. ' '\ Rare cBooks Room 'Bone's' Quips Manuscripts Are wients Highlight ACC Bhman Trip Into History Cage Wrap-Up •n baa lb ·rested Page TwD Page Seven ~near ri.duals t>Wa a, Walter· VOLUMEXLVID '* Wake Forest College, Winston-Salem, Norlh Carolina, Monday, March 11, 1963 NUMBER 20 ;baron * ~ the mpeti­ u-the efJnite t, due Students Defend And Attack Campus Politics )f the ~offer orin- 1 ~ not. Open Hearing Is Seen As Clash itarted DeathBill By ADRIAN KING action in that direction. Frank Wood, junior of Miami, :pecta- ASSOCIATE EDITOR "It is imperative we take Fla., discussed each party's !8, but Is Killed Seventeen members of the tLCtion now," he declared. Con- platform for last spring point ngth.'' Wake Forest student body either tinuing, he added that political by point, contending approxi­ t such condemned or approved of cam­ parties discourage candidates mately 3D-35 per cent ol both State,' pus politics at an open hearing f1·om running independently, and platforms were enacted. He '081'0- By Solons· conducte~ by the Student Leg­ further maintained parties were then called fur the Legislature islature's elections committee undemocratic. to adopt Constangy's resolution. The House and Senate Judi- Wednesday night. Bruce Bach, senior of Arling- ciary committees of the North I The hearing was originally ton, Va., <Spoke next. He sub- Can't Judge - Carolina State Legislature heard billed to hear ideas and sug­ mitted that Wake Forest politi- Steve Gloss, president of the W:ake Forest stu~~ts Tues~aY gestions from students to im­ cal parties had provided ". student body and chairman of the call for the abolition of cap1tal Pl"'!Ve the elections process· at the highest type of leadership committee, countered by say­ punishment In the state. the College. However, the tone ~uch men as Congroosman ing the failures nnd successes •• Glenn Blackburn, Jr., who was set when Bill CoDJStangy, Frank Thompson (D-NJ), Alton of party platfurms can not be h_as ~en on~ of several studeDJts junior of Atlanta, Ga., the first Leun.on <D-NC), Ralph Scott judged on jnst one year alone - f~ghting capital punishment f?r speaker, read to tho commit­ <D-NC) and former president He discussed briefly severai the past two years, told leg1s- tee his proposal urging all can­ of the s~udent bo?,Y Don Schoon- points of both 1962 platforms, - latars: didates to run independently of maker (1959-60) · maintaining at least 70-88 per "The st~te says it is wrong political party affiliations. ini­ (far one citizen• to kill another) That statement opened a pan­ Denies Charge cent of the platforms were tiated or investigated. He charg- .•• This law is baJSed on a moral dora's box of pros and cons of He denied the charge that po- ed Wood with misinterpreting principle. The same principle political partiClS· on the campus. litical parties discouraged qua- the evidence. s!hould be applied to the state as Constangy•6 proposal was the to individuals in the state." same as t'he one he offered to ~icd candidates from. running Henry Weaver, senior ol Kan­ The capital punishm~t bill the Legislature on Feb. 28. The mdependently and cited. the napolis, expreased his opinions seven !lel"Sons wh~ ca~paigned on campus political parties. He .\ was killed Thursday, bowever, motion was tabled by the Leg­ by the Senate Judiciary Com- islature. for office last sprmg mdepend- said it would be a step in the mittee. There is still one otha­ ent of political parties. Bach wrong direction to abolish poll­ bill before the House- Judiciary 100 Attend pointed out that four of those tical parties and pointed 1o the Committee. Action is scheduled LSeven candidat~ were elected role political parties play in the on the bill sometime next week. Approximately 100 students over party nonunees. local state and national levels attended the hearing which was The party platforms provide of Politics. Weaver contended Action Expected broadcast over radio WFDD. the impetus for improvements campus politics and partiee pro­ ·'s BlackbUl111 said that the killing In his statement, Cou:stangy ~ the campus, Bach contend- vide training for participants in of the bill was "pretty much" contended both the Student Party ed. His final point was, with- later life. g-e what he had exPected. and United Party platforms last out f-ormal political parties, spring called for reform in the there would be underground The most he~ted testimony to The bill defeated by the Sen­ came from Paul Turner, junior ate called for a no parole clause elections procedures, but he alliances· which, according to could not detect any concrete Bach, are not desirable. of Washlngton, D. C., wlro re­ ve for criminals convicted of capi­ lated a midnight meeting last tal crimes. The secODJd bill, now spring ". when my room­ before the House committee, n:ate was offered a position."' also calls for the abolishment of capital punishment, but with Parties "RidiculDos" le possible parole for convicted capital crime offenders. If a He charged the party cau­ man is convicted by a second cruses were undemocratic and WAKE FOREST COLLEGE BOWL TEAM-THEY WENT, THEY SAW, THEY CONQUERED offense, the bill would elimi;nate hypocritical. "Parties are ri­ ,. ••• Coach Hills, bowlers Gilliland, McCorkindale, Wisman, Wood, Shertzer ••• possibility of parole. diculous and I admire those Ed Christman, director of the who run independently. The de- Baptist Student Union, did not . cisions are made by a few attend the !hearing because of party leaders, not the party r caucas delegates," Turner raved. .illness. However, Blackburn I , Bowl Team Offered Bonuses said, Christman felt that if the i However, Turner told the oom­ · Baptist Sfate Convention, which .. • mittee he ran: en a purty·-1:icket By RACHEL FLOYD more of South Bend, Ind.; FraJDk four scholars win tlle limit of Wood to "keep his hands ofi met :iJn November, had acted 1last spring to win his seat on ., STAFF WRITER Wood, jun:i.or Of 1\!liami, Fla.; five games. tJhose gals." favorably on abolishing capital the Honor Connell. Sunday afternoon Wake and Jim Shertzer, sophomore Dr. Dan G. Fagg, Jr., coacih Too, Diii!Il:a GillilaJ!ld has re­ punishment, the bill might have Bob Kidd, junior of Richmond, Forest's champion College Bowl of Bethesda, Md. of the Emory team, graduated ceived many letters from would­ had ·a better chance in the Legis­ Va., made the most seDJSational team pitted their knowledge and Also making the trip were from Wake Forest :in 1952 with be beaus, includialg one from a lature. charge against party caucases. Greenwich Village persflnality, speed against an Emory Univer- team coach Dr. David A. Hills, a B.A. Now assistant dealll at More Concern According tu his testimony, lie sifly team coached by a Wake assistant professor of psycho­ Emory, he is a close fril!illd of beard. and all, who "'Tote asking .!oe Clontz, jUJnior of Charlotte witnessed ballots being chang­ Forest alumnus. logy; Dr. Edwin G. Wilson, dean Wake Forest's Dean Wilson, for a date for the weekend. who also attended the hearing, He followed h.is letter with a ed by pallty leaders at a party :m a thirty minute contest tele- of the College, and two team class of '43. said that the hearing showed the Both Dr. Fagg and Dr. Wilson long distance call Wednesday caucas last spring. "I waJS dis­ cas to an estimated 22 mmion alternates-Judy Wrinkle, senior concern of other people over the mayed and upset by what I nighb, but to lliO avail. Seems ·~l people, the Wake Forest team of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.; and were members of Phi Beta Kap­ problem. vied with the Atlanta, Ga., team Charles M)yers, sophomore of pa, Omicron Delta Kappa, and tlb.at Miss GillilaJ!ld already had saw," he declared. He s·aid that the problem is "Therefore,. I approve of Bill for a second $1500 scholarShip. Reidsville. Sigma Pi Alpha, wrote for the a date-with her fiance. beginning to go beyond the in­ They won their :fll'st on March A Winston-salem radio station, Old Gold and Black and were Constangy's proposal." terests of churches and religious However, the charge was clar­ .2. WTOB, added $100 to the team's named to Who's Who in Ameri­ concerns-that it is going more 'IIhe team consists of Diana M:arcfu 2 winning.s, and promised can Colleges a:nd Universities ified when it was acknowledged to the people. the delegates involved knew Gilliland, senior of Louisville, them $100 for each subsequent while students at Wake Forest. Craft Show There is not conclusive evi­ Ky.; Florence Wisman, sopho- win plus a $1,000 bonus if the their ballots were being chang­ * * * dence, Blackburn told legisla­ ed. •(Voting in party caucases tors, that capital pJmisihment is is done by secret ballot.) The effects of the team's trips To, Be Here proving effective as a deterrent to New York have been summed The Wake Forest Concert to crime. Agree With Proposals Dr. Highet To Lecture up by Dr. Hills: Lecture series :inJ cooperation "An individual is responsible "Wm or lose, I think we have with the Winston-Salem Arts for his crime," the student said, Following a recess, Ric Wil- accomplished what we sell out Council is spOOIISoring an exhibit "but society must share at least son, senior of Thomasville, told On 'Ancestral Voices' to do. 'Ilhat is, to generate ex- of contemporary A m eric an some responsibility ..." tl:.e committee hearing, "I do citement, enthusiasm, and ap- crafts in the foyer of Winston Blackburn, witih other Wake agree with the proposal that Dr.
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