sustainability report for the 2015 financial year of Österreichischen Bundesforste FACTS AND FIGURES Facts & Figures Key figures 2013 – 2015 2013 2014 2015 Man and Society ÖBf Group and AG How the 2015 financial year developed 2013 2014 2015 Annual sustainable yield (allowed cut) ÖBf AG 3 1,505 1,519 1,591 for Bundesforste’s different units. Who we are in 1,000 harvested solid m , mixed Employees at ÖBf Group2 2,947 1,227 1,192 Timber harvested1 (=felling) 1,535 1,528 1,527 Employees at affiliates 1,763 94 96 ÖBf AG in 1,000 harvested solid m3, mixed Employees at ÖBf AG3 1,184 1,133 1,096 Total area ÖBf AG in ha 850,000 850,000 850,000 as per company measurement Salaried employees at ÖBf AG 604 608 606 View from the Echerntal valley Wage earners at ÖBf AG 580 525 490 Forest area in ha 510,000 510,000 510,000 towards Lake Proportion of women ÖBf AG 16.0 16.6 17.2 Financial figures ÖBf AG (as of 31.12) in % Hallstatt (Upper Austria). 2013 2014 2015 Nature ÖBf AG Total output in € million 237.9 234.0 231.2 2013 2014 2015 Operating profit (EBIT) in € million 24.5 27.0 25.2 Forest management – planting of seedlings 3,128 3,233 3,117 Return on sales (profit on ordinary activities after rights (afforestation) in 1,000 forest plants 10.3 13.7 11.5 of usufruct/revenues) in % Forest and fauna – number of young 5,780 5,466 5,841 Equity ratio ÖBf AG in % 51.8 51.2 50.2 browsing-damaged stems per ha4 1) Solid timber, including timber for beneficiaries of forest utilisation rights 2) In full-time equivalents; on a yearly average; deviations to previous yearly reports due to a calculation conversion 3) Excluding employees in leave-of-absence phase of progressive retirement 4) Applies to areas with young trees, corresponding to around 26% of the total number of plants per ha Sustainability Balanced Scorecard (SBSC) of ÖBf AG – /W. SIMLINGER /W. three-dimensional measurement of profit and loss f Factors affecting Actual Actual Actual Target Strategic target profit and loss Key figures 2013 2014 2015 2015 FOTO: ÖB Economy Sustainable increase in Total profit and loss of Profit on ordinary activities after rights of usufruct in € million 23.3 30.5 24.6 22.6 economic value ÖBf AG Operative cash flow before investments and Focus on The nature Strategy check at Reinforce own financing power Operative cash flow 31.2 29.3 24.0 23.3 before financing in € million Secure and increase earnings Return on sales (ROS) in ROS (EBIT margin) ÖBf AG = EBIT/operating performance sustainability company the halfway point 10.3 11.5 10.9 10.7 power own business (excl. affiliates) in % Customer satisfaction (every 3 years) Customer relations Satisfied customers 2.2 - - - Forestry is considered the cradle of sus- Österreichische Bundesforste (ÖBf) be- At the halfway point of its “Horizon Evaluation scheme: 1 = very positive to 5 = very negative tainability. About 300 years ago, Saxon ars the responsibility for Austria’s natu- 2020” sustainability plan, the Bundes- Promote sector development Research and R&D index of ÖBf AG (external + internal costs) 2003 = 100 153 157 169 180 by innovation development miner Carl von Carlowitz first formula- ral landscape like no other enterprise. forste took stock of objectives already ted a pioneering principle: we must not Every tenth square meter of national achieved in the context of its strategic Society take more from nature than can grow territory, corresponding to around 15% targets. Based on those interim results, Realisation of specific Protective function Number of projects according to ÖBf protected forest strategy 85 84 85 90 protected forest projects back. This overarching principle guides of Austrian forestry, is entrusted to the company seems to be on the right Improvement of Index of recreational opportunities = offering mountain biking (km), the Bundesforste in every aspect of how Bundesforste for maintenance and ma- track. In certain domains, the strategic Recreational function 123.4 123.2 123.8 120.9 recreational function horse riding (km), cross-country skiing (km) etc., 2003 = 100 it handles the natural resources entrus- nagement. Around half of the areas ent- focus was sharpened further: In the Allowed cut in burdened operating classes/fee; fee = volume of Claims of forest utilisation Securing of forest ted to it: forests, wildlife, fish and water, rusted to ÖBf are covered under nature “Economy and Ecology” project, mea- wood in harvested solid m3 as specified by deed and owed to beneficia- 3.72 3.59 3.58 3.60 right beneficiaries utilisation rights ries of forest utilisation rights fauna and flora. In a modern context, conservation laws. The core business of sures were developed to improve the Use and development of sustainability also means according the Bundesforste is forestry management. quality of our forests even further, while Occupational safety Number of accidents at work per 100 employees 7.9 8.7 6.1 ≤ 9 employee potential same importance to protecting nature Other pillars which are increasingly simultaneously reducing long-term Use and development of Employee survey (every 2 years) and the environment as to safeguarding more important for the company’s suc- costs. Focal points range from silvicul- Employee satisfaction - 2.1 - - employee potential Evaluation scheme: 1 = very positive to 5 = very negative social obligations and achieving econo- cess are the business segments of real tural and hunting-related issues to acti- mic success. The Bundesforste’s sustai- estate, services and renewable energy. vities for the protection of nature and Nature nability plan, “Horizon 2020”, lays out the environment. Offerings in the ser- Sustainable development and Quantitative sustainability Quantitative maintenance of real value = balanced allowed cut end use in 0.83 1.16 1.37 1.00 use of the forest (forest) commercial forest/felling end use in commercial forest; target value = 1 the company’s long-term strategic ob- CONTACT vice sector were streamlined further, Qualitative sustainabili- jectives in the dimensions of nature, so- and competitiveness was improved. Due Felling structure end use = derived average value from age, Sustainable development and ty by the use of stands sea level, slope, quality of location and rotation group; -0.50 -0.50 -0.20 0.00 ciety and economy. Success is measured to its decentralised organisation, the on- use of the forest which are ready to har- target value = 0, bandwidth from -2 to +2 We look forward vest (= end use) each year with the internally developed site presence of its employees is espe- Qualitative sustainability Felling structure previous use = derived average value from age, to receiving Sustainable development and strategy matrix (Sustainability Balanced cially important to the Bundesforste. An of management actions sea level, slope, quality of location and rotation group; -0.20 0.00 -0.10 0.00 use of the forest with timber production target value = 0, bandwidth from -2 to +2 Scorecard, or SBSC; see left). your feedback at internal project aims to optimise capa- Stocking indicator Carbonate locations = proportion of trial areas on [email protected] city planning in the different regions. In Sustainable development and Achievement of which deciduous regeneration is sufficient to achieve the stocking 71.0 70.0 73.0 80.0 Cover subject: ÖBf tree climbers use of the forest stocking target the real estate sector, the focus remains target (all trial areas in %); target value = 80 harvesting cones Targeted activities for on growth. Sustainable development and the protection of nature/ Number of separate activities for the protection of nature per year 991 942 796 1,000 use of the forest active ecosystem management 3 Facts & Figures FROM OUR BUSINESS DIVISIONS Despite a year marked by damaged tim- Environmental protection used for harvesting and roadbuilding USE OF ÖBf TIMBER 2015 Silviculture Real estate Solid wood1 measured in thousands of harvested solid m3, ber fall, Bundesforste again carried out a operations. Seventeen energy-saving including timber for the beneficiaries of forest utilisation rights number of thinning operations to maintain Efficient use of energy Preventative care measures were proposed, and some have Party at Schloss Lamberg Hardwood Softwood Total its forests. As part of this, in one area indi- Unfortunately, snow damage, glaze ice vidual trees were purposefully removed in In accordance with the new federal already been put into practice. These in- Bundesforste operates and maintains Sawlogs 25 806 831 and windfall, along with a hot, dry sum- some 4200 buildings – including a few Industrial order to make more room for healthy fo- energy efficiency law, Bundesforste was clude training for excavator and harves- 164 297 461 protected historical buildings and histo- timber mer, provided perfect conditions for bark rest growth amongst the remaining trees. subject to an external energy audit in ter drivers on how to save fuel, the Wood fuel2 53 47 100 beetles in Bundesforste-administered fo- rically important castles. In the spirit of Other3 63 72 135 rests. Bundesforste responded by inves- FOREST MANAGEMENT MEASURES 2015 the autumn of 2015. In the 2014 re- purchase of low-resistance tyres, and sustainability, they are preserved as part of Austria’s precious cultural heritage for Total 305 1,222 1,527 ting EUR 3.1 million in bark beetle preven- Costs in € million Area in ha porting period, the ÖBf’s total energy the acquisition of more fuel-efficient ve- tion measures, about a third more than consumption was 37.342 gigawatt hours. hicles. All of these measures also contri- future generations, and made accessible 1) Solid wood = timber whose diameter with bark is more than 7 cm Planting 3.0 1,528 2) Forest biomass the previous year.
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