in the world to tolerate a polluted Unless we have a viable OCS Program, our economic livelihood, but also because they ocean because we physically work out in the Nation will continue to become more and affect our nation's overall energy supply. ocean every day. We dislike oil spills just as more dependent on foreign oil. In fact, it has MORATORIA IS LIKE AN UNCONTROLLABLE much as anyone else. Don't you think I care been estimated that without new and signifi­ CANCER about the environment which my employees cant oil resources, we will be importing 60 to This subcommittee is no stranger to the dive in to perform underwater inspection 75 percent of our petroleum needs by the offshore oil and gas leasing controversy. work? Yes, we are environmentalists, but year 2000. Since 1981, you have chosen to block leasing that does not mean we don't support off­ Mr. Speaker, I find that prospect totally un­ on an annual basis in areas off California, shore oil and gas development. Florida, and New England. Last year, you We believe we can have both development acceptable and strongly believe that offshore expanded the New England moratorium and and environmental protection. Offshore leasing must go forward with due regard for took the unprecedented action of banning drilling is not what our opponents make it environmental protection. exploratory drilling on existing leases off out to be. Perhaps those fighting against With that goal in mind, I am today submit­ the coast of Florida which certain compa­ offshore development can be "kinder and ting for the RECORD outstanding testimony nies spent $108 million to obtain. This year gentler" with their arguments by using sci­ presented by Mr. John R. Huff, the president you are under pressure to do more of the entific, rational, and balanced reasoning in­ and CEO of Oceaneering International of same. In addition, you can expect to hear stead of extremist, emotional arguments. Houston, TX. Mr. Huff testified on Tuesday, calls for moratoria off Oregon, Washington, For example, they speak of using more nat­ New Jersey, and North Carolina, and for a ural gas because it is clean to burn, but do February 9, before the Subcommittee on Inte­ drilling ban on existing leases off Alaska. To they realize much of that natural gas will rior and Related Affairs on behalf of the Na­ avoid these yearly battles, some who are op­ come from the offshore? They say we can't tional Ocean Industries Association, the Inter­ posed to offshore leasing are now calling for have offshore development because of the national Association of Drilling Contractors, 10 year moratoria, and in some cases, per­ chance of an oil spill. They cite oil spills off the International Association of Geophysical manent moratoria. Washington State and in the Antarctic as Contractors, the Offshore Marine Service As­ What began as "just one more year of reasons to stop drilling. But they ignore our sociation and the Petroleum Equipment Sup­ moratoria to keep pressure on Interior to exceptionally safe record and equate tanker pliers Association. I would urge my colleagues settle our differences" has turned into an spills with drilling. Actually, the truth is, if uncontrollable cancer which threatens the we produce less oil domestically, there will to review this excellent testimony and to con­ energy supply of the United States. If not be more tankers bringing in imported oil template, as I have, the consequence of this stopped, it will soon spread to other areas as which will increase the risk of oil spills. Nation importing 75 percent of our petroleum well until there will not be any new domes­ Some Californians say we shouldn't have needs. I would remind my colleagues that a tic leasing or drilling where the smallest bit drilling off their state because it pollutes disruption of less than 6 percent of our energy of opposition exists. There seems to be a the air but, at the same time, they allow supplies in 1978-79 led this Nation down the foolproof formula to stop offshore develop­ fishing and pleasure boats to go unregulated disastrous road of double-digit inflation, high­ ment: and drive their over 20 million cars 215 bil­ interest rates, negative productivity, and mas­ Leasing/ Drilling Proposal+ Coastal lion miles a year. Medical wastes wash up on Opposition+ Media Coverage+ Local Official beaches and it's suddenly a reason not to sive unemployment. Response= Congressional Moratoria have offshore drilling. They want alterna­ History need not repeat itself if we have a I wonder whether these public officials tive energy sources but don't speak of the sound and rational energy policy that includes are aware that the decisions they are economic reality of developing them. They the development of our Federal OCS lands in- making today will affect our energy supply demand conservation, but what do you do in e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. February 22, 1989 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 2557 the meantime? Have you ever fueled your and what their competitors are doing: If IN HONOR OF ENGINEERS WEEK car with conservation? I can go on and on Congress enacts a moratorium in an area, with these arguments. I do not mean to dis­ all that work is put on the shelf, and the miss them but want merely to point out time and money is wasted and no new oil HON. JAMES A. TRAFICANT, JR. they must be discussed in a more rational and gas is found. Then consider if a lease OF OHIO manner. sale is held and the company bids several IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES There are justified environmental con­ million dollars for the right to apply for a cerns with offshore drilling.
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